Song Of Exile

Chapter 107

Publishedat 28th of May 2019 02:26:34 PMChapter 107

Chapter 107: Time to Pay Up

The third watch would soon be over and it was dead quiet . He was in the front courtyard entertaining some of the prince’s personal guard as well as his own instructor guards . His anger over the last two days made it hard for him to eat or sleep, but he withdrew to the inner courtyard to rest . Once he go to the inner compound he saw the doors were not shut . He cursed under his breath, “Sister-in-law Chen, you mean to tell me that old sow didn’t…”

He was stopped mid-curse by a dagger that shot out eerily like a bolt of lightning from behind his right shoulder and stopped edgewise across his throat . He heard someone whisper in his ear, “Don’t make a fuss, just be good and shut your mouth . ”

His hair stood on end and he broke out in a cold sweat, his eyes nearly popping out of his head from fright . He felt an ice cold child down his spine and wanted to call out, but he couldn’t, wanted to move but he seemed to be frozen in place . Eventually he managed to to gasp and say feebly, “Have… Have mercy . Who… Who are… you?”

“The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”

His knees began to buckle but he forced himself to stay standing . The dagger at his throat had him petrified, the wrath and hatred he’d felt over the past two days was at once scared out of him and he pleaded, “Please… Please take the dagger away… Everything… Everything can be worked out . ”

The dagger moved away at the same time he felt a pressure on the shoulder well acupoint and he went limp and was carried and tossed into a chair where he sat, unable to move .

Wenchang was in the inner hall . He had subdued all the servants and maids and had hid behind the door waiting, and as expected it was a piece of cake . He had already found out all about Master Zhu the Fifth’s personality . When dealing with that sort of person, the more afraid you are, the worse it gets . One had to press him proudly and viciously, and wait for him to come down from his cloud atop the highest heavens and descend into the lowest pit of h.e.l.l and turn from holy and inviolable to a crawling insect, and then things would be much easier to handle .

He stuffed an old rag in Master Zhu the Fifth’s mouth and put a foot on his chest as he untied Miss Zhu and set her aside, then took the same piece of cloth and tied Master Zhu the Fifth’s hands to the chair before finally unsealing his acupoint .

Seven violent slaps to the face, one after another made blood run from Master Zhu the Fifth’s nose and mouth and everything went dark as he was nearly knocked unconscious .

The tea on the table splashed onto Master Zhu the Fifth, who now was like a chicken dunked in soup, but he needed him awake .

A flash like an electric shock and Lightning Bolt was once again unsheathed .

Miss Zhu, still mute, had just got to her feet and turned pale with fright . She struggled to intervene, but Wenchang violently prevented her . She was in a wretched state .

Wenchang sneered and batted her away and she tumbled to the floor on her back and slid ten feet before coming to a stop .

The electric arc stopped at Master Zhu the Fifth’s right shoulder and slowly slid down, ripping the fabric of his clothes and cutting into flesh as it went, cutting a track eight inches long and three-tenths of an inch deep into his arm as blood poured out .

Master Zhu the Fifth shook all over and writhed violently, his face scrunched up like a malevolent ghost as sweat dripped down his forehead and blue veins bulged .

Miss Zhu got up again and tried to intervene, but Wenchang pulled her and pushed her and she crumpled to the floor and he put a foot on her to hold her in place .

Wenchang reached for the candlestick on the table, and moved its licking flame closer and closer to Master Zhu the Fifth’s face . He took the rag of his mouth and sneered, “If it hurts you can cry out, but this candle could leave you with a life of everlasting regret . ”

“Spare… Spare me…” Zhu the Fifth managed to say .

Wenchang held the candle flame half an inch from his head and leaned in slightly and the flame flashed and half his beautiful three-tufted beard was scorched . “How much gold are your men taking to Mount Mang?”

“I… I deserve… deserve death, spare me! Next… Next time… I won’t dare . ”

“They didn’t take a single tael?”

“I… I lost my head, and… and it… it was Divine Pellet’s… idea . ”

“Even a tiger won’t eat its young . You really are a venomous snake . You don’t care about your daughter’s life, you only care about yourself . Hmm? You will reap what you have sown . ” The candle flame inched closer .

Master Zhu the Fifth cried in terror, “Good sir, spare my worthless… worthless life, I’ll… I’ll…”

Wenchang moved the candle away . “Where’s your jewels?” he said sternly .

“In a secret room upstairs in my wife’s room . Good sir, take all you want, take all…”

“Listen up, from now on, if you try to seize anyone else’s property or otherwise tyrannize the locals, I, The Fugitive, will come take your worthless life . I don’t believe you think so little of your worthless life . Also, that eldest daughter of yours is ten thousand times stronger than you, trying to defend you, her cruel, ungrateful father . I will come back later for her and make her the wife of my stronghold . If anything happened to her, you will answer for it . Wait here like a good boy while I go grab the treasure . ”

He stuffed the rag back in Zhu’s mouth and tied Miss Zhu up again . He unsealed her mute acupoint and gagged her as well, then he went looking for the stairs .

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared at the staircase landing, a beautiful woman, her long hair drawn up in a high bun, her face pretty as a picture, though it yet was obscured by a frosty countenance . She wore a slim-fitting robe in green with a green cape and a green leather bag that had a black scorpion embroidered on it . A sword was strapped to her back, cloud-shaped pommel was made from an emerald that glittered in the light . How long had this woman been standing at the stairs? He didn’t know .

“Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei,” Wenchang said, surprised .

“So you remember my name and you have good eyes,” she said, her tone especially icy . She took small, ladylike steps toward him .

Wenchang had never seen Gao Fei before, but he knew she was one part righteous, one part evil, cruel and merciless; she killed lecherous men of the jianghu on sight without pardon . He had kidnapped Miss Zhu tonight . Though he was not a lecherous villain of the jianghu, the fact that he had kidnapped her was indisputable . Plus, he cavorted with Black Succubus and Outcast Androgyne, so he was already known as a lecher . Looked like he was in for some trouble tonight .

He regarded her as an enemy anyway, to be on his guard, and was ready to attack as he backed up to the center of the hall as he said, “Elder’s name is known to all within the martial fraternity . I’m please to meet you tonight, this junior is deeply honored . ”

“This is the third time we’ve met,” Frigid Scorpion replied icily .

“This junior’s memory is pretty good, but before today I don’t recall…”

“I saw you captured by Black Flag Sovereign’s men at Mysterious Altar Temple, Outcast Androgyne’s hideout . ”

Wenchang cursed inwardly This ghastly woman thought he was a regular at Outcast Androgyne’s hideout . It would be useless to try and explain . These eccentric jianghu characters were all strange, they were not quick to give up their preconceived notions . He clenched his teeth . “May I ask why Elder has appeared here suddenly tonight?”

“You kidnapped a woman . Not even death can atone for that crime . ” Frigid Scorpion got right to the point .

“Are you one of the watchdogs that despot Zhu hired?” Wenchang’s tone was also firm and frosty .

“You ask too many questions . ”

Wenchang unsheathed Lightning Bolt and said unflinchingly, “Then let’s not get bogged down in idle talk . I’m more than happy to challenge you overrated followers . Come on!”

“I want you to die slowly,” Frigid Scorpion rebuked sternly, and her precious sword was drawn . It gleamed in the candlelight, cold and deadly . One look and it was clear it was a rarity that was sharp enough to slice a hair in half . Lightning Bolt might have met is match . Even if they were evenly matched, one was long, the other short . Wenchang would have very little change to counterattack .

They stood face to face, bladed pointing at each other as they slowly closed in . The hall was s.p.a.cious, good for fighting . Frigid Scorpion backed away slowly . “The first three moves are yours . Since you dagger is short, I won’t hurt you in the first six moves . After six moves, you will… Excellent move!”

Wenchang didn’t wait for her to finish, he just launched an attack . His dagger was too short, best at close-range, so he had to get closer to fight . He would have to deflect her sword to the side to have a hope of doing it .

Frigid Scorpion was actually less than thirty years old, but she was still one of the Thirteen Greats . To be so highly accomplished at such a young age was no fluke . Naturally, she was highly skilled . in the face of Wenchang’s fierce attack, she flit like a ghost, her darting in an out like a swift snake, fluttering quick as lightning, every sword strike aimed at intercepting Wenchang’s changing moves right before he did it, forcing Wenchang to alter his move to guard himself . She counted the moves off icily, “First move, two, three, four… That was a good one, five…”

Wenchang grumbled to himself . His dagger was too short, he couldn’t get close enough . Frigid Scorpion was just as quick and agile as he was, so he didn’t have an opportunity to close in and use his three special Magic Sword techniques .

“Six! Take this!” Frigid Scorpion shouted frostily and countered .

She was fast, pus.h.i.+ng forward at a slant, her sword light and quick, each slash a rainbow of lightning, flas.h.i.+ng so fast it was hard to see it clearly, unavoidable and unstoppable, no way to deal with it, the whizzing slashes like a dragon’s moan rattling in his ear .

The blades finally clanged together, the sharp sound of them clas.h.i.+ng carrying outside .

Wenchang was rocked back eight feet by the impact and the look on his face transformed . Before he had even set his stance another electric arc arrived, flas.h.i.+ng in before winking out .

“Argh!” He clenched his teeth and took three quick steps back .

“Left shoulder, en garde!” Frigid Scorpion’s voice seemed far away as another flash arrived .

Wenchang had a stab wound on his right shoulder . More flashed came at him and he swung his dagger three times, still unable to knock her sword away as it shot in . He felt some cold on his left shoulder and he jolted and saw a liquid fall, only then feeling the pain of the strike .

Their blades whizzed through the air and clashed again and again, alarming the masters a.s.sembled in the front wing of the building . Gongs sounded and torches were lit as voiced sounded from every direction .

The first one who pushed the doors open and entered the hall was Spotted Leopard Su Zhen . He saw what was going on and shouted, “Don’t storm in, back away! Surround the area, don’t let the villain break out . ”

Another person ignored him and stepped inside . “Yep! That’s Cai Wenchang for sure . ” It was Gust of Wind Wu Xiu, who had got a good look at Wenchang the night he kidnapped Miss Zhu .

Spotted Leopard pounced on him in a panic and grabbed onto Gust of Wind’s leg and they rolled around on the ground . “Are you crazy? That woman is Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei . You ought to know she doesn’t tolerate anyone interfering with her business . If you rashly charge over there the first one to die will be you . ”

Gust of Wind yelped and the two of clambered to their feet and ran outside through the hall doors as one of the prince’s guard burst through the reception room on the right and dove in valiantly, sabre leveled as he came on, shouting, “Criminal, you’re under arrest, get on the ground and drop… Argh…”

He was just behind Wenchang and was bringing his sabre down when Wenchang happened to move right and inadvertently dodge the sabre . Frigid Scorpion’s sword missed and her wrist jolted as the prince’s guard lost his life as the sword pierced his heart . He flung his sabre and through his head back before doubling over and falling down . He lay there writhing and moaning in his death throes .

Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei seemed not to notice as she pressed Wenchang further, shouting, “Take this! And this!”

Wenchang was dripping with blood . The right side of his chest was spared, but he had sustained over ten sword wounds otherwise . They had not penetrated to his internal organs, but he had lost a lot of blood and was starting to get lightheaded . His Ultimate Breathing qigong could not stop her incredible sword . His true qi was dispersing and would soon be used up .

The inner hall doors smashed open and the windows on both sides were broken, along with the doors in both corridors . Two guards came in through the rear and carried Master Zhu the Fifth and his daughter out, who were both scared into a stupor .

Wasn’t the death of one of the prince’s guard an outrage? A guard stood at a window and raised his sabre and shouted, “Archers, take your positions . ”

An archer appeared at every broken window and doorway . The guard asked Spotted Leopard beside him, “Is that terrible woman one of yours?”

“I don’t know,” Spotted Leopard said with a wry smile .

“If she is, why did she kill one of our men?”

“Officer, I really don’t know . ”

“Whether she’s one of yours or not, she must die . She’s too frightening, we can’t get close . All we can do is shoot her down along with the criminal . ”

“Officer, no, you mustn’t…” Spotted Leopard urgently tried to stop him, but he was a step too late .

“Fire!” the guard roared .

At the same time, Frigid Scorpion shouted, “Take this!”

A flash like lightning and her sword pierced Wenchang’s right side .

Chapter 107: Time to Pay Up.

The third watch would soon be over and it was dead quiet . He was in the front courtyard entertaining some of the prince’s personal guard as well as his own instructor guards . His anger over the last two days made it hard for him to eat or sleep, but he withdrew to the inner courtyard to rest . Once he go to the inner compound he saw the doors were not shut . He cursed under his breath, “Sister-in-law Chen, you mean to tell me that old sow didn’t…”.

He was stopped mid-curse by a dagger that shot out eerily like a bolt of lightning from behind his right shoulder and stopped edgewise across his throat . He heard someone whisper in his ear, “Don’t make a fuss, just be good and shut your mouth . ”.

His hair stood on end and he broke out in a cold sweat, his eyes nearly popping out of his head from fright . He felt an ice cold child down his spine and wanted to call out, but he couldn’t, wanted to move but he seemed to be frozen in place . Eventually he managed to to gasp and say feebly, “Have… Have mercy . Who… Who are… you?”.

“The Fugitive, Cai Wenchang . ”.

His knees began to buckle but he forced himself to stay standing . The dagger at his throat had him petrified, the wrath and hatred he’d felt over the past two days was at once scared out of him and he pleaded, “Please… Please take the dagger away… Everything… Everything can be worked out . ”.

The dagger moved away at the same time he felt a pressure on the shoulder well acupoint and he went limp and was carried and tossed into a chair where he sat, unable to move

Wenchang was in the inner hall . He had subdued all the servants and maids and had hid behind the door waiting, and as expected it was a piece of cake . He had already found out all about Master Zhu the Fifth’s personality . When dealing with that sort of person, the more afraid you are, the worse it gets . One had to press him proudly and viciously, and wait for him to come down from his cloud atop the highest heavens and descend into the lowest pit of h.e.l.l and turn from holy and inviolable to a crawling insect, and then things would be much easier to handle

He stuffed an old rag in Master Zhu the Fifth’s mouth and put a foot on his chest as he untied Miss Zhu and set her aside, then took the same piece of cloth and tied Master Zhu the Fifth’s hands to the chair before finally unsealing his acupoint

Seven violent slaps to the face, one after another made blood run from Master Zhu the Fifth’s nose and mouth and everything went dark as he was nearly knocked unconscious

The tea on the table splashed onto Master Zhu the Fifth, who now was like a chicken dunked in soup, but he needed him awake

A flash like an electric shock and Lightning Bolt was once again unsheathed

Miss Zhu, still mute, had just got to her feet and turned pale with fright . She struggled to intervene, but Wenchang violently prevented her . She was in a wretched state

Wenchang sneered and batted her away and she tumbled to the floor on her back and slid ten feet before coming to a stop

The electric arc stopped at Master Zhu the Fifth’s right shoulder and slowly slid down, ripping the fabric of his clothes and cutting into flesh as it went, cutting a track eight inches long and three-tenths of an inch deep into his arm as blood poured out

Master Zhu the Fifth shook all over and writhed violently, his face scrunched up like a malevolent ghost as sweat dripped down his forehead and blue veins bulged

Miss Zhu got up again and tried to intervene, but Wenchang pulled her and pushed her and she crumpled to the floor and he put a foot on her to hold her in place

Wenchang reached for the candlestick on the table, and moved its licking flame closer and closer to Master Zhu the Fifth’s face . He took the rag of his mouth and sneered, “If it hurts you can cry out, but this candle could leave you with a life of everlasting regret . ”.

“Spare… Spare me…” Zhu the Fifth managed to say

Wenchang held the candle flame half an inch from his head and leaned in slightly and the flame flashed and half his beautiful three-tufted beard was scorched . “How much gold are your men taking to Mount Mang?”.

“I… I deserve… deserve death, spare me! Next… Next time… I won’t dare . ”.

“They didn’t take a single tael?”.

“I… I lost my head, and… and it… it was Divine Pellet’s… idea . ”.

“Even a tiger won’t eat its young . You really are a venomous snake . You don’t care about your daughter’s life, you only care about yourself . Hmm? You will reap what you have sown . ” The candle flame inched closer

Master Zhu the Fifth cried in terror, “Good sir, spare my worthless… worthless life, I’ll… I’ll…”.

Wenchang moved the candle away . “Where’s your jewels?” he said sternly

“In a secret room upstairs in my wife’s room . Good sir, take all you want, take all…”.

“Listen up, from now on, if you try to seize anyone else’s property or otherwise tyrannize the locals, I, The Fugitive, will come take your worthless life . I don’t believe you think so little of your worthless life . Also, that eldest daughter of yours is ten thousand times stronger than you, trying to defend you, her cruel, ungrateful father . I will come back later for her and make her the wife of my stronghold . If anything happened to her, you will answer for it . Wait here like a good boy while I go grab the treasure . ”.

He stuffed the rag back in Zhu’s mouth and tied Miss Zhu up again . He unsealed her mute acupoint and gagged her as well, then he went looking for the stairs

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared at the staircase landing, a beautiful woman, her long hair drawn up in a high bun, her face pretty as a picture, though it yet was obscured by a frosty countenance . She wore a slim-fitting robe in green with a green cape and a green leather bag that had a black scorpion embroidered on it . A sword was strapped to her back, cloud-shaped pommel was made from an emerald that glittered in the light . How long had this woman been standing at the stairs? He didn’t know

“Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei,” Wenchang said, surprised

“So you remember my name and you have good eyes,” she said, her tone especially icy . She took small, ladylike steps toward him

Wenchang had never seen Gao Fei before, but he knew she was one part righteous, one part evil, cruel and merciless; she killed lecherous men of the jianghu on sight without pardon . He had kidnapped Miss Zhu tonight . Though he was not a lecherous villain of the jianghu, the fact that he had kidnapped her was indisputable . Plus, he cavorted with Black Succubus and Outcast Androgyne, so he was already known as a lecher . Looked like he was in for some trouble tonight

He regarded her as an enemy anyway, to be on his guard, and was ready to attack as he backed up to the center of the hall as he said, “Elder’s name is known to all within the martial fraternity . I’m please to meet you tonight, this junior is deeply honored . ”.

“This is the third time we’ve met,” Frigid Scorpion replied icily

“This junior’s memory is pretty good, but before today I don’t recall…”.

“I saw you captured by Black Flag Sovereign’s men at Mysterious Altar Temple, Outcast Androgyne’s hideout . ”.

Wenchang cursed inwardly This ghastly woman thought he was a regular at Outcast Androgyne’s hideout . It would be useless to try and explain . These eccentric jianghu characters were all strange, they were not quick to give up their preconceived notions . He clenched his teeth . “May I ask why Elder has appeared here suddenly tonight?”.

“You kidnapped a woman . Not even death can atone for that crime . ” Frigid Scorpion got right to the point

“Are you one of the watchdogs that despot Zhu hired?” Wenchang’s tone was also firm and frosty

“You ask too many questions . ”.

Wenchang unsheathed Lightning Bolt and said unflinchingly, “Then let’s not get bogged down in idle talk . I’m more than happy to challenge you overrated followers . Come on!”.

“I want you to die slowly,” Frigid Scorpion rebuked sternly, and her precious sword was drawn . It gleamed in the candlelight, cold and deadly . One look and it was clear it was a rarity that was sharp enough to slice a hair in half . Lightning Bolt might have met is match . Even if they were evenly matched, one was long, the other short . Wenchang would have very little change to counterattack

They stood face to face, bladed pointing at each other as they slowly closed in . The hall was s.p.a.cious, good for fighting . Frigid Scorpion backed away slowly . “The first three moves are yours . Since you dagger is short, I won’t hurt you in the first six moves . After six moves, you will… Excellent move!”.

Wenchang didn’t wait for her to finish, he just launched an attack . His dagger was too short, best at close-range, so he had to get closer to fight . He would have to deflect her sword to the side to have a hope of doing it

Frigid Scorpion was actually less than thirty years old, but she was still one of the Thirteen Greats . To be so highly accomplished at such a young age was no fluke . Naturally, she was highly skilled . in the face of Wenchang’s fierce attack, she flit like a ghost, her darting in an out like a swift snake, fluttering quick as lightning, every sword strike aimed at intercepting Wenchang’s changing moves right before he did it, forcing Wenchang to alter his move to guard himself . She counted the moves off icily, “First move, two, three, four… That was a good one, five…”.

Wenchang grumbled to himself . His dagger was too short, he couldn’t get close enough . Frigid Scorpion was just as quick and agile as he was, so he didn’t have an opportunity to close in and use his three special Magic Sword techniques

“Six! Take this!” Frigid Scorpion shouted frostily and countered

She was fast, pus.h.i.+ng forward at a slant, her sword light and quick, each slash a rainbow of lightning, flas.h.i.+ng so fast it was hard to see it clearly, unavoidable and unstoppable, no way to deal with it, the whizzing slashes like a dragon’s moan rattling in his ear

The blades finally clanged together, the sharp sound of them clas.h.i.+ng carrying outside

Wenchang was rocked back eight feet by the impact and the look on his face transformed . Before he had even set his stance another electric arc arrived, flas.h.i.+ng in before winking out

“Argh!” He clenched his teeth and took three quick steps back

“Left shoulder, en garde!” Frigid Scorpion’s voice seemed far away as another flash arrived

Wenchang had a stab wound on his right shoulder . More flashed came at him and he swung his dagger three times, still unable to knock her sword away as it shot in . He felt some cold on his left shoulder and he jolted and saw a liquid fall, only then feeling the pain of the strike

Their blades whizzed through the air and clashed again and again, alarming the masters a.s.sembled in the front wing of the building . Gongs sounded and torches were lit as voiced sounded from every direction

The first one who pushed the doors open and entered the hall was Spotted Leopard Su Zhen . He saw what was going on and shouted, “Don’t storm in, back away! Surround the area, don’t let the villain break out . ”.

Another person ignored him and stepped inside . “Yep! That’s Cai Wenchang for sure . ” It was Gust of Wind Wu Xiu, who had got a good look at Wenchang the night he kidnapped Miss Zhu

Spotted Leopard pounced on him in a panic and grabbed onto Gust of Wind’s leg and they rolled around on the ground . “Are you crazy? That woman is Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei . You ought to know she doesn’t tolerate anyone interfering with her business . If you rashly charge over there the first one to die will be you . ”.

Gust of Wind yelped and the two of clambered to their feet and ran outside through the hall doors as one of the prince’s guard burst through the reception room on the right and dove in valiantly, sabre leveled as he came on, shouting, “Criminal, you’re under arrest, get on the ground and drop… Argh…”.

He was just behind Wenchang and was bringing his sabre down when Wenchang happened to move right and inadvertently dodge the sabre . Frigid Scorpion’s sword missed and her wrist jolted as the prince’s guard lost his life as the sword pierced his heart . He flung his sabre and through his head back before doubling over and falling down . He lay there writhing and moaning in his death throes

Frigid Scorpion Gao Fei seemed not to notice as she pressed Wenchang further, shouting, “Take this! And this!”.

Wenchang was dripping with blood . The right side of his chest was spared, but he had sustained over ten sword wounds otherwise . They had not penetrated to his internal organs, but he had lost a lot of blood and was starting to get lightheaded . His Ultimate Breathing qigong could not stop her incredible sword . His true qi was dispersing and would soon be used up

The inner hall doors smashed open and the windows on both sides were broken, along with the doors in both corridors . Two guards came in through the rear and carried Master Zhu the Fifth and his daughter out, who were both scared into a stupor

Wasn’t the death of one of the prince’s guard an outrage? A guard stood at a window and raised his sabre and shouted, “Archers, take your positions . ”.

An archer appeared at every broken window and doorway . The guard asked Spotted Leopard beside him, “Is that terrible woman one of yours?”.

“I don’t know,” Spotted Leopard said with a wry smile

“If she is, why did she kill one of our men?”.

“Officer, I really don’t know . ”.

“Whether she’s one of yours or not, she must die . She’s too frightening, we can’t get close . All we can do is shoot her down along with the criminal . ”.

“Officer, no, you mustn’t…” Spotted Leopard urgently tried to stop him, but he was a step too late

“Fire!” the guard roared

At the same time, Frigid Scorpion shouted, “Take this!”.

A flash like lightning and her sword pierced Wenchang’s right side