Sons Of High Society

Chapter 50

It was the second new moon after the winter solstice.

Long Huojin took Xue Guangli to the spring festival; they planned to spend the first few days of the Lunar New Year together as they both decided to relieve any worries or fears by going out to enjoy themselves.

Long Huojin was holding her hand as they walked through the streets, viewing the lights of the lanterns, admiring the decorations of red paper-cuts and couplets.

Children ran through the streets, and the air filled with a sweet aromatic scent.

Xue Guangli released a breath that turned into white fog. Long Huojin looked at her with a sly glint, and she flushed. He tightened his grip on her hand as they continued to stroll.

"Are you ready to go back?" Long Huojin asked her, emerging deep. They walked for nearly two hours, but they stopped every now and then to buy something from booths.

Xue Guangli smiled grimly. "Is your father going to be there?" she asked.

"Mhm," he said. "But Aunt Jia, Long Bolin, and your sisters will be there. Yin Shou, too," he reminded her.

There was going to be a reunion celebration at Grandmother Long"s house right after they enjoyed an afternoon at the festival.

Long Huojin knew that Xue Guangli had been working hard; she was also worried about something; he could tell that she was beginning to feel nervous. But he wanted to distract her for a few evenings if only to help her feel like herself again.

Xue Guangli paused to gaze at him. She saw the wind sweep his dark locks over his eyes. "All right," she said with a smile.

Long Huojin took one of her hands, raising a palm, and he kissed her on the planes of her skin while locking his blue gaze on her. Xue Guangli shuddered. He was good at making himself present, even as she stares into s.p.a.ce, thinking, wondering, putting the pieces together. She hadn"t been herself lately.

She was distant, and it was like years ago when she shut herself off from people just because she wanted to gather her thoughts. But this time it was different, Long Huojin was there for her, and she was grateful for it. She wanted to be there for him too.

"Let"s go," he said.

At the Long House, many people attended, including children of cousins and second cousins, and so on. The Long family was bigger than Xue Guangli thought.

Grandmother Long invited her and her sisters because she always liked the Xue family.

Xue Guangli showed up with Xue Teegan and Xue Liena. She had to remind herself to keep a short distance from Long Huojin because his family was unaware of their relations.h.i.+p.

Xue Teegan and Xue Liena found their ways to Yin Shou and Long Bolin. Xue Guangli was happy for them. She was especially pleased for Xue Teegan, as she never allowed herself to open up to anyone, and she didn"t expect it to be Yin Shou, least of all. But she could say the same about Yin Shou, who never gave anything else a chance, except for Teegan.

At the dinner table, the feast extended from one end to the other with different dishes spread throughout.

Long Huojin sat next to her casually. He kept silent, as did she, while the others spoke to each other. He then discreetly placed some sweet vinegar pork ribs on her plate as she couldn"t reach it on the table, but he knew it was her favourite.

Xue Guangli glanced around and no one was looking. Long Huojin"s parents didn"t pay attention to them much, but they appeared as broody as ever.

Underneath the table, Xue Guangli found Long Huojin"s hand, and she took it, grasping it beneath her fingers. Long Huojin tightened the grip as he spoke to others around the table.

When Xue Guangli glanced up, she caught Long Yuntian"s watchful eye. He watched both her and Long Huojin, and instead of looking away, she held the gaze, locking it. But then, after a few moments, they both went on to pay attention to what interested them more.

After dinner, Xue Guangli watched as the elders went into the backroom and their grandchildren performed kowtows to receive their red pockets. Xue Guangli smiled before looking for her sisters.

She found them in the grand living room, staring out at the large, floor-to-ceiling gla.s.s windows to view the fireworks.

She stepped to Long Huojin"s side, taking his hand, no longer caring about what the other"s thought. His eyes widened, as they stared at each other while the night sky thundered and blasted in colours outdoors, just right after the gla.s.s that stood between them.

They kept staring at each other, holding tight, afraid of what was to come. Xue Guangli"s heart began to feel uneasy, and Long Huojin understood as he felt it, too.

A thundering sound went through the room, but it wasn"t fireworks. The front door was torn down, startling Grandmother Long into the room. Most of the people in the room"s faces had gone pale. A group of policemen scoped out the entrance and not long after they pinned Long Huojin to the ground, forcing his hands behind his back, placing handcuffs, arresting him.

Xue Guangli was looking down on him, trying not to cry.

"What is the meaning of this?" Grandmother Long demanded from the police.

"Mr. Long is charged with stolen records from the court of law, stolen files from the hospital of the Rui Inst.i.tute, and for the murder of Xue Hien."

Grandmother Long"s eyes widened. "No," she breathed. "That"s not possible."

The police took Long Huojin away while Xue Guangli remained rooted in her spot. Her sisters, Yin Shou, and Long Bolin stepped to her side, demanding for more information, but the police weren"t listening or weren"t obliging.

w.a.n.g Weimin then entered the room with a sneering look. He approached Xue Guangli, who"s head hung low.

"I knew you weren"t on my side, Guangli. It"s a shame, really," he sneered. Xue Teegan held her hand, stepping ahead of her. "f.u.c.k off," she told him.

He glanced at Xue Teegan slowly, before turning to face Xue Guangli and continued, "While you were plotting against me. I was gathering information against Long Huojin. You weren"t clever enough, my dear. You set a trap for him unknowingly."

Xue Guangli said nothing.

"Long Huojin didn"t do it," Xue Teegan spat. "We all know him well. He wouldn"t kill my mother," she stepped closer. "I know it"s you. It has always been you, hasn"t it?" she chuckled darkly. "I can"t wait till they prove it"s you. I will strangle you myself so they won"t send you to jail!" she threatened, like a promise.

w.a.n.g Weimin didn"t say anything. He looked at her and smiled coldly, unfazed by the threat. He then gave Xue Guangli a lingering look before turning and walking away after the police.

Yin Shou and Long Bolin"s face were ashen, while Xue Teegan paced around the room, fuming.

"Why are you not saying anything? Why do you look so calm?" she asked Xue Guangli, annoyed by her behaviour. "If you know anything about the other crimes they accused him of, they"ll force you to testify," she said.

"They can"t do that," Xue Guangli responded, glancing up.

"What?" Xue Teegan asked. "Why not?"

"Because under certain jurisdictions. They can"t force his wife to testify against him," she responded.

Xue Teegan"s eyes widened, her mouth gaped. Xue Guangli glanced at the others who were just as shocked.

Xue Guangli looked at each of them. "Long Huojin and I are married," she said, confirming what they were trying to piece together.