Star Odyssey

Chapter 1185: CyNet’s Boss

Chapter 1185: CyNet’s Boss

Lu Yin felt helpless. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask Bai Qian, the most pressing one of which was how she had become a Cruiser.

It had to be said that Lu Yin had many advantages in cultivating—there was his innate gift of the die with its Timestop s.p.a.ce, the death energy that he had used to become a Hunter, and several other means of speeding up his cultivation. But after around twelve years of cultivating, he had only reached the Hunter realm. But what about Bai Qian? She had the most mediocre background imaginable, but she had managed to become a Cruiser at an exceptional speed, and her power level was no weaker than Ku Wei’s.

Ku Wei was a member of the Seven Courts, but what did Bai Qian have that let her match up to that?

This woman clearly had her own secrets.

Lu Yin wanted to ask, but people were ent.i.tled to their own secrets, and Bai Qian was not volunteering up any information. Thus, there was no way for him to force her to reveal anything. Still, meeting up with someone from Earth was something that made him quite happy.

"Come back to Earth sometime and take a look. Maybe you can get Bai Xue and the others out of Jupiter," Lu Yin said. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and made his way towards the tall tower.

Down below, already within the hot water, Bai Qian stared up at Lu Yin"s back as he moved away. Now alone, she fell deep into contemplation.

If Lu Yin had been surprised by Bai Qian’s strength, then she had been absolutely shocked by Lu Yin"s.

Her family was privy to her situation, and she believed that, with her talent and opportunities, it was perfectly normal for her to already be a Cruiser even though others would be shocked by her cultivation speed. In truth, she actually felt that her cultivation speed was a bit slow.

However, what about Lu Yin? How had he managed to improve so quickly?

Furthermore, during the brief time that they had exchanged blows, Lu Yin had pressured Bai Qian more than any other peer she had encountered before.

From the time that Lu Yin had partic.i.p.ated in the Astral Combat Tournament, to when he had fought against the Sixth Mainland in the Cosmic Sea, all the way to now, Lu Yin had constantly improved at a truly unbelievable pace. As a result, his talent and opportunities had propelled him above everyone else.

Bai Qian’s thoughts turned complicated as she sank deeper into the hot spring. As for Bai Xue and Zhang Dingtian, since they had entered Jupiter, they had already embarked on a different path. They would eventually return one day, or they might be waiting after having walked their own path.

Earth would eventually be discovered; this was inevitable. Lu Yin was simply too high-profile, and the higher he rose, the quicker a calamity might visit Earth. Thus, Bai Qian had to raise her strength as quickly as possible.

CyNet’s headquarters was a tower that rose high into the sky. Off in the distance, the tower did not appear overly large, but as Lu Yin drew closer, he was gradually able to appreciate its full size.

It was no exaggeration to say that the tower would not be crowded even if billions or even tens of billions of people lived in it. Naturally, it could also accommodate an untold number of technological products.

This was one of the only places in the Neoverse where he could contact the Outerverse.

Lu Yin had been out of contact with the Outerverse for some time, and the Hall of Honor’s decision regarding the Outerverse meant that Lu Yin Lu was eager to regain control as soon as possible.

He encountered no obstacle when entering the tower, which left him wondering why the place was so lax in terms of security.

The first level was so vast that it was impossible to take it all in with just a glance. The structure was clearly a tower, but once one drew closer, it almost looked like a vertical landma.s.s.

This was the CyNet that Lu Yin was familiar with. Wherever he looked, he saw bits and pieces of cutting edge technology. People moved about a curtain of light, appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye, each focused on their own business.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Lu Yin"s ears. "Mr. Lu, please head to the top."

Lu Yin was a bit puzzled by this request, but then a beam of light descended from high above. As it wrapped around him, his body began to float up on its own.

This beam of light was not very restrictive, and he could easily break free of it, but there was no need for him to do so.

He rose up faster and faster, higher and higher. It was similar to flying through outer s.p.a.ce, and Lu Yin was able to see mountains and landscapes pa.s.s him by.

Before long, he reached the top floor of the tower. It was not an office, but rather a garden.

As Lu Yin entered the garden, he heard a familiar voice singing off in the distance. His heart moved, and he looked over. Sure enough, it was Zi Jing.

Zi Jing looked up and smiled when she saw Lu Yin. "See? I told you I can predict the future.”

Lu Yin’s smile slipped away, and he entered the garden.

It was filled with all sorts of exotic flowers and plants that he was not able to recognize, but it was absolutely beautiful. Zi Jing freely and casually moved about as she tended to the plants, watering flowers from time to time.

"You’re CyNet’s boss?" Lu Yin asked.

Zi Jing nodded and looked over at Lu Yin. "What? Do I not seem like it?"

"Very much so," Lu Yin replied. But then, he felt that he was being a bit rude, so he added on, "You’re too young and too pretty."

"Oh, Lu Yin, do you frequently sweet-talk girls like this? You’re quite smooth." Zi Jing laughed.

Lu Yin gave a slight smile. "Can you tell me how to contact the Outerverse?"

"I said that I can tell fortunes, and I said that you would need to ask me for something." Zi Jing smiled happily.

Lu Yin was well aware of the old saying that one could not offend a woman. Naturally, he knew that he could reach out to Mu En and ask Zi Jing to connect him to the Outerverse, but doing so would definitely offend her as she was not a part of the Hall of Honor—CyNet was merely under their authority. On top of that, she controlled a network that spanned the entire universe, and he would surely need to reach out to her some time again in the future. Thus, it would not be worth it to offend her over such a minor detail.

"Alright, what do you want?" Lu Yin asked helplessly.

Zi Jing set down the watering can, grabbed a hat from nowhere, and put it on. She then gestured for Lu Yin to take a seat.

There was a wooden table set close by, so Lu Yin sat down there.

She poured him a cup of tea. "Try this. It’s a floral tea brewed from these flowers."

Lu Yin arched a brow. Floral tea? Isn’t this what Zhao Ran likes to make?

After taking a sip, Lu Yin was struck by the taste. How strange—it was quite familiar and similar to the teas that Zhao Ran normally prepared for him.

Zi Jing watched Lu Yin. "How’s the taste?"

Lu Yin nodded and praised, "It’s very good, and it’s also very beautiful."

Although the tea tasted similar to what Zhao Ran had made, the appearances of the two drinks could not have been any more different. Anything that Zhao Ran made looked like a deadly poison, and it took great courage for anyone to merely taste it whereas the tea in front of Lu Yin was quite pleasant to look at.

Zi Jing smiled as she replied, "Thank you."

Lu Yin asked, "I wonder, can Boss Zi Jing let me contact the Outerverse?"

Zi Jing laughed again. "I never stopped you!"

Lu Yin was caught off guard, but sure enough, she had done nothing to stop him.

"So, can I call the Outerverse now?" Lu Yin asked.

Zi Jing smiled. "Now I’ll have to go ahead and stop you."

Lu Yin was speechless. "What"s your request? Tell me."

Zi Jing lowered her teacup. "Can Mr. Lu truly accept others’ requests so easily?"

"That depends on who the other party is," Lu Yin countered.

Zi Jing laughed. "The Hall of Honor gave one of the nine overseers authority over the Great Eastern Alliance, and that overseer then sent his grandson into the Outerverse as his representative. Is Mr. Lu worried that this Tian Shao will gain control of the Great Eastern Alliance?"

Lu Yin remained silent.

Zi Jing continued probing. "Does Mr. Lu lack confidence in the Great Eastern Alliance that he created?"

Lu Yin looked at the woman before him. "What are you trying to say?"

Zi Jing continued, saying, "On the premise that the Outerverse is about to be handed over to the Sixth Mainland, Tian Shao has called for a convention of the entire Great Eastern Alliance with the intention of electing an Alliance Leader. Was Mr. Lu aware of this?"

Lu Yin"s eyes flashed. "I am now."

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
