Souen no Historia

Chapter 12

The big sailing ship swayed back and forth. Mayuki, staring at the horizon as she felt the comfortable sea breeze on her body, was called to from behind. “Mayuki, you look happy.” It was Hoshimori Sheila who accompanied her in her travels. Her transparent blue eyes were gazing towards Mayuki. “Un, after all we found a clue even if it’s only a small one!”“That’s right. But, is that red-haired person really... Asakura-san?”“U~n, I … … don’t know. But, I want to confirm it because it makes me anxious.”“Fufu, that’s just like Mayuki-san.”“Right! Ahaha! Ah, but there’s not that many people aboard this ship.”“Indeed, I wonder why?” As they were talking, a muscular man who seemed to be a sailor spoke to them, probably because he heard their conversation. “Oi misses, do you not know?”“Eh? Wh-What do you mean?”“We are going towards ‘Anjax Region,’ right?”“Yes.”“Normally, we follow the sea route from the ‘Moltes Sea’ into the ‘Jibrach Sea,’ but….”“Is there a problem?” The sailor shrugged his shoulders with a whatever-like feeling, then “It is the period of high tide there, so there are lots of eddying currents generated. That’s why this ship currently is moving towards the ‘Rose Blood Sea.’”“Certainly that’s....”“Aa, the so called Red Sea.” “Red Sea” because the sea color was deep red just like how it’s written. Moreover, there were ferocious animals in the Rose Blood Sea. It was a highly dangerous area. From the sailor, it seems everyone avoids this sea. “Truthfully, I wanted to choose a route after the high tide calmed down, but there is a reason I couldn’t do that.”“Is that so?”“Aa, this ship’s currently carrying a certain thing that will be presented to the Emperor.”“A certain thing?”“Even I don’t know what it is. Anyway, the client seemed to tell us to immediately deliver that to Gincent Port in the Anjax Region, and it’s decided we will sail through even though it was unreasonable. Rather, how can you misses board this ship without even knowing that. Even the other clients canceled their boarding.” Apparently, they have taken a ridiculous ship. The two, for the sake of immediately getting out of the continent, hurriedly boarded the nearest ship.There’d be movement from Rashtia if they stayed too long, and there’s the possibility they will be found out. That’s why when they heard there was a ship headed to the east continent, their destination, they moved without even investigating it. “Well, let just pray it will be over without any incidents.” With that said, the sailor left with a laugh. The two remained there for a while; then Mayuki forced a smile. “... … … … was it a failure?”“Eu… … we moved too quickly because we wanted to leave immediately.”“Nn~ but it isn’t decided that something will happen, even though we aren’t the sailors, let’s pray the voyage ends safely without anything happening!”“That’s right. However, I am still anxious, just what on earth did this ship bring?”“Un, that’s certainly worrying. I wonder what that might be.”“Now that you say that, there’s a restricted area in the cabin. It is likely to be kept in there or so I think.”“Aa, there is such a place. I have wondered why there was that area inside a ship. It’s probably As they were two talking, they discovered a sea dyed a deep red far off in front of them. “That’s the Red Sea huh.”“It is really red.” The two who saw a red-colored sea for the first time cheeks became flushed as they were somewhat moved by the sight. However, the scene in front of them which should only be flat water, a small shadow could be seen.Following that, the sailors suddenly began to rush around. There were also some whose face turned pale among them. “What happened?” Sheila inclined her neck as she saw the spectacle. Mayuki also watched in blank surprise. They asked the sailor from a while ago when he pa.s.sed in front of them. “It’s pirate ship!” The sailor whose expression carried frustration only said that and left immediately. Mayuki and Sheila looked at each other and raised their voices at the same time. “”... … pirate ship?””   The ship they boarded immediately changed its course towards the way they come from. However, because the enemy’s ship was faster, it gradually caught up. Mayuki and Sheila only had the knowledge of pirate ships from mangas and movies. They thought there’d be a skull drawn on the sail, but unfortunately there wasn’t. Drawn on the sail raised on the main mast was a bird whose foot gripped an apple-like golden object. Onboard that ship were many rough looking people. The sailors began to squeak some words.Inside those mutters, there was something which sounded like the name of the pirates. ――――――――――――――――――”Eagle of Dawn”. The pirate name was Eagle of Dawn. They now finally know that the bird drawn on the sail seemed to be an eagle.The pirate ship caught up in no time, and the pirates who were stationed on the port side jumped one after another. “Mayuki-san!”“Un, it is necessary to punish these rude men!” Mayuki said that and Sheila nodded strongly. These girls were here in “Orb” because of the summoning, and didn’t panic because they had experience with such rudeness.However, when Mayuki started to move, “Don’t move!” A roar rang out from the pirate’s ship. When they looked at it, there was a girl just like Mayuki and Sheila with bandana coiled around her head while he stood cross armed in dignity.Her orange-colored hair was simply tied behind her. Without any traces of make-up, her appearance seemed lively, with her slender body and small face, her figure was just like a model. Then if one looked more thoroughly, a long tail appeared and disappeared behind her hip. For a moment, Mayuki thought, why was such a young girl is there? but she remembered it was not something unusual for this world.There was an extreme gap between the rich and the poor in this world, so the poor couldn’t choose their means of living. That’s why children become thieves and attacked the rich and powerful. “Listen, from now on I am controlling this ship! I am the Eula, the captain of Eagle of Dawn! Don’t pull your swords! I promise to spare your lives if you just stay quiet!” Mayuki never thought that the girl was the pirate’s captain. Sarah, thinking the same thing, became agape. “My reason to come here is to get that thing which is loaded on this ship!” Following that, the door of the cabin where Mayuki and Sheila stayed was opened. Two men appeared from there. “That’s interesting. Then, are you going to defeat us? Even though you’re just pirates?” A great pressure gushed out from the men. However, Eula was smiling. “So you’re the guard huh.” The two men were also smiled lightly. One of them was a swordsman whose huge build and atmosphere gave off an image of a strong man, while the other one was wrapped in a robe, his outward appearance was just like a mage. “Eagle of Dawn, even though I have heard of it, but I know how dirty it is for a woman, moreover a brat like this to become the head.” Because of the man’s objection, one of the pirates yelled, “What did you say!” he swung at him with the sword in his hand. However, the swordsman moved slightly, and then threw him into the floor. “That guy is strong.” Sheiila whispered to Mayuki. “Un, it seems we won’t get our turn.” As the two feel relieved, they heard a laughter from the pirate’s ship. “A~h hahahahaha! Just~ what are you doing!”“That’s right, that’s right! You are a member of the Eagle of Dawn!” Two men appeared beside Eula. The two’s bodies looked st.u.r.dy. Scars could be seen on them. “Head~, let me and Gazee take care of them.”“Yup yup, head just need to take that thing.”“... … I leave it to you.” Eula made a big jump from her spot, boarded the ship, and walked towards the cabin. “Oi la.s.s, who said you can go?” The swordsman turned his hostility towards Eula and pulled out his sword, then “We are your opponent.” From behind the swordsman and the mage, pirates appeared respectively. The swordsman and the mage clicked their tongues because they couldn’t just ignore the pirates. Eula disappeared into the cabin. Mayuki and Sheila thought of it as a strange situation, but they just watched quietly. At that time, the fight between the men in front of them became even more severe.Apparently they were almost equal, the offense and defense were exchanged between them. The swordsman’s enemy also pulled a sword as they clashed to and fro many times.The mage then used water magic to attack the pirate while his opponent continued to move splendidly and lightly. “Filthy pirate! You don’t know anything!” The swordsman smiled as he clashed against the pirate. “Aa? The h.e.l.l are ya sayin?”“Did you think we are the only ones who are protected that?”“... … what?” The pirate’s eyebrows moved in realization. The swordsman swung his swords and the man was blown away. The man clicked his tongue as he braced himself so that he wouldn’t collapse. “It is decided that thing will be fully protected. By the strongest between us that is.” 


The pirate turned silent as he heard the swordsman’s words. Mayuki thought that something unexpected to the pirates occurred, and that certainly was the case reflected in her eyes. Hearing the swordsman’s words, a faint smile can be seen on the pirate’s face…