Sons Of High Society

Chapter 8

The next day, Xue Guangli spent the morning working her way through embroidering the wedding gown she was making. It would take her another few weeks to finish it, but luckily the bride"s wedding wasn"t for another two months.

She heard someone slip through the front door when w.a.n.g Weimin appeared in front of her, his face slightly irritated. She sighed deeply.

"You left me the other night and didn"t bother to call," he said.

No apologies then, Xue Guangli thought. She stood up. "I went home because I was tired," she clarified.

"How did you get home?" he asked.

"A taxi," she lied.

w.a.n.g Weimin nodded. "Just tell me next time," he said, slightly calmer this time.

Xue Guangli began to hang some dresses when he said, "Look. I"m sorry." Was he sorry for not listening?

"I should have taken you home when you asked," he continued, approaching her, tugging her into an embrace, none gently.

Xue Guangli let him hug her. But it wasn"t the first time w.a.n.g Weimin had gotten drunk and didn"t take her home; sometimes, she had to find ways to take him home or find her own way back home. She understood that he was a busy man, often losing himself in alcohol and gambling on nights when he"s free. But still, she was getting rather tired of it.

"This isn"t the first time," she blurted out. "You claim I have ditched you, but still, you don"t listen to me."

w.a.n.g Weimin let go, not meeting her eyes. Instead, he said, "Let me take you out tomorrow?"

Xue Guangli was at a loss for words. He kissed her on the forehead lightly before turning away, leaving the store without another word. He avoided what she was trying to communicate.

Xue Guangli rooted in her spot before she walked and slumped back on her chair, swivelling around.

After a long day at work, Xue Guangli went home. She stepped into the house when Xue Liena descended the stairs, panting, grasping her hands.

Xue Liena was two years younger than her, twenty-four years old. But she had the round, youthful face of a teenager. Her black hair was loose, curled at the ends; her soft brown eyes looked at her wearily. Xue Liena was the one who had the looks of their mother.

"What"s wrong?" Xue Guangli asked her.

Xue Liena looked like she was in near-tears when she said, "Uncle wants to sell the stores."

It was a blow to Xue Guangli. Uncle Chen was the brother of their mother. He took owners.h.i.+p of the stores because it originally belonged to his parents—Xue Guangli"s Grandparents—therefore, he had taken over it.

"That"s not possible. Uncle Chen wouldn"t do that!" Xue Guangli said.

Xue Liena was crying. "He says we are not making any money; therefore, he will sell it. He promises to give some money to each of us, but it"s over."

Xue Guangli felt disheartened. The stores were what"s left of their mother; they maintained the stores by selling her personally-designed clothing and now they would have nothing left.

"Where is Uncle Chen?" she asked her younger sister.

Xue Liena pointed towards the dining area of their home when she stepped in. Xue Teegan was speaking to him. Then Uncle Chen told her precisely what Xue Liena had said. He wanted to sell their small company.

"The reputation of the Xue family is making the brand name deteriorate," he began.

"Unless you have the money to buy the owners.h.i.+p from me; I will let you guys have it. Other than that, it will be up for sale," he finished. "I"m sorry girls," and like that, he rose, leaving the house without another word.

It left the three of them dazed.

"What are we going to do?" Xue Liena asked them. Xue Teegan rose, "I"m not sure," she said.

The three of them went to their rooms. Xue Guangli was racking her brain, desperately, trying to come up with a way to get the money for it.

In the morning, Xue Guangli went to the store, completing some of her work. Afterwards, she changed into the best dress she owned. She wore an off-shoulder tight white dress that flared out at the end. She tainted her lips with a rosy lipstick, using it to blush her cheeks as well.

w.a.n.g Weimin picked her up.

Xue Guangli closed the store, hopping into the car soon after.

She flashed w.a.n.g Weimin a smile, and they went to a restaurant wordlessly. He took her to a nice fancy restaurant.

Indoors, they seated at a booth. It was unexpectedly noisy, so w.a.n.g Weimin had to sit next to her instead of across her.

They both ordered their favourite dishes and spoke about his company.

w.a.n.g Weimin was the CEO of an internet, tech, and retail company. w.a.n.g Worldwide invested in many companies to get to where they were. They were almost up to par with Long Group.

He updated her that his company was running smoothly.

"How was your day going?" he asked her as they began to dig into the hot dishes.

"My uncle came over," she responded.

"Oh?" he said while deboning his fish. "Why the sudden visit?"

Xue Guangli sighed. "He"s going to sell the stores."

He paused, looking at her directly. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

Xue Guangli shrugged. "Sell them, I suppose." She was disheartened, but there was nothing for her to do.

"Is there anything you can do?" he asked her.

Xue Guangli paused. "I can"t splurge out money suddenly to own it, so no, nothing can be done."

w.a.n.g Weimin looked at her carefully. "You need money?" he asked her.

"Mhm," Xue Guangli responded while eating some fried vegetables.

"Why don"t I buy it for you?" he recommended. Xue Guangli stilled before she shook her head. "No, I don"t want you to do that for me." she declined.

"Well, why not?" he responded.

"It"s too much," she said.

Thinking the idea was past them, w.a.n.g Weimin said, "We"re getting married. I can buy it for you as a honeymoon gift" he finished.

Xue Guangli halted, stilling. She hesitated. "I don"t want you to feel obligated," she said to him.

w.a.n.g Weimin shook his head. "No, I was considering it the other day. I want you to be my side, to support me. You can keep your stores so long as you don"t grow it. Otherwise, if we have children, how will they be taken care of?"

Xue Guangli rubbed the s.p.a.ce between her brows. If w.a.n.g Weimin bought the stores, then she would have to be bound to him.

She thought of her sisters; the way Xue Liena was red with tears, and Xue Teegan couldn"t devise a plan despite being brilliantly good at conjuring them, even she was stuck.

But she"s already been dating w.a.n.g Weimin for two years. Perhaps it was time after all.

"All right," she responded.