Souen no Historia

Chapter 11

Meanwhile, Amagawa Mayuki, who has become the hero who defeated the leader of the demon race and was being cheered throughout Rashtia, just arrived at “Deston,” a town a considerable distance away that kingdom. She left to travel in search of the red-haired boy who actually had defeated the leader. The one who advised her to pursue this course of action was her best friend, Hoshimori Sheila. Even now, outside of j.a.pan, they are still together, side by side. She is an irreplaceable friend and she also traveled to find that boy. There were several reasons for them to come to “Deston.” First, there’s a harbor in this town which was connected to all continents. The other reason was that a lot of races gathered and a.s.sociated here, just like in “Rashtia,” so it’d be easy to obtain various information. They came here having thought there was a possibility someone knew something about the red-haired boy.However, although they searched separated and collected various things, they couldn’t easily gathered reliable information. “After all, a commotion has occurred in this kingdom.”“That’s right… … eu, we are being quite audacious after all.”“Don’t say that. Sheila isn’t the one who persuaded me into this journey.”“Eu… … even if that is so….”“I only feel grat.i.tude towards you!”“Mayuki-san….”“Okay! End of the break! For now, shall we go to another continent?”“The reason?”“Nn~ somehow I feel he is not on this continent.”“So-somehow… … you say?” Because Sheila thought there was a reason for her in proposing that, she could only blink her narrow eyes in bewilderment because she was wrong. “Un, even though I look like this, I have good intuition!” Ehhem, she sticks out those big b.r.e.a.s.t.s with that kind of feeling. Normally these two would,boin, and shake grandly while being worshipped, but these girls are currently wearing robes to hide their ident.i.ties.There would be a commotion if they were found, and there’s also the fear of being brought back. “Ah~ I want my magic to be able to help the search even a little~” Grumbling spilled from Mayuki’s mouth as she looked displeased. “Fufu, that’s right. Mayuki-san’s magic is an offensive one.”“Muu~ even though Sheila’s magic is certainly convenient, it’s still unsuitable for searching.] For a while, silence was heard between them. Then suddenly Sheila remembered something as she said, Hah. “Now that I think about it….”“Nn? Did you catch something?”“Y-Yes. Certainly that person….”“That person, you mean the red-haired person?”“Yes. It is about that person, at the time he turned around, he seemed to wear a tail-coat….”“Is that so?” Apparently, Mayuki couldn’t clearly confirm it. “Yes. Also, he certainly spoke. Something about being scolded by Ojou-sama….”“Ojou-sama? … … what’s with that?”“You can’t understand that? Wearing a tail-coat with an Ojou-sama nearby. There’s the possibility that person was employed to serve that Ojou-sama, right?”“...ah.” Mayuki could feel a shock run through her from what Sheila had said. “Th-That’s it! It is about THAT! That’s… … a celebrity! Moreover, surely the butler!”“Ah, yes. Even though it’s only a possibility, he’s probably taking care of a rich person’s house. Though I don’t know whether he is a butler or not.”“Ooh! Sheila is amazing! You have a good head! It’s as if you are a detective!”“Ah, that’s, ehehe.” Sheila didn’t feel dissatisfied as she smiled in embarra.s.sment. “Then, we will concentrate on those celebrities from now on!”“That might be a good thing. They might understand if we ask if they know a red-haired butler.”“Okay! Let’s strike while the iron is hot! First, we should take a ship towards the east continent.”“Y-Yes!” Having found a guide, the two were pleased.   “hmm? Everyone, what are you doing gathering in such place?” Several days had pa.s.sed without any happening after they had subjugated the bandits, and when Souji, who indifferently handled work every day, went to the kitchen because he had not eaten lunch yet, he saw the maids sitting around Ninthe on the chairs of the kitchen table. “Ah, isn’t it Souji~.” There’s also his mother, Kaina. He looked at them; there was a book in front of Ninthe, and she stared at the book with a “Mumumu,” feeling. “Actually, this time Ninthe say she wants to know more about the world.”“Hee.”“Because now it is break time, everyone’s teaching Ninthe various things~.”“I see. So it’s a study session. That’s a good att.i.tude.”“Right~, Ninthe is ignorant of the world’s situation because she lived in the orphanage for a long time, so it is a good opportunity for that!” Just as Kaina had said, it was definitely a good thing to have the knowledge. However, what concerned him was why Ninthe suddenly said that…. “If anything, isn’t it because that girl followed you while you were subjugating the bandits?”“Ee.”“At that time, it seemed she noticed how wide the world is. She came to me teary eyed and said that she wouldn’t be able to help Yoyo-sama and Souji-sama if this keeps up.”“Such a thing, huh.” Souji looked at Ninthe who was diligently studying with her mouth sharpened. “Ninthe’s so pure and cute! Rather, Souji? To make a girl think of such thing, knock knock, since when did you have such technique!” She said while knocking on Souji. Thud thud, she thrusted her elbow into his flank. “M-Mother that hurts. Moreover, there’s no technique whatsoever, I am only act according to what Ojou-sama said.” “Fuun that Yoyo-sama also leaves it to Souji if anything happens. Something like, it’ll be okay if she leaves it to Souji. Or, she will listen to Souji’s opinion. Always thinking of Souji. What do you think? Isn’t that a happy thing for a man~?” He lightly flicked Kaina’s forehead as she drew her face near while grinning. “Auh! U~ honestly, what are you doing~.”“I am sorry, I just feel somewhat annoyed.”“... … I won’t apologize about that. What you’ve done is also unreasonable after all.”“Rather than that, the alcohol I created and preserved has decreased, does mother know what….”“Aa~h! Sorry~, I remembered some business I have to attend to! Ahaha, bye~!” His mother who disappeared in panic obviously is hiding something. (... … lets reduce her salary for it.) Souji decided. He immediately looked at Ninthe and she was writing a letter on paper. Souji silently approached her, and “Ninthe, this letter is wrong, you know?”“Eh? Ah, that’s true… … eh, Souji-sama!?” The other maids also noticed him and straightened their postures. “It isn’t good if the letter’s not correctly written.”“Ah, yes!” Seeing the girl answering cheerfully, he suddenly remembered. That person was also a really cheerful girl. Her smile suited her. (I wonder why I thought of this at such time~. If I think it normally, it has been 17 years since I died… … she might have already been married to someone, and raised a peaceful family.) He looked slightly towards the distance in nostalgia as he recalled Amagawa Mayuki, his childhood friend from a previous life. Also, about her exceedingly plentiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s…. (... … for them to become someone else’s…. For now, I’ll pray for a harsh divine punishment to fall upon that man.) Then he noticed Ninthe had been looking up at him since a while ago. “Did something happen?”“No, that’s, about Souji-sama, why can Souji-sama do anything?” It was a really innocent question. Different from that mother who’s so full of impurity… … no, usually she wasn’t that impure, but recently she made him seriously think her mother was annoying. “Well, it is the result of my effort.”“Then, can Ninthe become just like Souji-sama if she also works hard?”“That is not something I know.”“... … I, see.” Hearing Souji’s words, Ninthe’s shoulders drooped as she thought that it was regrettable. “However, the effort certainly helps the person’s growth.”“... … … ….”“Even I can’t do anything at first. As Ojou-sama’s butler, I tried not to shame her.”“Hee, so that happened.”“Therefore, I think it’s okay for Ninthe to only do what you can. After that, find something you want to do.”“Something I want to… .... do?”“Ee, a dream or something along that line.”“... … Does Souji-sama have a dream?”“Of course.”“What is it!?” Her eyes were sparkling. “Nn~ that’s a secret.”“Ee~h!” Not only Ninthe, the other maids there also seemed to be dissatisfied. “Ahaha, I’ll say it sooner or later.” Souji waved his hand and went out of the kitchen. As he went out, he instinctively smiled when he heard Ninthe said, “All right! I will work hard~!” Gurrrrrrrrr….  Souji had forgotten why he went to the kitchen.