Star Odyssey

Chapter 1224: Masters Of Blazing Mist Flowzone

Chapter 1224: Masters Of Blazing Mist Flowzone

Lu Yin watched the Frost Emperor"s performance with rapt admiration, and he was certain that Monster Chi did not suspect anything.

Lu Yin’s hunches were correct, as Monster Chi did not see any issue with the situation at all. He was fully confident that the Royal Frost Continent only had this single Enlighter protecting them and that their Envoy realm expert must have already died.

After receiving Monster Chi"s confident report, Leader Hong finally moved out. He raised a foot to take a step forward, disappearing. When he reappeared, he was already next to the cracks in the void. When he took another step, he pa.s.sed through the cracks and entered the dimension containing the Royal Frost Continent.

When Leader Hong entered the Royal Frost Continent, the entire continent trembled. Clouds formed from flames quickly spread through the sky, melting the ice that covered the ground. The once white Royal Frost Continent quickly thawed, and fierce floods raged throughout the city.

The Frost Emperor raised his head. "He’s finally here."

After that, his body disappeared.

Lu Yin looked up at where Leader Hong was standing next to the spatial crack. This person was an Envoy. Lu Yin had faced them more than once before, and he had even killed one of the Sixth Mainland’s Imprinters, though that had only been possible due to his power vessel. Despite Lu Yin’s recent increase in strength, he was still helpless against an Envoy. Even Enlighters with power levels above 400,000 would find it difficult to deal with an Envoy.

Envoys were different from all of the cultivators below them as they fought on a different level. Supposedly, they used stellular energy, not star energy.

That was a fundamental difference in level, and Lu Yin could not yet understand the level at which Envoys stood.

After Leader Hong appeared, his eyes immediately looked at Subzero City off in the distance. The moment Lu Yin saw the man, the Envoy felt it. As soon as Leader Hong looked at Lu Yin, the Frost Emperor appeared in front of the Blaze Realm’s master. The Frost Emperor did not say a word, but Leader Hong was frozen for a moment as he stared at the Frost Emperor in amazement. "You- you’re not dead?"

The Frost Emperor shouted, "Of course I’m not dead!”

He then slapped a palm out at Leader Hong. In response, his eyes opened wide as flames filled the sky and caused the Royal Frost Continent to shake.

Lu Yin was scorched by the terrible heat, and he was forced to continuously fall back. By the time he looked back up, the two powerhouses had already vanished.

He looked around in confusion; where had those two gone?

This was a battle between Envoys. Yuan Shi had once mentioned to Lu Yin that fights between Envoys took place in the true universe, which meant that the two had entered a different plane.

In outer s.p.a.ce, humans could only see the most common dimension. Different creatures could see different spectrums of light, and spatial dimensions were actually in a similar situation. Some creatures could see deeper into the various dimensions, and this was rather common for certain creatures of the Astral Beast Domain.

Lu Yin felt a chill spread throughout his body. At this moment, if Leader Hong attacked Lu Yin, it would be impossible for him to mount any sort of resistance at all.

Upon thinking of this, Lu Yin hurriedly donned his universal armor.

At that moment, the sky suddenly broke open, and a spatial crack spread across the entirety of the Royal Frost Continent. Flames fell down from the sky like waterfalls, but they were quickly frozen by the cold air. It was a spectacular scene that made it look as if the continent was collapsing.

Countless people in Subzero City became terrified. If those scattered flames had fallen, then the entire Royal Frost Continent would have been burned.

A streak of red appeared high in the sky, but then it disappeared.

The Frost Emperor then reappeared. He stood high in the sky and stared at the crack in the void before slowly descending next to Lu Yin. "When will the sylvan dragons and the Ross Empire appear?"

Lu Yin answered, "Soon."

"Are you certain that the allure of a secret technique will not cause the entire Innerverse to attack my Royal Frost Continent?" The Frost Emperor had become anxious once again.

Lu Yin had already answered this question before, but he calmly answered it once again, "Yes. It is truly impossible for everyone to target this place, and not everyone would believe such a ruse either. The Blaze Realm only trusts this information because of their greed and where they are located.”

The Frost Emperor’s worries were not calmed.

Lu Yin continued, "There’s no other way. Do you want the Royal Frost Continent to freeze over and let hundreds of millions of people die? Or, do you want to take this risk? Are you willing to gamble on President Geoffrey waking up sooner than predicted?"

The Frost Emperor felt helpless. "I hope that you’re telling the truth."

Leader Hong suddenly appeared in Blazing Mist Flowzone, just outside the crack in the void near Planet Coo. As he did so, he nearly collapsed. His face was pale, and there were traces of blood at the corners of his mouth.

He did not allow anyone from the Blaze Realm to see his condition, and he immediately moved into a s.p.a.cecraft.

Monster Chi, Si Penghai, and the others all looked at Leader Hong and were shocked at what they saw. "Realm Master, what happened?"

Leader Hong lifted his head, revealing a fierce light in his eyes. "The Frost Emperor isn’t dead."

Everyone present was stunned.

Monster Chi could not believe the news. "How is that possible? I went in several times and found no trace of the Frost Emperor."

Leader Hong gritted his teeth. "It was all a part of their plan."

Kun Ban was terrified of the prospect that he would be implicated by the existence of such a plan. He might very well be shunned after this, so after thinking quickly, he said, "Realm Master, there’s no reason for the Frost Emperor to pretend to be dead. Even if he did pretend to be dead, there’s no way for me to have learned of it from the Gasfire Alliance. There’s no motive behind this possibility."

"That"s true. Realm Master, the Royal Frost Continent has been at peace with our Blazing Mist Flowzone for so many years, and there"s no reason for them to purposely dupe us right now," Si Penghai said.

Leader Hong looked up. "What if they’re cooperating with the Gasfire Alliance?"

Monster Chi shook his head. "The Gasfire Alliance is made up of nothing but a bunch of trash. They don’t qualify to cooperate with an Envoy."

Leader Hong was in a rotten mood. "Let"s pull back first before surrounding this place. I want to see what that old ghost, the Frost Emperor, wants to do."

"Yes, Realm Master."

Suddenly, Leader Hong stood up and stared to the east, upon which his expression drastically changed. "Sylvan dragons."

Everyone was caught off guard, and Monster Chi frowned before quietly saying, "The sylvan dragon clan is here."

Off in the distance, hundreds of large sylvan dragons swam through s.p.a.ce, headed straight for Planet Coo.

Many wary eyes from the Blaze Realm’s forces watched the approaching dragons.

The s.p.a.cecraft looked rather small in front of the ma.s.sive sylvan dragons, and at the front of the crowd of dragons, there was one who was several times larger than any of the others. It was Long Yi, the Envoy realm patriarch of the sylvan dragon clan.

As Long Yi moved forward, his ma.s.sive eyes swept across the area, terrifying the Blaze Realm’s forces to the point where not a single one of them dared to make even the slightest sound.

The Heavenflame Army was the Blaze Realm’s most elite army, but its members were still quite terrified by the sight of so many great dragons.

"Old friend, Leader Hong, since you"re here, then why don"t you come out and greet me?" Long Yi’s voice caused s.p.a.ce itself to tremble.

Many of the Blaze Realm’s vessels were slightly damaged by this sentence, as they were not able to withstand the pressure of the powerful dragon.

Leader Hong then appeared in outer s.p.a.ce. His complexion had already returned to normal, and he calmly looked at the dragon patriarch. "This place is within the territory of my Blaze Realm. Long Yi, what is it that you want for you to have brought out so many of your children and grandchildren? You don"t want to go to war with my Blaze Realm."

Long Yi grinned. "Of course not. I just heard that the entrance to the Royal Frost Continent appeared, so I want to go and take a look."

Leader Hong’s brows rose. "The Royal Frost Continent? Who told you that?"

Long Yi rolled his ma.s.sive eyes before staring at Leader Hong once again. "Do you still want to hide it? The Royal Frost Continent is hiding a secret technique, and your Blaze Realm can’t handle owning such a thing."

Leader Hong frowned. "You"ve been deceived. There is no secret technique on the Frost Emperor Continent, and that old ghost Frost Emperor is still alive."

Long Yi was surprised by this news. "The Frost Emperor is alive? Didn"t they say that he had died?"

"You"ve been deceived," Leader Hong solemnly repeated.

Long Yi clearly did not believe such a thing. "Even if this is a trick, we still need to go in and investigate. At the very least, we should greet the Frost Emperor. After all, he is by no means weak."

Leader Hong stared intently at Long Yi. Leader Hong believed that this whole thing was a trick, but as Si Penghai and the others had said, what possible reason could motivate the Frost Emperor into faking his own death? There was no reason to do such a thing, and the Gasfire Alliance did not have the qualifications to ally themselves with the Royal Frost Continent. And if someone claimed that the alliance was taking advantage of the Royal Frost Continent to deal with the Blaze Realm, no one would believe it either.

Since there was no motive to fake the Frost Emperor’s death, then it meant that the information from the Gasfire Alliance should not be fake. However, the Frost Emperor was clearly not dead, which just placed everything else in a suspicious light.

Leader Hong was stuck. He could not understand the motivation behind this scheme, but did the secret technique really not exist?

He could not be sure of anything right now.

After seeing Leader Hong’s reticent att.i.tude, Long Yi became even more convinced that there was a secret technique hidden on the Royal Frost Continent. "Old friend, it seems that you really want to have the secret technique all for yourself, but don"t even think about it. Not only has my sylvan dragon clan come, but that guy from the Ross Empire is also on his way, and he’s bringing the top troops of his empire. You can’t deal with this on your own anymore."

Long Yi’s voice fell, and Leader Hong looked in another direction. He was able to sense the approach of another powerhouse: the Ross Empire’s Emperor Luo was coming.

All the masters of Blazing Mist Flowzone’s three top powers had appeared in the same place, and they had also all brought their best troops. Their goal was very simple: the Royal Frost Continent.

Regardless of whether or not Leader Hong doubted the information about the Royal Frost Continent, it was impossible for him to allow Long Yi and Emperor Luo to enter alone. What if the information was true? If there really was a secret technique hidden on the continent, then Leader Hong would be done for.

It was better to kill an innocent than let a guilty man go free. This was Leader Hong’s personality, and it was in line with that of most of the universe’s powerhouses.

No one would be willing to give up the Royal Frost Continent at this junction. If it turned out that there really was nothing hidden on the continent, then the three powers would simply join hands to eradicate a blight that had long plagued them.

Inside the s.p.a.cecraft, Leader Hong, Long Yi, and Emperor Luo spoke face to face.

Long Yi had taken on a human form, and he looked like a large, brutish man with some similarities with Leader Hong, though he was even more domineering.

Although Leader Hong had a rough appearance, he was actually quite shrewd and calculating.

As for Emperor Luo, his whole body was covered with metal machinery, and even his face was hidden behind a screen of reflective metal. No one knew what lay behind those metal layers, and he also spoke with a unique voice that sounded mechanical and metallic, but also a bit hoa.r.s.e.

"So, the Frost Emperor is still alive, and he fought you," Emperor Luo stated. Even his eyes were mechanical, and they scanned Leader Hong’s face.

To Leader Hong, the most uncomfortable part of having Emperor Luo stare at him was the overwhelming sensation of condescension that the mechanical man gave off. "Someone must be trying to plot against my Blaze Realm, which is why this false information was deliberately leaked."

"It’s been years since the Royal Frost Continent has gone into hiding, but this time, they tore open a hole in the void. This in and of itself is a problem," said Long Yi.

Leader Hong looked at Long Yi and Emperor Luo. "How did you receive this news?"

Emperor Luo was silent, but Long Yi sneered. "How could we not know that your Blaze Realm was making moves?"

Leader Hong"s eyes grew sharp. "Even if you can observe our movements, there’s no way for you to have heard anything about the secret technique."

"We were told by someone in your Blaze Realm," Emperor Luo said.

Leader Hong grew furious. "You planted a mole within my Blaze Realm?"

Long Yi smiled oddly. "Don"t say it like that. Everyone does such things."

Emperor Luo looked over at Long Yi. "We never planted a mole in your sylvan dragon clan."

"That’s because it can’t be done," Leader Hong said angrily.

Long Yi responded arrogantly, "We’re simply a different race. There’s no blame to be cast here."

"Okay, so the current problem is the Frost Emperor. As long as we can discover the reason why he faked his death, the entire story will be unraveled," Emperor Luo quietly said.

Leader Hong slowly said, "The Frost Emperor is not a good start. None of us can match up to him."

"Then we can team up," refuted Long Yi.

Leader Hong frowned. He no longer wanted to fight against the Frost Emperor. Fire was the ant.i.thesis of ice, but in the same sense, ice was also the ant.i.thesis of fire. This relationship aptly described how Leader Hong’s battle against the Frost Emperor had gone. The other two leaders were probably more worried about leaving Leader Hong outside on his own.

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
