Souen no Historia

Chapter 4

At first, I thought it was done by someone else, so I waved my hand to put out the fire in surprise, but it didn’t let go as if it was glued to my hand. Apparently, it wasn’t someone’s prank and I was convinced I made it myself. Souji stared at the flame that burnt on his hand for a while. There’s no heat. Rather, he couldn’t feel anything at all. But, he understood it was the flame he had sensed before. But, why? Isn’t fire usually red? Or blue? Such common sense thoughts ran through Souji’s mind. (What mother used was certainly fire, right? Yup, it surely was red in color) He recalled the time when Kaina burnt a c.o.c.kroach-like insect to death. Then he heard from Kaina that her magic was capable to create and manipulate fire. Actually she had shown it several times. It had considerable heat and size. The head butler, Balmunk also said Kaina was an excellent magic user. That’s why it was not strange for the blood related Souji to have fire related magic, but the thing in front of his eyes was an abnormal spectacle. (White flame? Moreover there’s no heat… … … … … what the h.e.l.l is this?) It couldn’t be helped for him to think like that. The usage of this white flame was completely unknown after all.With the book laid on the ground, he used his other hand to flip the pages as he read them. It is written that for most people, the method of usage flowed into their mind at the moment their magic was used. (... … nothing flowed though….) Probably because of the fear. It appeared. Am I able to use magic? Probably something like that. But, unfortunately nothing goes according to my wish… … … … … … what a strange magic.About the practical use, its usage couldn’t be distinguished. While thinking about what to do, the sound of carriage entering the mansion was heard. More accurately, it was the horse’s footsteps. (O-Ojou-sama is back! A, but what to do about this….) Thinking it wouldn’t be good to welcome her as is, he strongly wished for it to disappear inside his mind. Then, fuh, it disappeared just like smoke. Interrupting his training, Souji rushed to welcome her. In front of the mansion, a lot of maids were welcoming. Souji was positioned beside Kaina. He also quietly bowed his head.Yoyo and her father, Justin, came out of the carriage. The head butler, Balmunk was beside the carriage. He received Justin’s bag, and he moved toward the mansion while carefully holding the bag. Yoyo then discovered Souji. “Souji, come.” Thinking she was ordering him to take the small pochette in her hands, he approached her. As he pa.s.sed Balmunk, “Come before your master calls,” he advised him. He replied with small “Yes,” and raised his speed. At that time, suddenly, he discovered something flying as it cut through the air from far away. It was something similar to a stone, and it hit the horse’s body. The horse was surprised by the pain and shock, and suddenly began to react violently.Immediately, with his back facing the horse, Justin was blown away. Everyone was stupefied wondering what had happened. Balmunk was also looked back by turning his head. “Papa-!?” Although Yoyo shouted, the same threat moved towards Yoyo. The horse was about to trample the small Yoyo. Nothing would be left if the slender Yoyo got trampled by the huge horse’s hoof. “Ojou-sama-!” Souji immediately shouted, but he couldn’t make it in time because of the distance. As he thought that, something quickly pa.s.sed above Souji’s head. He recognized it as fireball, and it rescued Yoyo as it splendidly hit the horse. The horse was blown away as the fireball continued to advance. It was Kaina’s magic that rescued Yoyo. Just as expected of Kaina, the maids’ leak out admirations in unison.She, with her quick thinking, threw magic towards the horse to contain the danger. And, it was a success… … … … … … … … just as he saw. “Watch out, Ojou-sama!” Souji shouted again. The crisis of getting trampled by the horse was certainly averted. But, because the horse that blown away by the fireball’s impact, the carriage that tied to the horse became a dangerous weapon as it fell towards Yoyo because of the recoil. “... … eh?” Yoyo body stiffened because of the suddenness, it hardened as if all of it was someone else’s problem. However, she regained her senses as the danger approached. “N-No… … HE-HELP!” At that time, the time inside Souji’s body was condensed just like that time, that’s right, just like the time when the female student was about to fall.In an instant, information flowed into Souji’s head. Following that, Souji kih, sharpened his gaze, and opened his right and aimed at the carriage. That followed with one sentence-------- “-------devour it, white flame!” The pure white flame from before rushed out from Souji’s right hand. It came before Yoyo as it moved like a lightning, and, as if it had opened its large jaw, enveloped the carriage. Bakibaki, crushing sound came from the white flame. Then the sound stopped, the flame disappeared as if it had finished its duty. Everyone didn’t move from their spots as if the time had stopped. It was only Yoyo who moved her face towards Souji. “So-Souji… … you….” Thank G.o.d. He was relieved after having confirmed Yoyo’s safety. But then Souji dropped his shoulder, and he fell to the ground. “Souji-!” The time started to move. Everyone started to move and they ran towards Justin and Yoyo. However, Yoyo ignored those who came towards her and looked at the fallen Souji again. She approached Kaina with Souji in her arms. “How is Souji?” Yoyo asked Kaina with an uneasy look, and Kaina smiled as if saying that it’s okay. “He is okay. He probably just unconscious because it was the first time he used magic.”“O-oh….” Yoyo breathed a sigh of relief. Yoyo gently held the right hand of the sleeping Souji. “With this hand, you protected me Souji.” She let out a gentle smile. “As expected, you’re my butler. Butler of no one except me. Thank you, Souji.”
 Inside the forest a little away from the mansion, two men showed frustrated faces. “Oi! This ended in failure!”“Ho-How should I know? Furthermore, there’s no information about that brat!”“Tch, let’s just quickly get away from here” At the moment these men took a step away from their location, “Just where, are you going?” In front of them was a gray-haired elderly which wore tail-coat. The men, “Hih!” let out small screams. “I am sorry for the late of the introduction. I am Balmunk, and I serve Justin-sama. This matter, I came here to ask you about the circ.u.mstance, so may I ask for your accompaniment?” Balmunk, who was at the mansion just a little while ago, having guessed the location of the attacker from the direction the stone came flying, and after he knew the crises already left Yoyo and Justin, used his tremendous force and reached this place. The men who were attacking just a while ago must have thought they still had time to escape. However in reality, there was the butler whose master was the one they attacked in front of him. Although Balmunk smiled, his eyes were completely frozen. Following that, the men’s heartbreaking screams echoed inside the forest.

 When Souji woke up, he was lying on a bed. But then he saw the sleeping Yoyo whose hand grasped his. “... … Umm, what’s with this situation?” Even more, his memory was vague on how he got on the bed. “Surely… … I was practicing magic then….” As if on cue, the door opened and Kaina came inside. From her story, Souji had slept for one full day. It seemed Yoyo was the one who nursed him. Refusing the maids, she told them she’d nurse him herself. Even her father, Justin, didn’t stop her and let her do as she like while laughing heartily. Finally he remembered he used magic for the first time to save Yoyo. At the moment he confirming her safety, he relaxed and his consciousness was putsun, cut off. But, for Yoyo to nurse him herself, he wanted to apologize. “I see, but is it okay for Ojou-sama to do that?” Souji could only incline his neck when he saw Yoyo’s sleeping face. Although she usually kept a not child-like expression, she was truly adorable just like an ordinary child as she was sleeping. “Fufu, it’s okay. Love is capable of transcending anything after all!” Kaina sported a very happy smile, but because he didn’t understand his mother’s words at all, he felt ashamed as a son. “U… … u… … ah, Souji!” Yoyo woke up and she drew closer. His heart throbbed because Yoyo’s adorable face approached him as if she was about to kiss him. In his mind, (I am not a lolicon), he repeated that for so many times. “Are you already okay? Nothing hurt?”“Y-Yes! I am already fine… … I think.” Honestly, there were no weird feelings or pain. He judged it as normal. Yoyo was relieved as she pat her chest and she stood up on the spot. “Souji, you’ve done well this time. As expected of my butler.”“Ah, yes. Thank you very much.” No one felt unpleasant when praised. Souji had an embarra.s.sed smile because of the itchy but pleasant sensation. Yoyo, beautiful smile and all, turned towards the door. Following that, pitah, she halted her steps. “That was good magic. Continue your training and get stronger. I will also get stronger so as to not lose against you.” She got out of the room after saying that. “Fuu~.” Souji let out a big sigh, and Kaina talked about the people who startled the horse. They were people who think ill of Justin, and they hired mobs using money to give Justin a warning. The architect was someone who would be inconvenienced if Justin’s current business was successful. From the pair Balmunk captured, thanks to the easily gotten information, they could pursue the employer. Justin was full of motivation. “But Souji surprised me, when did you start training your magic?”“Nn~ I think it was a long time ago? I was going to surprise you, so I just kept quiet about it.”“That’s a splendid strategy. Not only Ojou-sama, everyone in this mansion was surprised.”“Ehehe!”“But, what kind of magic is that? Although I got the feeling it was a flame when I saw it, there was no heat….”“Un, actually, it looks like my magic is 『a magic capable to create special flame』”“... … what do you mean?” Question marks floated above Kaina’s head. “That is, that white flame was something I created; its effect is to 『devour』.  In other words, a flame that’s capable of eating anything.”“... … wa-wait a sec. Then, what? It didn’t have the flame’s characteristic of burning?”“Un, the white flame is.”“Eh? The white flame is… … eh, what do you mean?” At that time, the information that flowed into his head was considerable. Because a lot of time had pa.s.sed, almost all of it was forgotten. But the effect of the white flame, only his magic’s characteristic was remembered. Souji’s magic was “Flame Genesis (Souen)”. In other words it was the creation of fire. Moreover it was possible to equip the created flame with some special effect.At the time he created the flame, it was important that he imagined what kind of flame he wanted to make. When he created his first flame, his stomach groaned in hunger by chance. He remembered the stew he ate last night and wanted to eat it to fill his stomach.The situation resulted by his unconscious thinking gave birth to the “Devouring Flame”, the white flame. By the way, it was white because the stew he remembered was a white stew. “Th-That’s amazing… … then, if you imagine an ordinary flame, can you create a flame just like mine?”“Un, looks like it.”“Kya~! As expected of my son! That’s incredible!” Kaina said that while hugging him. Not only her, anyone would be delighted. This magic was certainly useful. Although he was uneasy and thought it was a strange magic, this magic surely provided many practical applications. Because before he had thought it was not a useful magic, now that he found out otherwise, he was so happy that he actually wanted to dance.It was a magic that’s capable of creating a flame with all kind of effects depending on his imagination. He was thinking that because he has this, if Yoyo was in danger just like the other day, he would be able to rescue her. For a butler, it was a natural thing to protect his master. And… … and… …. (I can rapidly improve my housework skills with this!) He made a guts pose in his mind.Note : Guts pose, something like braced your arms while shouting YEAH! Souji Alkasha. As expected he was a boy who did not forget to hold the mind of a househusband no matter the situation.