Souen no Historia

Chapter 18

Ten minutes had pa.s.sed since Yoyo was kidnapped by Femme before someone it was noticed. Everyone inside the mansion, including Souji, went to Yoyo’s study. Souji was visiting the room and felt it odd because there was no response from Yoyo inside, and there wasn’t anyone inside when he entered. No one knew where she went when he asked the other maids.Though he searched around the mansion for a while, he couldn’t find Yoyo. Souji, feeling that it was getting stranger and stranger, is now once again in front of the study. “Everyone, please back off a little.” As Souji said so, the maids left the room through the opened door. Souji’s right hand was placed on the floor and, “Project what’s recorded, Blue Flame.” Blue flame manifested from Souji’s right hand and it engulfed the room. It then changed into a wall-like form before Souji. “Umm…… is something starting?”“Shh! Just keep silent and watch.” Ninthe watched the room from the door, and she asked that question because of Souji’s action, but the other maids just warned her.Thus something was projected from the wall-like blue flame. “Y-Yoyo-sama!” It couldn’t be helped that Ninthe shouted that. After all there’s definitely the image of Yoyo who was working inside the study. However Ninthe who let out such loud voice received another warning.After watching for a while, two mysterious figure appeared before the working Yoyo-sama. Following that, Yoyo was pinned down and kidnapped. Souji erased the blue flame and let out a slight sigh. “The enemies are apparently using a troublesome magic huh.”“Looks like it~, I never thought it was magic to make one transparent, it is considerably rare.” Kaina reacted towards Souji’s words. “Besides, the other party is someone related to the south continent. Certainly there is an aristocrat named Dresoj in Holy Kingdom Lavahha.”“Looks like you remember it well~.”“Yes, when I privately went to the south continent, I incidentally thought of at least searching for the name of powerful n.o.bles, and there’s that name among the n.o.bles.”“Fu~n, but why does that aristocrat-sama need something from Yoyo-sama? Is there animosity between them?”“No, from what I know, Ojou-sama doesn’t have any relation to Holy Kingdom Lavahha. Though that place was a sacred place because of their famous mechanical dolls, Ojou-sama never got involved in work related to mechanical dolls…” Souji had known Yoyo’s entire work schedule. Souji thought that there should be no one that would antagonize her. “Right~, I can’t feel any feelings such as a grudge from their appearances.”“It is so. Though there’s the possibility that someone hired them….”“What is it?”“Ah, no….” Souji felt something was strange when he thought that they must be employed by someone. (They are aristocrats. Besides, Dresoj is a distinguished family that produced excellent doll makers and molding artists one after another. Just who could hire such people…?” From what he saw, the girl that was introducing herself as Dresoj protruded an atmosphere of a very prideful person. She looked to be still a child which means that all the more she wouldn’t allow her pride to be used by someone. However, it was the truth that Yoyo was kidnapped. For now, rather than the enemies objective, he decided to first find Yoyo’s whereabouts.At that time, dadada, a maid loudly stepped into the room. She carried a sheet of paper in her hand. [We have custody of Yoyo Yatsugi Crowtail. If you want her back, Souji Alkasha must come to Jeancack Hill alone, come to the unused church. The date is x.x.x.] Souji was dubious about what he saw written on the paper. “Nn? What’s with this? The demand?” Just as Kaina questioned, money and goods, the things that should naturally be demanded, were not written on this paper.What’s written was only for Souji to come alone along with the date that should be obeyed. It must implied that they would not guarantee Yoyo’s life if this arrangement was not followed. (What is their aim? If I think more about it, their grudge is not with Yoyo-Ojou-sama, but with me…?) If that’s so, he could understand what had happened. They were trying to restrict Souji’s movements by taking Yoyo as a hostage, thus they’d be able to reach Souji. There’s also a hint of the possibility of them using Yoyo as some kind of bait. (The one who hold grudge against me…… when I think about…… aah, there are a lot of them) To be precise, there were more people that holding grudge against Souji than Yoyo. It was because of his other-side job. When he was traveling with Balmunk, they were punishing bad people as if they were some allies of justice.Besides that, he also had knocked down kidnappers, disempowered hostile factions, and annihilated the demon race. Those were the things he got involved with for Yoyo’s sake. He also had a lot of experiences that he couldn’t help but be unjustly resented. (Haa, this will make Yoyo-Ojou-sama scold me again.) Souji, who thought that he had exposed his master to danger so many times, was scratching his head with a yare yare feeling. “Let me hold this paper. There are also things I want to examine from it.) He placed the paper in his pocket as he said so. Then when he turned his gaze to Kaina, “Mother, I’ll go away for the time being.”“Ye~s, take care and have a safe trip.”“Eeh!? You won’t help him!” Ninthe let out a surprised voice because of Kaina’s simple response. “Ee~, after all it was written on the paper for Souji to come alone.”“B-But….”“It’s okay, it’s okay, there’s no need to worry about our Souji. Right, Souji?”“Ee, I’ll return before dinner.”“...... Souji-sama.” He quietly put his hand on Ninthe’s head as she looked up at him in a worry, then he slowly patted her head. “Fuwa…,” Ninthe leaked a voice as she seemed to feel pleased by it. “Please don’t worry. I am Ojou-sama’s butler. So, we’ll return for sure. Right, Ojou-sama must be hungry when we return, that’s why I want Ninthe to prepare the meal.”“Ah, y-yes!” Kaina was grinning as she saw Ninthe smiling happily and, “My oh my, for my son to even put his hand to su~ch an innocent girl…… how sinful.”“...... mother, I don’t understand what you mean by that, but if the work I announced in the morning is not done when I return, this month salary will be decreased to a third.”“Now now everyone! Let’s return to our work!” Kaina and everyone left the room in a good mood. Souji who was left alone smiled a bit, but it disappeared instantly as his eyes became just like a hunter that was going to capture the prey. (I’ll make them regret putting their hands on Ojou-sama.)   Jeancack Hill. It was located to the west of the town where Yoyo’s mansion was. There’s nothing on the ground except the gra.s.s that covered it, and the existence of the only ruin in the vicinity became an accent of this hill. The ruin that was formerly a church had been abandoned for a long time after it was attacked by bandits, and such a state has been kept even after decades. Of course because no one maintains it, ivies intertwined in the walls, around the holes that were opened.When one entered, there were broken seats. Though the altar inside was broken, the table in front of it was still in good condition. Yoyo Yatsugi Crowtail, who was deprived freedom in her limbs, was sleeping on it. “...... uh.” The wind that occasionally flows through the cracks was brushing her cheeks, and Yoyo’s beautiful blonde hair swayed lightly. “...... here is….” The scene that entered Yoyo’s eyes when she awakened was that of an unknown ceiling. “You’re slow to wake up, Miss Crowtail?” When she heard that voice, Yoyo immediately recalled what happened to her. Fuu, she exhaled slightly. “If possible, I want herb tea.”“Hee, to have so much composure when you wake up, just as expected of Crowtail’s present master.” Sitting on one of the seats was Femme D. Dresoj, Yoyo’s kidnapper. When Yoyo realized that she was deprived of movement in her body, she looked around to confirm the surroundings. “Ara? That reliable maid is not here?”“Fufu, is that what makes you worry?”“That’s right, I am worried about it. After all she―――――――――――――――”    ――――――――――――――――――――― is not human, right?