Souen no Historia

Chapter 24

A ship was leisurely sailing over the blue sea. A big continent could be seen ahead of the ship. The East continent, Dolkia, which has a vast terrain that only ranks second compared to the other continents. The continent was divided into three and names were given to the each of the regions; the one the ship moved towards was one of them, Anjax Region. “That is Dolkia!” Amagawa Mayuki’s eyes sparkled from the view that could be seen from the ship. “You’re right. We will moor at the high-water mark over there.” The one who said so and who pointed at the high-water mark at the edge of their view was this ship’s---------- this pirate ship’s captain, Eula.Ten days had pa.s.sed since Mayuki and Sheila were on the pirate ship. Though Mayuki forcefully boarded the ship with her best friend, Hoshimori Sheila, after discovering the nature of the crewmen who called themselves n.o.ble thieves, they were able to get along.Being heroes and people summoned to this world, their relationship could have been in doubt, but Mayuki’s att.i.tude clearly expressed that it couldn’t be helped but to along. In these ten days, the pirates indiscreetly attacked other ships, but didn’t excessively fish or. Mayuki thought at the very least they also had their own way of justice.But, even if they didn’t kill anyone, it was the truth that the ship Mayuki boarded attacked other ships. There was a personal reason for that, and though Mayuki said she want them to hold back, it was impossible for Eula to do that with her hardened resolve. She also had reasons she couldn’t yield, so they wouldn’t be able to agree on the issue. They continued their voyage like that, and the end approached.Mayuki’s objective, Dolkia, was right before her eyes. Once they arrive there, Mayuki and Sheila would go their separate ways from Eula and the pirates. Though it was only for a little while, she felt lonely being separated from the good natured pirates. Once they reached that high-water mark, their life on the pirate ship would come to an end. “That? But that is not a port, right?”“Mayuki, are you an idiot? We are pirates, remember? If we triumphantly go to the port, it will be troublesome as the patrol ships will immediately be called.”“Ah ... now that you say it.” Mayuki had forgotten it was a pirate ship because she was so comfortable aboard. “The mooring will be...... for three days. We will likely to be found if we stay for more than that.” As Eula said so, her pirate’s companion, Reiss, lightly nodded. “Aa, we will resupply our rations there, and then resume our adventure.”“Aa, guys! I am going to divide the duties, so move!” Eula said so in loud voice which the pirates replied with an “Aye aye, Sir!”After a while, they arrived at their destination. Eula’s subordinates were preparing to stop the ship. Mayuki and Sheila walked up to Eula, Reiss, and Gazi. “Eula, thank you to bring us to even here!”“Thank you very much, Eula-san.” Mayuki and Sheila said so as they smiled, and Eula scratched her head from embarra.s.sment. “There’s no need for grat.i.tude.”“How unfriendly for the head. Ah, don’t tell me head is lonely?”“Wh-! Th-There is no such a thing!”“That so? But yesterday head said, “Hey, about those girls, do you think they will really leave the ship?” with a sad face to me....”“Uwaaaaa-! R-Reiss, d-dododododo you want me to cut your mouth to pieces?” Eula drew closer to Reiss while blushing. Reiss was grinning as he found it interesting. “Well, even the misses, how about you stop searching for that person and become pirates?” Mayuki shook her head towards Reiss who jokingly invited the two. “I am sorry. I am happy for the offer, but we have someone whom we want to meet by all means.” Mayuki and Sheila looked at each other at the same time and smiled. “Kuhaha, good grief, looks like we are rejected, head?”“Aamou, just stop it already!” Reiss was held up by the neck and shook so he couldn’t even answer. “U~n, you two, though it was for a short time, I think of you as my companions. These guys think so too.” Gazi said so and the others replied with “Ooh!” “It is just as Gazi said. Therefore if the one you search for makes misses cry, then we are going to beat him up.” Mayuki could feel her heart filled with warmth. From these words, she understood they really care about her and Sheila. “Thank you Reiss-san, Gazi-san, and everyone. Last but not the least............ Eula-” Eula kept looking away. “Truly, thank you.”“Thank you very much.” Mayuki and Sheila once again bowed their heads in grat.i.tude. Though Eula didn’t face them, “............ take care, Mayuki, Sheila.” She said so while her tail moved and gently brushed Mayuki and Sheila’s cheeks.When the two went down to the rock, Mayuki with her best smile shouted. “See you, everyone!” Thus Mayuki and Sheila were separated from their new companions, and took their first steps on the continent.   While experiencing the loneliness, happiness, and their grat.i.tude within the separation, they moved through Dolkia Continent “What should we do from now on, Mayuki-san?”“Umm, first let’s go to find the town, then gather the information there.”“It will be great if he is in this continent.”“Un, but I will definitely find him no matter where he is!” Mayuki strongly thrusted out her fist to show her enthusiasm.  “Let’s do our best!” The two immediately walked, and Sheila was giggling so Mayuki asked. “What happened, Sheila?”“Fufu, well, Sheila just recalled about Eula-san and the others. They really are interesting people.”“That’s right~, even though they are pirates, right?”“They are n.o.ble thieves after all.”“Ahaha! I wonder if we can meet again! Uun, I want to meet them again!”“Yes, someday. Now that was said, we didn’t repay them with anything but words of grat.i.tude.”“Ah, if it is about that then we have repaid them with something.”“Eh? Is that so?” Sheila widened her beautiful blue eyes. “Un, you know last night, I cooked food to express my grat.i.tude!”“............ come again?” Yesterday, Mayuki wanted to do something to express her grat.i.tude towards Eula and the pirate, and she thought of cooking her specialty dish. “Eu...... th-that’s...... Mayuki-san? The kitchen is certainly off-limit for Mayuki-san, right?” That’s right, because Mayuki caused the incident of curry that is more painful than death, and was prohibited from cooking. “Un, I wonder why they did that. But, that’s why I sneakily did it at night.” What do you think? Am I not great? Mayuki stuck out her tongue with such feelings. That followed by Sheila who turned pale. “B-By the way, what did you made?”“About that, Meat Buns!”“...... d-did you made it normally?”“Of course! I even tasted it myself and it made me groaned! The taste is perfect!” V, V, she raised peace sign towards Sheila. However Sheila knows. Mayuki’s taste buds weren’t like one of an ordinary human; it was truly a broken one.Sheila clapped her hands in her mind and muttered as if she was praying to the G.o.d. “Please somehow make everyone healthy till we meet again............ eu.” It was unknown whether Sheila’s voice was heard. However, after several hours, painful screams such as “Hon geeeeee-!” or “Pigyaaaaaa-!” may have been heard from the rocks somewhere...   At the time Mayuki’s party entered Dolkia, the one they were looking for, Souji was accomplishing his duty as a butler. When Souji was cleaning the study Yoyo always uses, one book suddenly caught his eyes. It was a book about methods of using magic that Souji was relied on. “Hee, how nostalgic.”“What is nostalgic, Souji-sama?”“Oya, Ninthe?” Unbeknownst to him, Ninthe had entered the room and looked up at him curiously. “This is.”“What is that?”“It was a book used to make me remember on how to use magic. Though it was bought by mother, I put it here because there’s no more use for it and forgot about it.” The book had finger marks and the color was fading. There were crooked in some places, and it could be understood that it was well used just by appearance. “Hee~ is this Souji-sama’s?”“Ee, I studied it until it opened holes. I was really troubled that I couldn’t even use magic at all in the beginning.”“Eeh!?  Did Souji-sama also have such a time?”“That’s so, Ninthe.” There was another visitor. She was the master of this mansion and the one Souji serves, Yoyo Yatsugi Crowtail. With her long golden hair swaying, she gracefully came up next to Souji. “How nostalgic. The Souji at that time was on verge of crying.”“Uwaa~ Souji-sama is so cutee~.”“Wa-, O-Ojou-sama! To say I was in verge of crying....”“Ara? I wonder who was depressed on the bottom of his heart because he didn’t have talent in magic.”“Uh....” That definitely was Souji. Yoyo was looking at him as if to make fun of him. “Fufu, but Souji didn’t give up. That is why you are you now.”“Ojou-sama....” The two’s gazes met, and Souji felt the time had stopped. Yoyo quietly lifted her hands and touched Souji’s right hand. “At that time, this hand protected my life.” That time referred to when he first used his Flame Genesis magic. Yoyo smiled gently. Towards the G.o.ddess-like smile, Souji felt his cheeks become hot. Then Yoyo’s gaze completely pierced into Souji’s eyes. Thump, his heart throbbed. “Fufu, why are you nervous now? What a strange child.”“...... p-please don’t make fun of me, Ojou-sama.”“Okay, after all Ninthe was dumbfounded since a while ago.” Just as Yoyo said, Ninthe could only stare at their conversation. Then Ninthe said something unexpected. “Some~how, you two really are well-matched! It is as if you two are lovers!” What are you saying? Souji thought that. Their positions were obviously different, and because they had a master and servant relationship, Souji judged Yoyo would be displeased if such a thing was said, he panicky tried to deny that but then he saw Yoyo’s face, “...... h!?” Yoyo had a startled and flushed face. She was biting her lips as if enduring something. ... why? “Eh...... O-Ojou-sama?”“Wh-Wh-What is it?” Although she was trying to smooth thing over by saying so, her voice sounded shrill and nervous. It was also the first time Souji had seen such a Yoyo, so he was puzzled on how to respond. “Th-That is, Ninthe is, she is still a child, so she just honestly said the things as she sees it, that’s why I want her to be forgiven for her innocent remark....” After he managed to explain so, this time Yoyo looked down and with a mutter, “...... Souji is an idiot.” She said so. Though Souji wondered why he was insulted here, he didn’t forget to apologize as he felt the mood had recovered. After he apologized, Yoyo let out a sigh as if she was amazed about something, but his mind was in chaos as he couldn’t understand why she did that. “...... it is okay now, instead make me something delicious.” He was relieved because Yoyo’s previous expression returned to her usual cool one. “A-As you wish. Ninthe please help me too.”“Yes!” Ninthe went out of the room happily, and when Souji was about to chase after her, “Hey, Souji.” A voice came from is back, and he turned towards Yoyo, the owner of that voice. “May I ask what is it?” For a while they were looking at each other, and then Yoyo quietly opened her mouth with her usual beautiful smile. “It is an order. Stay by my side forever. My――――――― my one and only butler.” Towards Yoyo who finally regained her usual composure, Souji let out smile that rivaled hers and bowed deeply. 


“Of course. After all I am Yoyo-ojousama’s butler.”   Thoughts on Volume 1  

Even though the pirate ship was only there for future setup, we never learn about their “n.o.ble pirate” natures. We were just told that they are and were expected to believe. When they blew up that ship and all the sailors went overboard with no life boats, they just left them to drown. n.o.body’s going to get there in time, considering that they were already out at sea. We never see the characters get friendly with the crew either.

I wonder what that one other guy who was summoned is doing.

Unfortunately, we never actually get to see what the summoned heroes are capable of. All we know is that they were sent to the demon leader’s lair and that they have attack magic from the dialogue on the ship. I was waiting for a battle scene with that group but none ever came.

So far we don’t know what Yoyo actually does. She is the target of many threats but it usually seems to involve her father. Does she actually do anything?

j.a.panese anime love tropes are here in full effect, as is the deadly cooking trope.

There’s nothing to say about Ninthe for now as she is currently a one note character.

It is unfortunate that Kaina’s transformation was explained in just one line. It would have been more interesting if it was a gradual change.

Souji’s growth is interesting. Unfortunately, the time jump skipped through most of it. Now, since all he does is takes orders and act like a regular “j.a.panese anime” butler (black butler, Hayate, etc.), he doesn’t have a distinct personality. Well, besides from the fact that he is very loyal to Yoyo, which is par for the course.