Souen no Historia

Chapter 7

It’s been several months since Mayuki was summoned to Orb, she and the others were called Heroes and currently were on the Zoan Continent after being summoned and pleaded by the Rashtia Kingdom. They searched for the one that lead the Demon race, and finally ascertained its base. When they reached the place called “Demon den” to subjugate the leader, an astonishing sight awaited them. It was the Demons who lurked there. A lot of them laid scattered around. Mayuki, Seila, and Kazuto were already bracing themselves for sudden attacks, but they could only stand still in blank surprise. The three advanced towards the interior as they wondering what had happened here. There was not even a fragment of life inside, only death. There were torn up corpses as if something gnawed on them, and there were corpses which were burned completely black too. Mayuki’s party already had the experience of killing the Demon race for several months. As expected, they couldn’t get accustomed to it. But for the sake of survival and going back to their former world, they endured it and became stronger.But, this situation was unexpected, and they instinctively covered their mouth with their hands. Then, they heard the sound of something being destroyed from the interior. They tightened their guards while wondering who’s there, and they advanced ahead at a careful pace. When they arrived at that location, all of them stared in disbelief.There, was the leader of the Demon race. They had understood what kind of existence it was from the information. That’s why they knew one of them was the leader. The problem was…. Orange smoke was wringing the neck of the leader as if it was a living thing, and the leader was hanging in the air. The leader wasn’t able to move because the same smoke bounded its hands and feet. Its expression was one of despair. There was a person who manipulated the smoke. He calmly stood and looked at the leader. From the information they heard before, the leader was so strong that its power was in no way inferior compared to the heroes. That’s why Mayuki’s party firmly trained themselves and improved their teamwork, as they decided to put all of their efforts into fighting it.However, a red-haired person was currently in front of the leader. They only knew he was an existence clad in full black because they could only see him from the back, but they understood he was about to kill the leader. Red smoke silently appeared from the red-haired person’s hand. Then it floated up right above the leader. And, as if it opened its jaws, the smoke enveloped the leader as if to eat it. Pained screams can be heard from the inside of the smoke, but the voice gradually became quieter and quieter. Then it stopped. Mayuki’s party could do nothing but stand agape at such a spectacle. After a while, the smoke disappeared. The leader had disappeared like magic. They didn’t understand what had happened, but there’s one thing the trio were in agreement. The leader was dead. Even more, it happened disappointingly. Then, the red-haired person made a gesture with his shoulders that didn’t express any celebration. “A~a, the clothes are dirty. I am going to be scolded by Ojousama again.” Although it was a little low, it was a voice of a boy that was still a child. But Mayuki certainly heard his voice, and as if electricity ran through her head, she remembered. (... …a lie) The red-hair finally noticed their existences and turned around. Mayuki was concentrating so hard to ascertain his face that she even forgot how to blink. Buchih! The missanga on her right wrist suddenly broke and fell to the ground. “Eh?,” her reminiscing face turned towards the missanga below. Seila also saw the red-haired person’s appearance for a moment, but because she heard Mayuki’s voice, she turned her glance away from the red-hair towards Mayuki. “Nn? Oops, this is not good. Please forget about me being here.” As the red-hair muttered that, he did a big jump from there, and exited from the hole on the ceiling as is. A terrific jumping power. “Ah, wait!” Mayuki immediately shouted but it was too late. He had already disappeared. Mayuki quickly picked the missanga up, and hurriedly turned back to the path they came from. “Ah, Mayuki-san!”“O-Oi Amanogawa-san!” Seila and Kazuto shouted at her, but Mayuki ignored them as she kept running. She came outside, then she turned her glance towards the surroundings, but she didn’t find her target. “... … … .. lie… … it must be a lie….” Mayuki’s eyes began to moisten. She strongly clenched her right hand which carried the missanga, and her body started to tremble. Her companions came from the interior. “Wh-What are you doing, Mayuki-san!?”“That’s right, just what on earth happen?” The last question from Kazuto was included about the person from before, and also about the Demon race’s annihilation. Mayuki didn’t answered the two’s questions, as she only staring at the sky. Her eyes looked out to the distance as if she was looking for someone on the other side of the sky….
 12 years had pa.s.sed since he used magic for the first time. Souji Alkasha had turned 17 years old, but if it was added with his previous life, his mental age was 31 years old. He was already an old man. A lot of thing had changed in 12 years. First, at the time Souji turned eight years old, the father of the one he served, Yoyo Yatsugi Crowtail had gone alone towards the hometown of Yoyo’s mother; Hi no Kuni. When she was a kid, Yoyo had said that the mansion would be hers, and she became the current Master. It was the birth of a nine year old Master. Justin had taught Yoyo everything until she could be a suitable subst.i.tute. Yoyo, who desperately absorbed the teaching, had grown up splendidly. Apart from her external appearance, nothing about her seemed like she was a nine year old girl. Knowledge, experience, her wording, and even her behavior were unlike a child’s. Souji was formally appointed as Yoyo’s butler, and all of the basics of a butler were driven into him by the head butler, Balmunk. Even though he was appointed, he was still an apprentice butler. There was a time when Yoyo took him to a n.o.ble’s party, and Souji was puzzled because it was the first party he ever attended to. But because Yoyo wanted to show Souji the world’s true state of affairs, she had him stay beside her. While he was grateful for it, he regretted that he had embarra.s.sed Yoyo. After that, he studied further on how to behave wherever he was. Because Souji’s original housework skills were excellent, his absorption rate was high, he shown movements that were in no way inferior if compared to the other butlers and maids. Although he began to do housework when he turned ten years old, he had already reached a point where Balmunk said he didn’t have anything else to teach him. However, his att.i.tude as a butler, consideration as a butler, behavior as a butler, etc., the things he needed to memorize were numerous.Balmunk drove all of those into Souji, while Souji also desperately tried to learn all of those to become an independent butler. The combat training was especially harsh. There were times where he vomited blood. There was many times where the experienced made him want to die. Once, when he traveled with Balmunk to learn, they were surrounded by brutal looking living things that made him give up hope. However, Balmunk only said, “Yah hah hah ha!” and instantly killed while smiling. He still remembered the surprise at that time which made his jaw almost dropped. No, it might have already dropped. With this and that, he experienced the adventure that was impossible when he was still in j.a.pan, and his body and mind were toughened thanks to that. There were times the two confronted thieves, and did spy-like missions. There’s also times when they traveled without sleeping for three days in a scorching desert. Without a trace of fatigue and sweat, Balmunk said “Yahaha! Today is refreshing, right?” It was a secret that his important part as a man had shrunk because of fear from that. When Souji turned 15 years old, he undertook a certain appointment from Justin who came back for once. It was an appointment to be the head butler for this mansion. Isn’t Balmunk here? was what Souji thought, but because he’d have to go together with Justin in the future, Balmunk said he’d leave the mansion. From the beginning, Balmunk had trained him for the sake of making Souji as his successor. Honestly he thought it was a heavy burden to be the successor of such monster, but because of the present Master, Yoyo’s, recommendation, and so as not to stain her honor, he respectfully accepted. By the way, his mother, Kaina was so happy that she cried because of her son’s promotion. From then on, all of the miscellaneous duties and housework in the mansion became his responsibility, and he worked without truly being occupied by them. Of course he also trained his magic. For a butler, it was a must to use his body to protect his master in time of danger, so he must become stronger and from Balmunk’s teaching, his body was frantically strengthened. With that said, the next time they meet, Balmunk, with a sneer on his face, said he’d take him to the desert again to train if he was became weaker, so Souji trained as if he was going to die. Thanks to that, no matter how many times Yoyo and Justin became targeted thus far, Souji was able to counter and protect them. Compared to the training from Balmunk, the enemies were so easy that his tears fell.Moreover, beside the improvement in his physical strength, his own magic, “Flame Genesis” was indeed convenient, he was so glad because the cheat-like versatility. One day, when he was working diligently as a butler, he received a certain order from Yoyo. “Go and destroy the one who leads the Demon race” For a moment he doubted his ears, but because her expression said she wouldn’t say it twice, he readily accepted it. Yoyo’s principle was to not do any meaningless thing, so he judged there’s surely a meaning to that.In the past he also thought “why?” towards the jobs entrusted to him, but there’s always a reason for them. Well, it was also necessary for him to search for the reason…. Even if he asked her, she’d said to guess it himself. The ability to gather information was said to be necessary for a butler, so he couldn’t help but move as desired by the one he served.Following that, he searched about various things, and he confirmed the fact that the one who lead the Demon race had killed men of power one after another. There’s also the possibility that its hand would also reached Yoyo, so Yoyo must have ordered him to annihilate the Demon race to forestall that. The first time he deprived someone of their lives was when he was 13 years old. At the time Yoyo was kidnapped, she got hurt so he deprived the enemies of their life with Kah-like feeling. There was no pang on his conscience because the other party was thieves who killed many people for their own reasons. Even so the murder was a considerable weight on his mind.He lied on his bed because of the impact, and Yoyo nursed him at that time. Then, “Let’s become stronger together, Souji” She said that. From then on, Souji didn’t want to show any ungracefulness. He decided to help Balmunk occasionally on his behind the scenes work.This world wasn’t a utopia. It was a place filled with deceit and inconvenience. That’s why sometimes his hands must be stained for his master’s sake. Stepping his feet into the dark part of society, the mental pollution was intense in the beginning, but he had grown accustomed to it by now. He has fully realized and has gotten accustomed to what kind of living things the existences called humans are.Even so he couldn’t just randomly killed people after all. Thus, Souji strengthened his body and mind. Also for erasing the leader, if possible he wanted to end it fast before he was found by someone. If he stood out, it’d expose Yoyo towards danger and that must be avoided.Therefore, he moved alone, subjugated Demon race, and used the white flame’s“Devour” to instantly kill the leader at the end. Honestly he thought it was weak. Rather, Souji’s magic was too much of a cheat that his enemies were half crying. However there was a problem, it was after he defeated the leader. He thought he wouldn’t be seen by someone else, and by the time he noticed, he found three people with human-like appearances.One was a boy, the other two were girls. Even though he wasn’t able to confirm one of the girl’s face because she looked down, at the very least they weren’t his acquaintance. The black-haired girls who came even to here didn’t enter his mind. For the boy, he got the feeling that he had seen his face somewhere and he secretly clicked his tongue that an ikemen existed even here in this world, then he instantly got out of this place.On his way, he thought he heard a voice, but he thought it was just his imagination and returned to Yoyo as is. When he returned and reported it, From Yoyo, “You did well。 Just as expected of my butler。 And thanks for your hard work” She said that with a smile. He told the appearances of the three he had seen, and apparently the three were people from different world who were called to this world through 【Summoning Brave Souls Vessels】.He thought that story was just like those in light novels, but he could only smiled wryly as he recalled a similar thing that also had occurred to him. As he wondered how he should proceed after this, Yoyo said, “It’s okay。With this、it has become proof of your strength.” She said that in joy. When he felt somewhat itching and tried to leave that place, Yoyo noticed that his uniform had become dirty. “For the uniform to be stained, you still have a long way to go. If it was Bal, he’ll annihilate the enemy while humming and return unhurt.” In other words, he must also become that unhurt. However, “Ara? The tail-coat is part of the butler’s body. Didn’t you learn that? “ He couldn’t find the room for reb.u.t.tal if she said that. Souji became depressed, “Fufu, be diligent, Souji” The corner of her eyes rose as if she enjoyed it. Souji could only say, “I can’t do anything but apologize for this,” he apologized and returned to his work.