Star Odyssey

Chapter 2396: Unstoppable

Chapter 2396: Unstoppable

The shadow covered Lu Yin alone. He remained bent over and did not move at all. Sweat dripped from his nose because, with his domain, he could see Undying G.o.d. This was not another avatar, but Undying G.o.d’s true body. This was a Progenitor-level powerhouse who had lived since the Heavens Sect era. An unprecedented sense of crisis overcame Lu Yin. He could not move. If he moved, he would die.

The jiao stared at Undying G.o.d, as it also felt terrible danger from this person. The jiao wanted to do nothing but flee immediately.

Liu Du stared in a daze at Undying G.o.d who had abruptly appeared. The overwhelming sense of fear made it hard for the patriarch to breathe.

Big Sis gritted her teeth and gradually managed to bend her fingers. "Wu. Xing!"

Undying G.o.d’s eyes moved to the side so that he could look at Big Sis. "That’s a familiar power. Are you Yōu Min-?"

Just as Undying G.o.d was finishing his question, but before he was completely done speaking, Big Sis attacked. A surge of spiritual force so dense that it was visible to the naked eye shot out. "Little Seven, DUCK!"

Lu Yin instantly dropped to the ground, and the blast of spiritual force shot over his head and smashed into Undying G.o.d.

The man made no attempt to dodge the attack and instead endured the bombardment of spirit force. All that happened was his body trembled the slightest bit, but even that was enough to completely shock anyone who understood who Undying G.o.d actually was.

Undying G.o.d was one of Aeternus’s Seven SkyG.o.ds. He had been adopted by Wu Tian and was a truly powerful Progenitor. Even when Bai w.a.n.gyuan and w.a.n.g Fan had joined forces, they had been unable to trap or even touch Undying G.o.d, but he had just trembled from an attack.

Big Sis"s face grew pale. "Little Seven, run!"

Lu Yin fled towards the jiao with Inverse Step. He had no idea how Big Sis’s attack had managed to affect Undying G.o.d, but Lu Yin did recognize that this was his best opportunity to escape.

With one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds’ true bodies targeting him from such a close distance, even Lu Yin felt that his situation was hopeless.

"Contaminated power. Yōu Ming, you have fallen far," Undying G.o.d said. Even while speaking to Big Sis, his eyes never left the Lu Yin’s fleeing form. The SkyG.o.d took a step, and he used the same Inverse Step that Lu Yin was using to escape. In an instant, Undying G.o.d was standing in front of Lu Yin, accompanied by a hint of gray that quickly dissipated.

The gray was the distorted time created by Inverse Step.

"You want to escape with the footwork I created? Child, you"re quite interesting," Undying G.o.d commented in a lazy voice. He sounded as though he was still waking up, yet his inherent power was enough to send Lu Yin straight into the depths of despair.


The jiao’s claws fell, but Undying G.o.d stood in place without moving. The claws pa.s.sed right through the SkyG.o.d and slammed into the ground of the Liu family’s territory, shaking the entire Middle Realm and opening a ma.s.sive hole.

"It"s useless! No human can harm him! Run!" Big Sis shouted.

Lu Yin trusted Big Sis, and it was possible that she might have remembered a memory from her past that concerned Wu Xing. While it was impossible for absolutely no one to be able to harm Undying G.o.d, Lu Yin did not want to fight against one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds.

Lu Yin had visited the Liu family in order to eliminate the hidden danger that Liu Song posed, not recklessly try to fight against Undying G.o.d. Lu Yin was not even close to the level where he could afford such recklessness. How had one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds even entered the Perennial World? What were Bai w.a.n.gyuan and his friends doing?

Undying G.o.d finally turned to look at Big Sis. "How much do you still remember?"

Big Sis stared at Undying G.o.d, but she merely gritted her teeth and refused to speak.

Undying G.o.d immediately looked back at Lu Yin. "Shaman G.o.d was willing to indulge you, but allow me to expose everything. I will settle my debt with him later. For now, you can die."

Lu Yin"s eyes flared, and the Champions’ Stage suddenly appeared in front of him as he instantly summoned E Chi.

A sea of blood swept out and tried to drown Undying G.o.d as E Chi rushed forwards. At the same time, Lu Yin continued trying to flee towards the jiao, intending to escape with the beast.

Just what were Bai w.a.n.gyuan and the others doing? Why were they not trying to stop Undying G.o.d? Had they allowed him to enter the Perennial World on purpose? Lu Yin had too many questions at this moment.

There was an explosion as the void shattered. Lu Yin swayed, and he nearly collapsed. His death energy was being quickly drained from his chest, and when he turned to look back, E Chi had been completely crushed. In order for the champion to recover, Lu Yin would have to use a tremendous amount of death energy.

Undying G.o.d glanced over at Lu Yin and raised a hand. A single finger pointed forward and released an attack with sword qi.

It was the same sword technique that Lu Yin had seen Liu Song use with his finger, but the power was completely different in the hands of Undying G.o.d. As the finger fell, Lu Yin’s scalp grew numb, and he felt death approaching. The finger swept across the sky and almost instantly appeared right above his head.

Without any hesitation, he pulled the corpse out of his cosmic ring, and Undying G.o.d’s finger struck the corpse’s forehead. Even then, the corpse remained completely unharmed.

Undying G.o.d was taken aback, but before he could release a second attack, a terrifying sword slash fell from above. "Begone from my Liu family, old man!"

Lu Yin looked up and saw that the visible universe had been completely replaced by infinite sword qi. Strands of sword qi moved about, forming what looked like fish of all different sizes in a sea. This was the Progenitor’s world of the Liu family’s Progenitor. Lu Yin did not even need to guess who had arrived. It was clearly Progenitor Liu.

Undying G.o.d was one of the Seven G.o.ds, and he had descended upon the Liu family. How could the family’s Progenitor sit aside and do nothing?

A sword fell straight down from the sky. A muscular old man stood on the edge of the sword and glared at Undying G.o.d. At the same time, strange flowers blossomed that appeared to also be swords.

The tip of the sword was aimed squarely at Undying G.o.d.

The SkyG.o.d stared impa.s.sively as the tip of the sword approached him. He did not move or even try to dodge at all. He allowed the blade to stab through him and then casually walked out from beneath the blade. Undying G.o.d no longer chased after Lu Yin in an attempt to kill him, but instead started making his way towards the Sword Monument.

"Begone!" Progenitor Liu shouted as he swept a hand sideways, causing his sword to slash to the side. The blade cut through the sky and the ground in an attempt to kill Undying G.o.d.

Big Sis grew increasingly nervous. "Old man, it’s no use! Just let him go."

Progenitor Liu glared at Big Sis. "Are you his accomplice?"

Lu Yin spoke up, "She’s my comrade."

Progenitor Liu’s eyebrows rose high. "Lu Xiaoxuan? You came to visit my Liu family?"

At a time like this, Lu Yin could not continue to hide. "Senior, you should let Undying G.o.d go, as you won’t be able to injure him no matter what you do."

Progenitor Liu became furious. "Such cowards! How can you cower in the face of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?"

Lu Yin shrugged. No matter how unwilling he was to let Undying G.o.d walk away, Lu Yin trusted Big Sis. If she said that no one could injure Undying G.o.d, then Lu Yin absolutely believed it to be true. Lu Yin lacked the strength to stand up to Undying G.o.d, and Progenitor Liu’s presence did not change that at all.

Only after a person had faced the true might of one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds could they understand what true despair felt like.

More importantly for Lu Yin, his senior brother Mu Xie had not shown up, which meant that he was stuck in the Dominion Realm. There was no other reason why Mu Xie would ignore the presence of one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds.

Undying G.o.d’s sudden arrival was completely unexpected, but he was a truly unstoppable enemy.

Unfortunately, Progenitor Liu was so angry that he completely ignored Lu Yin’s warning. The infinite sword qi of the man’s Progenitor’s realm swept out, and Undying G.o.d glanced over. "You should listen to him."

In that instant, the aged and lazy eyes of the SkyG.o.d transformed. They grew angry, arrogant, oppressive, and were filled with bloodl.u.s.t.

"I will kill you today!" Undying G.o.d let out an abrupt shout as a long saber appeared in his hand. The blade swept upwards, shattering the endless sword qi with a Triple Blade Will that shot towards Progenitor Liu.

The sudden change startled Progenitor Liu. "The Xia family"s saber technique?"

A large sword instantly appeared in the old man’s hand. Although it appeared simple and ordinary, when the sword was thrust forward in a stab, it shattered the saber slash. The stab was aimed at Undying G.o.d, but it missed. Furthermore, not only did the thrust miss Undying G.o.d, but the attack also landed in a different place from where Progenitor Liu had aimed. It almost appeared as though the sword had retreated instead of continued forward. As the sword fell, a hint of gray energy could be seen along the blade.

"Both time and s.p.a.ce?" Progenitor Liu’s pupils shrank in an instant. At the same time, Undying G.o.d appeared behind Progenitor Liu, and the large saber fell.

The blade was supposed to strike Progenitor Liu in the back, but the moment the saber fell, an endless wave of sword qi arrived from every direction, and it fought against the saber until it finally stopped Undying G.o.d’s attack.

Progenitor Liu spun around and thrust his sword forward once more.

This thrust was a very ordinary-looking stab that even a common person could evade, but while the sword itself was utterly silent, every other sword within the Liu family’s territory began to shriek as one. This thrust looked to have been performed thousands of times, hundreds of millions of times, and even countless billions of times in the past. This sword actually managed to surprise Undying G.o.d.

"All Swords Lead To One." Progenitor Liu looked perfectly calm as his sword was thrust forward. Undying G.o.d’s saber was shattered, and the tip of the sword approached Undying G.o.d’s eyebrows. It was close, so very, very close, but Progenitor Liu could not cross that last minuscule step.

Lu Yin had the jiao smash into Undying G.o.d in an attempt to slam the SkyG.o.d into the sword.

A sword and a jiao both attacked Undying G.o.d from two opposite directions, but the two attacks simply phased right though the SkyG.o.d’s body at the same time.

Off in the distance, Big Sis became furious. "You idiot! I already told you that you can’t hurt him, so run away, quick!"

Lu Yin looked back at Undying G.o.d from the back of the jiao. Sure enough, it was impossible to injure the SkyG.o.d, but why? From that position, Inverse Step had been impossible to use, and there had not been any trace of the power of time, so why had it still been impossible to injure Undying G.o.d.

Progenitor Liu was considering the same thing. It was a ma.s.sive obstacle that Undying G.o.d could not be harmed or even attacked, but how was such a thing possible?

Progenitor Liu had never faced one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds’ true bodies before. Before the Lu family had been exiled, the Lu family alone had faced the Seven SkyG.o.ds. After the Lu family’s banishment, Bai w.a.n.gyuan and the other Progenitors from the four ruling powers had taken over repelling the Seven SkyG.o.ds and thwarting the Aeternals’ main a.s.sault on humanity. Thus, Progenitor Liu had never faced one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds.

Was this truly the strength of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?

Undying G.o.d raised a hand, and his long saber took form once again. He looked at both Progenitor Liu and the jiao. "I guess that I must become serious about this. I’ll cut you both down, as well as this d.a.m.n sourcebox array!"

Lu Yin"s heart sank. This was a huge problem. Was it possible that Undying G.o.d had not yet taken them seriously?

Progenitor Liu’s eye twitched. Was his opponent going to get serious only now? Progenitor Liu had already done his best. Was there really such an incredible gap between them?

At this moment, an eagle"s cry echoed throughout the Perennial World.

Everyone in the Higher Realm, the Middle Realm, the Lower Realm, as well as the Outer Realm, heard the eagle’s cry, and they all reflexively looked upwards.

Lu Yin, Progenitor Liu, Big Sis, and everyone else looked up as well. An eagle?

Even the jiao’s mouth fell open, and it bent its claws submissively. It had just sensed something incredible.

Undying G.o.d frowned and slowly looked upwards to stare into the Dominion Realm. It was as though he had just met a pair of sharp eyes. "Your master is gone, so why do you still guard this place? Are you really going to protect such fragile creatures as these humans?"

Suddenly, the SkyG.o.d’s expression changed drastically, and he looked beneath his feet. A huge tail suddenly appeared in the hole that the jiao had torn in the ground earlier in the fight. The tail shot upwards towards the Higher Realm and then abruptly smashed down.

Undying G.o.d watched as the huge tail smacked him. There was a bang as his body smashed to the ground, and then he disappeared.

Instantly, the Liu family’s defensive sourcebox array was completely shattered, and even the Sword Monument itself had been thrown away by the overwhelming power of the tail.

Lu Yin and everyone else present just stared blankly. What had just happened?

At this time, the jiao was lying prostrate on the ground, covering its head with its paws. It had just seen an absolute monster.