Skyfire Avenue

Chapter 682: Asteroid Storm

Chapter 682: Asteroid Storm

On Tyrannosaurus, Kang Hui"s face had also gone pale. The s.h.i.+p"s radar was even clearer on the Bastion, revealing in high-definition quality the torrent of asteroids spat from the alien planet. Thousands of tons of rock were hurdling toward them, too fast and too widespread for them to avoid.

"Fleets Three, Six, Eleven, and Thirteen are in formation. First Fleet hasn"t gotten into position yet." An officer called.

Kang Hui"s face darkened. "All Capital s.h.i.+ps engage full s.h.i.+elds. Commander Ying will lead his own fleet"s defenses. Prepare weapons for fire, wait on my command. Secondary weapons systems live, and make sure these asteroids don"t get close. Tell me the moment Tyrannosaurs" main gun is ready to fire. Find out where Heron and Arachnid are and get that information to me right away."

Lan Jue"s eyes were fixed to the screen. His breathing came fast, stunned by the suddenness of this asteroid attack. They were everywhere, far as the eye could see. The thin layer of the asteroid belt that remained between them and the alien planet wasn"t going to help. On the contrary, they would likely join in the oncoming attack.

A burst of energy swept toward them, an oppressive force that seemed poised to swallow up everything in its path. The asteroids from the planet crashed into the belt, resulting in dramatic explosions and detritus moving at thousands of kilometers a second. The Asteroid belt gave away and joined the tide of stone as it headed toward the human s.h.i.+ps.

Without question, the aliens knew the humans were coming, and from where. They had prepared all of this, even down to the limited alien patrols to limit casualties. The Violet Prince, the asteroids, avoiding Tyrannosaurus…

All of it planned perfectly. The aliens knew much more about humans and their reactions than anyone would have guessed. They even know particulars about Capital s.h.i.+p weaponry, not to mention a Bastion"s main guns!

The nightmare they faced now was a result of underestimation. Even after repelling the Violet Prince and preparing for the asteroid attack, humanity was in a dangerously inferior position.

What could they do in a situation as desperate as this?

It didn"t matter how strong Skyfire Avenue"s people were, this was a full-fledged s.p.a.ce battle. A single person, even a Paragon, couldn"t sway the tide. Even something as frightening as the Violet Prince wouldn"t dare reveal itself to Bastion and Capital s.h.i.+p fire for any stretch of time.

Victory or defeat was in the hands of Kang Hui and his army, now.

The Asteroid Storm was here! They barely had time to prepare. The smallest were the size of mountains, and the bigger ones could be mistaken for moons. Simple as they were, they made brutally efficient weapons.

Tyrannosaurus had taken the first shot, but the alien planet aimed to finish the fight before it really got under way.

"Fire!" Kang Hui gave the order.

Tyrannosaurus lit up with thousands of flashes as its secondary weapons systems let loose. Sizzling beams of energy crashed into the asteroids. There was no way the s.h.i.+p would survive relying on s.h.i.+elds alone, not to mention the amount of energy it would take to protect a s.h.i.+p of its size. Guns were turned on the s.p.a.ce rocks to reduce their numbers as much as possible before they struck.

For the moment it seemed to work. The overpowering munitions from the s.h.i.+p obliterated the asteroids, turning one after the other into s.p.a.ce dust.

From the bridge windows they could hardly see pa.s.sed the flashes of muzzle fire. The asteroids were many, but once within the kill zone of Tyrannosaurus" weapons they were destroyed. The s.h.i.+p slowly spun around as the guns - jutting from the surface like so many bamboo shoots - continued to fire.

The weapons issuing from Tyrannosaurus" surface were its Beta- and Gamma-cla.s.s railguns. They were strong enough to mar planets! The s.h.i.+p rotated to give the weapons times to vent heat and recharge for another volley while another sector took charge. This way it kept up continuous fire.

Like a well-oiled machine, the North"s Tyrannosaurus-cla.s.s Bastion s.h.i.+p spun and fired, and not a single asteroid was able to penetrate the crossfire. The four Capital s.h.i.+ps from the four fleets were only responsible for the furthest outliers. It meant they could conserve energy and focus fire on where it was needed most. Now it was clear why Kang Hui ordered them to move in. The smaller their surface area, the less energy was needed in defense and the harder they were to hit.

Kang Hui"s skillful command played an important role in their continued survival.

The only problem was First Fleet. They"d dragged their feet and missed their opportunity. It"s Capital s.h.i.+p and dreadnaughts desperately fired into the encroaching wall of stone to protect themselves.

Smaller s.h.i.+ps could play no role here. If they were unfortunate enough to get caught by even the smallest asteroid, they would be reduced to slag.

Countless beams of light lit up s.p.a.ce. From a distance it looked like the most incredible light show in the galaxy.

Lan Jue was secretly impressed. Despite all he knew about Bastion s.h.i.+ps, this was the first time he"d seen one in full combat. Now he understood just how incredible they were. It was the first time he"d seen this tactic of continuous railgun fire as well. It was especially effective against asteroids since they had no s.h.i.+elds or armor.

The stream of asteroids from the alien planet seemed endless. The s.h.i.+ps fired back with just as much tenacity.

"Admiral, we"re losing energy quickly. We"re down thirty percent already."

"Pay no mind," Kang Hui muttered. "Continue at full power. Don"t you want to go home to your families? We cannot lose this battle. Give the order to Third and Sixth fleet to prepare their cannons. Tell them to target the enemy planet."

"Admiral, the asteroids are still too thick. We can"t get a lock."

"Then hold the attack," he replied. "Focus on the asteroids. All Capital s.h.i.+ps and dreadnaughts go weapons hot. Get ready to switch targets on my command."

The Skyfire delegation stood to one side of the office, silently nodding. This Kang Hui was a credit to his Chinese ancestry, with a big heart and a sharp eye for making the right decision. His direction might just get them through this definitive battle.

Judging by the planet"s reaction, it was afraid of the Bastion"s lethal main cannon. It was trying to destroy them before they could get another shot off. If this was not the case, a counter-attack like the one they used to destroy the Seventh Fleet would have been more suitable.

Their first priority had to be defending themselves from the flood of deadly rock. Once that threat was dealt with they would engage. If they succeeded, not only would the damage to the enemy be great, but it would show humanity they stood a chance.

Explosions ripped through s.p.a.ce as the railguns detonated asteroids, causing the s.h.i.+ps to rattle continuously. A s.h.i.+ver went down the spines of all who witnessed the pure destructive capabilities of the Bastion s.h.i.+p. This was the apex of humanity"s capacity for annihilation.

"Where are Arachnid and Heron," Kang Hui calmly asked.

"Sir, they"re headed our way at full speed. They"ll be here in three hours!"

"Stream our engagement to them in real-time so they know what to expect. Tell them to expect an ambush."

"Aye, aye!"

There were three of these evil planets out there, but only one had shown its ugly surface. As for the other two? No one knew where they might be lurking. If the aliens knew about Tyrannosaurus, then it was more than likely they also knew about Heron and Arachnid. Judging by how strong just this one planet was, they would need two Bastions to stand on equal footing.

A strange light flit across Kang Hui"s eyes perpetually as he watched the battle. His attention flashed from one screen to another, informing his constant stream of commands. While it looked like micro-managing, each order was precise and correct.

Under his direction Tyrannosaurus and four of its fleets had drifted sideways toward First Fleet. Meanwhile the two reserve fleets had turned them weapons to the flank to aid the errant fleet, saving it from destruction and sharing its defensive burden.

Ying Tianlong stood on the bridge of his Capital s.h.i.+p, his face red with rage!

"Get me Admiral Hui on the line!" He roared, then took several deep breaths to try and bring himself under control.

"This is Kang Hui." After a moment the commander"s face flickered into view on a screen.

Chapter 683: Moonfiend?

Ying Tianlong snapped to attention and saluted his superior. "Admiral Kang, I am willing to accept whatever disciplinary action you deem necessary. But the First Fleet is the backbone of our nation"s security, I beg you to come to our aid."

"Commander Ying," Kang Hui began coolly, "you will follow all orders to the letter, do you understand? If we survive this fight, then we can discuss punishment."

"Aye, aye!" Ying Tianlong stood straight, chest out. Pride had clouded his judgement, but the man was still an outstanding soldier. He understood what was required of him in this moment, and although he was loathe to admit his failing to the admiral he wasn"t willing to gamble with the one hundred thousand lives under his command.

After accepting Ying Tianlong"s apologies, Kan Hui"s face bore no change. In a fighting force this large there were more important things for him to attend to besides a commander"s wounded pride. He was already being pulled in too many directions.

Lan Jue took Qianlin"s hand and they walked over to the admiral.

"What it is, commander Lan?" Wu Qiu was also standing by Kang Hui, one of many officer in what had become the war room. He waited patiently for orders, along with Ling Ya. When he saw Lan Jue approaching the admiral he stepped in to block his path. Kang Hui could not be disturbed.

Lan Jue"s voice was low. "We can help the admiral keep up his energy."

Wu Qiu paused, then turned his head to look at Kang Hui stooped over his desk. When he turned back he looked unconvinced. "The admiral has to pay close attention, he"s directing our defenses. He mustn"t be disturbed."

Little by little the flood of asteroids had started to decrease. The alien planet could spit them out, but had no control over where they went once it did.

First Fleet managed to pull themselves into formation. Ying Tianlong"s Capital s.h.i.+p and the fleet"s ten dreadnaughts had pulled in front as a s.h.i.+eld for the smaller s.h.i.+ps. The battles.h.i.+ps and patrol boats huddled behind their bigger brethren while they shot apart any asteroids that came their way.

Then, the alien planet began to move.

It picked up speed, approaching the human defenders once more. All the while asteroids were belched from within that rotating vortex.

Kang Hui"s pupils contracted. "All dreadnaught-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps or higher, prepare main cannons."

Only a short period of time had pa.s.sed since the fight began. However, it was so frantic and ferocious no one could tell just how long it"d been. They had waiting for this moment with singular focus, and now that it was here they were almost too stunned to react.

It was getting closer! Meanwhile the asteroid a.s.sault was diminis.h.i.+ng by the moment. Northern s.h.i.+ps repositioned their heavy weapons toward the encroaching enemy powerhouse.

But then, without warning the planet stopped dead in its tracks once again. The asteroids vomited from within stopped as well.

Was it spent?

No sooner did the thought cross the soldiers" minds than it was dramatically disproved. They gaped at the madness they witnessed.

The planet began to expand again, even bigger than it had been before. A colossal form emerged from the vortex. It was round, an orb with an entirely purple surface that emerged slowly but picked up speed. As it fired from the planet it began to spin with such speed that its gravity well wracked surrounding s.p.a.ce. For good reason - it was ten times the size of Tyrannosaurus!

"Moonfiend!" The shocked gasp came from the woman standing with Lin Guoguo at the back of the room, Su Xiaosu.

No one knew the planet better than she did. She knew it the second she saw its topography. And she was right, this enormous purple planet spat at them from the aliens was the husk of Moonfiend! Nothing lived on its poison surface now, making it nothing but a cosmic corpse turned weapon.

They thought we knew about them, but no one could have imagined the aliens would use a whole planet to attack them. Whether gravity, atmosphere, or sheer ma.s.s, a collision with Moonfiend would exterminate anything it came in contact with.

"All s.h.i.+ps open fire, give everything you"ve got!" Kang Hui"s cool exterior was broken, he shouted the order. The moment Xiaosu recognized the planet, he understood the danger they were in.

There was only one result if they planet hit them, complete annihilation. The alien planet had come close enough that - at Moonfiend"s speed - they would have no way to escape if they tried to run. What"s more, even if they tried the s.p.a.ce around them was still thick with asteroids. Their only option was a single bold gambit, destroy the planet with overwhelming firepower.

If Tyrannosaurus" main cannon had been charged, even a rogue planet wouldn"t have frightened them. It was strong enough to blast it apart. However it wasn"t ready, wasted on a failed shot against the alien world. Their railguns would have to be enough, or they were doomed.

Boom-boom—boom boom-boom! A ceaseless series of blasts shook the Bastion s.h.i.+p as its guns fired. They held nothing back.

Third, Sixth, Eleventh and Thirteenth fleets unleashed their Capital s.h.i.+ps and dreadnaughts. Cannons that had been trained on the enemy were turned on its weapon instead. Blinding streaks of light swept pa.s.sed Tyrannosaurus" flanks.

Luo Xianni, watching from the war room, darted out her hand to grab the Wine Master"s arm. When he turned to look at her, she fixed him with a look and nodded. Jue Di"s partner was strong enough to deal with the planet, but it came at a dangerous cost. There was also the Violet Prince to consider.

It was speeding up! For a terrible moment the humans watched as their cannon fire and Moonfiend closed in on one another. The question was front and center in everyone"s mind. Would it stop the planet? Was this the beginning of a great victory, or their last moments breathing?

Kang Huis" hands gripped the edges of his desk with enough force to turn his knuckles white. He glared at the screens with hard eyes and a clenched jaw. This was the most important battle of his life, and possibly his last.


Arachnid sailed through s.p.a.ce so quickly it left a wake of displaced meteorites in its path. Since there was no entourage to protect it paid no mind to the detritus swirling around it. Eight enormous mechanical legs hung limp behind the Bastion s.h.i.+p as it charged ahead, enveloped in a faint white light.

If judged by ma.s.s, the Arachnid-cla.s.s Bastion was among the smaller of the North"s mighty s.h.i.+ps. However that didn"t speak to its awesome power. Although they looked like a spider"s legs, that was as far as the similarities went. Not only did they make the s.h.i.+p more agile than its larger brothers, they were also invaluable in a fight.

Holmen sat behind his desk with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. The screen in front of him flashed with scenes of a desperate battle. A life feed from Tyrannosaurus.

"Sir!" A voice spat from the intercom on his desk.

"Speak." The admiral took a sip from his cup.

"Admiral. We just got word from Tyrannosaurus to engage as soon as we can. They warned us to look out for an ambush."

"Got it," he replied tepidly.

Holmen was a leading voice among the more hawkish members of the military, and a senior commander. He"d been promoted to Fleet Admiral for this excursion. He was the same commander who had attempted to blow Lan Jue out of the sky on his trip to the Starfields. Zeus-1 was very nearly destroyed at his order.

Of all the Northern officers he was the most familiar with the Shattered Starfields. It was for this reason he was chosen to join the expedition.

"Ambush? He"s frightened." Holmen muttered to himself over the rim of his coffee mug. He and Kang Hui had never been friends. In his mind Kang Hui"s lineage was inferior, it made him weak. How was it he"d been promoted faster, he wondered? If he"d been given the same cherry-picked missions Kang Hui had received, he would have been Fleet Admiral years ago.

Compet.i.tion was in his nature, especially when it came to Kang Hui. As for the alien threat he had also been vigilant and itching to get his hands dirty. Before being given command of a Bastion, the Seventh Fleet had been under his command. He knew how capable it had been as a fighting force, and thus could see how strong the alien creatures must be.

He"d volunteered for this mission, in part as revenge but also to earn himself a vital crystal. Many high-level military leaders were backed by powerful families. It was how they got their status in the first place.

"Ahead at flank speed, bring us to the battlefield. Make sure the main cannon is charged and prepared to engage." He wasn"t convinced of any imminent danger, but he knew better than to underestimate an enemy. Although he had no love for Kang Hui, he had to admit the man was competent in some areas. Among them was a comprehensive tactical knowledge on the battlefield.

Engines flared beneath the mechanical spider"s abdomen, thrusting it even faster toward the fight. Holmen"s Bastion was crewed by excellent officers who guided Arachnid through the Starfields deftly, dodging asteroids and small moons as they were encountered. The s.h.i.+p"s mechanical legs would occasionally stretched out to knock obstacles out of the way. It looked more like an octopus than a spider.