Star Odyssey

Chapter 727: Yu Bloodline

Chapter 727: Yu Bloodline

“Wait, all of this information is a secret from the Neoverse, and even some of the powers in the Innerverse might not be aware of them. So just where did you hear of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?” Ku Wei looked at Lu Yin with a doubtful expression.

“I saw it in a powerhouse’s journal,” Lu Yin calmly lied, actually solemn within. If what Ku Wei had just told him was true, then could the person who had just spoken to him actually be one of the Neohuman Alliance’s masters? That was impossible! How could he have attracted the attention of one of the Neohuman Alliance’s masters? They were the rulers of one of the Three Dark Hands, and they held a supreme position that not even Elder Lohar could contest. Still, the strength that he had felt from that person was terrifying beyond imagination.

Could that person have really been one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?

“A powerhouse’s journal? Which powerhouse’s journal would have possibly recorded down the Seven SkyG.o.ds? If not for my background, there’s no way I would have even heard of the t.i.tle ‘Seven SkyG.o.d’ in my entire life.” Ku Wei evidently did not believe Lu Yin.

Lu Yin became solemn. “Tell me, would the Seven SkyG.o.ds ever come to the Outerverse?”

“You must be joking. Of course not! They might not even go to the Innerverse. They are some of the strongest beings in the entire universe, and they dare to be enemies against the entire human race. Why would they possibly visit some remote place like the Outerverse? I can a.s.sure you that there are many people in the Neoverse who don"t even know that the Outerverse exists. In their minds, the Innerverse is the Outerverse,” Ku Wei said.

Lu Yin’s heart sank even further, as a low probability of one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds visiting the Outerverse did not guarantee that they would not come. If it had really been one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds just now, then something in the Outerverse must have lured them out. Actually, that person had even said so themselves. Should he tell Elder Lohar?

“How did you find out about the Seven SkyG.o.ds?” Ku Wei stared intently at Lu Yin.

“I’ve already told you, a powerhouse’s journal.”

“You’re a graverobber?”


“Seventh Bro, stop using this Monkey’s past deeds to cover for yourself!” The Ghost Monkey felt helpless.

Ku Wei grudgingly replied, “Fine. We’ve drank now, and you’ve asked what you wanted, so let’s go on a tour of the palace.”

“Are you that certain that the imperial palace is somehow related to the Yu bloodline?” Lu Yin retorted.

Ku Wei answered, “We’re just probing. After all, Undying Yushan stayed there for many years. Do you really believe that they aren’t related?’

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, and he paid the bill. He then took Ku Wei over to the imperial palace. The guards simultaneously bowed to Lu Yin, and Ku Wei raised his head, pleased with their reception. “I told you that I can enter, but you guys just wouldn’t believe me. Look, my brother’s here.”

Lu Yin frowned. “Let’s go.”

Ku Wei as they entered the imperial palace.

Ever since Undying Yushan had pa.s.sed away, the palace had remained unoccupied. A long time had pa.s.sed since then, and the palace had sat here the whole time, unused aside for the court meetings and the Alliance Conference. The guards and maids were the closest thing to owners that the palace had.

Ku Wei ran around the palace, but he could not find what he was looking for, which left him rather vexed.

Finally, he ascended into the sky and positioned himself above the central most part of the palace, broadening his view. His eyes quickly lit up. “Sure enough. It’s no wonder why I’ve always felt this place was familiar.”

Ku Wei landed back on the ground beside Lu Yin. “Let’s go! Allow me to show you something good.”

Lu Yin felt strange, but he followed behind Ku Wei.

Ku Wei quickly arrived at a corner of the palace and pressed down with his leg, exerting quite a bit of force. The ground split open, and the crack extended to a nearby stream as everything in a thousand meter radius shattered apart. A s.p.a.cious, underground room was suddenly revealed.

Upon hearing the disturbance, guards hurriedly ran over, but they were stopped by Lu Yin. The two youths then entered the underground room.

It was very s.p.a.cious, and there was nothing much inside.

Lu Yin felt strange, as he had once used his domain to envelop the entire palace, but he had not discovered this secret room despite doing so.

“The materials used to build this room are able to isolate it from domains. Just as Brother Wei guessed, this palace is not something simple.” Ku Wei was quite pleased with himself.

“There’s nothing here,” Lu Yin commented, as the room was absolutely empty.

He had also run into a hidden room in the Daosource Sect that had been hidden from domains.

Ku Wei made one circuit around the room before moving to the center of the open s.p.a.ce. He then started to repeatedly bang on the ground. It was unknown how he accomplished it, but the ground suddenly trembled as a cubic stone rose up from the floor.

Lu Yin was surprised when he studied the stone. Then, out of the blue, the stone emitted a faint radiance, and rune lines appeared from it without any warning that covered a large area.

Lu Yin and Ku Wei hastily backed away, as this was a sourcebox’s danger zone.

“Let’s go. On to the next one.” Ku Wei excitedly ascended from the subterranean room and headed towards another corner of the palace.

Lu Yin’s face sank as he followed close behind. They soon arrived in another corner that corresponded to the previous hidden room, and a stone similarly appeared from underground, containing another sourcebox that unleashed a danger zone.

“See, Brother Wei knew that the Yu bloodline would not die off so easily. This palace is modelled after the Yu bloodline’s ancestral grounds. From most viewpoints, there appears to be nothing here, but when this palace is looked at from the center, you’ll be able to discover that, if you look at various corners, the arrangements of the buildings are all the same. In reality, this palace is actually an array, a sourcebox array that only the Yu family can comprehend.” Ku Wei was thrilled.

Lu Yin’s expression became solemn, and he turned to look at the last two corners that corresponded to what should be two more secret rooms. One of the locations was actually the secret room that Undying Yushan had once taken Lu Yin to.

“A sourcebox arrays formed by four sourceboxes. If it was activated, what would happen?” Lu Yin asked.

Ku Wei’s lips curled upwards. “Based on the effects of the Yu bloodline’s ancestral ground’s array, once it’s activated, anyone caught within the sourcebox array will be trapped, and all of their strength will be stripped away. This includes star energy, physical strength, and even spiritual force. Absolutely everything would be subservient to the array controller’s will.”

A chill ran down Lu Yin’s spine.

“Of course, that’s the effect of the array in the Yu bloodline’s ancestral grounds. The sourceboxes here can’t even hold a candle to those in the Yu bloodline’s ancestral grounds, which means that the array’s effects naturally won’t be as good either. But even if this array is weak, someone would have no problem using it to deal with Enlighters. Do you still think that Undying Yushan is dead?” Ku Wei teased.

Lu Yin surveyed his surroundings, and he recalled every time he had interacted with Undying Yushan. He then remembered Wendy Yushan’s words and felt that they had never truly been able to understand this person. He had been an absolute genius who had entered the top thirty of the Top 100 Rankings. Why would he have resigned himself to suffering the fate of dying as a sunset emperor? How could the Yu bloodline of the Seven Courts be exterminated like this?

Lu Yin had never really seriously pondered all of these details.

Was Undying Yushan really not dead? Had the surviving Yu bloodline remnants also concealed themselves? Why had they only left Wendy behind? Why had the Great Yu Empire been handed over to Lu Yin for him to control?

“Of course, there’s also another possibility, which is that Undying Yushan himself didn’t know about any of this. These things might have actually been arranged by the old monsters from the Yu bloodline. He might truly be dead, but that possibility doesn’t seem very likely,” Ku Wei mused.

“Why did the Yu bloodline betray the Seven Courts back then?” Lu Yin asked.

Ku Wei shook his head. “I can’t tell you about any of that, as those secrets belong to my Seven Courts. Anyway, I’ve found what I wanted. The Yu bloodline is definitely still alive, and with that, there’s a possibility of negotiation.” He chuckled strangely and then suddenly hollered, “Yu family, the Ku family is here! Come out for a chat!”

The roar startled Lu Yin, and all of Zenyu Star heard it.

Lu Yin hurriedly made Ku Wei shut up. “Aren’t you afraid that the Hall of Honor will make trouble for you?”

Ku Wei shrugged. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I haven’t done anything atrocious, and although the Hall of Honor is enemies with my Seven Courts, we won’t fight to the death upon sight. I’ve already told you this—the Seven Courts is different from the Neohuman Alliance.”

“Are you certain that the Yu family is still on Zenyu Star?” Lu Yin asked.

Ku Wei replied, “I’m not completely sure, but how else can I be certain without shouting? Are you going to try to make me search the entire universe for them? That’s unrealistic.”

“The Yu family shouldn’t be on Zenyu Star,” Lu Yin said firmly. During all this time, he had never seen any especially large gatherings of rune lines, though that was useless if anyone was concealing their strength.

Ku Wei snorted. “I don’t care if they’re still around or not. Anyways, there’s still Wendy Yushan, so I’ll keep watching her. Some day, the Yu family will contact her.” He then suddenly looked strangely at Lu Yin. “I almost forgot—there’s also you. The Yu family established the Great Yu Empire, but it was pa.s.sed over to you, and they even gave you their secret technique. There has to be a reason. Perhaps watching you might work too.”

Lu Yin was not in a good mood at the moment. First, the Neohuman Alliance had contacted him, and now, it was the Yu bloodline. He felt like he was being watched by hidden people at all times and that everything he was doing had somehow been for the benefit of others. This was not something that he could not say, but regardless of whether it was the Neohuman Alliance or the Yu family, they had better not be scheming to take everything from him.

The only strength that he could rely on was the Hall of Honor.

He chased Ku Wei away and then resealed the two secret rooms that had been opened up. Without giving the matter another thought, he hurried over to the Princess’s manor, as Wendy Yushan must have Ku Wei’s shouting. Others might not understand what he had said, but she definitely would.

Wendy Yushan appeared to be waiting for Lu Yin. “Someone was shouting for the Yu family. Were they looking for me?”

Lu Yin quickly explained, “Someone from the Seven Courts’ Ku family is here. He’s certain that the Yu family was not exterminated, and he wants to look for the Yu bloodline.”

Wendy Yushan was surprised. “The Yu family isn’t gone?”

Lu Yin carefully observed her eyes, as he did not know whether or not Wendy Yushan was truly faking her ignorance. For the time being, he could only a.s.sume that she did not know anything either.

Lu Yin told Wendy Yushan about what happened in the palace, and she fell silent.

“If the Yu family isn’t gone, then why have they left me all alone?” Her expression became complex.

Lu Yin said, “Actually, his guesses might not actually be true. The sourcebox array within the palace might have really been left by the Yu family’s ancestors, but Undying Yushan never activated them, so maybe he didn’t know about it himself.”

“Are you trying to make me believe that Father is absolutely dead?” Wendy Yushan looked at Lu Yin, amused.

Lu Yin was momentarily stumped before he awkwardly said, “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.”

Wendy Yushan shifted her gaze. “I hope that Father and the others aren’t dead.”

Lu Yin got up. “I’ll head out first.”

Wendy Yushan looked at him. “No matter what, even if they are still alive, I’ll still support you as the leader of the Great Yu Empire.”

“Thank you.” Lu Yin could not conceal his ambition regarding the Great Yu Empire. He had already paid so much, and he would not readily surrender it if someone from the Yu bloodline suddenly appeared.

He left Wendy’s home and then went to look for Aden. “You once said that Undying Yushan was a Lockbreaker. Is that true?”

Aden felt that it was strange that Lu Yin would suddenly come to him just to ask this. “It’s definitely true. In fact, back then, I suspected that the reason why he could breach my defenses might be related to his lockbreaking methods, but since his lockbreaking methods were too advanced, I wasn’t able to confirm it.”

Lu Yin then asked, “You also mentioned that you were certain that Undying Yushan had obtained the Undying Manual. What makes you so sure?”

Aden replied, “He told me himself. He said that to convince me to follow him, and it was also a form of temptation, as he said that he was willing to impart it to me.”

Lu Yin felt something was strange. “And you didn’t doubt the truth of his words?”

Aden matter-of-factly replied, “Why are you doubting them? There are very few people who can break through my defenses within the same realm. There’s nothing strange if such a person was able to obtain the Undying Manual. Although it’s certainly famous, the Starfall Sea also has other similar legends. It’s not too strange for someone to occasionally meet their destiny and get their hands on something like that.”
