Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 39.3

Publishedat 23rd of September 2019 09:18:35 PMChapter 39.3

Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 39 Part 3

At the filming site, Cheng Jiang finally finished negotiating with Gu Jin . The stunt players had already tested the set up several times . After the actors rehea.r.s.ed the scene three times, the pyrotechnician gave the director an ok gesture .
Ye Qiao came to the side so the makeup artist could do some last minute touch ups . Shen Ting held Ye Qiao’s hand and cautioned her with a palpable tremor in her hands: “They said that it’s going to be real fire later on . You’ve seen all the obstacles . The explosions will come one after the other . Make sure you don’t run in the wrong direction . ” Ye Qiao picked up her cell phone to send a reply message to Zhou Tingsheng then carelessly looked at Shen Ting: “Don’t worry . Even a kid and a pregnant woman will be in it . What’s there to be scared of?”

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe information was too much for Shen Ting to swallow: “Pre… . . . pregnant . ” She sneaked a peek at Cheng Jiang and seemed to have lost her ability to speak from the shocking news: “ . . . . . . Really?”
Ye Qiao didn’t reply but handed her cell phone over to Shen Ting: “There’s someone coming in a little while . Bring him in for me . ” She then walked towards the warehouse .

The makeup artist nudged Shen Ting, who was still in a daze: “Only you can’t see it . I’ve been with this crew for many years, Cheng Jiang used to work so hard and never used a body double . The company even issued an announcement to commemorate her diligence . If she’s not pregnant, then what would the reason be . Do you think she’s getting too old?” She lowered her voice: “But actually, if you look carefully, you can see Cheng Jiang’s stomach is showing a little bit……”
Cheng Jiang wasn’t a slender person to begin with, so no one paid much attention when she recently gained some weight . Shen Ting looked carefully at her stomach and indeed found the curve to be rather unusual . Suddenly, she was outraged: “Her stomach is showing . She’s at least three months by now?” She looked at Ye Qiao then turned to look at the makeup artist . Both of them tacitly understood what the other was thinking .

The makeup artist sighed: “So you have to keep your eyes open to find a boyfriend . Otherwise you’ll think you were the one who did something wrong when the man dumps you . Who knew that the man already had a child . ”
Shen Ting watched Ye Qiao gently talk to Jiang Yu and gnashed her teeth for Ye Qiao’s sake: “He may not be able to have his child . I heard Cheng Jiang had abortions several times when she was younger . So she’ll probably miscarry?”
The makeup artist brought her finger to her lips: “You don’t have to be that mean… . . . Well, all in all, it’s one’s own fate . ”

Zhou Tingsheng arrived at the site .

It was deserted around the factory . The crew had cordoned off the surrounding area with guards . Shen Ting went to take him inside with her badge and pointed at the greyish building: “They’ve started shooting . Usually, they should be able to do it in one shot . Qiao Jie should be out soon . ”
Black smoke started to come out of the warehouse . The smell of the smoke was particularly irritating . Zhou Tingsheng frowned and asked: “Where are they?”
Shen Ting pointed at a small door at the warehouse and said: “Where the camera is . All of them will be coming out from there . The explosions are going to start . ”

There were six explosion points, from far to near . The four actors were moving in three directions . Ye Qiao would take Jiang Yu and run to the farthest side .
When the first explosion happened, it was far away . The four people started running in three different directions . They had just run for a short distance, when there was suddenly an explosion right behind them, creating a red plume of cloud .
The flaring fire made all the onlookers squint . Zhou Tingsheng’s eyes followed the running figure in the distance and calculated the timing of the other explosion . He had a vague sense that something was off .

Another loud boom followed, the third explosion was unusually violent . The ground seemed to shake every so slightly . Four red plumes of clouds rose up unexpectedly . The explosions left a raging fire in their wake and instantly swallowed the path the actors had just run past .
The moment the fire stormed in their direction, Ye Qiao sensed that something had gone wrong . She subconsciously pulled Jiang Yu closer to her body and leaped down to a fire rescue air-cushion about one meter away while holding Jiang Yu in her arms .
The heat wave encompa.s.sed a radius of a hundred meters . It was like a nightmare that lasted forever under the plumes of thick smoke .