Sin City

Chapter 7

Chapter-7  Woman that can turn everything upside down(1)


After returning back to the Asian mountains, large group of knights disbanded on the spot to have some rest. Mo Lee however leading Xiao Li Cha, entered the black rose castle. He settled down in the guest room situated outside the fort. Soon after that, two young maids brought new clothes and accessories, and filled the wooden cask inside the bathroom with hot water. Ge Dun Marquis arranged the meeting with Li Cha at the time of dinner. Before that, he would have to take a bath, change clothes and rest properly


After quickly taking bath and changing clothes, Li Cha lied down on the bed and rested for an hour. Although the fatigue from climbing up the long road still exists, but he is unable to calm down the rumpus in his head. As he was bathing, two maids were present from the beginning till the end. Entire process went without Xiao Li Cha even lifting a finger. Actually, he already tried refusing and struggling, but he was easily suppressed by the maids. Their body was beautiful and delicate, however their strength was even greater than that of the village chief. Xiao Li Cha was completely subdued, left without any capability to resist and then tidied up completely by the maids from head to toe. Even the roots of hair and cracks of ear were completely washed by them.


Surface area of Li Cha’s room was not that big, however it was five meters high. At the height of three meters, there was a tall and narrow window receiving the daylight from outside. The wall was made up of quartz. It hasn’t gone through special polish, preserving the original style of the time when it was mined. Wall was decorated by a tapestry of sword and shield. Tapestry was deep darkish red in colour. For some reason Li Cha felt that it’s red colour is just like dried up blood. Room was completely dark. If illumination from the torch is not used, vision would be fuzzy even in the noon. Lying on the bed, Xiao Li Cha only felt a kind of thick damp atmosphere emitted out by floor, wall and every corner of the room. However in Xiao Li Cha’s veins, fire was surging. Of course, fire of being played around by the two maids. At that time they were even secretly laughing, quick witted Li Cha obviously knew what they were interested in.


Interweaving of damp and fire was causing Li Cha’s head to be even more distressed. From the moment he departed from Lu Se Lan village. No, even before that, from the beginning of enlightenment ceremony, everything existing just feels like a dream and the world is looking extremely unreal. Amidst this confusion, a sound of knocking of the door came through. Dinner’s time has finally arrived.


Destination is the dining hall within the fort which requires to cover a long distance from the guest room. Following closely behind the guiding maid, Xiao Li Cha’s only impression of it was big and dark. Everything was exceedingly tall, up to the extent that just illuminating the long and complicated pa.s.sages was not enough to cover every corner, thus leaving behind large stretches of shadows, swaying reflections and areas where vision is completely incapable to penetrate through the darkness. As for the already crossed outdoor section, light and shadow shot down by the branches and leaves of the thick vegetation was distorting the line of sight even more, causing people to shudder involuntarily.

It felt like there is a kind of faint breeze diffused everywhere in the castle, lingering all around his body and nagging him at his every step. Causing him to feel rejection and uncomfortable feeling from the bottom of his soul, a kind of feeling which couldn’t be described by words.


Dining hall really isn’t the biggest dining room inside the fort of Black Rose castle, however on scale, it still attains the Duke level.15 meters high hall was extremely gloomy. Even though it was filled with torches, illuminating the painting placed on the wall of the domed roof was still hard. Dining table’s length was 20 meters. Li Cha’s whole body was covered with the attire of a n.o.ble boy as he was sitting upright at one head of the dining table. Separated by a table that can allow to serve meal for thirty people at the same time, he and his father looked at each other distantly.


His father was a man possessing an exotic charisma. An ever smiling face, hair combed in a way  that not even a single thread was out of place and a must have short thick mustache. Time had  left behind a tiny un.o.bservable mark on his face in form of a little wrinkle raised from the corner of the eye. A pair of clear blue eyes, causing the people who look into them to lose perception. He was sitting comfortably as he was slicing the roasted meat in a practised manner. Eating very quickly while occasionally taking a sip of red wine. There was a kind of exotic rhythm in his movements. In fact, even if someone mastering in etiquettes is present on the scene, he would be unable to find any error in his movements whatsoever. He was eating very quickly as well as in very large quant.i.ty. It was difficult to predict,  just how many kilograms of meat had been already disappeared in an interval of few breaths by the means of his graceful eating.


He is an exceptionally graceful and charismatic man, Li Cha has no choice but to admit this point, even though he wants to throw the dish in the silver plate on his face.


Later, he will understand more deeply that the people who wish to throw something on the face of Ge Dun Marquis are not few.


And at present, Xiao Li Cha is enduring, not for his own, but for his mother. Even now, he doesn’t understand the meaning behind his mother’s desire. However determination, patience and wisdom will allow him to understand the deepest meaning of this desire not too far in the future.


Li Cha was trying hard to sit straight and deal with the food using some clumsy movements. There was a sumptuous feast present before him. Delicacies of the big kitchen of the Black Rose castle are famous all over, prepared by the best chefs and bakers of the entire peninsula. However, Li Cha couldn’t tell the taste of the stuff inside his mouth. He never learned etiquette, one look at the way he is holding fork and knife and you can tell that he is from country side. He has no idea about various customs of dining with the n.o.bles. However, he was looking extremely beautiful in changed clothes. His unenthusiastic and stagnant temperament was somewhat similar to Ge Dun. Maids were entering and leaving like running water, and a lot of them were aiming at Xiao Li Cha.  Xiao Li Cha is already is already considered to be a teen, and again in span of two years probably, he will have the charisma of a man.


After gracefully and miraculously putting end to over twenty kilograms of meat, Ge Dun cleaned his mouth with a snow white napkin and then smiled. His mouth was very big, he exposed a row of snow white teeth which were so bright that it was somewhat dazzling, as he smiled.


“ You are Li Cha ”


Li Cha only nodded, didn’t utter a voice. By the tone of voice used by Ge Dun, it was obvious to him that Ge Dun’s question doesn’t need any reply.


Ge Dun smilingly said “ You are very lucky, because your surname is Archimonde. You are also very unlucky, similarly because your surname is Archimonde”


This time Li Cha raised his head. While confronting Ge Dun’s gaze, he firmly said “ I am Li Cha. “

Ge Dun’s vision was clear as water, but not many people could confront him face to face. However Li Cha’s head was raised, not retreating in the slightest amount.


Ge Dun was smiling before, but afterwards he said with a sigh ‘’ Your personality resembles very closely with your mother. However she didn’t said that your name is Li Cha Yue Ge. Did she?”


It seemed like a question, however as before it was said in a manner of telling.


Li Cha hesitated a little bit, then finally said “ Didn’t.” At this moment he realized a little bit about his mother’s desire.


“ Therefore your surname is Archimonde, regardless of you admitting it or not. “ Ge Dun said. At this moment he was already finished with the main course. At the wave of his hand, ten maids came rushing over like running water. They tidied up the used dishes and replaced them with new ones, and moreover served seven different type of deserts.


Ge Dun on one hand was finishing up the deserts, quickly and gracefully just like before, and on the other hand was speaking “ Talking is useless. Even the most experienced n.o.bles cannot pick out any faults in my manners. However, those old n.o.bles still think that i am an upstart. However, there is an another n.o.ble, we all call him “ Bloodthirsty Philip “. His most favourite food is raw meat of the magical beasts. He wants the meat to be cut directly from the living body, not exceeding an hour. If it is a rare breed, then the time limit can be relaxed upto one day. Moreover, this person’s most favourite way to eat is by tearing the flesh with his own hands. However, those n.o.bles still recognize him to have the air of true n.o.ble. You know why?”


Li Cha shaked his head, he had no idea about the world of n.o.bles. All his little bit of knowledge  came from Mo Lee. And this knight is definitely not a qualified teacher.  


“Because, this “Bloodthirsty Philip” is precisely our Divine Alliance empire’s greatest king, his majesty. His controlled power is too big, and he is also too moody. Therefore those true old n.o.bles absolutely don’t want to infuriate him. Moreover, having such a great person as an acquaintance  would definitely have many benefits. These benefits are so good that people are incapable of neglecting them.”


Li Cha nodded his head this time, understanding a little bit.


“ Therefore, since your surname is Archimonde, you are very unfortunate. You must become formidable. More importantly, you must have strength! If you have strength, world would be like heaven to you but if you don’t have strength, everywhere would be h.e.l.l. At that time, you don’t have to bother with your ident.i.ty as someone grown up in mountains or born within the most prestigious family. You also don’t have to put up with this act like me. These are obviously just illusions, you at this moment don’t have any significance. You just need to become strong! Because, your surname is Archimonde, the blood flowing in your veins is the blood of Archimonde! As long as you have this surname, people will be full of expectations towards you, moreover incomparably high expectations. If you do somewhat better than an average person, you would just be making everyone disappointed.” Ge Dun’s voice was becoming more and more high, in the end it was just like a deep exploding sound of thunder near the ear, it’s vibrations were causing Xiao Li Cha to be dizzy and blurry visioned.   


Xiao Li Cha tightly gripped the knife and fork in his hands. He was already unable to pay any attention to the tip of the fork as it unetiquettely entered the dish in the plate. He was a little blanked as he looked up at the individual in front of him who was still as graceful as ever, completely different from the person who was just roaring like thunder.


Ge Dun suddenly restrained his thunder like voice, again exposing that fascinating smile “As long as you have enough power, you can do whatever you want, regardless if it makes any sense or it is a completely absurd thing like this… “ Saying this, Ge Dun called over a maid and reached out his hands to grab the cloth covering her chest and ruthlessly teared it, the cloth was completely teared into two halves, causing her to be completely naked in a flash. The maid instinctively cried out in fear. However, she immediately suppressed her subsequent shriek, forcing it down the throat. Both of her hands were obediently placed on either side of the body, not showing the slightest amount of intention to cover her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s.and lower stomach.


In the dining room, apart from butler and a few male servants, several bodyguards and ten knights were present. They were calmly standing against the wall just like an honourable statue. The knight who brought Li Cha from the Lu Se Lan village, Mo Lee was also present among these. At this moment, life came over in all these statues. Of course, they were still maintaining their standard stance, however one by one, their line of sight fell down upon the naked body of the maid. Her features cannot be regarded as absolutely beautiful, however youth was causing her body to be br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vigor and enticement.


Li Cha was stupefied, shock given to him by this scene was truly too severe. He is still just a child who is barely over ten years. Displaying the result of his training from small age, he tightly grasped the knife and fork, not letting them slip from his hand by mistake.


Ge Dun waved his hand, only then did the maid dared to pick up her clothes. But she still didn’t dared to cover her body. While maintaining the standard posture, she bent her knees and saluted. Afterwards, while facing the back of master, she retreated out from the dining hall. Only after reaching upto the corridor did she dared to turn her back. She was afraid that if she run discourteously, it would put her in an even more of a tragic situation. As expected, Ge Dun’s voice could be heard behind her

“ Li Cha, originally I even wanted to kill a person for you to take a look at. It’s just that, my temperament was not good in the previous times. If I could kill someone, I would definitely kill. Originally, there were a lot of spies placed by other n.o.bles here, but at that time I couldn’t keep my temper under control. At present there is no one left to kill.”


Li Cha’s small face paled, how could murder be discussed as if talking about ‘drawing under the light shade’? However, within the dining hall, everyone from servants to knights, complexion of each and every one was still same as ever. It seemed like the master just now talked about ‘hunting some prey for food’ kind of thing. Until now, Li Cha sensed a kind of faint breeze diffused everywhere inside the castle. This is apparently the smell of reeking of blood acc.u.mulated through months and years.


Just like the dinner, Li Cha had no idea about the dessert. He was trying hard to resist the rumbling inside his stomach, not permitting himself to throw up. This was very hard to accomplish. After he perceived the fishy smell of blood for the first time, it was getting more and more clear. It kept on lingering about his nose, not dispersing away.


Li Cha didn’t ate less by any means. He is right in the growth period, and a mountain kid’s diet also always have been comparably more. Ge Dun was unexpectedly looking quite pleased as he said

“ Eat a lot, you will grow quicker. Li Cha, your mother should have a request for you?”


Li Cha’s complexion changed entirely. He didn’t say anything, just agreed silently. However, he had no wish to disclose the details of her mother’s wish to Ge Dun. Only on the day when he is able to accomplish this wish will he speak.

Ge Dun also didn’t force Li Cha, he simply said “ It doesn’t matter what is your mother’s wish, it would be definitely not easy. It is not possible for me to directly help you, even more unlikely to give you strength. However, I will provide you sufficient opportunities to become strong. As for how far you go, it will depend entirely on you. I wish to have a day when you can talk loudly in front of me.”


Li Cha just nodded, didn’t said anything.

Ge Dun spoke in a low voice “ I will try to find a teacher for you, for the next few years you will study at her place. I wish that when you are in front of me next time, you can bring me a pleasant surprise. This is not just for me, but even more so for you and for your mother. Ok, you first go and meet with your siblings. This……..would be a very interesting confrontation.”