Sickly Tyrannical

Chapter 24

The main story is Part 23

If you see CanSheng back into the room, he does a very frightening thing … This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit and making us sound lazy. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.


Do you think YunSheng does not have a crumpled ball on the sofa, waiting for him to return?

Very worried at the moment you feel CanSheng, he worries again, unfortunately, he has not yet received the answer he wanted to hear …

He calls it again for the first time, but no one answers. However, Yunsheng Odor Ye Cansheng in the air cavity does not narrow the hand firmly. Hodor, is that you?

Suddenly a sleepy sound came from the bedroom, you Cansheng bit my clothes in the bed, but without forceing the shoes to be removed, forcing the room to open and force small called peanuts See golden terrors, white shirts, few b.u.t.tons lacked.

At the Cansheng home we can tell you that if clothes are here, Yunsheng goes out!

He did not know he would not come out?

The fire slowly rose to the box, thinking of a place that could move to YunSheng. I can imagine that the only place is a school.

Slamdams door, he rode his cell phone.

“h.e.l.lo, Dongjana! Will YunSheng return to school?

“He first went to buy a phone and went to school.


“New owner?”

“He lay to me!”

Recognizing the importance of the situation, after a busy signal in the number of times Xiyan, he is the kind of dominant position in his bone, you will leave the same as you, then the results will certainly be very tough, I know the nature of the new Manage that you are essential to anyone as soon as you do something …

I can not see something before a young person, but I only see the only thing that you left him alone. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit and making us sound lazy. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

Xiyan fortunately has LaoDong, wipe the ball’s sweat on his forehead that Yeyun is really too cruel, he should solve it. I must go to a new owner only if the new judges will win it.

As soon as you escaped at the school gate, the luxury car owned by Fang YunSheng began to depart.

When you go from the door to the Fang YunSheng bedroom, the inner landscape hides behind and let Ye CanSheng directly enter the security service.

The internal element is on the floor of the large menu and no one is cleansed.

Show guards, hands to the floor, then you lie in the heart of this room and the fist of Ye Cansheng on this car will appear swelling on the computer screen Because the fear of the security guards of both clothes on the floor until the A point, every security environment can not breathe everywhere …

This person is very cruel and tries to kill him …

“Xi’an, please help my brothers block this car …”

“You go directly to the airport to stop it!”

After finishing the speech, Ye Kang Shien blocks a taxi on the road and runs on the monitor shown on the monitor …

Now his brain fills the monitor’s image, Fang Yun Sheng celebrates in this battle with a man unconsciously wrapped in opening a t-shirt …

He in fact leaves me and he told me that he would not let me obviously tell him that he really tried to run away, he really laughed something You can touch!

Whether it’s that person or YunSheng, it’s unforgettable!

Do not you know what’s your subject yet?

This time I’ll surely tell you who you are! This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit and making us sound lazy. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

If I knew that I had to suffer all the strangers of the enemy, you would rather sleep a little more.

But fortunately, even if it was a rage, still much better than seeing a cool fan of Shang Fan, I saw the face of you Cansheng, look at her eyes I opened it …

I could not tolerate my earlier life and I could never forget it. I refused to eat and fled only because I lost my time just because it was not too long for jail …

However, only when ShangFan really took me from Liu to Hong Kong, I really knew a really easy jail. I’m mad this thing until I return to the city with Liu Cansheng …

I do not experience the fear of ShangFan, but I prefer to be with the body’s repression …

Compared to Cansheng, I am more afraid of the affliction of the chaos of ShangFan, it does not damage the body, but it is a way, despite the possibility of causing him a great terror.

He needs your body, so you do not need your feelings.

Meanwhile, Cansheng needs your feelings, your body just feels what she gets, does not hurt your body …

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that Ye Cansheng was running black eyes soon, that day they are as dark as a deep black ink, he has a gray complex, his hands firmly and I’ll push. I feel hostility of my body, who worries that I want to bribe me in my stomach.

I still have pain behind my head, looking at me calmly, my landscape is no longer my bedroom, but instead a simpler, more squeezed s.p.a.ce Am

All the furniture has 1 liter, 1 lamps and 1 liter.

I do not know why, the whole body hurts when I wake up. Then I slowly discovered that my two arms were stopped behind me.

“You’re talking.”

“Do you wake up?” But “You wake up. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit and making us sound lazy. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

Compared to the previous one, this is more than a declaration of cruel torture.