Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 88

( Main character :  Sam and Dror are the same person, for the rest of this volume I will be using Dror instead of Sam.... Thanks for reading)


There were five rebel bases, named after the five elements. The main control centre, where the king resided was the biggest base and was called s.p.a.ce. n.o.body knew where it was situated.

The current base where Dror was at was called Earth.

Dror went to the commander first . The old man was busy with his work but when Dror requested for an audience he immediately agreed.

Commander " Dror I am extremely sorry... I couldn"t find any information on the old doctor and young lady that you mentioned... hah... this the only request that you made but I couldn"t find any credible information for you.... don"t worry I have asked for a more thorough a.n.a.lysis on this matter.. "

Dror " It"s ok sir i will wait... I wanted to ask you something else... what do you think about the current situation of the rebels and Alliance government... in trurth"

Commander " This ..., you might have realized it. As an outsider you would be able to a.n.a.lyze the situation more clearly.... On the outside we are improving our army and we are winning some battles against the Alliance government.... But in truth the Alliance government has also not been sitting ideally, their armies are increasing at a speed of ten times or more than us and that is also just the estimate we have come up through our spies, but the truth might be far more worse..... The battles that we have won are also nothing much in truth, they had definitely not affected the the Alliance troops in any major way.... what I am most afraid of is none of these,.... but people are slowly adapting to this lifestyle ..... some are even talking about maintaining this current state..... you might be thinking, if I think there is something wrong... then why am I not supporting the Pro war faction..."

Dror " Because you know that, the pro war faction is just a paper tiger, which can be crushed by the Alliance government any time .... and you don"t want the young soldiers to be sacrificed unnecessarily....."

Commander " you are a wise young man... you could understand things much more clearly, unlike the hot blooded young ones, who doesn"t seem to care for reason.... hah..."

Dror " If you understand this then why .... don"t you seek help or look for other alternatives ways..."

Commander " do you think we haven"t tried, .... but every time we were crushed one way or the other.....and we couldn"t find any powerful allies.... truth is we don"t even know who the real mastermind behind everything is ..."

Dror [ of course information is power ..... If the rebels who tried to find the real mastermind after 100 years couldn"t find any information... it would be real hard for a newbie like me...]

Dror " The Alliance government is my enemy too... so I have decided to join the pro war faction... but I don"t intend to do any suicide attacks... I have my own plans, I will discuss it with you after I gain a better understanding of the whole situation.... I hope you will support me then .."

Commander " good ... good... I am really glad that you would join us... you are an intelligent person, so I am not worried about, you rus.h.i.+ng into any unnecessary troubles... I would have asked you to join my troops but I think you have a plan and had already decided ... come to me if you need anything...."

Dror said his farewell and left for the vice commanders office.


Frank was sitting in front of Dror in a luxurious room, there was some high grade drinks and delicacies served on the table in front of them.

Frank spoke " you don"t need to worry about anything, The central committee has been planning on creating a special battalion for a long time .... Its named the young dragons battalion, A special battalion under the direct jurisdiction of the king, they can act on their own in ordinary times if there is no special order from the king. The battalion will consist of 10 companies, led by ten talented individuals from the younger generation, each one will hold the rank of Major and will have command over 300 soldiers who are at least at the mid tier warrior level.

The strength is not the only criteria for selection of the young dragon Major, one should have talent, completed enough missions and should be well known among the soldiers.

With the support of the first prince you can be one of the young dragon Major and of course the position comes with its own perks, you will be provided with resources and the best of the facilities.

All you have to do is support the first prince when the time comes and complete the missions that the prince give you,  from now on you will be in the pro war faction if you agree ... "

Dror " I have some conditions of my own, if you agree with it, then we can discuss further..."

Frank frowned a little " As long as it is not too drastic I think I can agree to your conditions..."

Dror " Firstly I will choose every soldier for my Company .... I will support the first prince and complete the mission in my own way, you will not interfere in this matter any way....

............ "

Dror put forward some more conditions to ensure that his freedom will not be affected in any way, Frank was not too happy with all the condition, as giving too much freedom and control to Dror might lead to the development of a rogue element. So he asked Dror to wait for his reply after discussing with the first prince.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.