Sons Of High Society

Chapter 54

The phone rang, and Xue Guangli stood up, immediately answering the phone.

"h.e.l.lo?" she answered.

It was Qian Meigui, her lawyer. "Guangli," she began. "I am calling in regards to your father."

Xue Guangli clenched her fingers together. She was devastatingly worried about Long Huojin, but to receive word that about her father, she wasn"t sure if it was good or not.

"The court is demanding a re-trial since the evidence against your father has been misrepresented. Especially since the police arrested Long Huojin..."

Xue Guangli remained silent, waiting for her lawyer and friend to finish.

"It"s possible I can get him released early. He can come home," Qian Meigui said to her. Xue Guangli"s mouth gaped. It was all she ever wanted, hoped for. She glanced at Xue Teegan, who stared at her worryingly. If she told her now, would her sister jump for joy? But to what expense? Long Huojin would have to take his place?

Xue Guangli felt so torn that she felt sick to her stomach. To choose between her husband and father, she wondered how she reached this point in her life.

In all honesty, she did not expect w.a.n.g Weimin to turn the tide of the war, to play a cruel move by blaming Long Huojin. She didn"t expect him to get arrested, but once the police entered through those doors that evening and they took him, she realized then what w.a.n.g Weimin was doing.

She knew he would use the evidence of him illegally stealing doc.u.ments, but she didn"t expect w.a.n.g Weimin to accuse him of murder, which was an all-time low.

"Do what you have to do," Xue Guangli said to Qian Meigui.

Qian Meigui was silent for a moment on the other line. "Mrs. Long, in regards to your husband, I can say that I will try my best to release him. He has denied the accusations against the murder of Xue Hien, but the police are firm with his custody. Suspects s.h.i.+ft, but until there is new evidence brought forward, we can"t release him," she said.

Xue Guangli sighed deeply. "All right. Thank you, Mei," she responded.

"I will keep you updated," Qian Meigui said.

Xue Guangli hung up the call. She held her stomach, trying to prevent herself from hurling or crying, not in front of the others.

She took a deep breath, straightening her body, willing her nerves into iron.

She faced Yin Shou and Xue Teegan. "Let"s go to the correctional centre," she said. Xue Teegan nodded, gathering her jacket. Yin Shou followed.

Qian Meigui was one of the best criminal lawyers in the entire city. She solved and represented the crime of her deceased parents, who were murdered too, unfortunately. But she gained the reputation of being a legend for doing what she did, something many cannot stomach doing. She was quick, eager with facts and presenting evidence if she had it.

She was quick to convince the court to release her father, Xue Gao. When they arrived at the correctional centre, she saw Qian Meigui speaking to some of the officers.

"Mei," Xue Guangli called out.

Qian Meigui turned around to face her with her full-rounded belly. She looked like she was in full-term, nearly ready to give birth any moment. Xue Guangli"s mouth gaped. "What are you doing here? You should be on bed rest."

Qian Meigui pouted. "I"ve been on maternity leave for a month now. I"ve been bored, but when I received your phone call, I was glad that I had something to do," she said with sparkling eyes.

Xue Guangli released a short laugh. "Your husband won"t like it," Xue Guangli said to her. Qian Meigui smirked.

Qian Meigui guided them inside. Yin Shou held her hand up the steps as she had trouble walking with her full rounded-belly.

Inside, they went through narrow halls, and long corridors, until finally, they found Xue Gao sitting in a small office, wearing normal clothing. When Xue Teegan saw him, her knees wobbled, and she nearly fell. He was wearing something other than a prisoner"s jumpsuit for the first time in years.

Xue Gao rose, and Xue Teegan hugged him fiercely, crying on his shoulder. Xue Guangli smiled grimly. She knew that it was a surprise for her. Xue Teegan must have a.s.sumed they came for Long Huojin. But it was for their father instead.

Afterward, Xue Guangli hugged him. He whispered in her ear, "Thank you," before letting go. Yin Shou stepped toward him, bowing and introducing himself. Her father arched a brow, almost unbelieving that Xue Teegan had a boyfriend, and committed one too, at that.

The four of them approached the car. Xue Teegan locked arms with their father. Xue Guangli told them to go back home, but she had to stay behind.

Xue Teegan didn"t want to stay any longer because of all she wanted was to take Xue Gao home, and Yin Shou went with them.

Inside, Xue Teegan spoke to Qian Meigui. "How can I get him released?" she asked.

Qian Meigui released a breath, rubbing her swollen belly. "I can argue with the court. They don"t have enough sufficient evidence to hold him, but based on Mr. w.a.n.g"s accusation..." she trailed off, pulling Xue Guangli to a corner, to speak privately.

"He provided the police with some evidence connected to Long Group, including how your mother was murdered. The weapons and everything. Mr. w.a.n.g also has alibis; he didn"t do it, so it looks bad against Mr. Long," she warned without holding back.

Xue Guangli nodded, listening attentively, but she felt pain, so much pain. "Can I see him?" she asked.

Qian Meigui nodded. "He was transferred here this morning. I am his lawyer, as long as I am present, you can see him," she responded.

Qian Meigui guided Xue Guangli through halls until they entered a large one. Her heart pounded every step of the way. There will be a re-trial, and she only hoped that Xue Guangli would have everything to get him out and for Qian Meigui to be prepared to defend him.

As they stepped through, the correctional officers escorted Long Huojin to them. He had handcuffs wrapped around his wrists. Xue Guangli felt emotional. They had to keep a distance, even though she desperately felt like embracing him.

He had a scratch on his face, and Xue Guangli can guess where she got it from. And despite looking tired and worn out, Long Huojin"s face was soft and gentle when he saw her. She bit her lower lip, preventing a cry.

"I will get you out," she said to him with an unwavering gaze.

Long Huojin offered her a small, soft smile. "I know you will, Xue Li. Be careful," he said to her, stretching out his hands across the table. Qian Meigui glanced away, as Xue Guangli reached out to touch his fingers.

They brushed their hands, one chained, the other free, glimmering with her wedding band. She had been hiding it for weeks until now.

"You"re wearing it," he said.

Xue Guangli smiled grimly. "I can now. Everyone will know I am Long Huojin"s wife," she said. His hand was empty, no less, because they took it from him, for now.

Long Huojin frowned. "They"ll think you married a killer. They will think you conspired with me against your mother, for money, for greed. Who knows? But there will be rumours."

Xue Guangli shook her head. "Remember what he talked about that night?" she said.

Long Huojin nodded.

"He underestimated us," Xue Guangli continued. "I have no doubt, that it will come together soon."

Long Huojin tightened his grip on her hand. He shook, seemingly afraid. She knew he wasn"t afraid of being in prison, he was afraid for her.

She squeezed back. "I will take care of myself. We have friends. Remember?" she said.

Long Huojin smiled grimly, nodding.

"I love you," he said to her.

"I love you, too," she said under her breath, rising. She walked away without another word, tearings falling down her face, not wanting Long Huojin to see them. Qian Meigui followed after her.

"I will help you any way I can," Qian Meigui said to her. She was determined to help Xue Guangli. It didn"t matter how. She felt something like this before, which is one of the reasons why she became a lawyer in the first place. She wanted to see the couple happy.