Star Odyssey

Chapter 1343: Source

Chapter 1343: Source

"It would be best if Alliance Leader Lu is willing to meet with us. My family is waiting in Southside Weave for you." Madam Yōu felt helpless.

Lu Yin nodded, but then he suddenly remembered something. "No."

Madam Yōu could not help asking, "Alliance Leader Lu, what"s the problem?"

Lu Yin looked at Madam Yōu and explained in evident embarra.s.sment, "My apologies, Madam Yōu, but I can"t go to Southside Weave."

Madam Yōu was infuriated, and she glared at Lu Yin. "Alliance Leader Lu, while it’s true that my Yōu family wishes to join your Great Eastern Alliance, we are not without some measure of strength. We are not wagging our tails and looking for your pity as we seek refuge. I would ask Alliance Leader Lu to not insult my Yōu family!"

Lu Yin quickly replied, "Madam Yōu, you misunderstand. It"s not that I, Lu Yin, don"t want to meet with Madam Yōu, but rather that someone has forbidden me from going."

"Who?" Madam Yōu gritted her teeth. At this moment, she felt that Lu Yin was quite despicable, and she suddenly understood why so many people wanted to kill him.

Lu Yin shrugged. "Highsage Grandmaster."

Madam Yōu was taken aback. "Who?"

Lu Yin answered in a serious tone, "Senior Highsage Grandmaster."

Madam Yōu was stunned. Of course she knew of Highsage Grandmaster. He was one of the Human Domain’s seven Semi-Progenitors, a true top-tier powerhouse. Even the elders of her Yōu clan had to respect such an existence. Why was Highsage Grandmaster not allowing Lu Yin to meet with her? What did this mean? Had Highsage Grandmaster become hostile towards the Seven Courts? Or could it be that he was aware of the Yōu family’s true circ.u.mstances?

"Why?" Madam Yōu asked out of reflex, despite being somewhat nervous.

Lu Yin explained, "The top ten finalists from ZENITH have encountered mishaps one after another. Bu Kong’s dead, w.a.n.g Yi’s disappeared, and Wu Taibai was seriously injured. Now, even Xia Jiuyou is gone. Highsage Grandmaster does not wish to let this junior go out at this time, and he intends for me to wait here until it is time to go to the Neoverse."

Madam Yōu no longer knew how to respond to Lu Yin. The first three incidents that he had mentioned had happened right when ZENITH had finished, and Xia Jiuyou had fallen at the hands of the b.a.s.t.a.r.d currently talking to Madam Yōu. Despite that, he was insinuating that the Neohuman Alliance was the responsible party.

Madam Yōu no longer wanted to meet with Lu Yin. Instead, she wanted to attack him with a knife.

Lu Yin also knew that he was in the wrong. He coughed. "I’m sorry, Madam Yōu. Highsage Grandmaster is calling to speak with me.”

He then quickly ended the call, though he did feel a bit guilty.

Because of Madam Yōu, Lu Yin had just fabricated an order on Highsage Grandmaster’s behalf.

Back in the Yōu family, Madam Yōu almost swore out of anger. She had an excellent temper, but she had never suffered such a ma.s.sive insult since birth! She had actually been repeatedly toyed with by a junior.

Yōu Ye"er stared at Madam Yōu"s angry face and whispered, "Lu Yin has no sincerity at all. We shouldn’t rely on him."

"No. In the current universe, he’s the only person who can save us," Madam Yōu said. Despite being incredibly angry, she still had not lost her sense of reason.

Yōu Ye"er also knew that this was the truth. "But his att.i.tude makes it clear that he doesn"t want to accept our Yōu family into his alliance."

Madam Yōu took a deep breath and calmed herself. Her eyes grew deeper. "He will accept it. As long as the Great Eastern Alliance continues on its current path, he will eventually reach First Flowzone. He will eventually have to face us. He is just procrastinating right now. He wants to know our true motivation, and it"s also possible that he’s guessed that we haven"t broken away from the Seven Courts."

"He’s guessed that?!" Yōu Ye"er was surprised.

Madam Yōu was not certain, but this was simply the only possibility that could explain Lu Yin"s att.i.tude. However, if Lu Yin had guessed the truth, then she was being used by Lu Yin. What a b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Lu Yin really did not want to get involved with the Yōu family. He did not know why they were attempting to ally themselves with him. After all, they had already split away from the Seven Courts, and despite leaving with the Yōu Secret Art, they had married themselves to the Sword Sect. The entire matter was too strange, and Lu Yin did not want to rush things and bring a calamity upon himself.

Not much time had pa.s.sed since the Great Eastern Alliance had occupied the Blaze Realm, and during this time, hostilities with the sylvan dragons and the Ross Empire had never dimmed.

The next step was for the Great Eastern Alliance to withdraw from Blazing Mist Flowzone, and Wei Rong was already making preparations for them to enter Little Millennium Flowzone. As long as they managed to occupy Little Millennium Flowzone, the Great Eastern Alliance would immediately leave Blazing Mist Flowzone and abandon it, leaving it to the sylvan dragon clan and the Ross Empire as a sign of goodwill. As for who would ultimately claim control of Blazing Mist Flowzone, that would depend entirely on the Ross Empire and the sylvan dragons.

Lu Yin did not care about them at all. He was getting what he wanted, so they could fight away after he left. Little Millennium Flowzone would eventually be his regardless.

Thus, Lu Yin was no longer concerned with Blazing Mist Flowzone. After speaking with w.a.n.g Wen for a bit, Lu Yin returned to the Outerverse, taking the Champions’ Stage with him. It was time for him to visit Earth and investigate the situation there, but he needed to stop by Zenyu Star first. After all, that was his home.

No matter who ended up controlling Blazing Mist Flowzone, the Astral River Ark had to remain under the Great Eastern Alliance’s control. This was something that Lu Yin had stipulated.

At this time, everyone working aboard the Astral River Ark was from the Great Eastern Alliance, and they all saluted Lu Yin when they saw him arrive.

Lu Yin was returning to the Outerverse in a very public manner.

At present, the Outerverse was no different from Lu Yin"s backyard. The moment he arrived, the Allied Forces standing guard at the Astral River Ark all docked and saluted, and many cultivators aboard the Ark grew envious.

Lu Yin did not tarry, and he immediately boarded his ship and towed the Champions’ Stage away, headed towards Zenyu Star.

Lu Yin needed to pa.s.s through Darkmist Weave on his way to Zenyu Star from the Astral River, so he deliberately chose a route that would allow him to pa.s.s by Mafioso Planet.

Topmist had already returned to Mafioso Planet from Ironblood Weave.

When Lu Yin"s s.p.a.cecraft arrived, the organization’s headquarters on Mafioso Planet was thrown into a complete uproar.

Mafioso Planet was home to the largest organization in the Outerverse’s eastern region. Additionally, Lu Yin had only been able to form the initial structure of the Great Eastern Alliance in large part due to the information that he had received from Mafioso Planet.

Mafioso Planet had also eventually joined the Great Eastern Alliance. Lu Yin’s visit at this time was to learn about Mafioso Planet"s power vessel, the Bloodied Handprint.

Topmist stared at the young man standing some distance away with complicated emotions in his eyes. Their first meeting was still vivid in Topmist’s mind. He had not succeeded in the youth, and despite being an Enlighter, he would have died if not for his hidden short stature. From that moment forward, Lu Yin’s fame had never once stopped growing and spreading, and he had even managed to unite the entire Outerverse, stretching from Ironblood Weave to the Endless Weave.

This young man had become the master of the entire Outerverse, and he even possessed the personal strength to force Topmist to look up to him.

Lu Yin’s current strength meant that he could easily kill Topmist, even without using any items.

"Topmist greets Alliance Leader Lu." Hidden beneath a black fog, Topmist spoke up. The black fog covering his body then dissipated to reveal a man who was only a meter tall.

Lu Yin looked at Topmist. If not for the fact that the old was so short, Lu Yin’s gunshot would have killed him all those years ago, but that would have led to a future where Lu Yin had nothing.

"It’s been a long time. You still look good, senior," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Topmist was terrified. He was a timid person who was skilled at preserving his own life. He expressed his att.i.tude as soon as possible, as anything else would have meant that his survival skills were worth nothing. "In front of Alliance Leader Lu, this small one does not dare be called a senior."

Lu Yin waved a hand dismissively as he stepped forward. He swept past Topmist and continued onto Mafioso Planet.

Topmist"s pupils shrank. As Lu Yin pa.s.sed by him, the Enlighter had not been able to sense anything at all, even when Lu Yin moved behind the If Lu Yin had attacked, Topmost did not believe that he could endure for even a single second, no matter what life-saving treasures he used. Even if Topmist had not used up the Bloodied Handprint, it still would have been impossible to win against Lu Yin.

The strength that this youth had shown when defeating ZENITH’s top ten had caused the older man to despair.

Topmist grew even more respectful.

Mafioso Planet was shrouded in darkness all year round, and it had raised many Lu Yin’s domain swept out. It had become quite large, and it took him less than a moment to find someone he knew: the bespectacled Mistchild.

The young woman looked up and saw Lu Yin staring at her, and she was thrilled. She had long since wanted to contact Lu Yin, but he moved around too fast and she was unable to keep up with him. She had not expected Lu Yin to suddenly appear in front of her on Mafioso Planet.

Lu Yin had never forgotten about the bespectacled Mistchild. This young woman had helped him a great deal when the Outerverse had first been isolated, and although she had her own schemes, her innate gift was quite useful. She was able to ingest poisons to raise her cultivation, and Lu Yin just so happened to have a large number of powerful poisons.

He still had five bottles of Elder Wu’s poisons, and each of them had been upgraded eight times. They were powerful enough to threaten a powerful Envoy, and one of these poisons had inflicted grave wounds upon Leader Hong.

However, none of the poisons could be upgraded any further due to the limits of their ingredients.

He took out a bottle of poison and tossed it to the bespectacled Mistchild.

The young woman was overjoyed, and she quickly grabbed the bottle. "Thank you, Your Highness."

Lu Yin smiled, but he did not say much. He intended to leave this girl an opportunity and then see how far she would be able to go in the future. It was possible for her innate gift to surprise even the girl herself.

Topmist was not surprised to see Lu Yin help the bespectacled Mistchild. There was no way for them to hide their initial interactions from the old, and the young Mistchild had worked with Lu Yin to deal with corrupt government officials while also providing Lu Yin with Mafioso Planet’s gathered intelligence to a.s.sist the Great Eastern Alliance. Topmist had learned of these matters long ago.

Even when looking at all of Mafioso Planet, the bespectacled Mistchild was second only to Topmist, though this was not because of her strength. Rather, it was due to her connection to Lu Yin.

"Is the Bloodied Handprint still around?" Lu Yin asked while touring Mafioso Planet. The scenery pa.s.sed by him so quickly that it was not much different from traveling in a s.p.a.cecraft.

From behind, Topmist heard Lu Yin’s question and replied, "No. It was completely used up in Ironblood Weave."

Of course Lu Yin remembered that fact, as he had forced Topmist to use the power vessel. "Where did that Bloodied Handprint come from?"

Topmist did not dare to hide anything. "It was our ancestors who discovered the Bloodied Handprint. It had fallen deep into the earth, and the Bloodied Handprint is actually why our ancestors settled on Mafioso Planet. However, no one knows where it originally came from."

"Are you saying that the Bloodied Handprint was on Mafioso Planet before any of you?" Lu Yin asked.

Topmist respectfully replied, "Yes."

Lu Yin thought about this. There were relics on various planets that hailed from ages before the planets could ever give birth to biological life. A planet could survive for billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of years, but what about civilization? Humans fell short of being able to compare to a planet’s history.

These planets were the ones who had truly lived through the ancient times, watching the birth of humanity, its peak, and then its fall. They had witnessed the powerhouses of ancient civilizations such as Progenitor Chen and the Rune Progenitor. The Bloodied Handprint had only been capable of unleashing attacks with a power level of about 300,000, so it might have come from a powerful ancient expert. Unfortunately, it was no longer worth thinking about.

Lu Yin left Mafioso Planet.

In outer s.p.a.ce, above the planet, Topmist watched as Lu Yin"s s.p.a.ceship left, and the old did not look away until Lu Yin was completely out of sight.

Topmist had never thought that the child who had once been an ant that Topmist could kill on a whim would grow to this level of strength.

In the future universe, who would be the one calling the shots?

News of Lu Yin"s imminent return to Zenyu Star had already spread, and countless people were antic.i.p.ating his arrival.

When his vessel arrived, Zenyu Star, the other nearby planets, and all of Frostwave Weave erupted in excitement as everyone shouted Lu Yin"s name. Countless planets had already erected statues of him.

OMA"s Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC"ed By: OMA
