Star Odyssey

Chapter 766: Civilization

Chapter 766: Civilization

Lu Yin did not hurry over to Neo-Vestige Sect. Since he was already in Vastdearth Weave, he naturally had to make a trip to the Vastdearth Sect.

He had first heard of the Vastdearth Sect from Meng Yue, and Lu Yin’s deepest impression of the Vastdearth Sect was actually the Desolate Palm. Back then, he had been extremely startled by that technique, and he had even thought that the Desolate Palm allowed one to directly absorb life force, and the rumors that he had heard about the sect were the same. With one palm, all living creatures within a certain scope would wilt. But as his cultivation increased, Lu Yin had gradually realized that this effect was impossible, as life force was not that easy to absorb. The Desolate Palm was not actually absorbing life force, but rather depleting water from the affected creatures’ bodies, which was completely different from absorbing life force.

Of course, even if the technique was not absorbing life force, its power still was not to be underestimated.

The Vastdearth Sect was the guiding power of Vastdearth Weave, and it had been established on a mainland. Dozens of planets were floating through s.p.a.ce around it, which made for a magnificent sight.

Lu Yin’s arrival at the Vastdearth Sect was shocking, and even Sect Leader Meng Tianlong joined the disciples to welcome Lu Yin. This grand reception showed Lu Yin the Vastdearth Sect’s respect for him.

Even though the Vastdearth Sect had caused Lu Yin a great deal of trouble at the start, after they joined the Great Eastern Alliance, he had not found any signs of them being involved in any sort of traitorous matters. Aegis had threatened the Great Eastern Alliance, but the Vastdearth Sect had helped him fight Aegis off, and they had not stood by and allowed Lu Yin to be humiliated. He still had a pretty decent impression of the Vastdearth Sect.

There was only one matter related to them that concerned him, which was the fact that Meng Tianlong frequently waited outside of Vastdearth Sect Elder’s Meng Qing’s training area, waiting for Meng Qing to emerge.

This had caught Lu Yin’s attention, as Meng Qing was an Enlighter, though he had not appeared after going into a strict, isolated seclusion. Even if his emergence from seclusion couldn’t affect the bigger picture, his presence would still be enough to allow the Vastdearth Sect to break away from the Great Eastern Alliance, and it would also counter Lu Yin himself to some degree.

This was also the main reason why Lu Yin had decided to visit the Vastdearth Sect now, as he wanted to see the situation concerning Meng Qing for himself.

The truth of the matter made his heart fall, as he could see Meng Qing’s rune lines. Others might not be able to see them, but Lu Yin could. The rune lines that he saw were not from any sort of explosive power, so they could only belong to an Enlighter. Meng Qing was still alive.

“Alliance Leader Lu, let me take you on a tour,” Meng Tianlong courteously offered Lu Yin. This was his first time actually meeting the youth, but since they had already talked through other forms of communication many times, he was not shocked to meet Lu Yin in person. This youth actually gave him, the sect leader, a sense of danger despite him being a peak Hunter.

It was no wonder why Aegis had ended up giving in and why Lu Yin had no fear of facing off against Neo-Vestige Sect.

Lu Yin smiled and nodded before following Meng Tianlong along on a tour of the Vastdearth Sect. As they proceeded, they coincidentally saw the Vastdearth Sect conducting an entrance test to accept disciples. There were millions of elite cultivators from all parts of Vastdearth Weave who had managed to distinguish themselves on their home planets, so they had come to the Vastdearth Sect to partic.i.p.ate in this trial and attempt to join the sect. It was a magnificent sight indeed.

Lu Yin had experienced Astral-10’s entrance exam, and he had also been a trial taker himself, but he had never really been an observer. He was now observing millions of youths struggling for their lives and gambling with death to fight for the limited slots, and it filled him with rather complicated emotions.

These youths were all elites on their home planets, and great things were expected of them. The more outstanding ones had reached the Sentinel realm and could fly, just like the Seven Sages back on Earth, though the Earthlings had called them Sky rank powerhouses. Such cultivators were practically G.o.ds in the eyes of commoners, but they were only at the very beginning of their cultivation. Even in the eyes of the Great Yu Empire, back when Lu Yin had partic.i.p.ated in the trial, Sentinels were not even within consideration for further training; they were just used as cannon fodder or roaming soldiers.

Some of the trial takers had cultivated with formcast models, and they had rather decent talent, so they were able to draw some praise from some of the Vastdearth Sect’s older generation. However, when looking at the entire Vastdearth Weave, these people were very ordinary, and it was even worse if one looked at the entire Outerverse, let alone the entire universe. This was not a difference in cultivation, but rather a difference in fundamental levels.

As he thought about it, Lu Yin did not even know how he had managed to reach his current position, especially since he had only been cultivating for seven short years.

This was also a reason why he was viewed as a legend.

“These fellows’ experience is too limited, and their cultivation is shallow, so please forgive their poor performance,” Meng Tianlong said.

Lu Yin watched some disciples struggle to the death on a screen. It was true—their world view was too narrow, and to them, the Vastdearth Sect was the peak of the universe. However, was Lu Yin himself that much different? The majority of people in this part of the universe wallowed in their ignorance and would never know that they lived in a place formed from the merging of five collapsed Mainlands. They would never know that the Sixth Mainland was still out there, or that the Astral Wilderness was endlessly vast and might even contain civilizations even more powerful and capable of suppressing the entire Human Domain.

Back when Lu Yin had been at Erudite Flowzone’s border warfront, he had personally witnessed how a more advanced civilization could look down and observe a more primitive one. Was it guaranteed that they were the highest civilization? Could there be a pair of eyes above him that were constantly observing him?

As he thought of this, the arrogance in his eyes vanished. If he looked down upon others, he himself had to be standing in a higher place, and he had not attained such a lofty position yet.

“Sect Leader Meng, during this trip to Neo-Vestige Sect, do you want to come along with me?” Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Meng Tianlong was surprised. “Alliance Leader, are you asking me to accompany you?”

Lu Yin nodded and looked at the older man. “Paying a formal visit with your ident.i.ty as the Vastdearth Sect Leader.”

Meng Tianlong was instantly placed in a difficult position, as he truly did not want to go. This incident started as Lu Yin’s conflict with Neo-Vestige Sect, but if he went, it would mean pulling the Vastdearth Sect into the conflict as well. He wanted to refuse, but Lu Yin continued, saying, “Sect Leader Meng, the Great Eastern Alliance is officially paying a visit to Neo-Vestige Sect, and as an ally, heading there together should be a given. If the Alliance Leader visits on his own, then there will be an unavoidable loss to our prestige, and we may even have some people sneering at our Great Eastern Alliance for not being united.”

Meng Tianlong was still ambivalent. “Alliance Leader, Neo-Vestige Sect is not as easy to get along with as most other powers.”

Lu Yin smiled. “Will they dare to attack you or me? Since we will be visiting with the authority of an official visit from the Great Eastern Alliance, the two parties should not behead envoys even during wartime. Furthermore, Neo-Vestige Sect controls two weaves. Then it’s settled. We set off straight away for Mordo Weave.” Lu Yin then turned to leave without even giving Meng Tianlong an opportunity to reply.

Mordo Weave was located to the southwest of Vastdearth Weave, past an asteroid belt and a no-man’s-land that was part of neither weave. After traversing through the uninhabited region, they would formally arrive within the borders of Mordo Weave.

Neo-Vestige Sect had remained isolated from the outside universe for many years, and its members rarely interacted with others. There were some Neo-Vestige Sect disciples standing guard at the borders of Mordo Weave, and no one could enter without Neo-Vestige Sect’s express approval.

Shao Zisong was a living signboard, and as soon he showed himself, the s.p.a.cecraft smoothly entered Mordo Weave.

In the past, Lu Yin had not understood why Neo-Vestige Sect would not interact with the other powers, but after listening to Peach’s story, he had gleaned several details. With the existence of the three arrows, they did not need to go out and learn battle techniques from other sources. Instead, they could study the arrows and create their own techniques. Additionally, Neo-Vestige Sect was likely afraid of revealing the existence of the three arrows as organizations from the Innerverse might covet them.

No matter how powerful Neo-Vestige Sect might be, it could at best rival the Innerverse powers like the Dire Barbarian Clan or the Frostmoon Sect. It was not at all on par with the Daynight clan or the Sword Sect. Otherwise, they would not have sent out someone who was only at the initial stages of the Hunter realm to seize Peach like Shao Zisong and would have instead sent out an Enlighter instead.

Lu Yin maintained this train of thought all the way until he saw Neo-Vestige Sect. When he did, he was stunned. Perhaps everyone had underestimated Neo-Vestige Sect, as it contained rune lines that were so overwhelming that his eyes experienced a stabbing pain. He had felt this pain only a few times before: in Tempest Flowzone, in the isolated s.p.a.ce with the golden ocean, and also at the Sea King’s Dome in the Starfall Sea.

Although the rune lines that he observed at Neo-Vestige Sect were not able to match those of the Sea King’s Dome, where he could not even look at the mountain, these rune lines still made him feel a stabbing pain. These rune lines did not belong to some expert with only a power level of 300,000, and they were definitely from someone whose power level surpa.s.sed 500,000. Only an Envoy or someone even more powerful could have such a terrifying number of rune lines.

It was no wonder why Neo-Vestige Sect had been able to instantly kill a powerhouse with a power level of 300,000 with just one arrow.

Lu Yin solemnly stared at the distant tall mountain that towered high into the sky with a sense of reverence.

Peach stood beside Lu Yin with a complex expression. “I was born here, and I nearly died here.”

Lu Yin looked over at her and saw her reminiscing with a rather terrified expression. He placed a hand on her head. “Relax, nothing will happen.”

Peach looked at him. “Your Highness, if there is any danger, you should leave first and just ignore me. Got it?”

Lu Yin laughed. “I got it, relax.”

Peach murmured in acknowledgement.

Behind them was Shao Zisong, who was tied to a column. He wore a gleeful smile. Now that they had arrived at Neo-Vestige Sect, he would make them all wish for death.

With a meaty splat, a hand crisply slapped Shao Zisong’s face. He was furious, and he turned to glare at the blind monk next to him. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d had lashed out at him many times during the journey here, and he had even attacked him more times than all the others combined. Shao Zisong would definitely make this worm pay a price.

“Your smile is so sickening. No smiling.” Peach turned around to look at Shao Zisong as she threatened him.

Shao Zisong snorted coldly and then looked down as his eyes flickered. He was thinking of how he could mess with this group.

The s.p.a.cecraft landed at the base of Neo-Vestige Sect’s mountain. Before anyone could exit from the vessel, it had already been surrounded by many Neo-Vestige Sect disciples, and countless arrows were aimed at the ship. Each one of them emitted a terrifying killing intent.

Although these disciples were mostly Sentinels, there were also quite a few Melders, Limiteers, and even a handful of Explorers among them. However, Lu Yin paid more attention to the Hunter level rune lines hidden in the distance, and there was not just one. This was the critical moment.

The blind monk grabbed a hold of Shao Zisong’s neck and walked out of the s.p.a.cecraft.

The many Neo-Vestige Sect disciples shouted in indignation.

Lu Yin led Meng Tianlong, Aden, and Peach out as well.

Meng Tianlong’s expression turned ugly, and he took several steps forward. “Vastdearth Sect Leader Meng Tianlong pays a visit to Neo-Vestige Sect Sect Leader Gong Ling. Kindly report our arrival.”

The surrounding Neo-Vestige Sect disciples revealed eyes that were filled with bloodl.u.s.t, and one youth in particular stepped forward. He looked rather similar to Shao Zisong, and he stared at Meng Tianlong with gloomy eyes. “Sect Leader Meng, your Vastdearth Sect is truly quite bold. Do you want to wage war with our Neo-Vestige Sect? Release my brother at once!”

Meng Tianlong smiled. “You should be one of Neo-Vestige Sect’s Golden Arrow disciples, Shao Ziyu. Although I’m from the Vastdearth Sect, I’ve heard of your name. You once traveled to the Innerverse and challenged experts on the Top 100 Rankings. You are truly a young elite.”

Shao Ziyu heard Meng Tianlong’s praise, and although his expression warmed a little, his voice remained cold. “Since Sect Leader Meng has heard of me, then you should know that I’m Master Bei’s disciple. Currently, everything related to Neo-Vestige Sect is being handled by Master Bei. What are your intentions in kidnapping my elder brother?”

Meng Tianlong helplessly answered, “Your brother kidnapped and blackmailed someone from my Great Eastern Alliance, and although my Vastdearth Sect wanted to dissuade them, we were humiliated by your brother. I had no choice but to come up with such a plan. Please report to Sect Leader Gong Ling that Meng Tianlong is here for a visit. If any offense was made, let me be lectured personally by Sect Leader Gong Ling, and my Vastdearth Sect will offer appropriate compensation.”

“You’re talking s.h.i.t! I didn’t blackmail anyone!” Shao Zisong hollered.

The blind monk placed a hand on the younger man’s waist, and for some reason, Shao Zisong’s expression immediately became extremely pained, though he did not utter a single sound.

Shao Ziyu stared at Shao Zisong and then at Meng Tianlong. “Sect Leader Meng, our Sect Leader is in seclusion and is not receiving any visitors. I will report to my master, but first, release my brother.”

Meng Tianlong looked over at Lu Yin.
