Star Odyssey

Chapter 2376: Everyone’s Mad

Chapter 2376: Everyone’s Mad

Wen Sansi was not bothered by the att.i.tude of the man from the w.a.n.g family. He was a scholar and was above such things. He then looked around and breathed in deeply. He was in the Perennial World. He had not had any opportunity to visit this place before, but he had finally arrived.

He examined himself. Was he about to break through? His cultivation had stagnated for too long due to a lack of star energy.

Wen Sansi had been with Xing Kai and many others who had been tasked with blocking the people from the Perennial World from reaching the Tower of the Fifth. However, Chu Yuan and the other two former Dao Chosen were simply too strong. Due to their ages, they were able to block absolutely everyone from the Perennial World whose cultivation ranged from Enlighter to four-tribulation Envoy. No one from the Perennial World was able to get past the three people, and there was no need for Wen Sansi or anyone else to remain there. Thus, he had decided to come visit the Perennial World.

Wen Sansi was not the only one, as Xing Kai, Liu Tianmu, and Ling Gong had all made plans to visit the Perennial World as well.

Wen Sansi was the first person from the Fifth Mainland that the w.a.n.g family had attempted to recruit, and the refusal of their first target had set a bad precedent for the w.a.n.g family. The man who had registered Wen Sansi’s arrival just dismissed the matter. “He doesn’t know any better."

The next person in line approached.


"Nan Yanfei."



The clerk from the w.a.n.g family was taken aback again, and he looked up at Nan Yanfei. Another young Enlighter? While such a thing was by no means unheard of in the Perennial World, it was still quite impressive. Once again, the man thought that it would be best to try to recruit such a talented young person. His tone softened a bit. "What do you know about my w.a.n.g family?"

Wen Sansi’s reaction had made the man believe that these people from the Fifth Mainland must not understand just how impressive the four ruling powers were.

Nan Yanfei considered his response. "The w.a.n.g family is one of the four ruling powers that controls the entire Perennial World. They are based in the Higher Realm and are led by a Progenitor. No one is willing to cross them."

The people from the w.a.n.g family were impressed. "Well said! Very well said! It seems that you are well informed of my w.a.n.g family! Would you like to join us?"

"Don’t wanna," Nan Yanfei replied succinctly.

The clerk was stunned. "What did you say?"

Nan Yanfei repeated, "Don’t wanna."

"Do you not understand how powerful my w.a.n.g family is?" The clerk felt quite confused, and he even w.a.n.g Yan looked over.

Nan Yanfei responded in an earnest tone, "I understand it very well."

As he spoke, he pulled out what was obviously a ma.s.sive roasted bird wing from his cosmic ring. It was as large as half a person, and it had come from some unknown creature. The scent it exuded was tantalizing.

"So why don"t you want to join us?" The confusion only grew, as this person clearly understood just how powerful the four ruling powers were.

Nan Yanfei replied, "If I say that I don’t want to, then I just don’t want to. I’m leaving."

He turned and walked over towards Wen Sansi.

Nan Yanfei felt that the entire thing was simply ridiculous. After all, he was a former Realmling of the Sixth Mainland, and the Sixth Mainland had an ancient feud with the Fifth Mainland. More importantly, the primeval surnames who had partic.i.p.ated in the greatest battles of the ancient war had almost all moved to the Perennial World. How could Nan Yanfei ever have the courage to join an organization in the Perennial World that had so many primeval surnames? He was terrified of dying!

Not one person from the Sixth Mainland would ever be willing to join a ruling power of the Perennial World.

The w.a.n.g family had failed to entice two people now, and they were starting to lose a bit of their confidence. What was wrong with these Fifth Mainland cultivators?





The eyebrows of the clerk rose once again. How were there so many young Enlighters? Just how many geniuses did the Fifth Mainland have?

Even if the Perennial World had many young Enlighters, it did not mean that it was easy to achieve such strength at a young age. "Would you like to join my w.a.n.g family?"

w.a.n.g Yan also stared at the youth.

A brilliant smile crept across Silver’s face. It was a foxy grin. Then, Silver started to laugh. The sound was so disturbing that it made everyone from the w.a.n.g family who heard it, including w.a.n.g Yan, uncomfortable.

The young man just continued to stand in place and laugh without saying a single word. It was rather disturbing.

The clerk felt his cheek start to twitch. "What are you laughing at?"

Silver just continued to laugh. The man’s back grew cold as he listened to the disturbing laugh, and he eventually waved Silver to the side. "Move on. Next!"


"G.o.d Taiyi."

The clerk was literally speechless, and he stared at G.o.d Taiyi. "Is that really the name that you were given by your parents?"

G.o.d Taiyi lifted his head higher. "I have no need for parents! I am a G.o.d! I can create things out of nothing."

You create farts from nothing! The man wanted to smack G.o.d Taiyi. Just where did his arrogance come from? This youth was even more arrogant than the heirs of the four ruling powers!

"Next! Name?" he didn"t want to talk nonsense.

"Xin Jiao."

The next person was a woman. The clerk let slip a sigh of relief. He felt like all of the people from the Forsaken Land were all mad.

A woman should be a bit more normal, and this woman was also not young.



The clerk secretly rolled his eyes. Every single person answered the same way: Enlighter. "Purpose for coming to the Perennial World?"

"Brother, I wish to speak with your w.a.n.g family’s patriarch," Xin Jiao stated with a smile.

The clerk’s eye started to twitch. "Who did you say you wanted to speak with?"

"Your w.a.n.g family’s patriarch," Xin Jiao answered naturally. "I am one of the Hall of Honor’s overseers, and there are some matters that I would like to discuss with the w.a.n.g family’s patriarch on behalf of the Hall of Honor."

The clerk restrained himself from swearing. He had never even heard of this Hall of Honor. "Our patriarch will not see you."

The man then pointed to the side. "You can leave."

"Brother, this is a matter that concerns both the Fifth Mainland and the Perennial World. We need a viable plan to facilitate travel back and forth between the two places, and as one of the overseers, I intend to submit a proposal to the Heavens Sect. Brother, please put me in touch with your w.a.n.g family’s patriarch…" Xin Jiao continued to tirelessly plead her case.

She had no other choice. After the Heavens Sect had been established, the Hall of Honor had lost all of its previous authority. The overseers had all fallen from their lofty statuses, and they had not adjusted to the changes. Xin Jiao had been trying to find some way to catch Lu Yin’s attention so that she could obtain a position within the Heavens Sect and regain a bit of her former status. This was why she had traveled to the Perennial World, to get Lu Yin"s attention.

The clerk quickly drove the woman away. "What a mess! You don’t even understand your own position, but you want to see our patriarch? Get the h.e.l.l out of here!"

Highsage Shenwei had been watching all of these interactions, and he nearly laughed out loud. What was the w.a.n.g family expecting? This was the first group of people that the Fifth Mainland had sent to the Perennial World, which meant that everyone had to have been approved by the Heavens Sect. This meant that each person visiting the Perennial World at this moment had an important status within the Fifth Mainland. How would any of them be easy to deal with? Even if any of these wanted to join the four ruling powers, they would never dare to do so in an open and public manner. What would happen if the Heavens Sect learned of the betrayal?

Of course, w.a.n.g Yan already knew this as well, but he had no choice in the matter. The four ruling powers were hoping to recruit people from the Fifth Mainland as a way of humiliating Lu Yin. In addition, it would also cause him to fear losing all of his manpower to the Perennial World. No matter how things turned out, they had to at least try to recruit the Fifth Mainland cultivators. This was also why w.a.n.g Yan had considered his task a terrible job.

Still, there seemed to be something wrong with all the people from the Fifth Mainland. Not one of them seemed normal.

High above, on the w.a.n.g family’s mainland, w.a.n.g Fan shook his head. Next to him stood Bai Teng, Xia Xing, and Long Ke.

"No one from this batch will join us. After all, they are the first group being sent over, which means that they’ve already been fully vetted by the Fifth Mainland. If any of these people actually joined us, it would be too humiliating for Lu Xiaoxuan. There’s no point in even trying," w.a.n.g Fan stated.

Bai Teng and the others glanced at each other. They had watched the w.a.n.g family’s people try to entice and recruit people, sometimes even without asking the person about their level of strength. However, disappointingly, not one person was willing to join the w.a.n.g family.

"Let"s go. None of these people will join us," w.a.n.g Fan said.

As soon as he spoke, something happened below.

"I"ll join! I’ll join! Hurry and sign me up! Take me away! I want to join the w.a.n.g family. Bah, it doesn’t matter who it is as long as they can take me away!" someone started shouting.

w.a.n.g Fan and the others heard the shouts, and they all turned back and looked down. Was someone willing to join them? This was publicly slapping Lu Xiaoxuan in the face!

While there would definitely be people who were willing to join the four ruling powers in the future, there shouldn’t be any in this first group of people.

Down in the valley, the clerk from the w.a.n.g family was taken aback. He had already been rejected too many times, and he had come to expect it. It was a complete shock that the man at the front of the line actually wanted to join the w.a.n.g family without even being asked.

The clerk examined the man before him.

The man was old and rather worn down looking. He wore a plain gray robe and carried a flag on a wooden pole. One side of the flag showed the words “Starsibyl’s Grandpa Jiu” while the back read “Fortune Telling—Believe It If You Will.”

It was Xuan Jiu.

Given the relationship between Xuan Jiu and Lu Yin, no one would stop the old man from being among the first people to visit the Perennial World.

Xuan Jiu’s purpose in visiting the Perennial World was quite simple; he wanted to escape from Lu Yin. The further away, the better. It would be best if Xuan Jiu could find a way to prevent Lu Yin from ever affecting him again, as the old man had almost bled to death from the injuries that he had suffered when Lu Yin had triggered Destiny. Xuan Jiu never wanted to suffer through something like that again, but there was no escape in the Fifth Mainland. The Perennial World was his only option.

In order to stay away from Lu Yin, it was important that Xuan Jiu find a place with a Progenitor supporting it. Maybe then he could avoid being affected when Lu Yin triggered Destiny again.

"Little brother, I see that your cheeks are rosy, and there is a hidden purple aura coming from the east. It hangs upon your forehead and your chest in the shape of a galaxy. You will meet a n.o.ble person today. Now, hurry up and take me into the w.a.n.g family! This master will guide you so that you can find that n.o.ble person. Only then can you break away from your original fate and achieve a lifetime of glory," Xuan Jiu stated as he stared at the clerk from the w.a.n.g family.

The man was completely stunned, and he subconsciously replied, "You’re a liar."

Xuan Jiu instantly shouted back in a stern tone, "How could Grandpa Jiu be a liar? Just ask around! Grandpa Jiu is incredibly famous in the Fifth Mainland, and it is your Perennial World’s good fortune that I’ve come to visit you."

The clerk looked over at w.a.n.g Yan as though pleading for help. The man had no idea how to handle this situation.

It would be wonderful if a normal person was willing to join the w.a.n.g family, even if they were a perfectly average cultivator. However, there was clearly something wrong with this old man. There was no question about it.

Before w.a.n.g Yan could say a word, he heard w.a.n.g Fan"s voice. "Get rid of him."

w.a.n.g Fan would rather not recruit a liar who was clearly problematic. The old man would only be an embarra.s.sment to the w.a.n.g family, and they were not nearly so desperate.

w.a.n.g Yan waved a hand.

The clerk pointed over towards where Wen Sansi and the others had gathered. "Move along. Keep going."

"Little brother, you must trust me. Grandpa Jiu is the most accurate fortune teller!" Xuan Jiu started begging. He was desperate to find a place with a Progenitor protecting it to hide from Lu Yin. As for the organization’s relationship with Lu Yin, that was none of Xuan Jiu’s business.

Wait, what? They don’t want me? But they were clearly just trying to recruit anyone they could.

"Move along. Don’t hold up the line." The clerk started to lose his patience.

Xuan Jiu lost his temper. "You can’t recognize good from bad! Boy, just how many people in the Fifth Mainland do you think have begged Grandpa Jiu to do a divination for them? But they were never lucky enough to get Grandpa Jiu to listen to them! Well, you don"t want to accept Grandpa Jiu, right? In that case, Grandpa Jiu will do a divination for you. Your w.a.n.g family is destined to bask in glory forever. You will ascend to the peak, take control of the entire Fifth Mainland, and lead all of humanity."

The clerk frowned. "Your flattery is useless. Get the h.e.l.l out of the way!"

There were many people from the Fifth Mainland giving the clerk odd stares. They were all people who were quite familiar with Xuan Jiu. Anything that the old man said, the opposite would come to pa.s.s. If he said you have good fortune, misfortune would soon befall you. Likewise, if he said you have bad luck, good fortune would soon come your way.

Listening to how Xuan Jiu was praising the w.a.n.g family so lavishly, Highsage Shenwei started sweating for the w.a.n.g family. There was no way that the same thing would happen, right? If this old man could curse the w.a.n.g family and destroy it, he would be more terrifying than any Progenitor.