Souen no Historia

Chapter 20

Because of Femme’s order, Testarossa continued rapid-firing without stopping, and Souji couldn’t easily approach her.  Even now, “Hey, hear me, Souji Alkasha!” Femme’s voice rang out inside the church. “Why did you think I have my eyes on you?” There’s no way he would know the reason. “Where do you think I met you?” He wasn’t interested either. “Let me tell you!” She began to talk without his consent. “You know, I was in Kuchenbar twelve years ago.” Souji was ruminating, (Twelve years ago? Kuchenbar?) in his mind. “In such a big town, there was a certain incident. You remember, right? After all you are the one who led it to its conclusion!” Her words made him recall it. A strange incident certainly occurred 12 years ago in a town called Kuchenbar in south continent.As they were transported to the Holy Kingdom Lavahha, mechanical dolls (automata) began to rampage in Kuchenbar. “The one who created those mechanical dolls (automata) was an unlicensed amateur. The dolls were magically crafted, so they required extreme technology to be manufactured. If it was done half-heartedly, it’s possible that the magic circuit would run wild and thus make it impossible to control the dolls.” The unlicensed doll maker, for the sake of prestige, sneakily slipped the dolls into distribution, and, after some time pa.s.sed, he would tell the dolls’ owners that it was he who made those dolls and announce it in public. He seemed to want to prove that he could create splendid dolls even without a license, but his immaturity caused disaster. “There were three dolls slipped in by that man. When the kingdom obtained that information, they gave me the duty to retrieve those dolls. But I was one step too late. The dolls were already going berserk and rampaging in the town. I found a man surrounded by those three dolls.” Souji recalled his time there and shrugged his shoulders because apparently he was seen. At the time Yoyo hinted that she wanted to eat the fruit that was only sold in South continent, and because Yoyo’s birthday was approaching, Souji went alone to the Holy Kingdom Lavahha to get the fruit. When he stopped by Kuchenbar, he encountered that incident. Three poorly made dolls were rampaging.Because one of them was about to hurt a child, he instinctively kicked it back, flying, and his action apparently made him their enemy. “It doesn’t matter even if the dolls were clumsily made. The three were created as weapon types (Killing Types), so their power were quite troublesome when they went on a rampage. Even one was troublesome but there were three of them. Not only that, they surrounded you who was unarmed. When I thought that there was no way other than to help you…… I was really surprised.”“............”
“Suddenly a white flame appeared from your right hand, and it erased the three dolls in no time.” That’s right. He recalled that he instantly killed them because he was in a hurry. “That time, although you wore a robe, after defeating those three, I saw your face as the hood covering your head came off.” Indeed, his face was seen at that time. Though he was being careful, Souji had made a mistake. “More than your face, I was captivated by the flame you created. It was a never before seen white flame. It was very beautiful.” Femme was blushing in a trance. “That’s why I wanted to see it again, and I ran after you. However, I saw you running with a speed that I couldn’t catch, and not only the flame, I became interested in you. Just what kind of a man you are, I desperately searched for you.” Femme raised her hand and Testarossa stopped shooting. “And I finally found you. I never thought you are on this East continent. No, rather than that I couldn’t understand why such strong person worked as a butler.” Souji stood up from behind the chairs he was hiding behind. “A strong person like you shouldn’t be content as a butler! Your value will shine if you use your strength for me! That’s why I want to liberate you.” Souji sighed as her frenzied eyes were faced him. “Good grief, looks like I have been misunderstood.”“......?”“It seemed you thought I was forced to become a butler. However that’s where you are wrong. I have become a butler by my own will.”“Fufufu, stop joking. If you have that power, shouldn’t you aim for something better? After all only strong people could obtain authority in this world.”“Authority huh…… I don’t need that.”“Wh-!? …… what did you say?” Femme’s expression was one of extreme disbelief. “Though you might not understand it, I am happy now don’t obstruct me.”“...... lie.”“I am not lying.”“Lie! If you have that power, you should be able to quickly get rid of this woman! Yet, you served this weak woman, spending every day cleaning, washing, and other household! How can anyone be satisfied with that!”“There is one here, you know?”  Souji pointed at himself. Those words stiffened Femme and she was at a loss for words. However Souji really thought like that. He wanted to be a butler even in his previous life. He yearned for a fantasy world where he could use magic at least once as child, and that’s exactly what’s happening now. What’s there to be dissatisfied about… well, if there was anything that he wants, then he wishes for his mother to steady herself. Besides from that, he was satisfied enough to spend his life like this in this different world.Hearing Souji’s words, Femme started staggering from the shock. Yoyo who was lying down started to speak. “Give it up. Souji is mine, even Souji acknowledges it.”“Shut up! A-A weak n.o.ble like you shouldn’t speak as if you are above an aristocrat like me!” The knife in her hand trembled as she put more power into it. Seeing her, Yoyo sighed in amazement and shut her eyes. “Souji, though I have become accustomed to lying here, I want to return quickly. There’s work piled up.”“As you wish, Yoyo-ojousama.” Souji turned his right hand towards Testarossa before him and, “Burn and scorch, red flame.” A crimson flame appeared from his right hand. It immediately attacked Testarossa just like a wave. “Red!? That can’t be! His flame should’ve been white-!?” With Femme’s face immersed in surprise, Testarossa aimed the guns towards the flame and shot water-like thing, but its momentum propelled it even if small holes were opened. Thus the flame swallowed her. “Testa-!” The wall destroying flame caused the room’s temperature to rapidly rise. “How, th-this is the same as general flame magic….”“Well then, next is your…… kh!?” At the moment Souji turned his attention to Femme, a silhouette jumped out from the burning flame. It came straight towards Souji. He put power into his right leg’s toes and kicked the ground to move back. However the silhouette, Testarossa, aimed the guns in her hands towards him. There’s only a little distance left before holes would appear in his body. He rotated his body and used the force to kick the ground, and this time he moved towards Testarossa. Maybe because she had thought his action was one of evasion, Testarossa frowned slightly. Souji kicked away the guns in her hands. He thought that with this she had lost her means of attacking, but this time a kusari fundo shot out from her palm. (!? … as expected huh.) The kusari-fundo twirled around his left arm. They continued their contest of strength. His enemy’s physical strength was higher, so she kept a cool face even though Souji was pulling it with considerable power. Well, that maybe because she was a doll. Testarossa sharply narrowed her eyes, and her abnormal strength was transmitted through the chain.Guih, she pulled and jumped over his head. She rotated once and landed splendidly.  Testarossa aimed her empty left palm towards him. Watching what she was doing, gacha gacha, a muzzle appeared in the center of her palm and extended. (...... kh! Looks like she can do a lot of things.) Thinking he would turn into beehive if this keeps up, Souji fired the red flame again. However he understood that it was hardly effective against her. His aim was to obstruct her view ever slightly, and to loosen the chain. Just as he predicted, at the moment she was attacked the power in the chain weakened slightly. Using that moment, he removed the kusari-fundo from his arm. Testarossa instantly rushed out from inside the flame with tremendous momentum. Souji jumped over her just like she did before. However before he landed, he saw that she picked up the guns that fell on the ground. (This is bad!) He immediately thought so, but her movement was faster and she already prepared the guns. He judged that if this keeps up he would be attacked once he lands. That’s why Souji decided to create another flame. “...... become my desired image, orange flame.” He quickly turned his left hand forward and an orange-colored wall instantaneously appeared. “It’s orange now-!?” Femme was even more aghast. It couldn’t be helped. She thought that Souji could only use the white flame after all. However Femme was laughing when she understood that Souji could use more than two flames. “Fufufufufufufu! Amazing! It is really amazing! I won’t have anything to be feared once you become mine! Testa, come here!” Called by Femme, Testarossa face the wall created by Souji and moved back to Femme.Souji showed his face from the wall and confirmed the enemy’s appearance. Because Testarossa was engulfed in flame, her uniform was in tatters. However there’s something that made him anxious. Although she was plunged inside that flame, only her uniform was burnt. Her limbs, face, and even her hair weren’t affected at all. There’s not even one burn mark. “Quite the st.u.r.dy body you have.” Even though Souji didn’t know if that’d be answered, he let out those words. The one who answered him was Yoyo. “Be careful. This woman is… a mechanical doll (automata).”“... it is true after all huh.” Everything was answered. Certainly mechanical dolls (automata) have what’s called a human model, but of course the materials weren’t human flesh. Especially weapon types’ (Killing Type) body was made by strong materials that couldn’t be easily damaged in combat. This woman is probably one from that type. In the battlefield, there’d be times when she encounters fire. That’s why it wasn’t strange for her to be fireproofed.However, she was splendidly made, (She seems to be a doll made with extreme exquisiteness.) The flame from before was enough to incapacitate the dolls that he had met up to now. For it to be uninjured means she was that special. “Are you surprised? That’s right. This child is a mechanical doll (automata). My special p.a.w.n.” Femme proudly puffed out her chest. “However, there is one thing I want to hear.” Femme didn’t look at Souji, she was looking at Yoyo. “How did you know this child is a mechanical doll (automata)? Her att.i.tude shouldn’t even hint that, right?” Testarossa’s appearance certainly only indicated a quiet woman of few words. Her movement was also smooth like that of a person; no one would believe it if she was said to be a doll. “Oh my, don’t underestimate me. Even if I look like this, I have eyes that could discern people.”“... are you saying you saw through her just by looking?”“Ee, shouldn’t you know as a puppeteer that there are parts that cannot completely imitate a person?”“...”“Those are… eyes. No matter how much emotion is installed into them and how much they mimic life, you can judge whether they are people or not by looking at the shine in their eyes.” Their location was wrapped by silence because of Yoyo’s answer. (Well, Ojou-sama’s discerning eyes are exceptional after all.” Yoyo’s observation power, insight, and eyesight surpa.s.sed the normal. Moreover, they have been cultivated since childhood by accompanying her father to meet many different people. In addition, her magic was also in that field. “...... you…… are you really just a normal n.o.ble……?”“Ara? I wonder who’s the one who said I am but a small and weak n.o.ble.” Yoyo smiled fearlessly, it was an att.i.tude that was as if she was not deprived of her freedom or in danger of losing her life. “Beside, even Souji noticed that without me saying anything, right?”“Yes.” Souji pulled out a sheet of paper from his breast pocket. “Th-That’s….”“Yes. It is the ransom note send by you. It is written with considerably beautiful characters, but it looks like the one who wrote this was the mechanical doll (automata) over there.”“H-How did you know that!”“Well, to your regret I was able to know that. I also know that you praised her with “As expected of my mechanical doll (automata),” when this ransom note was written.”“H-How can such thing….” While coming here, Souji confirmed that by using the memory searching blue flame to watch what was recorded in this letter. At that time, only the image of Testarossa writing this letter was projected, but he heard Femme praise, “Un, what beautiful characters. As expected of my mechanical doll (automata),” as she laughed. “Looks like you underestimated Souji too much. He is my butler.” Because of Yoyo’s provocation, Femme was glaring at her. The two glared at each other for a while, but Femme averted her gaze first. “Testa, let’s end this already. Quickly bring Souji Alkasha back home.”“...... I understood.” Souji heightened his cautiousness because of the sudden change in Femme’s atmosphere. Then Testarossa held Femme. Then the two’s bodies gradually disappeared. (This is…… kh!?) He looked around to find the two people who vanished completely inside the church. (Transparency magic……? I see, how troublesome.) Even their presences couldn’t be felt. It was probably Femme’s magic, one that could give the same effect to those she touches, and frankly he feels cheated.Suddenly, bakiih, an acute pain came along with the impact on his cheek. Souji, who fell while crushing chairs, immediately stood up and confirmed the surroundings, but for those without knowledge it’d looked like Souji was blown away by himself. However, the attack just now certainly came from the disappeared Testarossa. “How is it? I think it will be better for you to give up, okay?” Femme’s voice echoed inside the church. (Fuu, my my, this ability is truly suitable for and infiltration.) With this magic one could soundlessly approach the target. Just like an attempt, it was used to kidnap Yoyo. “Fufufufufu! How is it, Crowtail! I can kill your important people anytime when I and Testa get serious! Just look quietly from there! I will take your important butler!” Femme’s tone was as if she was convinced of her victory. However the next thing that resounded inside the church was the unchanging voice of Yoyo. “Souji, we will late for dinner if we don’t return quickly.”“Wh-!?” Femme raised her alertness because of Yoyo’s fearless response. Following that, pan pan, Souji stands up while beating the dust off his clothes. “That’s right. Ninthe will be relieved if we return quickly. After all she is terribly worried about us.”“Oh my, then we should hurry.”“Ee.” For a moment, Souji sneered and a white flame came out from his right hand. “That’s-!?” Femme’s slightly excited voice could be heard. “Well then…….” The white flame began to float around Souji and his following words gave would give anyone shudders. “Excluding me and Ojou-sama, devour everything, white flame.” 


It was an instant that could be missed just by blinking. When thinking the white flame changed its form as if it was opening its big mouth. It moved just like the wind――――――――――― and, true to his words, everything except Souji and Yoyo was annihilated.I finally realized why I find a lot of this awkward to read. It’s because much of it is Yoda speech due to the word order not being modified for English. Will try to fix now. ↩It"s translated as "you know?" a lot but it sounds awkward. Maybe if I replace it with "see?" it will sound better. Not sure though. ↩