Souen no Historia

Chapter 27

“Uh~ th-that’s, umm…… does it suit me?”“Ee, it suits you very well.”“Ah…… uh….” The person who looked downward while blushing was Eu, the one who pa.s.sed the interview from before. She will work as an accountant, but honestly Souji still feels uneasy about when he looks at the girl who’s height doesn’t even reach his waist. The girl was currently in a maid uniform, and she looked lovely just like he said. However, she appeared even younger than Ninthe, so it was a mystery whether she could keep up with the work. At the interview, she displayed an excellent ability before the interviewers. She instantaneously answered the mathematical question Yoyo read out, and Yoyo gave her a pa.s.s.Yoyo had a reason as to why she asked such a question. While Eu was being interviewed, several doc.u.ments on the desk fell beside Eu’s feet, and Eu kindly picked them up and handed them over to Souji. These actions took only few seconds. And Eu immediately said, “Three, are wrong.” At the beginning he didn’t understand what she meant, but later he understood after he asked Yoyo.Seven sheets were used for answering the calculation question of the interview. The question itself was answered by each of the accountant applicants. Four people took their time and answered correctly. Only four. The other three were all wrong. Souji and the others knew whether it was right or not just by looking because they already knew the answer. That’s why there was no need for them to check them manually with a red marker. What that means is that only the question and its answer were written on the papers.If these seven doc.u.ments fell and four of them had the same answer, then there was a high probability that the other three were wrong, and the possibility of Eu guessing correctly would then be high. However, only four sheets fell next to Eu. Within them, only one was right while the others were incorrect. That meant that all of them had different answers. That’s why when Eu’s responded that there were three wrong answers and one right one, it caught Yoyo’s attention. That resulted in her giving that question, and it was demonstrated that Eu had a calculating ability that couldn’t be beat by anyone. There were basic arithmetic operations in this world, Orb. However, only people with high positions like n.o.bles and great merchants received the advanced education that allowed them to do it, while the ones called commoners didn’t. However, Yoyo could do it. A convenient thing like multiplication table doesn’t exist here, and not even the n.o.bles touched the complex arithmetic operations.That’s why, even if it was simple problem like addition and subtraction, Souji could not believe that the little girl could find the correct answer for calculating with more than five digits, not to mention that it was all performed inside her head. “E-Excuse me, Eu?”“Wh-What is it?”“That is, did someone teach you the calculation methods?” Of course even if someone taught her, mental calculation was still a surprising ability. “That’s…… I played make-believe as a merchant…… with everyone…… though I am now alone…” The atmosphere somehow turned dark, Souji was in panic as he had stumbled upon something he shouldn’t have touched. “M-Merchant? Ah, s-so that is! My~ Eu is smart!”“...... eh? Smart? Eu is?”“Ee, I can’t even match Eu in calculating ability. That’s why Eu is smart.”“Ah…… ehehe…… s-somehow I feel happy….” The appearance of her loosening her cheeks and covering her mouth with her hands certainly had the power to stimulate his desire to protect, unlike Kaina. “Then, about your work, do you understand what accounting is?”“Accounting?... uun”“Thought so~.” As expected, the word accounting didn’t appear in children Merchant make-believe. “It is the process concerning the finance and salary, but….” Looking at Eu, she was quietly looking at him with an anxiousness that seems to express, “Eu can’t understand it at all.” “Ah. Well, the work involves calculating money, and knowing the inventory of the mansion to know in detail if we have enough.”“Inventory?”“Ah~, for example, ingredients, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. Well, it is a necessity for the accountant to know the things necessary for daily life. Can you do it?”“Un, I will do my best.”“Ahaha, I see. Well then, it is also a necessity for you to tour the mansion for the first time, so please wait as the one in charge will come soon.”“Eh! I-It’s not...... Onii-chan?”“O-Onii-chan? W-Well, that way of calling makes me embarra.s.sed though I am happy…… that’s not it, umm, I am very busy even if I look like this now as I have a lot of work to do. That’s why I prepared the perfect guide for Eu.”“Uh~ perfect? N-Not a scary one, right?”“Ee, a really cute girl.” Then someone came towards them with loud footsteps. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Souji-sama!” It was Ninthe. Her sudden appearance made Eu tremble in surprise, so Souji quietly patted Eu’s head to ease her. “Ah…… eh…… no way….” Souji spontaneously put away his hand. “Heh? ‘No way?’” Ah, I am sorry to suddenly touch your head! Do you hate being patted?”“U-Uun! That’s wrong! That’s, touching Eu is…… dangerous.”“Heh? Dangerous?”“But…… somehow it came out alright....”“Souji-sama! To casually touch a girl’s head is a nono!”“I-I am sorry, Ninthe. I will keep it in mind!”“That’s good! After all, hair is a girl’s life. That’s why it is a nono to casually touch it. This is what Kaina-sama taught me!” Ninthe puffed out her chest with ehhem-like feeling. He wasn’t thinking of blaming his mother while he was obediently apologizing because this was the one time that what Ninthe said was correct. “Then, I will leave it to you, Ninthe.”“Yes! Please leave it to her senior!” It looks like she was happy to have a junior from her, Mufufu~, giggling. She tried to extrude an air of seniority. Souji inadvertently smiled after seeing her so elated.When he tried to leave waving goodbye, he felt something pulling on his clothes; it was Eu he saw when he turned around. “Excuse me…… is something wrong?”“Th-That’s……n-name.”“Eh? Ah, aah, introductions huh. Now that you mention it, we still haven’t introduced ourselves?” He recalled that he had forgotten to introduce himself because he was so busy. “Though there will be a welcoming party soon, well I am this mansion’s head butler, Souji Alkasha. Please take care of me from now on.”“Even if it is called head butler, Souji-sama is the only butler here.”“Ninthe, don’t cut into a conversation.”“Ahaha, sorry. Next is Ninthe. Ninthe is Ninthe. Though Ninthe is still a novice maid, best regards.” Her radiant smile well suited her. “U-Umm I am…… Eu…… Eu Sophia.” Maybe because she was unaccustomed to introducing herself, she introduced herself while looking down with flushed cheeks. “Fuwa~ what a cute girl~.” Ninthe smiled as she was also defeated by Eu’s cuteness. Souji realized something and turned around. …… but no one was there. (No, this is-!?) He strained his ears and heard a person’s breath that sounded as if they had dashed for 100 meters from the other side of the wall. “...... Ninthe.”“What is it?”“I will just say one thing.”“O-Okay.” Ninthe gulped due to Souji’s seriousness. “Listen, if you encounter a red-haired, perverted maid, shout immediately, okay?”“Eh, th-that is….”“Understand!?”“Y-Yess!”“Okay, that is a good reply. Then, please take care of her.” Then he once again turned to face the wall but, (Tch, judging from the presence, looks like she had escaped….) Souji thought about what would happen if he didn’t subjugate the elusive monster. Then he waved his hand again and left the place. Why did he wave his hand? ↩