Star Odyssey

Chapter 1806: Skyeater Goose

Chapter 1806: Skyeater Goose

Suddenly, Lu Yin remembered something. He turned towards Shang Qing, but then he stopped right before he opened his mouth. He first slapped the crouching man unconscious and then turned back to Shang Qing. "Aren’t you a part of the Hall of Honor?"

Shang Qing felt rather confused. "Why are you asking me that?"

"I found an exit gate, but it was being protected by one of the Hall of Honor’s Envoy-realm androids," Lu Yin said.

Shang Qing shook his head. "I don"t know anything about that. No one told me anything."

Lu Yin stopped talking, and he instead raced to the puddle of blood that had once been the Augmenter. He suppressed his nausea and used his star energy to pull out the dead man’s cosmic ring. Lu Yin quickly opened it and emptied it.

This time his harvest was not bad. He found many weapons in the Augmenter’s cosmic ring, though Lu Yin could not determine their quality. Additionally, he found hundreds of millions of star essence, various bottles, as well as a piece of jade. It looked like it might have held a cultivation art, but it was incomplete, which made it useless.

Almost everything that had been in the cosmic ring was trash, such as the tokens from the Toolcasting family. But there was only one thing that caught Lu Yin’s interest, which was a map. He spread it out and was shocked to see that it was actually a map of the palace.

It was no wonder why the Augmenter had spent so long in the palace; he had actually been sketching a map. However, what was the reason? Lu Yin could not understand why the man had made the map.

There were various portions of the palace that were depicted in great detail, and dangerous regions were specially marked. Lu Yin glanced at the map, but he had no intention of entering and exploring the palace. It was possible that not even the Teleportation Formation would allow him to escape from there.?????????v??.c??

Suddenly, Lu Yin stared at a particular image that had been drawn on one corner of the map. It was not a drawing of the palace, but rather of a creature. It had also been highlighted by the Augmenter as more important than anything else on the map.

Most importantly, Lu Yin had seen the creature before.

It was a truly odd creature, as it had no eyes, limbs, eyes, ears, nose, or any other typical body parts.

This was not a creature that still existed, and yet Lu Yin had seen it before, and he even had a strong impression of it.

When he had absorbed the death energy within the ruins of the Bizarre Sect, Lu Yin had seen the back of a figure that appeared to be the G.o.d of Death, and that person had easily defeated a creature that had been large enough to cover the sky and block the sun. The creature drawn on the map was exactly the same as the one that Lu Yin had seen the G.o.d of Death defeat.

After seeing that vision, Lu Yin had taken some time to do a bit of research, but there was no such creature that matched that description recorded or known to mankind. It was a creature that did not exist in the current era, but rather something that had lived in ancient times, which matched with what Lu Yin had witnessed in that vision.

If the figure that Lu Yin had seen from the back really had been the G.o.d of Death, and this creature had been courageous enough to attack even the G.o.d of Death, then it was possible that this creature had the strength of a Progenitor.

The bloodstained clothes that he had picked up made Lu Yin certain that the figure whose back he had seen had been the G.o.d of Death.

He looked up at the palace. It did not seem particularly odd for an image of this creature to be in the palace as it had lived in the same era as the G.o.d of Death whose clothes had been in the palace. But if that was the case, then how had this palace been preserved? Too much time had pa.s.sed for this to be possible. Just what was the origin of Burial Garden for even these ancient items to have been preserved? Lu Yin felt like Burial Garden had somehow crossed through time and s.p.a.ce to connect back to the ancient eras.

"Is that a map?" Shang Qing asked as he approached.

Lu Yin instantly put the map away. "There’s no map."

"That was just-"

"There was nothing. You saw wrong."

Shang Qing took a while to find the words to respond. "I’m not going to rob you."

A dangerous glint flickered in Lu Yin"s eyes. "If you dare to try it, I’ll end you."

Shang Qing had no idea how to even reply.

"Don"t forget, you still owe me money," Lu Yin commented.

Shang Qing felt both confused and uncertain. "Didn"t I already give you that Mavis Bank card?"

"That was to buy the power vessel," Lu Yin stated as though this was perfectly obvious.

Shang Qing pursed his lips. He simply could not figure out how to communicate with Lu Yin. After thinking for a moment, he decided to just let the matter go. He would treat it as compensation for Lu Yin saving his life. Tossing it aside, Shang Qing made a mental note to find some way to get Lu Yin more money. "Do you want to keep following the giant wandering corpse?"

Lu Yin looked up at the enormous astral beast that was already lumbering off into the distance and then shook his head. "Not anymore. It’s easy to get into that palace but almost impossible to get out. I have no interest in dying, and trying to get anything by following it is too time-consuming."

Shang Qing said, "I"m not going to keep following it either."

He glanced around. "Burial Garden is ma.s.sive, and I want to see more. What about you?"

"I want to explore. Just don"t die. And even if you want to die, make sure you pay me back what you owe me before you die." Lu Yin was quite emphatic.

Shang Qing’s smile grew bitter. "I understand. Don"t worry, Brother Lu. Goodbye."


The two separated; one made their way south and the other north. As for the enormous wandering corpse, it continued walking east.

In the Innerverse, the Divine Grade Hall was the power that led Beast Tamers Flowzone. Beneath the Divine Grade Hall were the First Grade Hall and the Second Grade Hall. Together, they controlled the entire Beast Tamers Flowzone.

There were many astral beasts roaming through interstellar s.p.a.ce in Beast Tamers Flowzone. Unlike humans, astral beasts did not need to reach the Explorer realm to be able to freely move through outer s.p.a.ce. Many astral beasts were actually born in outer s.p.a.ce, and some even had that were similar to the hull of a s.p.a.cecraft. These beasts’ tamers would be protected, and they would be able to travel through the universe as though they were in a s.p.a.ceship.

The Second Grade Hall was located in the outer reaches of Beast Tamers Flowzone, and it acted as the flowzone’s gatekeeper. The Second Grade Hall had only ever had two Enlighters, but they had always been the most average kind of Enlighters. For example, Karthika had been an Enlighter from the Second Grade Hall, but he had been killed by Lu Yin.

When Burial Garden’s gates had started to appear throughout the universe, three gates had immediately appeared in the Second Grade Hall’s territory. The Divine Grade Hall had repeatedly sent disciples through the gates to explore Burial Garden, but none of them had ever been able to get back in touch with the Divine Grade Hall after entering Burial Garden.

In the end, the only option was for the Divine Grade Hall to send in some Enlighters.

Beast Tamers Flowzone only had a single Burial Garden gate that could be used as an exit, and this was why Mountain G.o.d had not particularly cared when Lu Yin had ordered the powers that controlled the eight great flowzones to only keep a single exit open within each flowzone.

However, in recent days, someone had emerged from another one of Burial Garden’s gates that was in the Second Grade Hall’s territory, which verified the existence of a second exit within Beast Tamers Flowzone.

Mountain G.o.d had become excited at this development, and he completely ignored Lu Yin’s orders. After all, how could he possibly destroy such an amazing opportunity?

A great deal of information regarding Burial Garden had appeared on the Human Domain’s network, but no one seemed to know where the information was coming from. In summary, Burial Garden held numerous valuable opportunities from ancient times, and some people were able to pick up ancient treasures, others found pills, and others obtained human blood fruits that they devoured to greatly increase their strength. The Hall of Honor had done nothing to stop Burial Garden from opening.

All in all, many people believed that Burial Garden held an incredible opportunity.

Mountain G.o.d was sure of this, as the first thing that he had acquired from someone exiting from Burial Garden had been the feathers of a legendary creature: the Skyeater Goose.

Legends claimed that in ancient times, there had been a wild swallowing goose that could devour s.p.a.ce as its food and drank stellular energy as though it were water. It had been invisible to ordinary people, but its body had been large enough to cover the sun, moon, and stars, and its cry had been able to shake the universe itself.

Despite the swallowing goose’s immense size, its feathers had a unique trait that caused the bird to be intangible, and it had been able to freely travel through the void without actually touching any physical objects. It had been ethereal even in the true universe.

It had truly been an amazing creature.

Mountain G.o.d had acquired a feather from the swallowing goose, and it allowed him to vaguely hear the ancient swallowing goose’s cry, which had given him an indistinct impression of s.p.a.ce. This impression had actually opened up a new avenue of understanding towards cultivation.

This experience had convinced Mountain G.o.d that Burial Garden held incredible opportunities from the ancient era. How could he possibly be willing to destroy one of Burial Garden’s few exits? That exit could allow the Divine Grade Hall to grab far more treasures from Burial Garden.

Mountain G.o.d was not the only person with such thoughts, as Liu Qianjue and others were the same. They had only put up an act of destroying Burial Garden’s gates; how could they possibly destroy such an invaluable opportunity.

Doom followed their decisions.

The Second Grade Hall was ma.s.sacred, and several Enlighters died, as well as countless disciples. This event left Mountain G.o.d completely shocked.

He was furious at this loss, and he raced over to the Second Grade Hall. Upon arriving, he found that many planets in the region had been destroyed, and Burial Garden’s exit had also been destroyed. Only the most elite disciples from Beast Tamers Flowzone qualified to act as guards for the exit gates, and none of them were even from the Second Grade Hall, but rather the Divine Grade Hall.

The loss of so many elite disciples was almost enough to break the Divine Grade Hall. Of the entire younger generation, only a few of the Divine Grade Hall’s youths had managed to survive, and that was only because they had been out training.

Mountain G.o.d wanted to track down the culprit, but he was too late. The person had been extremely ruthless, and the remaining evidence showed that the person was quite powerful. Even if they were not an Envoy, they were someone at the cusp of stepping into that level, and the person was also someone who was skilled at hiding their tracks.

Only a day pa.s.sed from the time that Mountain G.o.d had received word of the attack, and yet the person had already escaped far away before Mountain G.o.d could arrive.

Not only had the Divine Grade Hall lost an exit gate of Burial Garden, but they had also lost the vast majority of their disciples, which was enough to make Mountain G.o.d roar from anger.

Despite knowing it was pointless, Mountain G.o.d still issued an order to seal the flowzone. Word of this matter could also not be allowed to spread, as it would be impossible to explain to Lu Yin why one of Burial Garden’s ordinary gates had been protected by so many experts.

By this time, anyone trying to leave Burial Garden would be incredibly cautious, and some did not even stop and survey their surroundings when they got out, using their fastest movement techniques to escape from the exit.

Far too few of those who entered Burial Garden to find opportunities were able to leave with what they had found.

No one did anything at all to stop people from entering any of Burial Garden’s gates, but anyone who exited a gate would be instantly captured.

Only experts at Lu Yin"s level of strength at a minimum could be fearless when leaving Burial Garden.

Lu Yin went in the direction that he had been told an exit could be found, and sure enough, he found one that had a person standing watch on the outside. The person was an arrogant looking middle-aged man with an imprint. He was not an Envoy, but merely an Enlighter with a power level of a bit more than 300,000. Such a person could not even withstand a single slap from Lu Yin.

The Enlighter tried to slip away the moment he saw Lu Yin approaching, but he was kicked to the ground and forced to reluctantly turn over his cosmic ring.

The Enlighter felt both frustrated and upset. He had thought that very few true powerhouses would enter Burial Garden because the gates had only been open briefly, and he had a.s.sumed that his power level of 300,000 would be enough for him to run rampant. He had been partially correct, as he had not encountered any powerhouses, allowing him to pick up some treasures. However, only a bit of time had pa.s.sed before the Enlighter ran into Lu Yin, rendering all of the man’s efforts pointless.

On the other hand, Lu Yin was absolutely thrilled, and he even complimented the Enlighter. "Keep standing guard and keep up the hard work. You’ve got a bright future ahead of you!"

This person had actually provided Lu Yin with a tribulation crystal pillar, which was something that Lu Yin had not expected to find in Burial Garden. Although the pillar was not particularly large and was also useless to Lu Yin, it could be sold for a shocking amount of money. After all, there were never enough tribulation crystal pillars, and if one was put up for sale, there would be no end to the number of people racing to buy it for any price.