Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 11.3

Chapter 11.3

Chapter 11 Part 3


Zheng Xishuo pondered for a few seconds, he decided to use his charm on
the manager . He pointed to the camera: “You see, we’re filming our show here .
If that customer hasn’t had his mind set on this painting, we’re willing to negotiate
with him . ” He pushed further noticing the manager was reconsidering the possibility:
“Have you seen before?”

“Yes, I have……”

Zheng Xishuo put the painting in front of the camera: “See, if you sell this painting
to us, it would be free advertis.e.m.e.nt for your gallery when this episode is aired!”
He posed with the logo of the gallery as if he was the spokesperson of the gallery .
The manager found it very amusing and couldn’t turn it down outright . She hesitated
before speaking: “You have to talk to the customer directly . We can’t make the decision
for him . ”

Ye Qiao took the painting over and handed it back to the salesperson: “If someone

has already bought it, then we’ll go see the others . ”

Zheng Xishuo checked the hourgla.s.s which was held by a staff member . He wasn’t
too happy about the situation: “We’re out of time if we’re going to pick another one .
Let’s just return to the gallery we just visited?”


Both of them weren’t sure what the best solution was . The salesperson had gone to
find Zhou Tingsheng and introduced him: “This is the gentleman who just purchased
the painting!”

The camera moved over, Ye Qiao also turned around and was startled at the sight .

The silhouette she had seen earlier wasn’t her imagination, he was really here?

Zhou Tingsheng used two fingers to block the camera: “You’re filming a show?”


Ye Qiao recovered from her initial shock and surprise and motioned the camera to
move away . She didn’t know whether she should greet him or not, only raising her
eyebrows to ask with great interest: “It’s you who wants to buy this painting?”

Zhou Tingsheng was informed that there was another customer who was also interested
in the same painting but didn’t expect it to be her . He was also surprised: “So, you want
to buy it too?”

Ye Qiao smiled at him and pretended to negotiate with him as a stranger: “Yes, our
show needs it . Could you be kind enough to let us purchase it?”


Zhou Tingsheng deliberately hesitated . Though Ye Qiao was pretending to be a
stranger to him, she was pa.s.sing many hints as she could with her eyes . Zhou Tingsheng
smiled and bent over to say something next to her ear . Then he strode out while telling
the salesperson: “This painting is a gift to Ms . Ye . I’ll pay for it with all the others . ”

He turned to take look at Ye Qiao after he finished .

Ye Qiao didn’t expect that he would give the painting to her and wanted to stop him .

Ye Qiao didn’t expect that he would give the painting to her and wanted to stop him .
However, she couldn’t do that since the mission was to see which group could get the
best item with the least amount of money . Zheng Xishuo whistled and thought she had
met a big fan of hers . What a happy ending .


Since time was almost up, Ye Qiao carried the painting out following Zheng Xishuo and
the others and quickly moved back to the finish line . She turned to take a look at Zhou
Tingsheng when they were out of the gallery .

He was wearing a sharp suit which was somewhat unfamiliar to her . Yet the person was
still the Zhou Tingsheng she knew . Only he would say the name of a hotel right next to
her ear in front of the entire crew and camera .

Ye Qiao subconsciously touched her left ear . This rascal sure had a deep and s.e.xy voice .


At the end of the pedestrian zone, Zhou Tingsheng waved down a taxi . He put all the
paintings in the backseat, then sent a message to Ye Qiao: “1107 . ”

At the end of the pedestrian zone, Zhou Tingsheng waved down a taxi . He put all the
paintings in the backseat, then sent a message to Ye Qiao: “1107 . ”

Other people might not understand what the numbers stood for, but Ye Qiao was fully
aware of its meaning .

Ye Qiao was still filming, without her cell phone . Her response didn’t come until he had
gotten off the taxi-- --

“It’s only a chance meeting in a different city, is Mr . Zhou having some h.o.r.n.y ideas in

This woman always combined refined and vulgar language in one sentence .

He could almost imagine the taunting and flirtatious expression on her face as she was
joking . Maybe she didn’t realize it, but he found it quite alluring .

He started to type on the cell phone with smile on the corner of his lips: “I have a little
hard time falling asleep when Ms . Ye isn’t living next door . ”  

Chapter 11 Part 3.

.  .

Zheng Xishuo pondered for a few seconds, he decided to use his charm on. the manager . He pointed to the camera: “You see, we’re filming our show here If that customer hasn’t had his mind set on this painting, we’re willing to negotiate. with him . ” He pushed further noticing the manager was reconsidering the possibility:. “Have you seen before?”.

“Yes, I have……”.

Zheng Xishuo put the painting in front of the camera: “See, if you sell this painting. to us, it would be free advertis.e.m.e.nt for your gallery when this episode is aired!”. He posed with the logo of the gallery as if he was the spokesperson of the gallery The manager found it very amusing and couldn’t turn it down outright . She hesitated. before speaking: “You have to talk to the customer directly . We can’t make the decision. for him . ”.

Ye Qiao took the painting over and handed it back to the salesperson: “If someone. has already bought it, then we’ll go see the others . ”.

Zheng Xishuo checked the hourgla.s.s which was held by a staff member . He wasn’t. too happy about the situation: “We’re out of time if we’re going to pick another one Let’s just return to the gallery we just visited?”.

.  .

Both of them weren’t sure what the best solution was . The salesperson had gone to. find Zhou Tingsheng and introduced him: “This is the gentleman who just purchased. the painting!”.

The camera moved over, Ye Qiao also turned around and was startled at the sight

The silhouette she had seen earlier wasn’t her imagination, he was really here?.

Zhou Tingsheng used two fingers to block the camera: “You’re filming a show?”.

.  .

Ye Qiao recovered from her initial shock and surprise and motioned the camera to. move away . She didn’t know whether she should greet him or not, only raising her. eyebrows to ask with great interest: “It’s you who wants to buy this painting?”.

Zhou Tingsheng was informed that there was another customer who was also interested. in the same painting but didn’t expect it to be her . He was also surprised: “So, you want. to buy it too?”.

Ye Qiao smiled at him and pretended to negotiate with him as a stranger: “Yes, our. show needs it . Could you be kind enough to let us purchase it?”.

.  .

Zhou Tingsheng deliberately hesitated . Though Ye Qiao was pretending to be a. stranger to him, she was pa.s.sing many hints as she could with her eyes . Zhou Tingsheng. smiled and bent over to say something next to her ear . Then he strode out while telling. the salesperson: “This painting is a gift to Ms . Ye . I’ll pay for it with all the others . ”.

He turned to take look at Ye Qiao after he finished

Ye Qiao didn’t expect that he would give the painting to her and wanted to stop him However, she couldn’t do that since the mission was to see which group could get the. best item with the least amount of money . Zheng Xishuo whistled and thought she had. met a big fan of hers . What a happy ending

.  .

Since time was almost up, Ye Qiao carried the painting out following Zheng Xishuo and. the others and quickly moved back to the finish line . She turned to take a look at Zhou. Tingsheng when they were out of the gallery

He was wearing a sharp suit which was somewhat unfamiliar to her . Yet the person was. still the Zhou Tingsheng she knew . Only he would say the name of a hotel right next to. her ear in front of the entire crew and camera

Ye Qiao subconsciously touched her left ear . This rascal sure had a deep and s.e.xy voice

.  .

At the end of the pedestrian zone, Zhou Tingsheng waved down a taxi . He put all the. paintings in the backseat, then sent a message to Ye Qiao: “1107 . ”.

Other people might not understand what the numbers stood for, but Ye Qiao was fully. aware of its meaning

Ye Qiao was still filming, without her cell phone . Her response didn’t come until he had. gotten off the taxi-- --.

“It’s only a chance meeting in a different city, is Mr . Zhou having some h.o.r.n.y ideas in. mind?”.

This woman always combined refined and vulgar language in one sentence

He could almost imagine the taunting and flirtatious expression on her face as she was. joking . Maybe she didn’t realize it, but he found it quite alluring


He started to type on the cell phone with smile on the corner of his lips: “I have a little. hard time falling asleep when Ms . Ye isn’t living next door . ”  .