Star Odyssey

Chapter 1977

Chapter 1977

"What"s wrong?" G.o.d of Mirrors asked.

Suddenly, G.o.d of Magenta appeared as well. "You don"t need to tell me where you’re going—I"ll just go along with you. As long as you don"t tell me the location, you won’t be violating your oath."

G.o.d of Mirrors was becoming more and more upset with the other man. "G.o.d of Magenta, you-"

Right at that moment, G.o.d of Magenta"s pupils transformed into runes as he stared at G.o.d of Mirrors, weakening the man. As his eyes locked onto G.o.d of Mirrors and weakened him, something was suddenly created out of nothing. A newly appeared blade stabbed into G.o.d of Mirrors’ heart so suddenly that the man could not even react.

He simply could not believe what was happening.

At this same instant, all of the mirrors in G.o.ds’ Origin shattered. G.o.d of Mirrors had been given his t.i.tle because his innate gift was Mirror World, and it allowed him to travel through mirrors.

G.o.d of Wind had destroyed all of the mirrors in G.o.ds’ Origin.

G.o.d of Mirrors vomited a ma.s.sive amount of blood as the sharp blade in the heart disappeared nearly instantly. Truesight was truly a miraculous ability.

G.o.d of Magenta sneered, and as he did so, someone stepped out of the void next to him. It was a person with a familiar face, a face that was hated by everyone in G.o.ds" Origin: Jin Mie.

G.o.d of Mirrors" pupils shrank. His face was incredibly pale, and he struggled to remain standing on his feet. He stared at Jin Mie, and then looked at G.o.d of Magenta. "You- why?"

Jin Mie sneered. "I told you that he’d be shocked."

G.o.d of Magenta stared at G.o.d of Mirrors. "Tell me the location. You don’t have to worry about your cultivation being impacted by breaking your oath any longer. Tell me the location, and I’ll save you, and you can join us. You will remain as you have been here in G.o.ds’ Origin. Nothing will change for you, G.o.d of Mirrors."

G.o.d of Mirrors gritted his teeth as he glared at G.o.d of Magenta. "You’ve betrayed G.o.ds" Origin!"

He then looked back at G.o.d of Wind. "You’ve also become a traitor."

"She can’t be considered a traitor, as she’s always followed me," G.o.d of Magenta retorted indifferently.

G.o.d of Mirrors stared at G.o.d of Magenta. "Why?"

G.o.d of Magenta"s eyes flickered. "Tell me the location."

"Why did you betray G.o.ds" Origin? Why are you working with Jin Mie?" G.o.d of Mirrors started shouting as his eyes flickered between G.o.d of Magenta, Jin Mie, and G.o.d of Wind. Both G.o.d of Magenta and G.o.d of Wind took a step back, but half of G.o.d of Wind"s body suddenly vanished, gone without a sound. It seemed that she did not even realize what had happened to her body.

There had been no signs of an attack, but this was how Truesight worked and how those who followed the cultivation system of Rune Technology fought.

Even an Envoy could disappear without a trace.

G.o.d of Magenta laid a hand on G.o.d of Wind"s shoulder and started reforming her body. Meanwhile, Jin Mie waved a hand, causing a sharp blade to appear. As the weapon moved to attack G.o.d of Mirrors, it twitched and shifted back as though it was about to attack Jin Mie instead. Jin Mie grew serious, and the blade started shifting back and forth between G.o.d of Mirrors and Jin Mie.


G.o.d of Mirrors vomited more blood. G.o.d of Magenta stared at the man’s injury with a chilling light in his eyes. Almost without notice, the wound on G.o.d of Mirrors’ chest started to grow, and the flesh and blood there vanished as runes were erased. The man instantly utilized the absolute defense of the Knowing realm of Truesight to block G.o.d of Magenta"s attack.

While none of the people present were moving, they were in the midst of a chilling battle.

Most of G.o.d of Wind"s body was restored, and she stood there, trembling and pale. She had almost been unmade in that instant. If she had completely disappeared, she would have been gone forever. Unless an even more powerful Truesight pract.i.tioner took action, it would spell her death.

Suddenly, G.o.d of Mirrors" injury worsened, and he started gasping for breath.

"How long can you endure?" Jin Mie sneered. He looked up, and sharp blades appeared all around G.o.d of Mirrors, cutting off all paths of escape in the air and on the ground.

G.o.d of Mirrors stared at G.o.d of Magenta alone. "Why are you working with that traitor? G.o.d of Flames never treated you badly."

G.o.d of Magenta said nothing.

"Why?" G.o.d of Mirrors roared. He still could not believe this bizarre development.

"Stop your ranting. Either tell us the location, or a traitor of G.o.ds" Origin. Once you’re dead, your face will replace mine," Jin Mie said impatiently.

G.o.d of Mirrors" expression changed completely. Having his face placed upon one of those giant statues would label him as a traitor to G.o.ds’ Origin, which was a shame that could never be erased. "Jin Mie, you’re the traitor! All of you are traitors! Just wait! G.o.d of Flames will leave seclusion, and none of you will be able to escape!"

Jin Mie just laughed. "G.o.d of Flames? You"re overthinking things. I went to where he’s in seclusion to see him, and let me tell you what I found there.”

As the man spoke, a smile appeared on his face. “There was no one. No G.o.d of Flames. No one in seclusion there at all. He cultivated into nothingness and disappeared." Jin Mie smirked.

G.o.d of Mirrors" eyes grew large. "Impossible! G.o.d of Flames has been in seclusion to become a Semi-Progenitor and to master a higher level of Truesight."

Jin Mie shook his head and glanced over at G.o.d of Magenta.

G.o.d of Magenta spoke up, "He’s really gone. If not, how would we dare to do anything here? G.o.d of Flames failed to achieve his breakthrough, and he disappeared while in seclusion. Isn’t that what you just tried to do to G.o.d of Wind? Make her disappear?"

G.o.d of Mirrors clenched his hands into fists. "I don"t believe you!"

G.o.d of Magenta replied, "That’s enough. Give us the location and die easily, or you can join us and live. Otherwise, you’ll die and be labeled a traitor to G.o.ds" Origin. Even if Jin Mie is here, no one knows that I’ve been working with him, so nothing will happen to us.”

G.o.d of Mirrors was mourning G.o.ds’ Origin. At their peak, they had stood on the same level as the Cosmic Sect and the Mavis family, practically peerless in the Fifth Mainland. No one had dared go against them. However, one traitor had appeared after another within their midst, and it was possible that G.o.d of Flames really was gone. If not, why else would Jin Mie and G.o.d of Magenta have the courage to move against G.o.ds" Origin?

"Brother Magenta, it looks like he still won’t agree, so just forget about convincing him. Besides, Truesight isn’t your primary strength," Jin Mie said.

G.o.d of Magenta frowned as he stared at G.o.d of Mirrors. "Last chance."

G.o.d of Mirrors glared at G.o.d of Magenta with bloodshot eyes. "I just want to know why you betrayed us. You were given everything here in G.o.ds" Origin."

G.o.d of Magenta shook his head. "It looks like you simply want to die."

"He won"t tell, but I will." A new voice suddenly spoke up, and hearing it caused both G.o.d of Magenta and Jin Mie’s expressions to completely change. Everyone present turned to look in the same direction, and they all saw that Lu Yin had appeared at some point in time, and he was simply leaning against the wall, watching them as though he was enjoying a very interesting show. There was even a smile on his face that reached his eyes.

G.o.d of Magenta"s pupils constricted. "Lu Yin?"

Jin Mie"s expression twisted, and his heart sank.

Lu Yin started applauding. "This was wonderful, really wonderful! I didn"t expect to stumble upon such a great show! This has been great!"

G.o.d of Mirrors had also not expected to see Lu Yin. He struggled to believe his eyes. “Alliance Leader Lu, why are you here again?"

Lu Yin focused on G.o.d of Mirrors. "Do you want to know why G.o.d of Magenta betrayed you? That’s because his name is actually Xia Ji."

G.o.d of Mirrors was stunned. He could not believe this at all. "The Semi-Progenitor from the Seven Courts’ Xia family?"

Lu Yin turned to look at G.o.d of Magenta. "Isn’t that right, old man?"

G.o.d of Magenta"s expression had soured, but he was frighteningly calm. “I don’t even know how to respond to such nonsense."

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back. "Some time ago, I was kidnapped by Xia Ji himself, as he wanted to force me to give him a secret regarding the Cosmic Art, and he even tried to pry the G.o.d of Death’s inheritance from me. The place that he took me to was your G.o.ds’ Origin’s Envoy-level Platform of Trials, which is why G.o.d of Magenta ordered G.o.d of Wind to prevent me from visiting that place and recognizing it. Am I right?"

G.o.d of Magenta"s expression grew worse and worse as Lu Yin spoke. "Junior, it doesn’t matter if you insist on accusing me of being Xia Ji, but why don’t you go confront the Xia family’s Semi-Progenitor to get your revenge if you’re able? I won’t entertain your nonsense here."

The man then tore through the void as he and Jin Mie both entered the true universe in an attempt to escape.

They would not care about Lu Yin if he were alone, but Lu Yin was never far from the Second Nightking, and no one present was an opponent for that old monster.

However, one had to be capable of escaping before they could do so. A terrifying powerhouse who was inferior only to Semi-Progenitors within the Human Domain was present while these two men only had a power level that was slightly higher than 700,000. They were both instantly smacked out of the true universe, and the Second Nightking appeared with a raised hand. The two men were locked in place, unable to move at all.

Fury covered G.o.d of Magenta"s face, and a terrifying aura erupted from him. His power level instantly shot past 700,000, approaching a level of a million.

Jin Mie showed no surprise, and instead he turned to stare at Lu Yin. The man’s pupils transformed into runes, and he attempted to erase Lu Yin from existence.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

Lu Yin had never lowered his guard. If G.o.d of Magenta was Xia Ji’s clone, then even if the clone was weaker than the original body, his power level should still be at least a million. How could a Semi-Progenitor’s clone only possess a power level of 700,000? Once G.o.d of Magenta revealed his full strength, he started attacking the Second Nightking, which meant that Lu Yin was left with Jin Mie as his opponent.

Jin Mie favored sneak attacks. He had first ambushed G.o.d of Mirrors, and he had also just tried to do the same to Lu Yin.

G.o.d of Mirrors instantly retaliated, and the two men clashed with Truesight right in front of Lu Yin. There was a blast of wind that ruffled Lu Yin’s hair.

Jin Mie shot a cold glare at G.o.d of Mirrors before decisively turning to run away. Regardless of how much G.o.d of Magenta’s strength had surged, it was impossible for him to measure up to the Second Nightking, so Jin Mie wanted to get as far away as possible.

Lu Yin raised a hand and released a Hollow Palm.

Jin Mie"s entire body was protected by Truesight, and the Hollow Palm was instantly weakened when it touched the protective barrier. Still, a portion of the palm strike landed on Jin Mie, causing him to stumble.

The man was horrified. How had Lu Yin managed to become so powerful? He had clearly been a weakling just a short time ago during the war in the Cosmic Sea.

Given Lu Yin"s current strength, how could Jin Mie possibly escape?

An astral chessboard appeared beneath Lu Yin’s feet, and he suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Jin Mie. The man had entered the true universe, but he was still blocked by Lu Yin.

"Move!" Jin Mie screamed when he saw Lu Yin in his path. Blood and tears streamed down from man’s eyes as he tried to erase Lu Yin’s existence.

Lu Yin just sneered as a horrifying surge of strength erupted from him. The number of Lu Yin’s runes increased without end. While Truesight was a miraculous cultivation system, it was impossible to surpa.s.s overwhelming strength. On top of that, Lu Yin also practiced Truesight, rendering Jin Mie’s attack useless.

Lu Yin calmly raised a hand and lashed out again.

Jin Mie quickly tried to utilize the Knowing realm of Truesight, which was Truesight’s most powerful defense.

Lu Yin"s eyes lit up, and he stepped backwards. As he stepped backwards, he moved closer and closer to Jin Mie.

The man was initially confused by what he saw, but when he realized that Lu Yin was getting closer, Jin Mie sensed a bit of turbulence in s.p.a.ce that made him uncomfortable. He was suddenly unable to maintain the Knowing realm’s absolute defense.

Inverse Step had allowed Lu Yin to instantly shatter Jin Mie’s Knowing realm mastery of Truesight.

Jin Mie could not believe this sudden change. How could a mere movement technique shatter Truesight?

In the past, Lu Yin had felt a similar sense of disbelief when Progenitor Chen’s clone had done the same thing to his own defense erected by Knowing realm. However, Lu Yin was the one shattering Truesight now. It was a wonderful feeling.


There was a deafening sound as Jin Mie"s body was blasted out of the true universe. Half of the man’s body was crushed, and he smashed into the floor of the main hall of G.o.ds" Origin. He could not even pick himself off of the ground as he bled on the floor.

Jin Mie was pale, and blood leaked from his mouth as he stared at Lu Yin with eyes that could not accept his situation.