Song Of Exile

Chapter 105

Publishedat 25th of May 2019 05:08:02 PMChapter 105

Chapter 105: A Violent Scheme

Sure enough, Central Plains Suppressor spat, “Which of you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds laughed? Get out here!” His eyes were like sharp blades shooting into one of the young men .

The young man timidly turned suddenly to run away, but there were people behind him so it wasn’t easy to squeeze through . Central Plains Suppressor snorted and jumped over and grabbed the young man and pulled him back . The young man cried, “Master Wu, I… I didn’t… mean to…”

Central Plains Suppressor answered with his fist, three times, beating the young men to the ground, who squealed and wailed like a slaughtered pig and struggled to get up, but couldn’t, blood running from his mouth and nose . Central Plains Suppressor added a kick that rolled the young man over three times . He sneered, “You f.u.c.kin’ laugh again and I’ll rip out your d.a.m.ned tongue . ” That was intended for everyone else in the crowd .

Suddenly, his hard eyes fell on Wenchang, who was watching him, smiling . Everyone in the crowd was scared s.h.i.+tless, all except for Wenchang, with that dumb grin on his face . No wonder Suppressor was angry . He was about to explode when another instructor called over, “Forget it, Master Wu! Don’t let those village boors delay our practice . ”

Central Plains Suppressor took that opening to let the matter drop . He realized Wenchang was not afraid of him, and from his dress and that exceptionally distinguished demeanor he was likely not low-born and probably had a lot of connections . It was best to let it go . He glared at Wenchang once more, then grudgingly turned and went back to his original position in front of the disciples before giving Wenchang another spiteful glare .

That look drew everyone’s attention . The twelve girls’ eyes focused on Wenchang, who stood out in the crowd like a crane among a brood of chickens . He gave Miss Zhu a sly nod and smile and Miss Zhu’s heart skipped and a blush crept over her cheeks . This handsome, distinguished young man’s smile entered her heart .

Central Plains Suppressor cleared his throat and boomed, “The so-called Six Harmonies refers to every direction .  Cough! The Six Harmonies Fist can attack in all directions, above and below . This style is… Cough! This style belongs to the internal arts family, cough! But it’s different than Wudang’s internal arts . As for internal arts, cough!Not only is it about using your opponent’s strength to attack, four taels can conquer five thousand catties, cough!First of all, you after practice qigong . Qigong, cough! We’ll leave off talking about qigong for now with regard to the Six Harmonies Fist, let’s not get sidetracked by the details, that’s no use . When we talk about qigong, you must… Cough! You must… first understand, cough! First understand martial arts training’s eight main precepts . One, don’t be compet.i.tive and combative . Two, cough! Two is… is don’t betray or your masters and bring shame to the school by belonging to two schools . Three, don’t bully the good or commit crimes, cough! Four… Four…”

From the crowd of disciples, one guy suddenly said in a mocking voice, “Four, cough, is don’t bully the good, cough!Master, you said so last time . ”

“Shut up! Who asked you to b.u.t.t in? That’s betraying your master and shaming your school, being disrespectful . ” Central Plains Suppressor was raging due to embarra.s.sment, his face and thick neck deeply flushed .

The guy shrugged . “Yes, Master, I will shut up, cough!”

“Now where was I?” Central Plains Suppressor said .

Wenchang touched Black Iron PaG.o.da and the latter snickered . “You were on number four, cough! Is Three don’t bully the good or, cough, commit crimes? Cough! Or is that Four?”

Everyone was stunned that someone actually had the nerve to answer . What guts!

As expected, Central Plains Suppressor was furious . He stormed over with the intention to throw some punches, but he saw Black Iron PaG.o.da towering like a mountain with his huge physique and he was a bit apprehensive . He stood there with arms crossed and fumed, “Son of a b.i.t.c.h! Talk like that in front of me, Central Plains Suppressor Wu Yong…”

“Huh? What are you yapping?” Black Iron PaG.o.da was not about to be outdone when it came to cursing . “You son of a b.i.t.c.h b.a.s.t.a.r.d just told everyone not to be combative and not bully good people, but here you are acting like a tyrant . A f.u.c.kin’ third-rate b.u.m like you with a name like Central Plains Suppressor is pretty presumptuous . I, Black Iron PaG.o.da, fear nothing and no one, my whip is unrivaled, and even I don’t a.s.sume such a name as Central Plains Suppressor . So, you son of a b.i.t.c.h, can you suppress me? Papa Fan is a man of the Central Plains, bah! I’ll f.u.c.k you up, you son of a b.i.t.c.h!”

When he said his name, three of the eight instructors who knew the name gasped in shock and quickly came forward to interject . “Master Wu, don’t be rash…”

But they were too late . Black Iron PaG.o.da had already struck, las.h.i.+ng out with “King of Ghosts Spreads His Fan” with slaps to both sides of his head, while Central Plains Suppressor was no slouch himself, blocking the slaps with “Parting Clouds to Chase the Moon” and returning a right hand like the wind with “Black Tiger s.n.a.t.c.hes the Heart”, cutting in and pounding at Black Iron PaG.o.da’s chest .

Black Iron PaG.o.da turned his left wrist and caught the big oncoming fist and spun inward, slamming his right shoulder into Central Plains Suppressor’s collarbone .

“Argh…” Central Plains Suppressor cried out, and he doubled over and staggered backward . Black Iron PaG.o.da didn’t show mercy when he was in the right . He stuck to him like a shadow and slammed to fists into his chest and Central Plains Suppressor yelped and blood shot out of his mouth and he fell back and sat hard on the ground and still Black Iron PaG.o.da came on, grabbing Suppressor’s feet and with a roar he spun in a circle three times and yelled “Scram!” and sent Suppressor spiraling out until he crashed into the three instructors who had come to mediate .

Black Iron PaG.o.da roared, “Alrighty! You can all beat it!” He charged into the crowd of young disciples who cried out in alarm as his fist went flying, and kicks as well . He was like a tiger among a flock of sheep . How could those three-legged cats take one of his punches? Their ace instructor had been felled right in front of them, so they knew what they were in for . The only sounds were them wailing to the heavens as they scattered in all directions .

Black Iron PaG.o.da burst out of the group of people and pounced toward the twelve young ladies, thundering, “Useless women coming out and flaunting yourselves in public . I’ll grab a couple of you to be my mistresses of the stronghold . ”

The girls ran off in all directions, lurching and stumbling over themselves to get away .

Zhu Shurong was confident with her sword in hand . She drew it and yelled, “Taste my sword, you thug!” She thrust with “Weaver Girl Flings the Shuttle”, and with authority, three strikes of her sword in quick succession as she advanced swiftly .

Black Iron PaG.o.da laughed and coiled to the side, dodging the first two sword thrusts as the two exchanged positions . He didn’t dodge the third strike, but slapped it away . “Haha! Excellent, you fiery girl, excellent . Drop the sword!”

The girl’s sword swung out with a whack, opening up her defenses . Black Iron PaG.o.da’s big hand s.n.a.t.c.hed in and grabbed at the lapel of her robe .

She stepped back quickly, but she lost the chance to counter or dodge .

She backed up ten feet, but Black Iron PaG.o.da seemed to get closer and closer, making her sword useless . She could only flick it at him and prepare for it to get batted away as if it were nothing . Black Iron PaG.o.da with his fierce, malicious grin on his face, was right in front of her now, surprising her and turning her face pale as her arms and legs started to go limp .

At that critical moment, Black Iron PaG.o.da grabbed the blade of her sword and stole in and grabbed her . “Easily captured with a simple s.n.a.t.c.h, hahaha…”

She was terror-stricken and thought, It’s over! I… She fell backward .

Suddenly . a figure darted over . It was Wenchang . He pulled her back and and shot his palm out three times at Black Iron PaG.o.da . “Stop you evil thing!”

Three palm strikes exploded off Black Iron PaG.o.da and the two separated .

Black Iron PaG.o.da let out a long howl and unwrapped his whip . “You little s.h.i.+t, I’ll kill you . ”

Three cracks of his whip .

Wenchang pulled Miss Zhu close and took off running as he yelled, “That bandit is a murderer, save me! Save me!”

He held Zhu Shurong who clung to his shoulder in terror as he rushed out of the crowd and disappeared in the dusk through the west gate .

Black Iron PaG.o.da chased after him, and was soon gone as well .

The training yard was filled with wails and moans as the injured cried thunderously . People streamed out of the Zhu residence, but the a.s.sailant and the Zhu’s precious daughter were gone without a trace .

The Zhu manor was thrown into an uproar as masters searched all over until the second watch or so, when someone found a note pinned to the main entrance doors with a knife .

A large red calling card was placed in Master Zhu the Fifth’s hand . Inside was written, “Prepare 1,000 taels of gold to redeem your daughter . More details will be dispatched in the next few days . The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”

The next day another card came . On it was written, “Tonight at the third watch, quickly send two people with the 1,000 taels of gold to the top of Mount Mang to the Emperor Ling Mausoleum to redeem your daughter . Don’t bring anyone else, don’t report to the authorities, or else it will be too late for regrets . The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”

Before it was dark, the masterhands left Luoyang . Master Zhu the Fifth was not one to be trifled with . He was willing to pay 10,000 taels of gold for Cai Wenchang’s head . Divine Pellet Tian Si’en managed the Luoyang branch of Northwest Escort Agency, who secretly used a large sum of money to gather Seven Spells and group of other fiends, as well as several outstanding heroes to go to the Emperor Ling Mausoleum on Mount Mang from all sides and lay in ambush . He was determined to nab him .

Two people carried two bags of fake gold . At the beginning of the watch they headed out, step by step, for the summit of the mountain .

Seven Spells brought along a gang of men and snuck off quietly from the east of Supreme Clarity Temple . He had Blissful Monk and Black Zombie with him . “That little pup is sure clever enough and full of all kinds of tricks . This humble priest was sure he’d strike Master Zhu the Fifth’s jewelry shop last night, but he didn’t show . Hmph . If we let him get away tonight, then our lives are meaningless . ”

Blissful Monk smiled wryly . “That little jianghu greenhorn has kept us, supreme masters of the martial fraternity, constantly running about, even if we kill him there won’t be much glory in it . I wonder what son of a b.i.t.c.h trained such a disciple . I really want to level his master to vent my spleen . ”

Black Zombie was frustrated as well . “As long as he’s not one of Misery Valley’s men, otherwise there will be no end of trouble . ”

Blissful Monk gnashed his teeth . “This is the first time in this humble monk’s life that I’ve been forced to dive into water to escape . That great humiliation is engraved on my heart . I will lobby with my jianghu fellows . I won’t be satisfied until Misery Valley is wiped out . ”

Suddenly, a derisive laugh came from a cemetery on the right . They heard it clearly, as if it was right next to their ears .

The twenty or so masters flinched and spread out at once with their marvelously fast movement skills to surround the cemetery . They searched all over but found no one . The night wind whistled, the sky full of stars, but there was no sign of an apparition in the cemetery . The only suspicious thing was an ancient cypress tree carried a faint scent of orchids .


Wenchang carried Miss Zhu . It was the dead of night as he took a shortcut down a small alley and returned to his hiding spot . It was an inconspicuous, deserted garden . There was dilapidated two-storey building there, half-caved in . Long deserted . It was a notorious haunted house . There were no residents within 300 feet of the place . It was all alone, forlorn . Even during the daytime it looked gloomy and creepy with a ghostly atmosphere .

In a room on the second floor, all sides were sealed up, but inside it had taken on a new look, a stark contrast to the bleak, desolate look of it from the outside .

There was only a bed, a table, and chair, and a small table . Clean and simple . A single candle in a holder illuminated the entire room . Wenchang put Zhu Shurong, pale and fair as a flower, on the bed, then poured two cups of tea and sat himself in the only chair and took a sip and smiled . “Miss, no need to be afraid . First, calm down and rest a bit . Here, no one will harm you, unless you go looking for trouble yourself . ”

Miss Zhu slowly calmed down from her fright, and then a new fear crept into her heart . “What’s the meaning of taking here? What is this place?”

“This is my bedroom, haha! You’re a young, single woman, in a single man’s bedroom . You can think by yourself, it shouldn’t be hard to see what my intentions are . ” He stood picked up the other cup of tea and went to the side of the bed .  

The girl scrambled in a panic farther onto the bed . “No! No! You can’t… You can’t take advantage of a weak woman like me…”

Wenchang bent over and grabbed her and pulled her over and said menacingly, “No one is going to take advantage of you, unless you disgrace yourself . ” He grasped her by the jaw and looked at her in the candlelight . “Yes, you’re quite good-looking . Your dad oppresses the townspeople and seized people’s property by force . He has the wealth of thousands of households, of course he can bring up a delicate, pretty, outstanding fair maiden like you . ”

He handed her the tea and sat on the edge of the bed . “I hear you’re rather overbearing, but otherwise mind your business and keep out of trouble . I have no desire to violate you . Go sit at the table . There are writing materials there . Write a letter telling your dad to pay 1,000 taels of gold for your freedom . ”

“You… You aren’t going to harm me?” she said timidly .

“If I want to harm you, I don’t need your consent to do so, nor do I need to make you any promises, so stop stalling . Hurry up!”

“No! I need you to promise me personally . ” She drew back onto the bed .

“Who’s there?” came the sudden roar of Black Iron PaG.o.da from outside .

Chapter 105: A Violent Scheme.

Sure enough, Central Plains Suppressor spat, “Which of you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds laughed? Get out here!” His eyes were like sharp blades shooting into one of the young men

The young man timidly turned suddenly to run away, but there were people behind him so it wasn’t easy to squeeze through . Central Plains Suppressor snorted and jumped over and grabbed the young man and pulled him back . The young man cried, “Master Wu, I… I didn’t… mean to…”.

Central Plains Suppressor answered with his fist, three times, beating the young men to the ground, who squealed and wailed like a slaughtered pig and struggled to get up, but couldn’t, blood running from his mouth and nose . Central Plains Suppressor added a kick that rolled the young man over three times . He sneered, “You f.u.c.kin’ laugh again and I’ll rip out your d.a.m.ned tongue . ” That was intended for everyone else in the crowd

Suddenly, his hard eyes fell on Wenchang, who was watching him, smiling . Everyone in the crowd was scared s.h.i.+tless, all except for Wenchang, with that dumb grin on his face . No wonder Suppressor was angry . He was about to explode when another instructor called over, “Forget it, Master Wu! Don’t let those village boors delay our practice . ”.

Central Plains Suppressor took that opening to let the matter drop . He realized Wenchang was not afraid of him, and from his dress and that exceptionally distinguished demeanor he was likely not low-born and probably had a lot of connections . It was best to let it go . He glared at Wenchang once more, then grudgingly turned and went back to his original position in front of the disciples before giving Wenchang another spiteful glare

That look drew everyone’s attention . The twelve girls’ eyes focused on Wenchang, who stood out in the crowd like a crane among a brood of chickens . He gave Miss Zhu a sly nod and smile and Miss Zhu’s heart skipped and a blush crept over her cheeks . This handsome, distinguished young man’s smile entered her heart

Central Plains Suppressor cleared his throat and boomed, “The so-called Six Harmonies refers to every direction .  Cough! The Six Harmonies Fist can attack in all directions, above and below . This style is… Cough! This style belongs to the internal arts family, cough! But it’s different than Wudang’s internal arts . As for internal arts, cough!Not only is it about using your opponent’s strength to attack, four taels can conquer five thousand catties, cough!First of all, you after practice qigong . Qigong, cough! We’ll leave off talking about qigong for now with regard to the Six Harmonies Fist, let’s not get sidetracked by the details, that’s no use . When we talk about qigong, you must… Cough! You must… first understand, cough! First understand martial arts training’s eight main precepts . One, don’t be compet.i.tive and combative . Two, cough! Two is… is don’t betray or your masters and bring shame to the school by belonging to two schools . Three, don’t bully the good or commit crimes, cough! Four… Four…”.

From the crowd of disciples, one guy suddenly said in a mocking voice, “Four, cough, is don’t bully the good, cough!Master, you said so last time . ”.

“Shut up! Who asked you to b.u.t.t in? That’s betraying your master and shaming your school, being disrespectful . ” Central Plains Suppressor was raging due to embarra.s.sment, his face and thick neck deeply flushed

The guy shrugged . “Yes, Master, I will shut up, cough!”.

“Now where was I?” Central Plains Suppressor said

Wenchang touched Black Iron PaG.o.da and the latter snickered . “You were on number four, cough! Is Three don’t bully the good or, cough, commit crimes? Cough! Or is that Four?”.

Everyone was stunned that someone actually had the nerve to answer . What guts!.

As expected, Central Plains Suppressor was furious . He stormed over with the intention to throw some punches, but he saw Black Iron PaG.o.da towering like a mountain with his huge physique and he was a bit apprehensive . He stood there with arms crossed and fumed, “Son of a b.i.t.c.h! Talk like that in front of me, Central Plains Suppressor Wu Yong…”.

“Huh? What are you yapping?” Black Iron PaG.o.da was not about to be outdone when it came to cursing . “You son of a b.i.t.c.h b.a.s.t.a.r.d just told everyone not to be combative and not bully good people, but here you are acting like a tyrant . A f.u.c.kin’ third-rate b.u.m like you with a name like Central Plains Suppressor is pretty presumptuous . I, Black Iron PaG.o.da, fear nothing and no one, my whip is unrivaled, and even I don’t a.s.sume such a name as Central Plains Suppressor . So, you son of a b.i.t.c.h, can you suppress me? Papa Fan is a man of the Central Plains, bah! I’ll f.u.c.k you up, you son of a b.i.t.c.h!”.

When he said his name, three of the eight instructors who knew the name gasped in shock and quickly came forward to interject . “Master Wu, don’t be rash…”.

But they were too late . Black Iron PaG.o.da had already struck, las.h.i.+ng out with “King of Ghosts Spreads His Fan” with slaps to both sides of his head, while Central Plains Suppressor was no slouch himself, blocking the slaps with “Parting Clouds to Chase the Moon” and returning a right hand like the wind with “Black Tiger s.n.a.t.c.hes the Heart”, cutting in and pounding at Black Iron PaG.o.da’s chest

Black Iron PaG.o.da turned his left wrist and caught the big oncoming fist and spun inward, slamming his right shoulder into Central Plains Suppressor’s collarbone

“Argh…” Central Plains Suppressor cried out, and he doubled over and staggered backward . Black Iron PaG.o.da didn’t show mercy when he was in the right . He stuck to him like a shadow and slammed to fists into his chest and Central Plains Suppressor yelped and blood shot out of his mouth and he fell back and sat hard on the ground and still Black Iron PaG.o.da came on, grabbing Suppressor’s feet and with a roar he spun in a circle three times and yelled “Scram!” and sent Suppressor spiraling out until he crashed into the three instructors who had come to mediate

Black Iron PaG.o.da roared, “Alrighty! You can all beat it!” He charged into the crowd of young disciples who cried out in alarm as his fist went flying, and kicks as well . He was like a tiger among a flock of sheep . How could those three-legged cats take one of his punches? Their ace instructor had been felled right in front of them, so they knew what they were in for . The only sounds were them wailing to the heavens as they scattered in all directions

Black Iron PaG.o.da burst out of the group of people and pounced toward the twelve young ladies, thundering, “Useless women coming out and flaunting yourselves in public . I’ll grab a couple of you to be my mistresses of the stronghold . ”.

The girls ran off in all directions, lurching and stumbling over themselves to get away

Zhu Shurong was confident with her sword in hand . She drew it and yelled, “Taste my sword, you thug!” She thrust with “Weaver Girl Flings the Shuttle”, and with authority, three strikes of her sword in quick succession as she advanced swiftly

Black Iron PaG.o.da laughed and coiled to the side, dodging the first two sword thrusts as the two exchanged positions . He didn’t dodge the third strike, but slapped it away . “Haha! Excellent, you fiery girl, excellent . Drop the sword!”.

The girl’s sword swung out with a whack, opening up her defenses . Black Iron PaG.o.da’s big hand s.n.a.t.c.hed in and grabbed at the lapel of her robe

She stepped back quickly, but she lost the chance to counter or dodge

She backed up ten feet, but Black Iron PaG.o.da seemed to get closer and closer, making her sword useless . She could only flick it at him and prepare for it to get batted away as if it were nothing . Black Iron PaG.o.da with his fierce, malicious grin on his face, was right in front of her now, surprising her and turning her face pale as her arms and legs started to go limp

At that critical moment, Black Iron PaG.o.da grabbed the blade of her sword and stole in and grabbed her . “Easily captured with a simple s.n.a.t.c.h, hahaha…”.

She was terror-stricken and thought, It’s over! I… She fell backward

Suddenly . a figure darted over . It was Wenchang . He pulled her back and and shot his palm out three times at Black Iron PaG.o.da . “Stop you evil thing!”.

Three palm strikes exploded off Black Iron PaG.o.da and the two separated

Black Iron PaG.o.da let out a long howl and unwrapped his whip . “You little s.h.i.+t, I’ll kill you . ”.

Three cracks of his whip

Wenchang pulled Miss Zhu close and took off running as he yelled, “That bandit is a murderer, save me! Save me!”.

He held Zhu Shurong who clung to his shoulder in terror as he rushed out of the crowd and disappeared in the dusk through the west gate

Black Iron PaG.o.da chased after him, and was soon gone as well

The training yard was filled with wails and moans as the injured cried thunderously . People streamed out of the Zhu residence, but the a.s.sailant and the Zhu’s precious daughter were gone without a trace

The Zhu manor was thrown into an uproar as masters searched all over until the second watch or so, when someone found a note pinned to the main entrance doors with a knife

A large red calling card was placed in Master Zhu the Fifth’s hand . Inside was written, “Prepare 1,000 taels of gold to redeem your daughter . More details will be dispatched in the next few days . The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”.

The next day another card came . On it was written, “Tonight at the third watch, quickly send two people with the 1,000 taels of gold to the top of Mount Mang to the Emperor Ling Mausoleum to redeem your daughter . Don’t bring anyone else, don’t report to the authorities, or else it will be too late for regrets . The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”.

Before it was dark, the masterhands left Luoyang . Master Zhu the Fifth was not one to be trifled with . He was willing to pay 10,000 taels of gold for Cai Wenchang’s head . Divine Pellet Tian Si’en managed the Luoyang branch of Northwest Escort Agency, who secretly used a large sum of money to gather Seven Spells and group of other fiends, as well as several outstanding heroes to go to the Emperor Ling Mausoleum on Mount Mang from all sides and lay in ambush . He was determined to nab him

Two people carried two bags of fake gold . At the beginning of the watch they headed out, step by step, for the summit of the mountain

Seven Spells brought along a gang of men and snuck off quietly from the east of Supreme Clarity Temple . He had Blissful Monk and Black Zombie with him . “That little pup is sure clever enough and full of all kinds of tricks . This humble priest was sure he’d strike Master Zhu the Fifth’s jewelry shop last night, but he didn’t show . Hmph . If we let him get away tonight, then our lives are meaningless . ”.

Blissful Monk smiled wryly . “That little jianghu greenhorn has kept us, supreme masters of the martial fraternity, constantly running about, even if we kill him there won’t be much glory in it . I wonder what son of a b.i.t.c.h trained such a disciple . I really want to level his master to vent my spleen . ”.

Black Zombie was frustrated as well . “As long as he’s not one of Misery Valley’s men, otherwise there will be no end of trouble . ”.

Blissful Monk gnashed his teeth . “This is the first time in this humble monk’s life that I’ve been forced to dive into water to escape . That great humiliation is engraved on my heart . I will lobby with my jianghu fellows . I won’t be satisfied until Misery Valley is wiped out . ”.

Suddenly, a derisive laugh came from a cemetery on the right . They heard it clearly, as if it was right next to their ears

The twenty or so masters flinched and spread out at once with their marvelously fast movement skills to surround the cemetery . They searched all over but found no one . The night wind whistled, the sky full of stars, but there was no sign of an apparition in the cemetery . The only suspicious thing was an ancient cypress tree carried a faint scent of orchids


Wenchang carried Miss Zhu . It was the dead of night as he took a shortcut down a small alley and returned to his hiding spot . It was an inconspicuous, deserted garden . There was dilapidated two-storey building there, half-caved in . Long deserted . It was a notorious haunted house . There were no residents within 300 feet of the place . It was all alone, forlorn . Even during the daytime it looked gloomy and creepy with a ghostly atmosphere

In a room on the second floor, all sides were sealed up, but inside it had taken on a new look, a stark contrast to the bleak, desolate look of it from the outside

There was only a bed, a table, and chair, and a small table . Clean and simple . A single candle in a holder illuminated the entire room . Wenchang put Zhu Shurong, pale and fair as a flower, on the bed, then poured two cups of tea and sat himself in the only chair and took a sip and smiled . “Miss, no need to be afraid . First, calm down and rest a bit . Here, no one will harm you, unless you go looking for trouble yourself . ”.

Miss Zhu slowly calmed down from her fright, and then a new fear crept into her heart . “What’s the meaning of taking here? What is this place?”.

“This is my bedroom, haha! You’re a young, single woman, in a single man’s bedroom . You can think by yourself, it shouldn’t be hard to see what my intentions are . ” He stood picked up the other cup of tea and went to the side of the bed .  .

The girl scrambled in a panic farther onto the bed . “No! No! You can’t… You can’t take advantage of a weak woman like me…”.

Wenchang bent over and grabbed her and pulled her over and said menacingly, “No one is going to take advantage of you, unless you disgrace yourself . ” He grasped her by the jaw and looked at her in the candlelight . “Yes, you’re quite good-looking . Your dad oppresses the townspeople and seized people’s property by force . He has the wealth of thousands of households, of course he can bring up a delicate, pretty, outstanding fair maiden like you . ”.

He handed her the tea and sat on the edge of the bed . “I hear you’re rather overbearing, but otherwise mind your business and keep out of trouble . I have no desire to violate you . Go sit at the table . There are writing materials there . Write a letter telling your dad to pay 1,000 taels of gold for your freedom . ”.

“You… You aren’t going to harm me?” she said timidly

“If I want to harm you, I don’t need your consent to do so, nor do I need to make you any promises, so stop stalling . Hurry up!”.

“No! I need you to promise me personally . ” She drew back onto the bed

“Who’s there?” came the sudden roar of Black Iron PaG.o.da from outside