Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 14

As the fruit entered the mouth of the statue, it started emitting a golden aura and the body of the statue started vibrating slowly giving out a special sound, like a hymn that was unheard of.

This hymn started resounding in Sam"s head and he started immersing into its beauty, as if falling into a trance, he could feel that the earth that he was sitting on was also singing this same hymn, ... This was no hymn, but a vibration, the vibration that formed the earth itself.... He started immersing into it more and more like an addict, at the same time he started losing the concept of time...

The time moved forward minutes became hours, hours became days, days months and months years... The more he listened, the more he got immersed into this state and soon his body also started slowly vibrating at that same frequency, the Hymn which could not be heard by ears started coming out of his own body.

As this started happening his body started turning into stone and after a long time he became a complete stone statue and slowly the signs of life started disappearing from the body. After an unknown amount of time there was no more life but just a stone statue.... He had already become one with the earth, just another stone on its surface...

The concept of self disappeared and only the state of being remained.....

Years pa.s.sed by, but one day the vibration emitted by the black statue started slowing down as if the vibrations itself was slowly getting absorbed by it. The golden aura also started getting absorbed back into the statue. As the golden aura was completely absorbed by it, the vibration completely came to stop.

At the same time one of the symbols inside the triangle that was located in the stomach of the black statue gained, a vague golden brown color to it, but the symbol remained blurry and could not be seen clearly.....

As the vibrations stopped coming from the black statue, The hymn coming from Sam"s body also started to slowly disappear, but it took more than 4 months, for the hymns to stop, The vibrations were also coming to stop slowly and as the vibration decreased, his body also started gaining life and turning back to flesh and blood from a stone.
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It has been more than ten years since, Sam arrived at this place and at this time in the cave, the stiff body of Sam started inhaling and exhaling again slowly. After some time he opened his eyes, it didn"t contain the golden tint now, but has returned to its original color.

He muttered slowly..

" I am the Earth and the Earth is me...."

After giving a long sigh, he slowly started moving his body, which has remained stiff for a long time, the body gave out a cracking sound as it moved....

" How long did I remain in that state..."

Without thinking much about it, he started pondering

[It was not the wisest decision to eat the fruit, nonetheless it was the only decision available.... Thanks to my luck, I guess the owner didn"t arrive, I shouldn"t let my guard down... I have also gained many inspirations from that state, which I can slowly develop on.... Now I need to take care of something else..]

He stood up and got out of the cave, there was no change to the outside, it remained the same as the time he entered the cave. The only change was to the person, The robust muscles he gained from the pool has transformed into lean muscles, which appeared to contain an enormous explosive strength. It appeared like he was a martial arts pract.i.tioner who has trained for decades, but the person itself was giving out a calm and composed aura like a humble scholar.