Sons Of High Society

Chapter 29

Xue Guangli woke up with Long Huojin wrapped around her; their legs tangled, and she felt his warm breath on her face.

He was sleeping peacefully; his long lashes fluttered against his cheeks.

Xue Guangli had to go to work, but she didn"t want to leave without telling him. So she nudged him until he woke.

Long Huojin"s eyes lidded open, meeting hers. He wore a sly smile, and Xue Guangli stared at him, dazed. He wasn"t just handsome; he was beautiful, devastatingly beautiful.

Whenever women pa.s.sed by him, their breaths caught, even she did, but she hated to admit it before.

If it weren"t for their families, Xue Guangli might have admired him from a distance, without being able to reach him. He was untouchable, and yet now, he wrapped himself around her.

"Xue Li," he said breathlessly.

Xue Guangli smiled sheepishly. "I have to go home and change, and then head to work."

"All right," he said. "Can you come over this weekend?" he asked.

Xue Guangli sat up, gazing down at him, smiling. "I will come," she said.

The light of the rising sun escaped through the gaps of the blinds, illuminating his pale-blue eyes. Xue Guangli felt like staying; she felt like she wanted to stay with him.

She leaned down to give him a peck and he smiled against her lips. He cupped her neck and deepened the kiss. Their bodies began to burn up as they feverishly kissed harder, fighting to dominate. Xue Guangli circled her tongue around his as she pushed him down and sat on top of his torso; their breathing shallowed between every kiss.

Long Huojin kissed her back with equal ferocity, but they parted suddenly when they heard a crack in the hall.

"By all means, don"t stop on my account. I wanted to pa.s.s through," Yin Shou said. He looked like he was trying to sneak in from a night out. "The bedroom is not to far if you want to carry on. Some people like to f.u.c.k in private."

Long Huojin glared at his best friend but Xue Guangli laughed. She slipped off from his body, grabbing her keys she quickly left the house with a wave. She was running late anyways.

Long Huojin rose out of the couch to stretch. Although the sofa was too small for his legs, he felt as if he had a well-rested sleep.

"So did you finally do it?" Yin Shou asked.

Long Huojin rolled his eyes. "No. We"re taking things slow."

Yin Shou nodded before rubbing his temples. He had tired eyes and a worn-out expression.

"Where did you go?" Long Huojin asked, pouring some coffee.

"Xue Teegan called. She had me up most of the night helping her make dresses until I crashed on the couch," Yin Shou responded.

Long Huojin nearly choked as he sipped his coffee. "You? Making dresses?"

Yin Shou glared at him. "There"s nothing wrong with that," he said.

Long Huojin smiled. "I never said there was. But to go to such lengths for a woman. The very man who swore never to fall in love."

"I"m not in love," Yin Shou spat.

Long Huojin laughed, "So you say."

Xue Guangli went home to change quickly before heading out. Instead of going to her shop, she went to her sister"s who asked help to set up an event.

When she showed up, Xue Teegan said, "I didn"t think you were so bold, dear sister."

"Eh?" Xue Guangli responded, puzzled.

Xue Teegan turned her around to face a mirror. In her reflection, she could see the love bites and hickeys on her neck. Xue Guangli flushed instantly, covering her neck.

Xue Teegan smirked. "Is there something to be embarra.s.sed about? You"re an adult. Embrace those marks. It seems as though Long Huojin wanted to claim you."

Xue Guangli blushed, looking away from her sister"s curious eyes. "I don"t want people to get the wrong idea," she said blus.h.i.+ng.

Xue Teegan rolled her eyes. "No one knows who you"re with." She left to grab a turtle neck sweater and pa.s.sed it to her. "But if you care that much then keep it private between your small circle."

Xue Guangli left to change and returned, the flush remained on her face. She began to organize some of the boxes.

"Did you two f.u.c.k yet?" Xue Teegan asked brazenly.

"How could you ask me that without feeling embarra.s.sed?" Xue Guangli asked while she picked up some boxes. Xue Teegan also picked up some boxes and shrugged.

"I"m curious is all. You"ve never told me what it was like being with w.a.n.g Weimin. Now you can tell me if Long Huojin was better at—"

Xue Teegan was cut off. "I didn"t do anything with w.a.n.g Weimin," Xue Guangli interupted.

Xue Teegan"s mouth opened, slightly shocked. "Oh. Sorry, I didn"t mean to pry," she said.

Xue Guangli smiled grimly, placing down one of the boxes. "It"s okay, Teegs. I know. Of course, many people would have a.s.sumed I done something with him. I dated him for two years."

Xue Teegan pursed her lips. "No. I shouldn"t have made that a.s.sumption."

Xue Guangli shook her head. "I always wished I was like you," Xue Guangli began to say. "Remember when we were younger, I would ask, "Where are you going?" Because you snuck out at night when mom and dad were home? You would say, "I am going to a one night stand" Before sneaking out the window."

Xue Teegan smiled, remembering. "It wasn"t all that," she admitted. "I remember leaving after hooking up with some men I just met, but I would feel empty afterwards." Xue Teegan opened one of the boxes. "Some nights were good, others weren"t so great," she added.

Xue Guangli smiled. She knew Xue Teegan would try to console her. In all honesty, Xue Guangli didn"t feel like doing anything with w.a.n.g Weimin; therefore, she averted the topic whenever they were dating.

"In all honesty," Xue Guangli began. "I would like to try it with Long Huojin..." After admitting that, Xue Guangli flushed.

Xue Teegan smiled. "If you need any advice, don"t be afraid to ask."

Xue Teegan"s determination made Xue Guangli smile. They both went back to work and lost themselves in the hours.

Not too long after setting up, Yin Shou had entered the store.

"What are you doing here?" Xue Guangli asked.

"Nice to see you too," responded Yin Shou.

Behind them, Xue Teegan approached them. "I asked him to come," she said, grabbing his hand. She then dragged him out of her sight, and into the hall. Xue Guangli smiled.

From her angle, Xue Teegan and Yin Shou appeared to be bickering, but they both glanced at each other affectionately whenever the other wasn"t looking.

Xue Guangli couldn"t help but feel as if she was missing Long Huojin already.