Sons Of High Society

Chapter 62

It was the last day of Fas.h.i.+on Week for Xue Guangli to present her Dusk collection, which involved different coloured dresses from rose to periwinkle, indigo and twilight.

She woke up, stirring from Long Huojin"s arms. When she rose from bed, he s.n.a.t.c.hed her back under the covers, snuggling against her, gazing down at her stomach. "I can"t stop looking at you like this," he breathed.

"Pregnant?" she asked with a smile.

"Naked," he said to her deeply and mischevious.

Xue Guangli rolled her eyes. They haven"t been rough with their love-making, just light and steady until it grows and then she"ll force him to keep her hands off her, to his dramatic demise.

There were moments where she would stop to look in the mirror caressing her growing belly, and Long Huojin would catch her. He would also capture photos of them when they were together on little dates, and he would say that it was to collect special memories for their future.

It was a long journey for the two of them, considering how they went from childhood friends to enemies to lovers.

Long Huojin was the one that felt as if life wasn"t real. He had Xue Guangli, the woman he"s pined over for years, and to him, reality hasn"t struck. He doesn"t doubt that their love would falter, if it stayed strong and persisted this long, it would continue to persist, that"s what he believed.

Long Huojin rose to get ready with Xue Guangli when she received a sudden phone call. Her face fell, which puzzled him exceedingly.

"What"s wrong?" he asked.

Xue Guangli pursed her lips, preventing a cry. "Teegan told me that my collection was destroyed," she said.

Long Huojin"s eyes widened. Instinctively, he reached out and pulled her into his arms.

"There"s no point in going," she said, hopelessly against his chest. "I don"t even want to go."

A tinge of pain surged through Long Huojin. He didn"t like seeing her upset, and he vowed not to see her in depths in despair again, not after all they"ve been through.

He took her hand gently, guiding her out of their room and into an empty guest room. There was a double closet, locked, and Xue Guangli hasn"t even bothered to ask him why it was locked.

When he opened the door, Xue Guangli"s eyes gaped, her mind began to race.

"This..." she began at a loss for words.

"I bought this at an auction years ago," he said with a smile.

Xue Guangli looked at him, not knowing how to register what he gave her.

"I...I hate you," she said sarcastically, but Long Huojin interpreted differently, horrified.

"What?" he said.

"I hate that you remind me that I should have been with you sooner," she said softly.

Long Huojin let out a breathy laugh. "You know it"s not my intention," he said.

With widened eyes, Xue Guangli stepped closer towards the closet, running her fingers through the delicate fabrics of her mother"s original autumn collection that sold exclusively. The buyer of the dresses saved the company as they sold for more than what it was worth. She always wondered who bought them. She thought it was an admirer or Xue Hien, but it was husband, the man she barely acknowledged at the time it sold.

"Remind me to reward you later," she said while admiring the dresses.

Long Huojin gulped. "Y-yes," he stumbled on his own words.

"I shouldn"t submit it," she said. "I didn"t design these."

Long Huojin stepped from behind her, circling her waist. "These are originals, never worn before. It matches the Dusk theme, and you"re competing on behalf of what your mother raised for you," he a.s.sured her.

Xue Guangli tilted her head up to face him. She felt like doing him on the spot. He deserved it. But that would come later.

"Quickly, let"s bring them to the show, and we can alter it there with my sisters," she said.

Hastily, Long Huojin carefully folded the dresses with Xue Guangli in two travelling cases to wheel them to the fas.h.i.+on show.

When they arrived, Xue Teegan was in a heated argument with the security team, and Yin Shou stood next to her without intervening.

"Teegan, it"s okay," Xue Guangli said behind her, interrupting.

Xue Teegan turned to face her with welling tears in her eyes. She was frustrated and upset on her behalf. Xue Guangli felt warm before telling her, "Let"s finish the show."

Backstage, Xue Guangli quickly directed Xue Teegan, Yin Shou, Long Huojin, and Xue Liena to alter the dresses in the way she wanted to present it as a Dusk Collection.

The models had prepared their hair and makeup in the meantime, and when the evening came, the models changed and stepped into their positions. For the performance, instead of a Runway walk, Xue Guangli arranged a dance.

The models walked and danced along the runway with billowing orange sleeves that looked like flags. They twirled beautifully in circles and semi-circles. Autumn leaves began to fall over slowly over them against a sunset orange backdrop. As the models walked, the colours gradually changed into varying colours where the last model performed with a midnight blue dress covered in stars; she wore a crown of silver on her head and ended the show elegantly, leaving the audience breathless.

Xue Guangli had tears in her eyes because not only was the last performance beautiful, but it outlined the dresses beyond her imagination.

Xue Guangli"s collection was the last displayed. They all gathered together backstage to listen to the winner and runner-ups.

When it came to the announcement of the winner, her sisters held her hands tightly, as they glanced at each other, exhaling deeply. It was time.

When it came to the final announcement, the crowd booed the announcer as Summer-Autumn did not win.

Xue Guangli tried not to feel the bitter disappointment, and the crowd went into an uproar, leaving the MC in an awkward position. Someone then whispered something in his ear before he said: "Summer-Autumn Designs is disqualified for not using original dresses. The collection belonged to one of the old designers, Xue Hien."

Xue Guangli smiled grimly. She understood that Long Huojin and the others tried to help her, but it was no use. Her original designs were destroyed, and though they lost, she was able to organize a fantastic show using her mother"s dresses.

"However, I received word that our winner Bi Caihong is also disqualified for tampering with the dresses of another designer."

Bi Caihong, who appeared to be smug on the stage, now had a crestfallen expression. She was stunned.

"Serves her right," Xue Teegan said under her breath.

Xue Guangli and the others packed up their things and cleaned up. On their way out, a voice spoke behind them. "Mrs. Long," said a man.

When she turned, she realized it was the gentleman she saw with Zi Yingtai the other day. "My name is Li Delun," he said.

Xue Guangli"s eyes widened, her mouth hung open. Li Delun was a well-respected and well-known Fas.h.i.+on Designer and promoter. He travels across the world, giving novices and professional designers alike with opportunities of a lifetime.

"h.e.l.lo Mr. Li," she said.

"My girlfriend doesn"t know I am here, so she didn"t send me. But I was impressed with the collection she performed in, so I came for the final performance. I heard about the incident, and I want to ask, are you anything like your mother?" he asked.

Xue Guangli was stunned. In terms of designing, yes she was like her.

"Yes," Xue Guangli said.

Li Delun smiled, taking out a business card from his front pocket. "This is my contact info. I would love to display any of your future collections," he said.

Xue Guangli"s mouth hung open. She couldn"t believe it! This opportunity was grander than that of the first prize from the show.

"Thank you," she said unbelievingly. Li Delun parted good-bye with her and left. Long Huojin stood by witnessing everything. Xue Guangli turned to face him; she then ran up and lept in his arms with a broad smile. "Did you see that?" she asked, excited.

Long Huojin gazed at her affectionately. "Mhmm," he murmured. "You"ve chased your dream and now it"s chasing you."

Xue Guangli was let down, and she stood on her tip-toes to peck him on the lips before dragging his hand to meet the others.

"Let"s celebrate," she said to everyone, winded.