Souen no Historia

Chapter 2

Apparently, Asakura Souji had turned into a baby. Yup, that opinion might be correct. In his current age (?), several days had pa.s.sed since the shameful incident where he drank breast milk. Souji finally understood what had happened to his body. But, wondering how he fell into such a situation, he once again tried to recall what happened just before it happened. In the morning, after he made his homemade lunch and his family’s meals, he went to school.He then spent time peacefully until the afternoon, and at the moment he finished climbing the stairs to have a lunch at the rooftop, an unacquainted girl fell outside the protective fence because it was broken, and the result of him trying to save her… was this. Even though he persuaded himself it was a dream, time continued to pa.s.s, and no matter how much time has pa.s.sed he didn’t appear back in his original world.Even so, he kept enduring the shame of having to be helped by other people for meals and excretions, so he finally decided to accept this as reality. That’s right, the Asakura Souji from before has died and reborn here. It can simply be said like that. There was nothing he could do if he kept denying it. Although he had regrets in the former world, having died, it wouldn’t change anything if he continued to think about it.Having been reborn, it’s time to lead a more constructive life. If he had been asked if there was one thing he was thinking of, then he would reply that he wanted to apologize to his family and Mayuki, followed by wishing for the girl he protected to be safe. Rather than thinking like that, it was better to think that it ended well, and then to stop thinking about it. Although it was surprising to be reborn, he decided to live on in this new life. But, although that was what he decided, there were many facts about this world to be surprised about.Just the other day, the red-haired woman, who seemed to be the mother, as soon as she saw a c.o.c.kroach-like insect appear on the wall, yelled so loudly that she could split ears, and then the insect was dead. He wouldn’t be surprised if she just killed it normally. Souji, no, he seemed to be called Souji in this world, at least had the experience of killing a c.o.c.kroach. But, just how did she kill it by burning it? Although he didn’t know what she said, at the moment the mother turned her hand towards the insect, a fireball appeared from her palm, and it burnt the three centimeters insect along with the wall.The shock from that time made him regard the perverted woman that suddenly appeared as something superior. Apparently, the fantasy thing called magic can be used in this world. From then on, Souji couldn’t stop being excited. Simply said, he wanted to quickly be able to use it himself.However the magic was used, Souji couldn’t do it because he didn’t have any knowledge of this world in addition to his current condition. As a baby, no matter how many times he held his breath and braced himself to shout, “Chaa!” he only obtained empty results.As expected he could do nothing but wait until he has grown and is able to walk on his own two feet. Because he had an unwavering will, he would wait no matter how much time it would take.  
When he turned two years old, he was able to say some words.Souji Alkasha. That was Souji’s name. He had red hair just like his mother, Kaina. Although Souji thought it was just like cosplay, he secretly thought that it unexpectedly suited him. His looks somehow resembled the previous Souji. He felt he had more neutral features. But, he was glad that if one looked carefully, he’d look somewhat handsome. To have the same familiar face that he had for 16 years, he admitted that he still has some attachments. When turning three years old, he strongly wanted the knowledge of this world. He got the answers when he asked Kaina.Of course, it could be said that it would be crazy. It was obviously something unnatural for a child, so he only asked the questions that wouldn’t be strange for a child to ask. The results: first he understood Kaina’s worked as a maid. His father was gone. When he asked, she said “U~n, I wonder where did he go~,” as if she was trying to evade the question. As such, he didn’t dare to pursue it further. Secondly, there is a large mansion where Kaina works. It was the place where she lives together with Souji. It seemed Kaina was something like the head maid, so she got quite the leeway for freedom of speeches and actions. The other maids trust here deeply, she was a woman they could rely on. Because she was currently raising her child; Souji, she seems to work less than before. The other maids were actually relieved by this. They said Kaina was working too much. Kaina herself, “Is that so?” She heard them, and although she received their kind offer and the time-off, she seemed to enjoy it when she said, “It’s been a long time since I can relax like this~ it could become a habit~.” She became somewhat worried as she thought that it’s okay for this to become a habit. Although this worry was something to be faced later, the current Souji didn’t have any way to know about that. This world was called “Orb”, and as was stated before, it was a world where magic naturally existed.Kaina said that Souji would be able to memorize the magic when he grew up. Although he wanted to learn it now, he didn’t want to say something so unreasonable. So he thought of other methods. One day, when Souji was basking in sunlight together with Kaina in a large garden, a middle aged man showed up together with a girl around Souji’s age.The man’s face was one he had seen many times inside the mansion. However, the girl was someone he saw for the first time. Because Kaina immediately stood up and bowed her head. He was able to understand the other party was an important person. He thought it’s possible the man was the master of this mansion.However, his guess was slightly off. The man was the head butler that worked in this mansion called Balmunk Dizard or popularly called Bal. Certainly if one looked carefully, it would be noticed that he wore a tail-coat. Following that, the girl was the daughter of this mansion’s master, Yoyo Yatsugi Crowtail. There was one question in his mind. Why was “Yatsugi” written using kanji? That was because there was a country in this world called “Hi no Kuni (Kingdom of the Sun)” that had similar cultures and customs to j.a.pan, and Yoyo’s mother was from there. That’s why her name had kanji in it. At the time he heard that, it was natural for him to be driven by the impulse to go there as a former j.a.panese. Having heard the introductions, Souji determined to introduce himself with an introduction that shouldn’t be seen as unskillful. If he was considered to be impolite here, it’d stained Kaina’s reputation as the head maid.He straightened himself, and he bent his waist considering it as a good manner. “Ni-Nice to meet you! I, I-I am Souji Alkasha or so I think!” d.a.m.n! The last one was a failure! However, having bowed firmly, he thought that he wasn’t impolite, so he slowly raised his face so he could see Yoyo, “....” Ji~h, the stare was as if it could bore a hole. Having thought he rubbed them the wrong way, he tried to remember what it was in impatience. No matter what, Yoyo was only one year older than him, four years old, but she was already able to speak smoothly, and she also knew some magic, the so called elite. Together with her beautiful golden hair, her jet-black eyes were capable to suck people in.As he thought the combination of blonde and black eyes was unusual, he could feel she carried an adult insight even though she was just four years old. Because of her mood, his back drenched in cold sweat as he was thinking that his introduction from before rubbed her the wrong way. “... … Bal, is this child mine?”“It’s just as you said”“Fuun” Yoyo observed Souji’s whole body. Maybe because she thought of something? Yoyo came near him and, sah, touched his forehead. Not understanding what happened, his body inadvertently stiffened. “Un, it’s just as expected of Kaina’s child. This child… …, right?” Just what were her words just now? What is this girl to me? Although he was unable to hear the last part, she was clearly pointing at Souji.Without understanding what happened, he turned his face towards Kaina to ask for help. But, somehow she raised her thumb as if saying Good Job Son. (I don’t know what’s that means!?) Having seen her mother’s gesture, Souji inclined his neck because he somehow had done something good. Then, suddenly he felt warmth from his hand. When he looked, Yoyo’s hand was grasping his. “Here we go, follow me”“... … eh?” His arm was pulled and without any resistance he was soon taken somewhere else. Although Balmunk followed them from behind, Kaina…. (Just say Good Job already!) still kept her gesture even now. So, he somehow got a little angry. But, if he tried to shake her hand off with all of his might, she’d surely be offended. The other person was the daughter of this mansion’s master, it’s necessary to behave politely, because it’d be the end if he was disliked.He mobilized all of his life experience, totaling 18 years if his previous life was counted, to consider what he should do to be liked by Yoyo. He was thinking while walking, and suddenly Yoyo stopped. “Look”“Eh?” As she said that, he looked where the girl was looking at, and a big mansion entered his view. “All of these will be mine soon” Souji failed to understand what she was saying. The current master of this mansion should be this girl’s father. However, the girl continued. “Papa is going with Mama to Hi no Kuni”“... … is mascher won’t be bach?” d.a.m.n! I bit it again! Calm down me! Although Souji unintentionally embarra.s.sed himself as his ears redden, Yoyo’s appearance showed that she completely didn’t care about that, and the smile on her face was one that was unsuited for a four year old. “That’s right. And I’ll be the master. That’s why….” Yoyo immediately looked straight at Souji’s eyes. “Become my butler, Souji. Lend me… … your power.” Don’t know why, at that time, he could feel a current run through his whole body. The girl’s figure that could be seen as arrogant was something that made his heart shudder.Following that, he also noticed the loneliness in the depth of the girl’s eyes, and the desire to bury such loneliness sprang inside of him. Her small body also seemed to tremble slightly. That’s why Souji, at that time, unconsciously bowed his head and muttered. “Certainly, Master Yoyo.”