Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 67

Sam would usually take a day off after a days work, but today he went to the forest either way. This was because of the same reason that had kept him from getting a good night"s sleep yesterday.

He didn"t want to use the special Sky watch inside the village, even though he was tech savvy he was not an expert in technology. So he didn"t know whether anyone would detect him using the special Sky watch, especially after knowing about the close monitoring of Alliance government in the villages. Black tech"s were specially monitored and who knows if the doctor had done something herself, he didn"t want to take chances. In reality he was being a little too careful.

He reached his base and started searching for knowledge in the Dark network again. But when he visited the Kings Land node casually, he was surprised to find that the doctor has left a message. The doctor had told him yesterday that it would take her some time to collect the real information regarding the topic he had asked for, but she had responded too quickly.

Sam read through the message and intrigued. The message actually spoke about the priest from the Temple of Eternity, The doctor mentioned  that they wanted to meet the person who fought off the b.l.o.o.d.y church without any fear. The doctor had clearly not mentioned that he was not much knowledgeable about the b.l.o.o.d.y church when he fought the red haired lady in the beginning, The doctor had a good impression of the young man called Dror and she had the belief that, even if the young man knew how dangerous the b.l.o.o.d.y church was  he wouldn"t still walk away from such a situation.

So the doctor had especially praised the young man"s courage to the priest, which made them want to meet him and show him there good will. The doctor further mentioned that he should meet with the priest and ask him for guidance regarding the matter of becoming a natural True warrior and the whereabouts of his master.  According to the doctor, it was very much possible that the Old priest was someone in the Supreme Warrior realm and much knowledgeable, at the same time the Temple of Eternity was one of the most powerful Organization with a wide information network.

Sam was a little troubled about the matter relating to his master but he didn"t want to miss this chance so he asked for the coordinate where he could meet with the priest. He didn"t have to wait for long as the doctor contacted with the priest and got a coordinate. It was very near to the cave at one of the safe zone.

Sam took off instantly, He had already come up with another lie about his master and a so called image that he had drawn up.

When he reached the safe zone the Old man and the young lady was already waiting for him, clearly they had concluded the investigation. The teenage girl had great admiration for someone who had fought of the member from the b.l.o.o.d.y church she scanned him from toe to head.

The b.l.o.o.d.y church had a very bad reputation among the people of the Temple of Eternity, she had clearly heard the rumors about how dangerous and bloodthirsty members of b.l.o.o.d.y church was , in her wild imagination the people of b.l.o.o.d.y church had four additional arms two heads, fangs and what not. Someone who fought such dangerous monster was a true hero who roamed the lands in a white s.h.i.+ny armour on a beautiful white horse.

The Old man scrutinized the young man and introduced himself and Sam was in his true appearance and introduced himself as Dror.

After having a discussion with each other. The Old man spoke.

" I heard from doctor Hannah that you ended up here searching for your master, young man I truly admire your love and care towards your Master. If you can provide me with a description or a picture I maybe able to a.s.sist you in you search. "

Sam had already given a vague description to the doctor and the Enforcers, when they extended a helping hand in the search for his master. Now he had come up with a drawing from his imagination.

The drawing was of a middle aged man who was bald and had an amicable smile, he wore an orange monks dress, like that of a budddhist monk. He just looked like any other ordinary buddhist monk, humble and calm.

When the Old man saw the picture he enquired " Is your master from the Buddhist sect..."

Sam had to lie again " I am not sure he didn"t reveal his past to me, and I was still young and ignorant when he left..."

Old priest consoled " Don"t worry, I will make an enquiry, we will have a result soon ... I will inform you as soon as we find anything.."

Sam spoke " There is one more thing that I would like to know about... can you please enlighten me.."

Old priest " speak up..."

Sam " I have entered the True warrior realm through a fortunate encounter, is there any was to mitigate the side effect of being a pseudo True immortal so that I would be able to cultivate to higher realm like natural True warrior..."

Old monk " hah.. I could detect from your aura that you were a Pseudo True warrior.... Actually the answer to your question simple and complicated at the same time .... If you want to become  a natural True warrior you just have to break through to true Warrior realm again through your own effort naturally. But since you are already a True warrior who reached this realm through external aid... It would be a hundred times more difficult for you, than a person who is trying to break through to True warrior realm  for the first time.....Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Let me put it this way, Universe is an examiner and you are a student that is giving the exam, when you use external aid to reach the True warrior realm, It is like you cheated in the exam to pa.s.s it and an Examiner like Universe knows everything, that is why it would make sure you would remain in the next cla.s.s for the rest of your life and if you want to take the exam again. The examiner would not only make sure you are not cheating, but it will give you a tougher question paper to make sure that you are really worthy to study further..."

after a pause the Old man continued again " This is the general idea, but there are also other methods to improve your spiritual sense, which might give you a higher chance at breaking through the next realm... The supreme warrior realm, but the chance of break through are close to nil through these methods and by trying to break your dantian and rebuild your dantian along with your body again is high risk..."