Sons Of High Society

Chapter 56

w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer presented the doc.u.ments.

"There is video surveillance of Mr. Long entering the home at the time of the murder."

On the screen, it showed Long Huojin entering and exiting the house that night, completely distraught. It stunned Xue Guangli, as she didn"t know he there in the first place.

"I want to speak on the connection between Mr. Xue and Mr. Long," w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer began.

"It appears that Mr. Xue bought technology from Long Group for military advancements. I believe that he uncovered some unethical secrets from the company, thus, threatening to expose Long Group. As a result, Mr. Long Huojin organized the murder of Xue Gao to silence him. As for the fatal wounds inflicted on Mrs. Xue, it was a result of being at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Xue Guangli gritted her teeth.

"Thank you," said the judge. He looked over the doc.u.ments, and said, "Can I have Mrs. Song present the details of the defendant."

Qian Meigui nodded, rising from her seat, approaching the judge. She was also known as Mrs. Song, but she preferred Qian Meigui when her friends addressed her.

"Your honour," Qian Meigui began. "Mr. Long Huojin presents himself as not guilty, and will also reject the plea deal because he is confident that he is, indeed, not guilty. Now, there is no doubt that Long Group were in collaborative projects with the military, but Mr. Long Huojin was not a partic.i.p.ant, nor did he have any inclination of the possible attack until it happened," she said.

Qian Meigui stepped forward, carefully, "I accuse Mr. w.a.n.g Weimin as the suspect."

There were many people in the courtroom, some on-lookers curious about the case, some reporters; others were members of the companies. Some gasps filled the room at the lawyer"s bold remark. But she was one of the best in the city. Is it possible that she was right?

w.a.n.g Weimin"s face was hard and tight but unwavering. Qian Meigui met his gaze, unfazed by his threatening eyes. She was a new mother with an infant waiting for her at home, but she was in court, confident in her abilities.

"Objection!" yelled w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer. "Mr. w.a.n.g has several alibi"s to witness that he was not there during the crime scene. There is no connection between him and Mrs. Xue. Long Huojin, on the other hand, has also stolen records from the Rui Inst.i.tute. Not to mention, court doc.u.ments in regards to the case, which is sufficient for the charges against him!"

"Except," Qian Meigui interrupted. "I had given Mr. Long those doc.u.ments. It wasn"t stolen," she said.

"That is a lie," said w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer. He was heated. "Even so, that doesn"t excuse for the other accusations."

Qian Meigui was silent.

w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer remained defiant. "I call Miss Xue Guangli to the stand, she should testify as a witness," w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer pressed. "By law, she should confess to what she has seen."

"She shouldn"t have too," Qian Meigui chimed. "Xue Guangli is married to Mr. Long; therefore, she cannot testify due to biased reasons. It wouldn"t be fair now if his wife has to speak. What if she lies?" she challenged him.

w.a.n.g Weimin"s lawyer gritted his teeth. w.a.n.g Weimin began to look uncomfortable as he had no idea that Xue Guangli was married.

"There is evidence presented against Mr. Long. I don"t see the defendant"s presenting anything sufficient," he spat.

At the stand, Qian Meigui looked calm.

Xue Guangli set her jaw from her seat.

"There are other witnesses," Qian Meigui began, "in support of the defendant."

The doors open. Walking down was a woman. Her heels clicked against the floor. She had long black hair that swayed. Behind her was her husband, carrying a small child. Her husband seated with the child, whereas Song Ren approached the witness stand. She greeted the judge.

Qian Meigui pointed to her. "This is the president of the Rui Inst.i.tute. She wants to speak some words for the defendant."

The judge allowed it.

Song Ren straightened her body; she quickly glanced at Long Huojin before facing the judge.

"In regards to the alleged stolen records from the Rui Inst.i.tute. I want to claim it false," she said with a calm voice.

Another gasp.

"Mr. Long asked me for the autopsy and medical reports," she said. "But I gave it to him with permission."

"That"s impossible!" w.a.n.g Weimin stood up, saying, interrupting Song Ren. She glared at him with narrowed eyes.

"That would break confidentiality," said the judge, questioning her.

"Mhm," Song Ren began again. "But not when Mr. Long requested it, in regards to helping Xue Guangli find the suspect of her mother"s killer."

w.a.n.g Weimin clenched his fists. "Xue Guangli is in cahoots with her husband for an inheritance, no less!" w.a.n.g Weimin accused.

He then stepped from his seat, facing the judge. "That lawyer is in cahoots, too. The president of the Rui Inst.i.tute is her sister-in-law."

"They"re not related to the defendant," said the judge. w.a.n.g Weimin"s face turned red.

Qian Meigui dismissed her sister-in-law, Song Ren. Afterward, she said, "Mr. Long requested the medical doc.u.ments. Thus, he does not need to be punished for those charges."

Xue Guangli went to visit Song Ren, not too long ago. She confessed to helping Long Huojin steal the medical records, and apologized for it. She remembered Song Ren sighing, and said, "Well, you should have asked me for it."

The judge nodded, listening attentively. "That does not excuse the charge of Murder, just the other charges," he said.

Qian Meigui nodded. w.a.n.g Weimin appeared to be smug. She walked over to Xue Guangli, "Where is your upper hand?" she asked. Her lawyer appeared to be nervous, not knowing what to do or say next.

Xue Guangli glanced at her. "Wait a moment," she said.

Qian Meigui"s face softened before turning to the judge again. "There is someone in this court that has more evidence. I believe that when they are ready, they"ll step in."

The court waited for a few minutes and those minutes felt long, silent, and awkward. No one stepped in, and Xue Guangli"s heart pounded furiously. She was frustrated, already feeling the defeat, but she understood why that person didn"t step in.

"All right, that"s enough," the judge said.

"Wait," said a soft but sweet voice.

On the other side of the court stood Zi Yingtai. She stepped around the seating area when w.a.n.g Weimin forcefully grabbed her wrist. Without looking at him, she pulled free of herself from him. She swiftly went to the witness stand wearing a black dress. She appeared to be breathing hard, Xue Guangli thought that it must be nerves.

From across the room, Xue Guangli offered her friend a smile when she locked eyes with her. Zi Yingtai smiled back.

Qian Meigui approached her. "What do you have to offer?" she questioned.

Zi Yingtai pulled out a recording tape from her pocket. "I have the rest of the footage, Mr. w.a.n.g left out," she said.