Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 93

After looking through different Technique mantras, he wanted to gobble up all of the techniques available, but he knew he couldn"t . First thing was he didn"t have enough contribution points and secondly he had already figured out that the earth and fire elements had more affinity to him . As far as other elements are concerned he will need to spend more time and effort to learn other elemental skills.

Above all, earth elemental techniques had more power when he cast them and it was less energy consuming for him, which was highly efficient in a battle situation. 

In a battle if he was to use a technique that used a large amount of his warrior essence and only gave out puny results it would be like digging his own grave.

This was also the main reason why people focused on fewer techniques, which were more efficient and useful for them.

But this mainly applied for mid grade and above technique, as for low grade techniques people would try to collect different kinds of low grade technique, who knows what will be effective in which situation.

Dror was attracted to a specific technique called Earth body technique, this came under a series of techniques called Earth elemental body transformation, Earth body was the first in the series.

He knew how to create a golem but turning his own body into a golem was a different case, the technique didn"t just turn his body into stone, the greatest advantage was that his defence , his bodies ability to take an attack or great impacts were increased several fold, not to say the ability to create greater impact on each attack.

The problem was this alone cost him 900 contribution points even after the discount he got as a captain in the army. But he was not stinky this time as he had this vague feeling that if he learned this technique all his other Earth elemental technique will also improve drastically.

He didn"t have much choice with only 100points, so he invested all of it in lowest grade ball techniques, he had already learned the fire ball and water ball from the violet flower village. 

Even though called ball techniques the real name of these techniques were Basic Element controlling techniques . Ball techniques were the most common technique throughout the world, Even though it was called ball series it just involved changing warrior essence into a particular element and compressing it into a different forms, one could give any form to the element but it was hard to form different shapes, A sphere was the easiest to form with lowest cost of ones energy at the same time one could compress the energy easily in ball shape which gave a higher impact to the attack. 

Even then the energy consumption of the ball techniques were high and the impact was only at best, as good as a plasma gun, which would cost no energy from the warrior, so a warrior would practice ball techniques to gain better control and understanding of the elements rather than using in a real fight, unless the person has no weapons.

More than that even though these are just basic element controlling techniques, a person needs to have a certain understanding and affinity to control the elements, otherwise one would waste a lot of warrior essence. As far as the mutated elements are concerned one could not even transform the warrior essence into that particular element if one didn"t have a certain affinity.

The violet flower village only had 3 ball techniques: earth, fire and water. He could have learned other techniques from the hunter a.s.sociation at a cost but he was in no rush, then all kinds of things happened and he had to leave the village.

But now in the library he found all kinds of ball technique, even the mutated one"s which cost more points. 

Dror was particularly interested in two elements, the wood element and lightning. Ever since he consumed the green jade he could feel the surrounding forest and plants, which was more or less the wood domain so he wanted to check how good he was with it, as for lightning, he thought it would be really cool to have lightning technique .... like when you wanted to make a cool entrance, you could just use lightning form on you hands and legs, and then his imagination was going wild with all kinds of cool dialogue that he could spout out after the sparkling entrance. 

In the end he choose the basic wood element controlling technique, and a mocking comment came from inside 

" What an least you are not that dumb to choose the lightning..."

The Evil sword has been observing every move made by Dror, it was shocking to see that he was hesitant to choose the wood element to which he had an affinity and has been looking at the lightning technique with drool, to which he had no affinity.

Dror was keen on spending all the points as it would be pretty useless in the outside world , so it was better to spend it all as soon as possible.