Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 39.1

Publishedat 16th of September 2019 08:39:21 PMChapter 39.1

Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 39 Part 1

Ye Qiao started her work day after the vacation early in the morning with a feeling of delight and ease .
Shen Ting, however, yawned in the chilly morning as she started working . She was surprised to see Ye Qiao in such a good condition: “Qiao Jie, you’re really a workaholic . Aren’t you sleepy at all?” The makeup artist also came in late . She used her hands to check Ye Qiao’s face and a smile beamed on her face: “Your complexion is much better than before . I can use less concealer around your eyes now . ”
Ye Qiao looked at them and couldn’t believe what they were saying: “Aren’t you guys exaggerating a bit . ”

Advertis.e.m.e.ntLu Qing and Cheng Jiang who were both in the scene arrived at the filming location . There was an eight year old child actress named Jiang Yu that was also present who played the daughter of the lead actress . She happily ran around the set . Ye Qiao was the first one to get her makeup done . She hugged the little actress and took a picture with her . After taking the picture, Shen Ting showed it to Ye Qiao: “Look at it, you look like real sisters . Look at the eyes, they’re exactly the same . ”

Ye Qiao zoomed into the photo and carefully checked . Indeed, they looked roughly 60 to 70% similar . Ye Qiao felt like she was seeing pictures of her own childhood . Jiang Yu excitedly asked Shen Ting for the picture so she could share it on Weibo . Shen Ting teased her: “You have your own Weibo at such a young age?” Jiang Yu stiffened her neck and said: “I have lots of fans on Weibo . My dad posts everything! I want to post something myself!”
Everyone around them was amused by the little girl . Ye Qiao looked at the picture and was lost in her own thoughts . Some of the things that she had been too scared to think were now coming to mind . What if she could have an offspring like this girl… . . . it seemed to be a fantasy far from her reach .

The filming location was at a deserted factory warehouse at Qingjiang Road . Now it was lined with metal drums and combustible material .

Jiang Yu ran to the pyrotechnician and watched curiously at his work . She smiled and asked: “Sir, will these really create a fire later on?”
“That’s right . ” The pyrotechnician waved at all the props on the ground and a.s.sured her: “Your escape routes are all well planned . We’ll guarantee your safety, don’t worry . ”
The little girl bowed to him with a smile: “Please make sure it’s safe!”

For this scene, the child and three adults had to run out of the burning warehouse . The supervisor of the scene showed the different escape routes to each of the four actors on the spot . The actors also exchanged their ideas on how to coordinate their acts . While Ye Qiao was rehearsing with Lu Qing, Gu Jin called Cheng Jiang to the side and the two started quarreling at the corner of the set .

The sound of their argument could be heard on the set . Ye Qiao couldn’t pretend that she hadn’t heard it . She turned to look at Lu Qing . The latter frustratedly smiled and let Ye Qiao on some information: “It seems that Cheng Jiang isn’t willing to shoot this scene . ”
Ye Qiao nodded to show her understanding: “Even though everything is carefully arranged and we’ve gone through the drills, there’s always the possibility of things going wrong . She’s just being cautious . ”
Lu Qing was surprised that Ye Qiao would be on Cheng Jiang’s side: “Then how about you? I heard that you’re rather physically weak . Though the fire won’t be a threat to you, inhaling smoke can hurt your body . ”
Ye Qiao smiled and looked at the little girl Jiang Yu: “Look at the little girl, she’s so brave . Us adults are the ones who are worrying about this and that, we should be ashamed . ”

But she did have some concerns .
It was because this morning Ye Qiao finished opening all the packages she had received the night before . One of the packages contained a doll with a b.l.o.o.d.y face . Zhou Tingsheng was unusually serious about it . He even used this as an excuse to move most of Ye Qiao’s belongings to his apartment .
At first Ye Qiao wasn’t concerned: “It’s alright, there’s no real damage done . I’m not afraid of these things . ” She even pulled on the red cotton strips in the doll’s mouth without feeling disgusted or frightened . She added: “I just finished a horror game in the past few days . This looks like one of the characters . ”

Zhou Tingsheng was fed up with the doll and threw it away . “This had nothing to do with whether it has caused any real damage or not . This is a threat and it’s not the first time . ”
Ye Qiao was confused: “I just received it once . ”
“No . ” Zhou Tingsheng’s tone of voice was firm and seemed rather regretful: “Last month, when you were drunk and I took you home, there was one exactly like this outside your door . I wasn’t paying attention at the time . I thought it was some toy you had discarded outside . So I didn’t mention it to you . ”