Star Odyssey

Chapter 1221: Repair

Chapter 1221: Repair

Ku Wei was frozen with shock, and he reached up to touch his shoulder. He had been completely unable to resist, and only now did he realize that Shao Yangxun’s power level really was above 300,000. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d was also one of the Great Yu Empire’s Thirteen Imperial Squadron Captains, but he still dared to treat Ku Wei in such a manner. "I’ll definitely take care of this after Seventh Bro gets back."

He then walked out of the room, but he was only greeted by a cold wind. Shocked, Ku Wei looked up to see a white sky and a flurry of snow. “What the h.e.l.l?"

To the south of Subzero City, Lu Yin had spent ten days studying the sourcebox array with the help of Gu Yue’s journal. However, he had only gained a few tiny clues as to what might be wrong with the array, and all he could do at this point was give it a try.

His observations over the last few days had revealed that there was no way for him to destroy this array given his current abilities. Thus, since he could not destroy it, he could at least make some attempts. After all, maybe he could fix it!

Lu Yin was willing to take a risk, and he was also the type of person to immediately follow through on a decision that he had made.

When the Frost Emperor saw Lu Yin moving closer to the weak point in the sourcebox array, he grew a bit fl.u.s.tered and could not stop himself from speaking up. "Alliance Leader Lu, are you confident?"

Lu Yin nodded. "Ninety percent."

The Frost Emperor let out a sigh of relief, though he was still rather worried.

Lu Yin pursed his lips. He actually meant that he was 90% uncertain, but it did not matter if he failed. Regardless of what he did, he would not be able to have any negative effect on the sourcebox array.

It did not take long for Lu Yin to fly into the sky. He then looked down at the gap where whipping, howling cold wind rushed out of the seal. More than 700 stars appeared around his body as he shot down.

The Frost Emperor grew increasingly nervous, and he stared off into the distance.

Before long, the cold wind stopped.

The Frost Emperor grew overjoyed; it was done! It had been the right decision to bring this kid to the Royal Frost Continent.

However, the very next moment, the violent cold wind swept back up into the sky. Lu Yin had been frozen solid and he shot out before smashing back onto the ground off in the distance, the impact cracking the ice. "Frost Emperor, block the wind."

Seeing that the cold wind had begun to rage once more, the Frost Emperor quickly took action. Now, the cold wind that was billowing up was much worse than before, and if it reached Subzero City, then the city’s protective barrier might not be enough to stop this cold.

The Frost Emperor angrily glared at Lu Yin. "Didn"t you say that you could do it?"

Lu Yin helplessly replied, "I didn"t say that I was 100% certain."

The Frost Emperor was infuriated, and he wanted to teach Lu Yin a lesson.

Lu Yin quickly said, "Senior, can you block all of this cold air?"

The Frost Emperor stared at Lu Yin. "Are you asking me to act as a human bandage for the sourcebox array?"

Lu Yin was helpless. "There’s no other way. Senior, please block the cold for a bit, and this junior will contact an Array Master."

The Frost Emperor felt rushed. "Then hurry up! This wind is getting colder and colder, and even if I can stop the wind, the cold will still leak out and lower the temperature until all of Subzero City has frozen over."

Lu Yin opened his gadget, but then he suddenly remembered that he was on the Royal Frost Continent and that there was no signal he could use. In that instant, a flash of insight struck him, and he raised his head to ask the Frost Emperor, "Senior, can you open the void to make a path to Blazing Mist Flowzone? This junior will then be able to contact a powerful Lockbreaker."

"The sooner the better," the Frost Emperor replied. He raised a hand, and cold air twisted at the void before tearing it open.

"Senior, can"t you send the cold air into Blazing Mist Flowzone?" Lu Yin asked.

The Frost Emperor said, "Yes, but doing so would cause countless people in that flowzone to freeze to death."

That was not an option. "Then what about creating a pocket dimension and sending it there?" Lu Yin asked.

The Frost Emperor angrily retorted, "Do you think that it’s that easy to open a pocket dimension? Unless the person in question is an Envoy, it’s very easy to suffer damage while trying to create a dimension, and it’s very dangerous even for Envoys."

Lu Yin realized that this was true after thinking about it. The pocket s.p.a.ce that held Shenwu Continent had first been opened by Gu Yue, and only later were Enlighters able to tear through to access the continent. “How long?"

The Frost Emperor gritted his teeth. "At most, one month. After that, the coldness leaking out will be enough to break through Subzero City’s barrier, and all of the hundreds of millions of residents there will freeze to death."

The crack in the void that led to Blazing Mist Flowzone opened the rest of the way, and the cold air was sucked into the crack. Lu Yin also managed to call Saul with his gadget.

On Planet Hydrotink, Saul had been in a bad mood for a while due to one reason: Geoffrey had returned.

Saul had expected that Geoffrey would want to settle matters with Saul due to the events on Sourcepeak Planet, but the old man had acted very happily upon returning. It was almost as though he had won a grand prize. He carried himself about in a familiar manner and spent every day drinking with Saul.

Saul was a very serious person and also tried to always remain calm, but Geoffrey had caused Saul to completely lose his temper.

There was a thud as Geoffrey smashed a barrel onto the ground, startling Saul.

"Come on, Saul, drink a bucket! Be happy, hahahaha!" Geoffrey was a dry little old man with an ugly appearance and no distinguishing physical characteristics. Whether it was his speech or his demeanor, he seemed like a rascal, at least from Saul’s perspective.

"President, I don"t want to drink," Saul coldly refused.

Geoffrey patted Saul on the shoulder, hard. "Don"t be like this, old Saul. After so many years of holding back, I"m finally free! Hahahaha."

Saul"s forehead twitched. This old man’s words could be easily misunderstood by others.

"Don"t you want True Insight? Say it! Say it! This president will just give it to you. You never said anything for so many years, and I even thought that you wanted something else with the way that you were staring at me all the time! Sorry, hahahaha." Geoffrey laughed.

The corner of Saul"s eye twitched. "President, you"ve been drinking too much."

At this time, Saul’s gadget rang, and he looked at it in surprise. "President, Lu Yin is calling me."

Geoffrey pointed at Saul"s gadget. "Lu Yin? Is he that powerful little kid? Why is he calling you?"

Saul replied, "This is his territory, and technically, he owns where we’re staying."

Geoffrey lifted the barrel and took a drink. "Not bad."

Saul no longer had any expectations for Geoffrey. He activated his gadget, and Lu Yin"s voice came through. "Saul, help me contact President Geoffrey."

Saul froze for a moment and reflexively looked around, thinking that Lu Yin was somehow spying on him.

Lu Yin spoke up again, "Did you hear me? I need you to help me to get in touch with President Geoffrey."

Saul looked over at Geoffrey. "President, Alliance Leader Lu is looking for you."

Geoffrey set the barrel of wine down and burped. His cheeks were bulging, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked completely drunk. "A- A- Alliance Leader Lu? Looking for me?"

He then howled into the gadget, "I"M GEOFFREY!"

Back on the Royal Frost Continent, Lu Yin was left speechless, as it sounded as though President Geoffrey was right next to him. "This junior is Lu Yin. Is that Senior President Geoffrey?"

"It"s me! Will you come drink with me?" Geoffrey shouted loudly.

Lu Yin solemnly replied, "Senior, this junior needs to ask for your help."

"Help? Do we know each other?" Geoffrey asked as he grabbed the barrel again and resumed drinking.

Lu Yin said, "This junior is being very abrupt, but this concerns the lives of hundreds of millions of people, and so, I am asking Senior to please help."

Geoffrey lowered the barrel of wine and smashed it onto the ground. "What"s the matter? Tell me."

Lu Yin explained, "This junior is currently on the Royal Frost Continent. There is a sourcebox array beneath the continent that is sealing something away, but a hole has formed in it, and cold air is constantly rising from that hole. If the hole can’t be repaired within a month, then the sheer chill will freeze the entire Royal Frost Continent. The hundreds of millions of people living on the Royal Frost Continent will all freeze to death. I am asking Senior to help repair this sourcebox array because of the hundreds of millions of people facing a desperate situation.”

Geoffrey"s eyes lit up. "A sourcebox array? Repair it? Interesting! Where?"

"In Blazing Mist Flowzone, on the Royal Frost Continent," Lu Yin said.

Geoffrey belched. "Got it. This old man will go and see your sourcebox array."

After he spoke, there was a bang as he fell to the ground.

Lu Yin quickly voiced his grat.i.tude, "Thank you, Senior!"

He spoke up twice more, but only Saul"s helpless voice came through the call. "Alliance Leader Lu, the president’s drunk."

Lu Yin did not understand. "Drunk?"

Saul sighed. "The president is fond of drinking a very strange alcohol, and even if an Envoy drinks it, they’ll still end up drunk. Additionally, they’ll stay drunk for anywhere from half a month to an entire month."

Lu Yin"s expression changed. "Can you wake him up?"

"Sorry, but I can"t," Saul answered helplessly.

Lu Yin was stunned; just what was this situation?

"Alliance Leader Lu, don"t worry. We’ll work to wake up the president, and as soon as he wakes up, he’ll be on his way to the Royal Frost Continent. He should arrive within the time limit," Saul tried to rea.s.sure Lu Yin.

Lu Yin remained anxious. "Will the president even remember our conversation just now?"

"Don"t worry. All of us are aware of the president’s habits, so his gadget is always active and recording everything that happens around him. Since he’s already promised to go to the Royal Frost Continent, he won’t change his mind. Now it’s just a matter of when the president wakes up," Saul explained.

Lu Yin was speechless. How was this sort of behavior a habit? It sounded like Geoffrey had been causing trouble for a long time.

Helpless, Lu Yin asked Saul a few more things before ending the call and falling deep into thought.

From the distance, the Frost Emperor shouted, "How did it go?"

Lu Yin thought for a moment. "I reached over to someone, and the Outerverse Lockbreaker Society’s President Geoffrey has promised to come over."

The Frost Emperor was thrilled. "When?"

"Within a month," Lu Yin said.

The Frost Emperor’s eyes went wide. "What are the specific details?"

Lu Yin felt helpless, and could only relay Saul"s words over to the Frost Emperor. The Frost Emperor nearly vomited blood. The lives of hundreds of millions of people were on the line, but their best source of help was dead drunk.

Still, the Frost Emperor could not really blame Geoffrey. He was not someone from the Royal Frost Continent, and he had no obligation to save the continent. It was already pretty good that he had promised to go.

This was the way of the universe, and the destruction of an entire planet was but a transient event. After all, the deaths of hundreds of millions of creatures on such a planet was quite normal.

The Frost Emperor once again became anxious. "Lord Lu, can you call another Lockbreaker?"

Lu Yin felt embarra.s.sed. "I can, but I can’t make any promises. Such people might not even speak to me."

The Frost Emperor was helpless and grew increasingly nervous.

"Senior, this junior might have a way to extend the time limit."

The moment Lu Yin finished speaking, the Frost Emperor instantly refused, "There’s no need."

Lu Yin blinked; the Frost Emperor clearly did not trust Lu Yin. "Senior, this junior isn’t trying to repair the sourcebox array, but rather just trying to find someone to help you block the cold from reaching Subzero City."

The Frost Emperor coldly retorted, "Can you call an Envoy? It’s useless. Unless we can bring over a high temperature to neutralize the cold, this cold can’t be stopped. It’s even able to freeze the void, so it’s not that easy to contain.

Lu Yin smiled. "Senior, have you heard of the Blaze Realm before?"

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
