Star Odyssey

Chapter 1689: Control

Chapter 1689: Control

Lǜ Yan lay on the ground, coughing. “I- I didn’t betray anyone! I just wanted to treat Xiao Cha.”

Lǜ Cha had already changed back to her normal condition, though she was still bound with death energy. Her face was pale, and her voice was weak. “Father took me to the Neohuman Alliance in order to save my life, but he didn"t do anything for them. After I was successfully transformed, he confessed everything to the Chief Justice. That’s why the Chief Justice was willing to send my father here to Gaia’s Swamp. Otherwise, he would have simply been killed if he had truly betrayed humanity and joined the Neohuman Alliance. You can ask the Chief Justice about it.”

Lu Yin did not need to ask anything at all, as he already knew that anyone who joined the Neohuman Alliance would be killed without exception. Besides, Lǜ Yan had once been a Judicial Commissioner, so he would have definitely been sentenced to death if he had joined the Neohuman Alliance. Since the Chief Justice had allowed the man to stay alive and be imprisoned in Gaia’s Swamp, it showed that Lǜ Yan had not actually done anything bad. In addition, his record clearly stated that he had surrendered.

However, if he had surrendered, why had he just tried to escape?

Lu Yin stopped paying attention to the father and daughter and instead approached Liu Huang.

Liu Huang bitterly said, “We were still defeated.”

“You said that the Hall of Honor has a dark side. What were you referring to?” Lu Yin asked.

Liu Huang calmly looked at the youth in front of him. “Do you truly wish to know? You won’t be able to turn back after learning of this.”

Lu Yin smiled. “You’re Liu Huang, right?”

Liu Huang’s eyes grew sharp, and he stared at Lu Yin in disbelief. “You know of me?”

Lu Yin sighed. “You were the most talented cultivator that the Sword Sect has ever seen, and also the only person who managed to create a Fourteenth Sword. Well, to be accurate, you were the first person to create the Fourteenth Sword. Someone else managed to create a Fourteenth Sword after you. His name was Liu Guai, and he succeeded in creating a unique variation of the Thirteenth Sword.”

Liu Huang was surprised to hear this. “How do you know about me? The Warden would have never told you about me.”

Lu Yin answered calmly, “I know everything about you, what you’ve experienced, what you care about, and even the Fourteenth Sword.”

Liu Huang frowned. “The Fourteenth Sword?”

Lu Yin formed a sword with his star energy, and then glanced over at the Second Nightking. “Fourteenth Sword: Misery.”

The moment Lu Yin started his attack, Liu Huang instantly recognized the Fourteenth Sword.

The Second Nightking trembled as the Fourteenth Sword struck. Although he was uninjured, he felt extremely uncomfortable as he re-experienced the tragedies of his life.

He turned to look at Lu Yin in astonishment. Lu Yin had used no power in his attack, only showing the meaning of this sword technique. This was his way of proving to Liu Huang that he knew the Fourteenth Sword, so Lu Yin had not genuinely tried to attack the Second Nightking.

Regardless, the Second Nightking was absolutely astonished by the intent behind the Fourteenth Sword. If Lu Yin had been at his power level, he would have been killed by that attack just now. His wariness of Lu Yin immediately increased by another level.

This kid seemed to know about everything. He knew the Daynight clan’s Daynight Praises, the Sword Sect’s unprecedented Fourteenth Sword, and even the G.o.d of Death’s inheritance. While the Second Nightking did not truly believe that rumor, it was a fact that Lu Yin could control death energy. The Second Nightking could scarcely believe that such a person existed in the universe.

“Why do you know the Fourteenth Sword?” Liu Huang was stupefied. He also finally understood how Lu Yin had been able to ignore the Fourteenth Sword that he thought that he alone knew.

Lu Yin ignored the man and instead tossed a gadget to Liu Huang so that he could catch up on what had happened in the universe. Lu Yin did not have the energy to explain everything to the man.

Finally, Lu Yin turned to Can.

Can was still sprawled on the ground, and he had watched as Lu Yin took control of the fate of everyone here. There was a trace of excitement in Can’s gaze and no trace of resentment at all.

Lu Yin walked over and bent over next to Can.

Can lowered his head. “Kill me if you want.”

Lu Yin asked in a calm tone, “Why don’t you dare to look at me?”

Can sneered. “What? Do you want to show off to someone you defeated?”

Lu Yin grabbed Can’s neck and twisted the man’s head to face him.

Eyes were the window to a person’s soul, and Lu Yin could not see any resentment and hatred in Can’s gaze like he had in Lǜ Yan and Liu Huang’s eyes.

Can frowned, and his expression chilled. “Boy, what do you want?”

Lu Yin released the man. He was certain that this person was Undying Yushan, but the familiar look that Lu Yin had previously seen was hidden, and it was possible that this body was just a sh.e.l.l for Undying Yushan. Liuying Zishan had previously been controlled by an orb of spiritual force, and Can had used the same thing to control the guards and prisoners in Gaia’s Swamp. Given the situation, it was possible that Can was also under the control of the globes of spiritual force.

That was Undying Yushan’s technique.

Undying Yushan had only been a Hunter, but he had also been ranked among the top ten of the Top 100 Rankings at his peak. He had been weakened greatly after being injured.

How powerful was a person who had stood among the top ten of the Top 100 Rankings? The Ten Arbiters had not existed during that era, so the top ten of the Top 100 Rankings had been comparable to the Universe Youth Council’s representatives. If Undying Yushan had been hiding his strength since then, it meant that he was actually one of the strongest members of his generation in the entire Fifth Mainland.

Lu Yin thought further down that path: what realm would Wen Sansi and Liu Tianmu reach after cultivating for a few hundred years? It was impossible for Undying Yushan to still be a mere Hunter.

Lu Yin had cultivated for less than twenty years to reach his current level, and while he had relied on his innate gift and a bit of luck, he did not believe that he was the only person in the entire universe with this level of talent. He would much rather believe that Undying Yushan was just as talented and that he was also someone who was extremely scheming.

Lu Yin truly could not estimate what level of Undying Yushan might have reached after cultivating for a few hundred or even a thousand years. At minimum, Lu Yin was sure that he could become an Envoy within a hundred years, so what about Undying Yushan?

Can had been imprisoned for a few hundred years and was not an Envoy. On the other hand, Undying Yushan could have cultivated for a few hundred years to reach that level, which meant that it was possible that he had taken control of Can.

Just what was Undying Yushan planning?

Lu Yin’s eyes drifted back to Can. No matter what Undying Yushan intended to do, Lu Yin could not keep Can around. Imprisoning him was of no use, as he could use his...o...b.. of spiritual force anywhere.

Lu Yin attacked, and glowing b.a.l.l.s of spiritual force surged from Can’s body, striking heavy blows on Lu Yin.

Liu Ye and Fei Hua were stunned. The Second Nightking saw this happen, but he did nothing to interfere and simply allowed Can’s b.a.l.l.s of spiritual force light b.a.l.l.s to strike Lu Yin.

Oddly enough, the strength of the orbs of spiritual force were very weak. Lu Yin’s attack killed Can, and the orbs entered Lu Yin’s body.

Can’s remaining spiritual force was very powerful, and Lu Yin sat down on the ground and began reciting the Stonewall Scriptures in order to absorb the spiritual force.

Liu Ye and Fei Hua immediately stood guard beside Lu Yin while looking at him in surprise.

“You can absorb someone else’s spiritual force?” Fei Hua felt confused.

Liu Ye answered, “It’s possible. Anything is possible in the universe. That person was even able to control the guards with his spiritual force.”

The Second Nightking glared at Lu Yin. He wanted to attack but could do nothing at all with Liu Ye and Fei Hua present.

Liu Huang, Lǜ Yan, and the others could only wait while Lu Yin finished absorbing the spiritual force, as this youth was in total control of the current situation.

Fortunately, there had not been much spiritual force remaining, so Lu Yin finished absorbing it shortly. By the time he finished, the Warden, the other prisoners, and the surviving guards still had still not recovered.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and was able to sense that his spiritual force had become much stronger than before.

During ZENITH, he had barely been able to hold off Yao Xuan’s attacks with his own spiritual force while also using the Inception Array. After returning from the Perennial World, Lu Yin’s spiritual force had grown stronger, but at best, he could withstand a spiritual force attack from an Envoy. At this moment, Lu Yin could easily withstand such an attack, and he could even attempt to hold back the Second Nightking’s spiritual force with the Inception Array.

Still, even then Lu Yin would only be able to withstand one of the Second Nightking’s casual attacks, as the difference between them was too vast.

Focus returned to Lu Yin’s eyes as he stared at Can’s body. While Can’s final attack had seemed useless, he had actually set something up for Undying Yushan. If Lu Yin’s guess was correct, there were orbs of spiritual force within his own body that could be controlled.

Could Undying Yushan control Lu Yin? He did not know. He had the Stonewall Scriptures, but he was unsure if that could stop Undying Yushan.

Wait, that was wrong. If his guess was correct, the b.a.l.l.s of spiritual force should have been placed in his body ever since he had absorbed the orbs controlling Liuying Zishan.

Lu Yin felt bitter. If that were true, then Undying Yushan had planned out everything long, long ago, back when Lu Yin had possessed no ability to fight back.

However, if Undying Yushan was as powerful as Lu Yin suspected, why had he stayed in The Great Yu Empire? Why had he remained hidden? Why was he pretending to be dead? Why was he working with the Neohuman Alliance? The Yu family had already been targeted by the Neohuman Alliance.

Lu Yin had too many questions that he wanted to ask Undying Yushan, but he could have never asked Can, as Lu Yin did not want to alert the wrong people.

Some distance away, a curly tail appeared, and a pig head popped out of the ground.

Lord Piggy carefully poked his head out. As soon as he saw the icy eyes of the Second Nightking, the pig’s ears perked up, and he dove right back into the swamp.

Lu Yin stood and rubbed his head. “Bring Shui Chuanxiao to me.”

Liu Ye left.

Lu Yin turned to face Liu Huang. “Do you understand everything now?”

Liu Huang lowered the gadget and stared at Lu Yin with respect. “Alliance Leader of the Great Eastern Alliance.”

“I can take you out of here and let the Sword Sect join the Great Eastern Alliance. If I don’t, then the Fourteenth Sword will never reach the Sword Sect, and you will die here in Gaia’s Swamp of old age,” Lu Yin calmly stated. This was the only way that Liu Huang could help Lu Yin if Lu Yin allowed the man to leave the prison.

Given Liu Huang’s strength, he was absolutely someone who would stand at the pinnacle of the Innerverse after regaining his peak strength. However, Liu Huang would never be able to catch up to the Second Nightking. When it came to both the swordsman’s cultivation level and the time that he had spent cultivating, he was greatly inferior to the Second Nightking, which was why Lu Yin was not worried about letting Liu Huang out.

Liu Huang stared down at the gadget in silence.

“The Warden will soon regain consciousness. If you don’t give me an answer before he wakes up, you will stay here until you die.” Lu Yin turned to stare off into the distance. His finger twitched, and the death energy binding Lǜ Cha rose up into the sky. It then spread out, reformed into the swamp, and pulled Lord Piggy up out of the swamp with his limbs all tied up.

Lord Piggy yelped, “Alliance Leader Lu- Master Lu! I’m Piggy! Your loyal Piggy! I won’t say anything! Please don’t kill me!”
