Star Odyssey

Chapter 1239: Zenith Mountain

Chapter 1239: Zenith Mountain

"A grand marshal can command many people," En Ya said.

Lu Yin looked up. "So that’s why he was able to betray Endless Weave, pa.s.s his opinions to the Hall of Honor, and even successfully connect the entire Human Domain on a single network."

"Your Highness, please save the grand marshal no matter what it takes! He can die on the battlefield, but not in prison," En Ya begged.

After listening to En Ya"s words, Lu Yin suddenly abandoned all hope of being able to rescue Shui Chuanxiao, at least by relying on Yuan Shi. Yuan Shi had selflessly agreed to be commanded by the Human Domain’s grand marshal, so Yuan Shi clearly attached great importance to righteousness. If this were not the case, then when Shui Chuanxiao had deliberately lost half of Endless Weave, would Yuan Shi have agreed to such a method? This would have gone against the ancient powerhouse’s principles.

After a while, Yuan Shi"s voice was heard from Lu Yin’s gadget, “I can do nothing.”

En Ya"s eyes dimmed.

Lu Yin was not surprised. "Senior, Grand Marshal Shui is guilty. This is true. But his actions allowed the entire Human Domain to be connected under one network, which allows us to now communicate in real-time. If not for an interconnected network, then the Outerverse might not have been able to reinforce Ironblood Weave’s defenses in time. This network also provides endless possibilities for the other border warfronts."

"I know, but who will pay the debt for the countless lives lost when half of Endless Weave fell?" Yuan Shi solemnly asked.

Lu Yin had nothing to say. This was a matter that had to be viewed from one’s own morality and knowledge of the overall situation. Shui Chuanxiao had succeeded in the grand scheme of things, but only at the cost of his morality.

Yuan Shi had always remained unaffiliated, not caring about claiming political power or authority. In fact, he had even submitted to another’s command. Such a person often placed great importance upon morals and virtue. Thus, Lu Yin believed that Yuan Shi no longer had a very good opinion of Shui Chuanxiao.

"An imprisonment of 10,000 years is the punishment that was given to him. No matter if I can or cannot save him from this fate, I will not," Yuan Shi said.

Lu Yin was helpless. "Junior understands. I"m sorry for making things uncomfortable for Senior."

Yuan Shi remained silent for a while before speaking again, "Everyone has their own value. This sentence was given as his punishment, but that was not its true purpose. If he can compensate for his crime, then the sentence can then be reduced."

Lu Yin"s eyes lit up. "This junior understands. Thank you for reminding me."

"Many people claim that the bigger picture is the most important aspect of things, but what is it worth if you win the war by losing your soul? You must have a bottom line, and I hope that your bottom line, no matter if it’s now or in the future, will never be crossed."

After finishing his call with Yuan Shi, Lu Yin looked over at En Ya. "Wait a bit more."

En Ya pursed her lips. "Thank you, Your Highness."

En Ya left soon after, and Lu Yin ruminated over Yuan Shi’s last words. The bigger picture? His bottom line?

In the Neoverse, the Azure Mansion remained as lively as ever. However, within Ming Yu"s room, Tian Shao was sitting down with a pale face as he stared at two women in front of him. One was Ming Yu, and the other was Ming Yan, who was known to Tian Shao as Yan Yu.

"You? How dare you poison me!" Tian Shao’s eyes were sinister as he glared at Ming Yu.

Ming Yu"s eyes betrayed her terror. Her fear of Tian Shao left her feeling uneasy, but after looking at Ming Yan, who was standing beside her, Ming Yu grew more confident. She had never expected that Ming Yan"s poison would be so powerful. Not only was it effective on Tian Shao, but it also affected everyone else. The old powerhouse who acted as Tian Shao’s bodyguard had also been poisoned, aging dramatically. Right now, he looked as though his life had already pa.s.sed by.

What made Ming Yan even more unfathomable was that she actually had two different people. No, that was not quite right; she was one person, but with two personalities, though that also seemed wrong. Her hair alternated between black and white at unpredictable times. The black-haired Ming Yan was kind hearted while the white-haired Ming Yan was ruthless. However, the two personalities both had some things in common, which was that they were both decisive and contained the overwhelming momentum of a ruler.

"Who controls Black Street?" At this moment, Ming Yan had white hair, and she spoke in an indifferent tone.

In a sinister voice, Tian Shao replied, "b.i.t.c.h! You dare to move against me? I am Bu Laoweng’s grandson! Do you know how many people within the Hall of Honor serve our family?”

The white-haired Ming Yan did not mess around, and she simply broke Tian Shao"s arm in response, causing him to howl in agony.

In another room, Tian Shao’s old bodyguard was struggling more and more with his rapid aging. His skin looked more like a dehydrated piece of bark hanging off of his face, and it looked like it was going to fall off at any moment. It was horrendously terrifying.

In front of him was the establishment’s madam, who was petrified. She was not scared of the old man, but rather of Ming Yan.

The madam was aware of this old man’s power, and she was horrified to see that such an incredible powerhouse could be crippled by a poison.

"Hurry! Inform Bu Laoweng! Call him now!" The old man raised his face that looked like a ghost and glared at the madam.

The madam took a step back in fear, but she did not dare to respond.

The old man"s eyes grew ever fiercer. "You dare to betray Black Street? You know what will happen, and it is a hundred times worse than simply dying. Are you sure that you want to go through with this?”

The madam shook her head, her face completely white. "I- I dare not! I dare not!"

"Two mere girls think they can stand up to Black Street with nothing but a little poison? Immediately call Bu Laoweng. Hurry up!" the old man threatened the madam.

At this moment, the door to the room opened, and the white-haired Ming Yan entered. She calmly looked down at the old man and then over at the madam. “If you want to believe him, then go ahead. I’ll let you experience what it means to have a life worse than death."

The madam"s body trembled. "Yes, yes.”

The old man stared at Ming Yan. "You’re courting death! Do you know who you are going up against? He is one of the Hall of Honor’s overseers! Do you know what will happen to whoever moves against him?”

The white-haired Ming Yan gave the old man a strange look. "Old man, I just did.”

Chaos Flowzone was the Innerverse’s darkest place. It was full of pirates,, slave traders, and more. This darkness that ordinary people could only imagine lay in this flowzone, along with another, unexpected darkness.

Many planets in the flowzone contained black markets where shady transactions took place everyday.

On one particular day, a man appeared above a certain planet. His whole body was hidden within a strange armor, and his face could not be seen. Only a single word was engraved upon the surface of the armor: Ji. This was the symbol of the Interstellar Supreme Court.

As the man stepped through s.p.a.ce, he instantly disappeared. When he next appeared, he was in the darkest corner of the planet, deep underground. This was where the planet’s black market was located.

The center of the planet was surrounded by magma, and curtains of magma fell down in all directions, illuminating the hidden s.p.a.ce. It made for an extraordinary view that was as beautiful as it was dangerous.

The moment the man arrived, countless strands of sword qi flew at him from all directions, shattering the void. The invisible barrier that kept this s.p.a.ce isolated from the surrounding magma was immediately torn apart, and an endless amount of magma poured in like a broken dam.

The moment the newcomer made a move, someone in the black market had noticed something and immediately wanted to stop what was about to happen. However, there was simply nothing that he could do. The newcomer was too strong, and those who protected the black market were only Hunters. They could not withstand even a single attack from this man.

"Is that…? The Interstellar Supreme Court! Not good! RUN!"

"Who offended the Interstellar Supreme Court? They’ve brought disaster."

"Sir, please stop! This place is under the protection of ChaosG.o.d Mountain. Please show mercy."

The s.p.a.ce at the center of the planet was covered with magma. That, combined with the countless spatial cracks, made this land look like a scene of doomsday.

After one round of attacks, the man slowly stated, "ZENITH will be held in Chaos Flowzone. By the order of the Chief Justice, Chaos Flowzone will be purged."

The man"s words echoed through the hearts of those deep in the bowels of the planet, and countless people wailed in despair.

"Why did they decide to hold ZENITH in Chaos Flowzone? What should we do now?”

"Let"s escape! We can go to another flowzone to avoid attention for now, and we’ll come back after ZENITH."

"Who came up with the idea of holding ZENITH in Chaos Flowzone? Did ChaosG.o.d Mountain agree?”

"Bro, stop dreaming. The Hall of Honor is organizing ZENITH. No matter how you look at it, ChaosG.o.d Mountain isn’t qualified to object. I bet that they’re dealing with their own problems right now.”

ChaosG.o.d Mountain was indeed facing a true challenge at this moment. Cang Zhou glared at Mu En with a face that contained grief and indignation. "Why should I have my ChaosG.o.d Mountain maintain order? Clean up the darkness? If we do this, who will give us face in the future in this chaotic flowzone?”

Mu En answered with a smile. "This is an order from the Hall of Honor. Sect Master Cang should cooperate, as otherwise, I won’t be the one speaking to you next time. Rather, it might be the Chief Justice."

Cang Zhou gritted his teeth. "Understood. You are certainly cruel enough."

Mu En smiled bitterly. "It was decided that ZENITH will be held in Chaos Flowzone, which is something that none of us can change, no matter who Sect Master Cang wishes to complain to."

"The Outerverse has been handed over to the Sixth Mainland. What is there that I can’t figure out?" Cang Zhou unhappily complained.

Mu En shook his head. "There are some things that are not decided by people, and I don"t know the specifics."

The master of one of the Innerverse’s eight great flowzones was completely clueless as to why Chaos Flowzone had been chosen to host ZENITH. Cang Zhou felt helpless, and he looked in the direction of the Neoverse.

He suddenly remembered Lu Yin. That junior had greatly impressed Cang Zhou. Lu Yin was just a child, but he had actually forced the Innerverse powers to abandon their plans of the Purge, and he even held the qualifications to face such powerhouses directly. At the moment, Lu Yin had already defeated the Blaze Realm and secured a place for himself within the Innerverse. His goal should also be the Neoverse.

"Although he’s just a child, we old farts can’t match up to his spirit," Cang Zhou said with a sigh.

ChaosG.o.d Mountain was the only power that could quickly clear Chaos Flowzone. As the master of Chaos Flowzone, ChaosG.o.d Mountain was also the most familiar with the flowzone.

Ten days. ChaosG.o.d Mountain gave the people of Chaos Flowzone’s underworld ten days to clear out. After that, they took another ten days to deal with anyone who had refused to leave.

It only took a total of twenty days before Chaos Flowzone was clean. Although ChaosG.o.d Mountain had become hated by countless people and was ridiculed for becoming the Hall of Honor’s lapdog, such complaints had nothing to do with the Hall of Honor.

On the second day after Chaos Flowzone’s purge, Zenith Mountain appeared.

Even Cang Zhou felt amazed when he stared at the nearby tall and majestic mountain.

Zenith Mountain was a mountain, but it had been made from a certain ore known as tika. Tika was known as the hardest stone known to the universe, and it was tough enough to compare to many metals that were used to forge weapons. It was difficult for even Hunters to leave any marks on tika.

An entire gigantic mountain made completely of tika was certainly enough to be the battlefield for where the younger generation’s vied for supremacy.

Also, this was just what Zenith Mountain was made of. The gravity on the mountain was also an impressive hundred times stronger than normal gravity. This was the limit that most regular Limiteers could tolerate.

Additionally, Zenith Mountain was constantly covered by catastrophic weather phenomena and many strange obstacles.

At the center of Zenith Mountain were four valley They lay to the south, east, north, and west. These were checkpoints, and they had to be crossed if one wanted to reach the peak of the mountain.

Above the four valleys was a ma.s.sive pa.s.s that stood near the mountain’s peak. This was the final checkpoint.

Thus, there were five checkpoints in total: south, north, east, west, and center, and each had a gatekeeper.

The moment Zenith Mountain appeared in Chaos Flowzone, s.p.a.ce trembled, and an image spread out that was seen by the entire universe, even the Sixth Mainland.

Pinnacle Youth. This was the t.i.tle everyone desired, and it would be given to ZENITH’s final victor.

At this very moment, registration for ZENITH opened up.

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
