Sons Of High Society

Chapter 24

Long Huojin walked into the kitchen with Xue Guangli where Yin Shou had prepared some meals for them. But Xue Guangli had already eaten some of the rice before she went to get Long Huojin.

Long Huojin had set another plate on the table when Yin Shou asked, "Who"s the fourth plate for?"

The doorbell rang suddenly, and Long Huojin went to the door to let the guest in.

Yin Shou"s eyes widened when he caught a glimpse of the woman at the door. "Is that Xue Teegan?" he asked Xue Guangli for some rea.s.surance.

"Mhm," she answered. "Though, I don"t know why she"s here."

Xue Teegan entered the house, glancing around the s.p.a.ce.

"Why are you here, Teegan?" Xue Guangli asked.

Her sister approached her and said, "I typically visit Long Huojin once a month in regards to a follow-up about father. I saw him today."

Xue Guangli nodded.

Xue Teegan then glanced over at Yin Shou, and her lips opened, shocked. "Shou?" she asked.

Yin Shou nodded, "It"s been a while, Teegan."

Xue Teegan approached him slowly before she reached up to touch his cheeks and stretched them out. "You"ve grown. I remember you being such a scrawny kid," she said.

Yin Shou flushed, pursing his lips. He clicked his tongue. "You"re only two years older than me," he said.

Xue Teegan smiled sincerely, one that not even Xue Guangli has seen in a long time.

To Yin Shou, everything about Xue Teegan hasn"t changed. Yin Shou recalled once meeting her in high school when she took Xue Guangli home. He saw the resemblance between them, but Xue Teegan"s features were womanly, she was also sharp-tongued and bold. Her long red-brown hair curled and ended at her hips.

She always had a cold expression, and he could not help but wonder why.

Back then, he was lean and boyish, unnoticed by many girls. But Xue Teegan spoke to him, acknowledged him, but she only treated him as a friend.

She joined the table with them. And Yin Shou studied her face.

Long Huojin glanced at Xue Guangli, who gave him a similar expression of amus.e.m.e.nt. They both knew that years ago, Yin Shou had the biggest crush on Xue Teegan. He practically pined over her and never tore his eyes away.

They parted ways when she graduated, and they haven"t gone around to see each other much over the years. Yin Shou also had grown taller, built; he had broad shoulders and muscles that suit his body.

But even now, Xue Teegan doesn"t seem interested in him.

They ate together, speaking about Xue Teegan"s progress with the store she managed. And throughout the entire time, Yin Shou didn"t stop looking at her.

Xue Guangli wondered if she would ever receive that again. The look of longing and desire, the want. She supposed she would.

Afterwards, they all moved to Long Huojin"s study, and Xue Teegan told them what she wanted to say.

"Father is getting sick," she told them. "Staying in jail for years has taken a toll on his health, mentally and physically. Our progress needs to speed up, or else he will break and snap."

After hearing the update, Xue Guangli felt guilty. She hadn"t revisited him because she can"t forgive herself and because if people are watching her, it would indicate that she believes him.

Every visit, every message to him has to be quick and brief because no one can know her leads.

After a few moments of silence, Yin Shou said. "I need a drink; who needs one?"

Everyone rose a hand.

The air around them felt heavy, and soon after, Yin Shou returned with a big, expensive bottle of the strongest liquor he could find with shot They all drank until they were flushed.

It was already dark, so Xue Guangli and Xue Teegan decided to wait until they sobered up.

Xue Guangli found Yin Shou speaking with Xue Teegan when she decided to walk away, leaving them alone to catch up.

She found Long Huojin outside, by the pool with a rock-hard backslash that almost made it look like a hot spring. There were plants everywhere, and she wondered if he took care of them.

He was staring out into the darkness, leaned against a pillar. Xue Guangli approached him, nudging. Long Huojin took out his pack of cigarettes handing out a stick, but she shook her head.

Long Huojin wasn"t sure what she wanted, but out of instinct, he offered her, his. Xue Guangli took it, and inhaled a deep drag, filling her lungs. She relished in it, before pa.s.sing it back to him.

"What are you thinking?" she asked him.

Long Huojin gave her a side-eye glance as she, too, stared at the darkness ahead of them.

"I think I can"t wait to get those f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.ds," he said. Xue Guangli raised her head, facing him. His face was hard and unforgiving.

Since they rekindled their acquaintances, she felt Long Huojin had been holding back around her. And just today, she was beginning to see more sides of him, the actual Long Huojin and she liked it.

Xue Guangli smiled. "I was just thinking the same thing," she said.

Long Huojin returned to the routine of picking her up from work instead of the other driver.

Some days, he would take her straight home; other days, he would take her to the company or take her to his house. They worked together as much as they could.

Today, he took her to his company.

Xue Guangli had tried to get used to the fact that his employees treated him with respect, and though they stiffened at his presence, they soon relaxed.

From one of his employees, she learned that he treated them well, but as workers, they still had to maintain a diligent work ethic in front of him.

Xue Guangli stepped into his office; his office looked similar to his study room. Except there were photos hung, and one of them captured her attention. It was the photo of both of them from their fall photoshoot.

It was a picture of her standing behind him; her hand pressed on his chest, as his head t.i.tled back slightly, revealing his dishevelled clothing from when she roamed around his body. Xue Guangli blushed, it seemed erotic...

Xue Guangli turned her attention towards the new leads she and Long Huojin have been working on.

He then approached her and said, "there is going to be a reunion for the older generation of the High Society."

Xue Guangli looked at him, waiting for him to finish.

"It"s a banquet; everyone will be there."

"So?" Xue Guangli questioned.

"So," Long Huojin began, "I think we can find something there, speak to people, perhaps someone knows something."

He handed her the invitation and read it carefully, "Let"s go then."