Souen no Historia

Chapter 9

Several days had pa.s.sed since Mayuki and Seila determined to start their journey, and the person they’re looking for, Souji was, (Un, today’s weather is also nice.) watering the flower bed with an orange colored watering can. From the sky without any clouds, fresh faces could be seen as it poured the sunlight into the ground. Although he had watered it in the early morning, today’s sunlight was strong, so he watered it again at noon.Bathed inside the brilliantly shining light, Souji nodded in satisfaction because the flowers look happy. When he saw the flowers blooming energetically, he feels healed. “SOooooooJI-SAMAaaaa~h!” While he enjoyed the healing, dododododo, a sound of someone running resounded on the ground. “What happened, Ninthe?” The one who was running and breathing roughly was a maid called Ninthe. She was a maid employed by this residence when Souji turned 16.Her slightly purple hair was tied on both ends with short ribbons. Though she was still a new maid at the age of 10, she was a lovely girl who works well and was always smiling. She seemed to have a complex about her small b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Isn’t it okay because she’s still 10 years old, was what Souji thought. But, the girl firmly said, “It seems the breast represents a woman’s status.” The other day, though he didn’t know from whom she heard that her breast would grow if they were ma.s.saged by a man, Ninthe came to Souji and she requested, “Please ma.s.sage Ninthe’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s!”Moreover, it was at a bad place, there were Yoyo and other maids, Souji’s mother included. For some reason his mother averted her gaze…. He had hope that it was just some kind of punishment game as he asked for her reason while he was instinctively stiffened, but Ninthe said the previous reason in loud voice with serious face. At that time, Yoyo looked at him with terribly cold eyes and said, “Oh, ma.s.sage huh?” She let out a killing intent and he remembered his whole body drenched in sweat.For the better or worse, the incident was caused by the innocent Ninthe so everyone thought it as just a small thing, but what he experienced was as if a missile with huge explosive power grazed his cheek. To learn more about common sense, from then on Ninthe was taught directly by Yoyo who was concerned about her. To begin with it was Yoyo who picked Ninthe from the orphanage. So, she cherished her just like her own little sister.Then, from the result of his investigation, Souji understood it was his own mother, Kaina who taught a lot of strange things to Ninthe. He finally knew the reason she averted her face at that time. A punishment naturally followed of having her meals withheld for a day. Kaina seemed to not reflecting as she said, “It’s oka~y, I’ll just make it myself!” but she couldn’t obtain any food because Souji was the one who managed the ingredients, and in the end Kaina apologized while crying like a child. Even so she must endure to not eat for a day because it was her punishment. Rather because she was an adult, he never thought she’d cry just because her meals for a day were omitted. “T-T-T-T-T-Trouble!” Souji looked back dubiously as he saw Ninthe changed her expression as she shouted. “Did something happen?”“Th-Th-Th-Th-This!” The girl thrust out her arm as she said that. There was a letter which was folded three times in her hand. He opened to confirm its contents. “Aa, I see. A threatening letter huh.”“Why are you so calm!?”“Eh? After all, such a thing has already happened so many times.” On the spot, the threatening letter was burnt and thrown out. It wasn’t anything unusual. “B-B-B-B-B-But, it’s written that Yoyo-sama is the target!”“It does. However, there’s no problem at all.”“Why!”“I am here after all.”“... … heh?” Ninthe became dumbfounded. Souji then smiled. “I am Yoyo-sama’s butler after all.” His face protruded confidence.

 “Ara~? Isn’t it Ninthe? What’s with that fl.u.s.tered face?”“Ah, Kaina-sama!” After Ninthe delivered the threatening letter, Souji said “Please keep quiet about it,” and he left to go somewhere.However, Ninthe couldn’t understand how he was so calm, she returned to the mansion while still feeling anxious and insecure about Souji’s att.i.tude as she didn’t know what to make of it. This is when, Souji’s mother, Kaina, appeared. “I~ see, it came again huh~.”“A-Again!? Y-you really receive a lot of these!?”“Well~ yes, isn’t this normal for one with power? For someone famous or someone with power, it’s inevitable that they’d be the target of envy and resentment from their surroundings. Well, most of them were unjustified resentment though~.”“... … I-I didn’t know that….” Ninthe looked down. “Well~ that might be so~. Souji is the one who dealt with those kinds of things. It’s just that Ninthe saw this today by chance.”“... … U-Umm, is it really okay?”“Eh? About what?”“That’s, about the threatening letter… …. If Yoyo-sama is truly targeted….” Ninthe was anxious and her heart was shaken. Her expression is one of sadness. Kaina gently placed her hands on Ninthe’s shoulders. “It’s okay. Didn’t Souji also say that?”“Eh, ah, yes. He did say that.”“Then it’ll be okay. Even though he doesn’t look like it, my son is strong.” Even though Kaina was smiling, Ninthe could only tilt her neck. Someone’s footstep could then be heard stepping into the second floor. “Ara, you two, what happened?” It’s Yoyo. Her hair shined and shook as she walked. Ninthe can never get tired of watching it. She wondered just how much care is needed to maintain such beautifully flowing, blond hair. Her black eyes would draw in anyone that catches it. She got that from her mother. Pure white skin like the winter snow and slender body which seemed so fragile, as if it’d break apart if touched. A beautiful girl who could enrapture anyone who saw her. It makes sense that Ninthe was no match for her. However, there was a certain quality to her that Ninthe could relate to. That was --------------- her flat chest that made one question if she was really a woman. Of course, Ninthe knows that she’s a woman. They have bathed together. That’ why she was aware that Yoyo was a womanHowever, the sad thing was, if Yoyo’s chest was compared to other girls of the same age, it’d only fill her with grief. That was how unfortunate her flat chest was. That girl came to the second floor, accompanied by Souji. Ninthe began to understand it. The place where Souji went was to Yoyo’s side. “There’s nothing at all, Yoyo-sama. Isn’t it all just women’s talk?” Kaina said that and Yoyo Fuh, smiled, then “That looks fun. If I have the time, I want to do it too.”“Mother, don’t tell me you taught Ninthe something else that was unnecessary….” Souji stared at Kaina, who has had previous offenses. “No~ Souji, I don’t teach unnecessary things, you know?”“From whose mouth did that came from?”“Mo~ don’t be that angry. Ah, are you going somewhere, Yoyo-sama?”“Ee, I am going to deal with this.” She said that while holding something. Ninthe saw that and muttered, “Ah….” It was unmistakably the threatening letter from before.
“I see~, then shall I prepare the carriage?” Yoyo shook her head when Kaina asked that. “No need, Souji will carry me.”“I understand. Souji, do~ your job properly.”“I know. Rather, mother, please stop talking and do your job. Your wage can be reduced, you know?” The employee’s wages were actually calculated by the head butler, Souji and told to the master, Yoyo. Before, it was Kaina, the head maid, who calculated the maids’ wages as she observed their work and reported it to Yoyo. However, Souji told Yoyo about an hourly wage and commission system in addition to a compensation of danger and bonus system. It resulted in her entrusting Souji to calculate the wages. Kaina was happy because her workload was decreased by one task, but by the time she understood the ramifications, it was already too late. Her wage was controlled by her own son. Kaina could only submit to Souji now that he has grasped everything in this mansion. “P-Please stop that! Clothes that I want will be available soon!”“Then, I hope you work in accordance with your wage. If this keeps up, it’ll become even lower than Ninthe’s, you know?”“A l-.... … A lie… … right?”“I wonder?” It was only natural that Ninthe, who had only served for half a year, and Kaina, who had been serving for more than 20 years, have gaps in their compensation. However, Souji had declared that he’d calculate and evaluate everyone’s wages equally based on their work. In other words, the more they worked the more they earned. So it couldn’t be helped that Kaina, who didn’t even work, had a wage was lower compared to Ninthe, who worked desperately.Even though she was a hard worker and needed to be stopped by everyone when Souji was born, something had gone wrong and now she could only be remembered as a useless parent. Gakkuri, Kaina dropped down, Souji and Yoyo started to go outside. Then, Yoyo suddenly stopped and said, “Now that I remember it, Ninthe never saw the other face of the head butler,”“Eh, ah, another… … face?”“Ee that’s right.”“Ojou-sama, surely….” Souji felt his cheeks cramp up. However, Yoyo just smiled joyously and said, “It’s a good chance. Ninthe, come with us.”“Heh?”“I’ll show it to you. Just what kind of person the head butler of this mansion really is.”“... … haa.” Ninthe keep her mouth opened as she didn’t understand the meaning. It couldn’t be helped. Only a few people would understand when they are suddenly told that the head butler had another face. “Souji, take that girl too.”“As you wish.” Souji didn’t even object in the first place. He only bowed. Having come outside, Ninthe opened her mouth in her unease. “U-Umm Yoyo-sama. Th-Though it’s just my a.s.sumption… … are you going to meet the people who sent that… … threatening letter?” Ninthe looked at the expressionless Yoyo and said, “A-Ahaha, that can’t be! I am sorry to ask! Surely for Master to voluntarily go is impos----------”“That’s right.”“si… … ble… …. heh?”“Fufu, a girl shouldn’t keep her mouth open like that. I’ll say it again. I am going to meet the sender of this threatening letter.”“E… … e? … … … … EEeeeeeeeeh!?” Ninthe’s voice resounded magnificently. “Nn… … my ears hurt, Ninthe.”“Ah, I am sorry, Yoyo-sama.” Ninthe immediately bowed. “B-But, that’s dangerous! At least Yoyo-sama mustn’t go!”“It’s okay.”“Eh?”“I just want to understand what kind of people were the one who sent this.”“E-Even so….”“It is okay. That’s why I have an excellent bodyguard.” Ninthe slowly turned to look at Souji, the so-called bodyguard, and Souji grinned as he nodded slightly. “Well then, Ojou-sama.”“Ee, I leave it to you.”“Eh? What’s that just now? Ah, there’s no carriage so how….”“Ninthe will understand once you see it. Just obediently wait for it.” As Yoyo said that, Ninthe muttered “Yes….,” while she watched quietly. Souji held his hand forward and, all of a sudden, an orange-colored flame appeared. “Kyah!” Seeing it for the first time, Ninthe immediately screamed. “Eh? Ah, fire? Eh, the color is orange? Huh? Isn’t it usually red… …?” Yoyo happily watched Ninthe who was obviously confused. “The desired image, Orange flame (Tou-En).” At moment Souji muttered those words, the orange flame changed its shape. Then, it became just like the clouds floating in the sky, and there were wings growing on both ends. Its size was like that of a carriage. Seeing that, the confused expression on Ninthe’s face became even more p.r.o.nounced. Souji then got on top of that thing. He stretched his hand out towards Yoyo and she also get on. Yoyo turned towards Ninthe whose face had hardened and said, “Let’s go, Ninthe.”“Eh, ah, y-yes!” However, because it was flowing like a fire, Ninthe was cautious. Souji stretched out his hand. “Please relax. It isn’t hot. Please just think of it as a vehicle.”“That’s… … y-yes.” Souji took her hand and pulled her up. Although the girl let out a small scream, she felt relieved when she finally knew that there was no heat. Following that, fuwah, the three were enveloped with a floating sensation. Ninthe yelped once again and dropped to the floor, but Yoyo stood because she was accustomed to it. Then, the orange flame took the three and they rose up towards the sky. Yoyo, seeing Ninthe, who’s astonished expression was as if this was just a dream, let out a small laugh and said, “Now that I think about it, Souji. Aren’t these wings unnecessary?”“... … for direction.”“I see. Do you want me to say they are beautiful?”“... … as your will.” It certainly could fly even without the wings. After all, the characteristics of this orange flame are the embodiment of Souji’s imagination. In other words, it’s a flame that could touch other objects. Then, if he could create a vehicle to transport people, it follows that Souji could even also created kitchen knives and pans. It was truly convenient inside the kitchen. In fact, today he was just watering the flowers with an orange watering can that was also created from this orange flame. Ninthe didn’t notice that because she was in a panic about the threatening letter.As they flew, Ninthe calmed down somewhat and Souji explained his magic to her. Probably because it was the first time she saw magic like Souji’s, she listened carefully with her eyes sparkling even though she already knew what magic was. After flying for a while, they finally reached a location where the forest stretched below them. “They are over there, Ojou-sama.”“Approach it.” 


The location Souji pointed was a small fountain inside the forest. There were several men. From how the men were dressed, they were bandits, and appropriately armed.