Star Odyssey

Chapter 1885: Repeat

Chapter 1885: Repeat

People stared in disbelief as Lu Yin continued absorbing even more stellular energy. One stick of incense. Two. Three. Enough time pa.s.sed for four sticks of incense to burn. By now, the stellular energy vortex in Lu Yin’s upper meridian point had reached the same size as the one hidden in his chest. The stream of stellular energy from the tribulation vortex above Lu Yin started to dwindle again, so Lu Yin used a bit more of the black and white mist in his chest to seal the path connecting his middle meridian point to his upper meridian point. The stellular energy stream grew larger once again, and a third stellular energy vortex began to form in Lu Yin’s middle meridian point.

Lu Yin’s excitement mounted further than ever. As he absorbed the stellular energy and formed his vortices, his body was continually being transformed by the stellular energy entering his body.

Everyone watching felt like their entire understanding of the world was being shattered. How was he still going?

Every stage of Lu Yin’s stellular tribulation had destroyed people’s understanding of the phenomenon. Even a Semi-Progenitor like Lan Xian was left at a loss.

Everyone had seen for the first time just how terrifying a stellular tribulation could be, and also just how long stellular energy could be absorbed for the first time following a tribulation.

Enough time pa.s.sed for another four sticks of incense to burn, and Lu Yin repeated the same trick as before. The black and white mist sealed the pathway leading from his lower meridian point to his middle meridian point, and he continued to absorb more stellular energy.

Lu Yin was ecstatic. Everyone stared blankly at the miracle that he had created. At this time, no one noticed that the stellular tribulation vortex above Lu Yin’s head had started to churn and grow. It expanded more and more and more…

Suddenly someone screamed, "Quick, get back! Retreat! The tribulation’s right above us!"

Everyone looked up, and their expressions instantly and drastically changed. None of them had noticed that the vortex had grown to the point where it now covered even the spectators. Even worse, it was still growing.

Everyone was startled, and they felt their scalps turn numb. At this terrifying moment, everyone, no matter if they were human, astral beast, or even a Semi-Progenitor, felt fear as they fled. Not one person dared to stay close to Lu Yin.

Countless people screamed and cursed. The stellular tribulation had clearly finished, and yet they had nearly been dragged into the calamity. Looking up, it was clear that the stellular tribulation was enraged. Too much stellular energy had been stolen, and the vortex would not let such a loss go unpunished.

Lu Yin also saw what was happening above his head, and his eye twitched. He felt like cursing. A stellular tribulation? Where is this coming from? Wasn’t it already over? What the h.e.l.l! I just absorbed a bit of extra stellular energy!

"Lu Yin, stop now!" the Sea King shouted as he glared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin opened his mouth to reply. He did not want to stop. His fourth stellular energy vortex had already started to form, and he had a premonition that if he let this opportunity go, he would never encounter it again in the future. The stellular tribulation to become an Envoy was the only time he would ever encounter such a chance. The next time he would face this kind of tribulation was when he tried to break through to a power level of a million. In between those two tribulations, all the other stellular tribulations would be comparatively minor and would be easily pa.s.sed. However, they also would not provide any benefits at all.

When Lu Yin saw how the vortex was continuing to expand, he gritted his teeth and slowed down the rate at which he was absorbing stellular energy. Unfortunately, doing so made no difference whatsoever, as the vortex continued to expand at the same rate as before. There was no sign of it fading away.

"All of you, get back! NOW!" Lu Yin shouted. He would not be able to get away from this tribulation, and although it was still growing, it was doing so at a slower speed. By this point, Lu Yin would have to face the tribulation even if he stopped absorbing the stellular energy.

If he had known that this was going to happen, he would not have tried to form a stellular energy vortex in his lower meridian point. The vortex overhead had grown so large that Lu Yin was starting to panic. He had no idea what to expect. How was he supposed to survive this?

No one would ever want to face such a tribulation. It was far too big. Its size caused even Qing Hua to panic, as it was larger than the tribulation that he had faced to reach a power level of a million! What the h.e.l.l did that kid do? How is it that everything he does changes history?

Xu Qing became ecstatic. "Everyone get back! He’s going to die now, hahahaha!"

The Celestial Demon fled without a word. Even ten lives would not be enough for him to survive if he was implicated by Lu Yin’s tribulation. Was another Progenitor going to appear and attack Lu Yin?

To the west, Lan Xian was stunned, and she shook her head. "It can be considered a crime to be too talented. How did he absorb so much stellular energy?"

No one could even guess at what Lu Yin had done. He was most likely the only person to have accomplished such a thing. Using the G.o.d of Death’s death energy to isolate his stellular energy vortices and reseal his meridian points meant that Lu Yin had combined two completely different cultivation methods.

However, he was growing increasingly anxious as he looked up at the boundless vortex that had spread out over his head. Vaguely, he heard an indistinct roar. Was that the true universe roaring?

Not only in Northcastle Weave, but the entire Outerverse trembled. The disturbance also spread into the Innerverse, the Cosmic Sea, and even reached the Neoverse.

Arch-Elder Zen, Elder Gong, and the other Semi-Progenitors all stared to the north with shock on their faces. The true universe was changing, and it originated from the north.

In the Astral Beast Domain, Skymender’s eyes opened, and he looked to the northwest with an odd expression.

The changes taking place in the true universe drew the attention of countless powerhouses from across the universe. Even the Progenitor of Bloodlines and the Progenitor of Combat were startled as they stood guard in the Starfall Sea, at the pa.s.s through the barrier protecting the Fifth Mainland. They both turned to look in the direction of the Fifth Mainland’s Outerverse. "What"s happening? There’s a surge rippling through the true universe! Could someone have broken through to become a Progenitor?"

"No, this is more like a change brought about by stellular energy being agitated, but who could have done such a thing?"

"Let me go check."

In Northcastle Weave, the vortex above Lu Yin’s head began to tremble with increasing strength. This was an incomprehensible stellular tribulation, and Lu Yin was feeling so scared that he was struggling to hold still. How was he supposed to survive this? What should he do? There was no way to deal with such a thing. He did not dare to use Truesight to observe the tribulation, but he could tell that this was much too powerful for him to survive on his own.

This is it, game over. Lu Yin helplessly glanced around. Master? You might be the only one who can save me! Where are you Mister Mu?


There was an explosion, and just the sound of it caused Lu Yin’s ears to bleed. He had just been injured by mere noise.

The aura that he felt from the tribulation made Lu Yin feel as though he was facing a Progenitor.

Everyone had already fled far out of sight.

The vortex that formed the stellular tribulation finally stopped expanding. A seemingly infinite lightning bolt appeared beneath the vortex. Its color was indiscernible, as it seemed to be devoid of color, and yet it also seemed to have a never-before-seen color. It replaced everything in vision, and it felt like divine punishment had been meted out.

Everyone who saw this lightning bolt felt endless fear, including Semi-Progenitor Lan Xian. She had no idea how powerful this lightning was, but it had a majestic aura that gave her an urge to prostrate and worship that she had not felt even when facing the Progenitor of Bloodlines and the Progenitor of Combat.

Lu Yin"s pupils instantly constricted. He pulled out his yellow futon, thinking that he could try to hide in the Daosource Sect’s ruins, but it was impossible. His futon was reduced to ash the moment he pulled it out. His face turned pale, but he did not have any time to mourn his loss at this moment. Next, he pulled out the corpse that he had found in Burial Garden and hid beneath it, holding the corpse over his head.

There was a tremendous boom, and Lu Yin felt extremely dizzy. He spat out a mouthful of blood as he was sent flying downwards. A bit of the lightning electrocuted the corpse and Lu Yin’s arm, instantly numbing his entire limb.

The attack lasted for no more than a moment, but it felt like an eternity to Lu Yin.

The lightning disappeared after the solitary attack, and the vortex of the stellular tribulation quickly shrank and disappeared before Lu Yin could even react. It was as though it feared that Lu Yin would try to absorb even more stellular energy.

Far away, all the spectators saw the tribulation vortex vanish and s.p.a.ce return to normal. No one reacted for a while, and no one dared to approach where Lu Yin had been.

Lu Yin was still hiding under the corpse. His right arm was still completely numb and deprived of all sensation, and he could clearly see where the lightning had struck him. He quickly peeked around the corpse to glance upwards. Had the stellular tribulation finally disappeared?

Lu Yin let out a huge sigh of relief when he saw that s.p.a.ce had returned to normal. He checked the corpse and was startled to see that there was no damage on it whatsoever. His eyes flickered, and he quickly put the corpse away again.

At this time, an illusory tree seemed to sprout and grow. It quickly grew bigger and spread out without end. It was a phenomenon induced by Lu Yin’s breakthrough.

A similar phenomena had appeared when Lu Yin had broken through to become both an Explorer and a Hunter. But this time, the tree was much, much larger, and it was also much more substantial.

The tree continued to grow larger and larger. It covered both Frostwave and Northcastle Weaves, and yet it continued to grow larger.

Yuan Shi and everyone else could do nothing but blankly stare on. What the h.e.l.l was this?

They could no longer feel any shock from Lu Yin’s actions. After all, he had suddenly triggered a secondary stellular tribulation. What could possibly be more absurd than that?

To the west, Lan Xian"s eyes lit up. "It’s a phenomenon! Lu Yin’s breakthrough succeeded."

Master Qing Hua was shocked. "How is that possible? How could he have survived that tribulation just now?"

No one had thought that Lu Yin could survive. However, a phenomenon had appeared, and it clearly had not been triggered by the stellular tribulation.

Suddenly, an overbearing pressure fell down. At this time, a majestic power descended, and Lan Xian looked up as she trembled. "Progenitor of Bloodlines."

Everyone trembled when the Progenitor’s power swept through the region.

The expressions of Second Nightking, Jiu Shen, and the other top powerhouses all instantly changed. A Progenitor? Who was it? Was it the Progenitor of Combat or the Progenitor of Bloodlines?

Progenitors stood at the peak, and it was a distinction that everyone could feel.

Lu Yin also sensed the Progenitor’s arrival, and it startled him badly. There were only two Progenitors who could appear in this place: the Progenitor of Combat and the Progenitor of Bloodlines. Had one of them come to eliminate him?

The phenomenon of the ma.s.sive tree continued to grow. It was far, far larger than when Lu Yin had broken through to the Hunter realm. The branches hung low, and a magical light filled the tree. Finally, strange items began to appear within the tree, as if they had grown there.

These objects were much more distinct this time, and they even looked as though they could be plucked from the branches. They appeared to be fruits of various shapes.

The phenomenon began to distort s.p.a.ce, and this caused ever more bizarre scenes to appear and overlap in s.p.a.ce. An even larger tree appeared. This one enveloped the entire universe—it was the Mother Tree.

Lu Yin’s mouth fell open as he stared. The Mother Tree?

Everyone who saw the Mother Tree appear was stunned by the sight. The Semi-Progenitor, Lan Xian, was no different. These people all recognized the Mother Tree, but how could the tree that was only mentioned in the most ancient texts suddenly appear here?

In the Perennial World, Lu Yin’s phenomenon appeared, and the Mother Tree itself trembled for a bit. To the north, s.p.a.ce seemed to overlap, and Lu Yin and his tree of phenomenon appeared.

At the same time, Lu Yin was able to see the Mother Tree and the Perennial World’s Higher Realm. Countless people in the Higher Realm were able to see Lu Yin as well.

Two trees overlapped from two different places.

On Dragon Mountain, the patriarch, Long Ke, looked to the north. When he saw Lu Yin, he was overcome with shock. How was this possible? Had the youth actually caused the Mother Tree to quiver and s.p.a.ce to overlap? Even if Lu Yin was a descendant of the Lu family’s main family and was actually Lu Xiaoxuan, this should be impossible.

Ni Huang stepped out and glared at Lu Yin with murderous rage. He looked as if he wanted to devour Lu Yin. “The child must have broken through after surviving a stellular tribulation and induced a phenomenon. His talent is truly amazing, and he was even able to cause the Mother Tree to tremble. Still, he has humiliated my White Dragon Clan! Contact w.a.n.g Si and tell her that I and the White Dragon Clan agree to her request."

At Shenwu"s Sky, Xia Xing’s eyes flickered from beneath the imprisoned Jiao. He stared to the north, and nearby, Xia Taili’s mouth had dropped open in disbelief. She had never seen such a thing. Can the Mother Tree actually tremble? Is that an illusion, or am I looking at reality? What did Long Qi do? Wait, he’s actually Lu Xiaoxuan.

A smile appeared on Luo Zhong"s face. "That’s amazing, Brother Lu! We’ll meet again soon."

Luo Zhong was actually Xia Luo. He had entered Shenwu"s Sky under the alias of Luo Zhong.