Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 698: 800 Lightning Aurablades

Chapter 698: 800 Lightning Aurablades

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lu Shu led Coral into the rain. It was as if he was holding his partner, hand in hand, to attend a dignified banquet. The red carpet had been rolled out, but it was drenched in blood.

Fresh blood dripped off the train door. Behind Lu Shu and Coral lay the dead bodies of more than ten killers.

It was a satanic sight. Maybe even demons would be ashamed of their incapabilities to recreate the scene.

A buzz sounded above them. A blinding light shone on them, like a spotlight on a stage. Lu Shu looked up calmly and said, “Seriously? They’ve even sent a helicopter.”

As he raised his hand, gray threads traveled upwards against the pouring rain. In an instant, 36 holes punctured the entire helicopter. Its propellers screeched, protesting against its impending demise. However, its final struggle was nothing but futile. The right side of the helicopter was suddenly engulfed in fire, and the giant tilted sideways, plunging under gravity.

Such technologies were nothing to Cla.s.s B Pract.i.tioners because of their many weaknesses.

For all this while, Lu Shu had used his water-type power to carefully s.h.i.+eld Coral from the rain. He did not want her image damaged at all. Lu Shu was secretly happy that a loser like him could finally have his day of protecting the G.o.ddess of men’s dreams. He was full of chivalry now, wasn’t he?

In front of them, hundreds of members of the Department of Faith Theory drew their cross swords in perfect synchronization. Rain poured on their swords, forming a thin river on the blades.

“So many of them,” said Lu Shu with a sigh, “Do you know that something interesting happened when I b.u.mped into two Cla.s.s B killers in Africa?”

Coral was interested. She tilted her head to look at him and asked, “What is it?”

“During the fight, their cooperation was rather remarkable. The metal-type Metahuman was responsible for attacking, and the strength-type for defending,” said Lu Shu, “Now that I think about it, I do admire their strategies. Besides, they worked well together. No wonder they had the guts to hunt Heavenly Kings. While the metal-type could move metals around as he pleased, his partner could make the most of his strength and protect him well.”

“Then?” Coral did not seem to get his point.

“I mean,” Lu Shu took a deep breath a said, his face became stern, “Go and have fun. I will protect you.”

Coral’s protectors used to be the two statue knights. But both of them had trouble healing their wounds with the crack on Gungnir and the slow recovery of Coral’s vitality.

They had to replenish their energy with Coral’s. Yet, Coral had to prioritize her own survival first.

But it was fine now. She had Lu Shu.

The 36 threads of Sparrow Shade returned from the sky. Instead of sending them out again, Lu Shu concentrated them into a spinning wall of swords, protecting Coral in the center.

Standing in front of Coral, Lu Shu drew his Cheng Ying sword from his Seal of Lands. He looked unshakable.

Sometimes Lu Shu did admire those heroes in the TV series. They looked super impressive. But he would not have been willing to be one of them, because he had no wish to be the world’s salvation.

As a matter of fact, he was simply an annoying guy who sold boiled eggs and stinky tofu. It was his talent to spoil a good mood. It might sound like a joke but he might be a real demon the next day, because a demon’s reputation was always built on other people’s lives and skeletons.

People in the train did not alight. They seemed unaffected by the killing. Everyone looked out of the window eagerly, and an old lady shouted her support for Lu Shu, “She’s such a good girl! Protect her well!”

Lu Shu turned and waved at his friends on the train. For some reason, Coral’s heart was warmed by this scene.

“Truth be told, Lu Shu, you are a wish I made,” Coral said softly.

Lu Shu was confused. “Hm? What do you mean?”

“Last year, I tossed a coin into the wis.h.i.+ng well and said, ‘G.o.d, please give me a hero’. Then, you appeared,” Coral said with a smile.

Lu Shu blushed. “It’s my first time to hear things like this. How should I respond?”

Pretending to be upset, Coral grumbled, “Fool.”

Lu Shu grinned. He had no interest in being a hero for the world, but why not be her hero?

Honestly speaking, it brought him a great sense of achievement to be a hero.

In the next instant, a sudden downpour filled the world, hidden in it was something terrifying. Upon closer inspection, what was thought to be a flash of lightning had actually not come from the sky at all.

There was a storm of sword rain, together with Coral’s lightning. Like a monstrous harvester, the 800 beams of aurablades reaped all the lives under the curtain of rain. Those people were like a patch of wheat being cropped.

In the next instant, howling sounded across the entire battlefield. A drop of sword rain fell from the sky and hit a member of the Department of Faith Theory. But it did not stop like any other rain water. Instead, it penetrated his shoulder, crus.h.i.+ng his bones and flesh.

What if it had fallen on his head?

Despite the huge number of their soldiers, Pract.i.tioners below Cla.s.s D were not even equipped with Spirit Qi armor to protect them against this downpour of swords.

People collapsed to the floor one by one. Mixed with rain water, their blood streamed over to the train tracks.

There was a flurry of footsteps in the rain. Led by two Cla.s.s B’s, a group of ten people from the Department of Faith Theory charged towards Lu Shu. The latter did not budge at all, holding his Cheng Ying sword, defending Coral.

Answering to his will, his body braced well for the enemies. Every inch of his muscle was hard as steel.

Coral released her lightning, which traveled across the sky and lit the rain-drenched world. Then, like a spear, the lightning struck towards the earth, ready to tear everything apart!

But with every release of lightning, Coral could almost hear the cracking sound of Gungnir in her body. She had decided not to use her Gungnir, not because of her fear of death, but for her treasuring the time with Lu Shu.

However, she seemed to have underestimated Lu Shu too. Coral always thought that this young man in her impression was already strong enough, but it was only at that moment that she realized that he was in fact way more powerful than she had ever imagined.