Star Odyssey

Chapter 1351: Celestial Frost Sect

Chapter 1351: Celestial Frost Sect

The old man from the Dalian Mountain branch of the White Dragon Clan excitedly looked around the hall. "This is the main branch’s ancestral hall! I never thought that this old servant would one day be able to visit this place. I can die without regrets now!"

Shou Sheng looked around with fervent eyes. This was the White Dragon Clan"s main hall, and every single one of the White Dragon Clan’s powerhouses had pa.s.sed through here—all of those powerful people had left traces of their pa.s.sing. This place had recorded the pa.s.sing of experts and the years.

Shou Sheng had not expected to ever receive the opportunity to see this place for himself.

Shou Sheng and others did not even dare to breathe; how many people in the entire Perennial World were able to visit this place?

They felt gazes all around them that made them tremble, even Shou Sheng with his power level that exceeded 400,000. This was because there was more than a single Envoy in this place.

Lu Yin looked around. Everyone was staring at him, but he was completely unconcerned. Since he was here, then he would relax. Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to a specific woman standing across the hall from him. Her looks were in no way inferior to Wendy Yushan’s.

This woman had an elegant appearance and gentle demeanor with long blue hair that hung to her waist, and limpid eyes like autumn water with amber-like irises. They were absolutely stunning, and it was possible to see everything reflected in those eyes. They were gentle, but there was also a certain sharpness to them, especially when she looked at Lu Yin. It made him feel as though he was being measured, but for some reason, it just left him feeling disgusted.

The woman"s style of clothes was also different from those around her.

Shou Sheng, the White Dragon Clan elder that Lu Yin had seen before, and all the other people in the hall dressed in a rather ancient style of clothing. In contrast, the woman had casual clothes on. That, combined with her sea-blue hair, meant that Lu Yin could have mistaken her for a college student if not for her strength.

There were tall boots on her feet, and a single glance was enough to see that they had been specially made, as they bore the same pattern as the carvings on the hall’s white walls.

When one looked at this woman, they would feel a gust of wind blowing at him, carrying with it a subtle but intoxicating fragrance.

Lu Yin observed the woman, and in turn, she observed him as well.

Lu Yin did not have an outstanding physical appearance, and he could only be considered average. This much was clear to the woman, but his strength left her a bit surprised—he was actually a Hunter. Although this was not good enough to compare to their top talents, it was still quite impressive.

She had not expected a mere branch family to produce such a talented scion, but it was still fine. After all, he was still someone from the White Dragon Clan. It was normal for an elite talent to occasionally sprout up even in a branch family.

"Is he a part of the White Dragon Clan’s Dalian Mountain Branch?" a disruptive voice called out.

Everyone looked over to see an old man in a cyan robe staring at Lu Yin. The man’s expression did not look very good, and it could even be said that his eyes concealed killing intent.

Lu Yin frowned, but he said nothing.

Shou Sheng spoke up. "Yes, he-"

Before he could finish speaking, the old man in the cyan robe snapped his eyes wide open and sharply rebuked, "Is there a reason why you interrupted when I am speaking?"

As he spoke, a finger pierced the void and shot towards Shou Sheng.

Shou Sheng had not expected the old man to attack while he was still speaking.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank when he saw the finger approach. His mind was filled with shock—this was the finger from his dreams! Wait no, that was not quite right. There was a slight difference between that and the finger in his dreams, but the feeling that it gave off was a perfect match.

The White Dragon Clan elder looked up. No movement could be seen, but the power of the finger mysteriously dissipated. "Elder Qing Xing, the matter of whether or not he is from the White Dragon Clan is something that I have already confirmed with the clan. This matter has nothing to do with your Celestial Frost Sect."

Elder Qing Xing snorted coldly. "He’s nothing but a mere ant, and if he dies, he dies. Since when has Brother Long Kui had such a good heart?"

The White Dragon Clan elder replied in a deep voice, saying, "I brought them here, and that should mean something."


From the first moment when Elder Qing Xing had moved to when the White Dragon Clan elder had stopped the man, the woman observing Lu Yin had never once shifted her expression. She had simply stared at Lu Yin the whole time.

She had watched Lu Yin stand still before that finger attack. Her pupils shrank, and her brow furrowed a bit. This person was too timid despite being a Hunter. He had not even dared to move despite the attack not being aimed at him. This meant that he did not have any of the required determination for cultivators, and this was enough to judge his future accomplishments.

She felt a bit sad, but there was no reason to expect the dignified princess of the White Dragon Clan to commit herself to such a person.

The White Dragon Clan elder also glanced at Lu Yin with a similar dissatisfaction; the youth was just too timid.

Lu Yin had no time to worry about what the others were thinking of him. He was staring at Elder Qing Xing, thinking about that finger, and also thinking about those three words: the Celestial Frost Sect.

If this old man was from the Celestial Frost Sect, then did that mean that the finger from Lu Yin’s dreams also came from the Celestial Frost Sect?

Celestial Frost Sect. Celestial Frost… When Lu Yin had gone to the Daynight Flowzone, he had saved a mother and her daughter, and he had heard them mention the name “Celestial Frost.” Additionally, he had also learned about how the Daynight Flowzone had once been called the Celestial Frost Flowzone in ancient times. Was that the Celestial Frost Sect? That should be the case, as anything else would be too much of a coincidence. Celestial Frost was not a common name.

However, if what Lu Yin was thinking was true, then he was not in the Fifth Mainland, as the Celestial Frost Sect had disappeared long ago. So, where was he? What did this place have to do with his own past, and what was his connection to the Celestial Frost Sect?

Lu Yin no longer wanted to leave. He wanted to uncover the answers to these questions, and it appeared that the White Dragon Clan was the most convenient starting point for him.

Apparently, the Celestial Frost Sect also needed to be respectful towards the White Dragon Clan, which indicated that both forces had a very high status.

As long as Lu Yin managed to find a way to hide the truth from the White Dragon Clan and successfully replace the Dalian Mountain branch’s Long Qi, he would be more eager to join the White Dragon Clan than even Shou Sheng and the others.

"Elder Long Kui, is he Long Qi?" the blue-haired woman asked. She had a very pleasant voice that made people feel quite comfortable. It was like listening to a clear stream.

Elder Long Kui respectfully answered, "Yes, he is Long Qi. He carries the blood of my White Dragon Clan."

"No matter what, that will still need to be verified," the woman said.

Long Kui agreed. "Very well, allow me to do so then."

The woman shook her head. "He is to be my husband in the future, so I will personally verify this matter."

Lu Yin was still caught up in thinking about the finger from his dreams when he suddenly heard this unbelievable statement. Husband? Husband? Husband?! What the h.e.l.l?

He reflexively looked over at Shou Sheng.

Shou Sheng"s eye twitched, but he still pretended to be calm. He had not mentioned the matter of becoming the main family’s son-in-law because this temptation was impossible for anyone to resist. No, Shou Sheng was preoccupied with the fact that Lu Yin’s blood was about to be tested.

Shou Sheng believed that he had done his work flawlessly. When Lu Yin had been in a coma, Shou Sheng had worked with the old man to inject Long Qi’s blood into Lu Yin’s body. The blood of the White Dragon Clan could suppress the blood of any regular person. Although it would not last for very long, it should be good enough for Lu Yin to pa.s.s this test. As for what would be revealed later, that had nothing to do with Shou Sheng, as he would be long gone by that time.

The old man trembled, and his trepidation grew more and more intense. All he could do was pray that the youth would pa.s.s the test.

Elder Qing Xing of the Celestial Frost Sect did not stop the test. The truth was that there was no need to stop anything at this stage. Although the Celestial Frost Sect was able to oppress the White Dragon Clan, they could not press too much. Their sect had already eliminated many of the White Dragon Clan’s branches’ scions, but the White Dragon Clan had been lucky enough to have one arrive alive. The moment this youth had stepped onto White Dragon Mountain, everything had been decided.

By verifying the scion’s ident.i.ty, Elder Qing Xing felt that the White Dragon Clan was mocking his Celestial Frost Sect.

Elder Qing Xing no longer cared about what was happening here anymore. Instead, he was thinking about how he would explain the matters after returning. After paying such a high price and running the risk of offending the White Dragon Clan by killing off the various branch families’ scions, their efforts had still failed. The cost had been a bit too steep.

No one believed that Lu Yin was an imposter, because no one had considered that Shou Sheng would be courageous enough to dare to have someone impersonate a scion, let alone find someone who looked practically identical to Long Qi. It was impossible to hide matters from powerhouses like those in the great hall, but Lu Yin really did happen to look a great deal like Long Qi. It could only be said to be G.o.d’s will.

The woman came to Lu Yin, and suddenly, a faint fragrance wafted over. Lu Yin subconsciously took a deep breath, and it smelled good.

Lu Yin"s action made the woman frown, staring at him with a sharp look in his eyes, he smiled apologetically.

The woman stared at Lu Yin for a while, and the whole time, her heart fell further and further. Ever since ancient times, the women of the White Dragon Clan had never married outside the clan, but had always intermarried with elites of the clan, and naturally, she was naturally the same. However, there were too few men in her generation, or else she would already have been married. She was also still too young, as otherwise the Celestial Frost Sect would have forced her into marrying someone from their sect.

The Celestial Frost Sect wanted to have her marry one of theirs not because of love, but because of their desire for the White Dragon Rolls Over technique. Everyone knew that this woman would never let the Celestial Frost Sect succeed.

The White Dragon Clan did not want to ruin the young woman’s reputation by marrying her to someone from the Celestial Frost Sect. The only option was for her to choose someone from one of the branch families to marry. None of the branch families would dare disobey an order from the main family, but who could have expected the Celestial Frost Sect to be so ruthless? They had sent someone to attack the branch families, and clearly were no longer concerned about inciting the White Dragon Clan’s enmity.

This had roused even more fear within the White Dragon Clan. Since the young woman had come to power, the Celestial Frost Sect had gradually started to surpa.s.s the top forces and was no longer able to be restrained. Even the White Dragon Clan, one of the four ruling powers, was not willing to start a war with the Celestial Frost Sect at this time. Even after their branch families were attacked, the clan could only feign ignorance.

Fortunately, finally one branch scion survived and had been brought to the main family.

If the young woman did not want to marry someone from the Celestial Frost Sect, her only option was to marry the only remaining branch scion. She was left with no choice.

Everyone was waiting for the woman to verify Lu Yin"s ident.i.ty.

Lu Yin’s eyes grew sharp and he prepared himself to don his universal armor in an instant and try to escape.

“Your blood.” The woman took out something that looked like an inkstone as she asked Lu Yin to drop some blood on the stone.

He p.r.i.c.ked his finger, and a drop of blood fell to the inkstone. There was no response from the stone after being touched by his blood, and the woman’s expression instantly changed. In the back of the room, Elder Qing Xing was still thinking about how to explain matters after returning to his sect, and was not at all concerned with the test.

The woman"s eyes flickered, and she stared daggers at Lu Yin. His heart sank; this was not good. He had failed. He clenched his fists, ready to put on his universal armor at any moment.

At this instant, the woman p.r.i.c.ked her own finger, and a drop of her blood fell onto the inkstone. The inkstone glowed, and then the white glow rose into the air where it formed a python that wandered the void before finally dissipating.

Elder Qing Xing saw the python, but felt no surprise. Still, his eyes grew even colder.

The woman indifferently announced, "There is no problem with his ident.i.ty."

Ater she spoke, she glanced at Lu Yin with a strong warning clear in her eyes.

Lu Yin stayed silent and did not speak. His ident.i.ty was false. The woman had tested him, but had then helped him conceal the lie. This clearly had something to do with the Celestial Frost Sect elder. It seemed that Lu Yin’s false ident.i.ty was something very useful to the White Dragon Clan, though it would only be of use if it was true. Even if he was an imposter, he had to be acknowledged as true.

This was interesting.

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
