Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 12.2

Chapter 12.2

Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 12 Part 2


Cheng Su opened her mouth, trying to decide how to address her . Then she
discovered that the two of them were so detached that she couldn’t think of
another name to call her by .  She sighed and continued: “Qiaoqiao, your father
hasn’t been feeling well lately . Since you came back to Yang City, though you
don’t accept me as family, you should still go home to see your father . He’s
the one who brought you into this world and raised you . ”

The glare of the city lights fell on Ye Qiao’s plain face through the gla.s.s wall
of the coffee shop, looking forlorn . Her voice was slightly cold: The fact that
we don’t get along is just between my dad and me . It has nothing to do with
you . ” She took a look at the time: “Is there anything else?”

Cheng Su puckered her lips and remained silent .


Ye Qiao “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” With a glance
at Cheng Su’s still flattened tummy, she had a hard time to control the urge to
shatter the facade . She couldn’t help but asking: “You pregnant?”

Cheng Su was briefly shocked, but her facial expression quickly changed to an
apologetic smile: “You know already? Your father and I are hoping to give you
a little sister . ”

Ye Qiao was annoyed by how leisurely she spoke, as if the whole world would
move on as she had planned . Ye Qiao tried to calm the agitation in her mind
but having a hard time to control it . She snickered and repeated: “A little sister . ”
There was no feeling in her voice, but her heart was twisted into a knot: “Do you
know what kind of person her father is?”

“Who do you think you married? A famous painter, a contemporary master, a
talented and wealthy middle aged man?” Ye Qiao paused as if she wanted to
deny all the facts from the bottom of her heart: “Do you know he’s a killer?
Cheng Su, you have married a killer . Your kid, just like me, will be born as the
daughter of a killer, always . ”


Ye Qiao put the back on and parted ways with Cheng Su on not
so friendly terms .

so friendly terms .

Once she got into a taxi, she pulled out a few pills and swallowed them with
some water . Finally, she quieted down and blew out a long breath just as Zhou
Tingsheng’s Wechat message arrived: “Are you here?”

She took look at the time, the movie was about to begin . She pondered for a
while then replied: “I was held up by something and will be late for the movie .
Maybe can you just go in first?”

-- -- “I’ll wait for you . ”


When she arrived at the theatre, the movie had already been playing for
20 minutes .

Zhou Tingsheng gently rubbed the two tickets with his thumb: “Do you still
want to watch it?”

Ye Qiao took one of the tickets: “Sure . ”

Zhou Tingsheng used one finger to hook her and took it off . Her
expression wasn"t as pleasant as when she was on the phone earlier . Her eyes
were somewhat gloomy; he realized that whatever held her up probably had

expression wasn"t as pleasant as when she was on the phone earlier . Her eyes
were somewhat gloomy; he realized that whatever held her up probably had
spoiled her mood as well .

Ye Qiao grabbed her back: “I’ll take it off later . Do you want to be on the
headlines of some tabloid tomorrow?”


They sat down right in the middle of the theatre and attracted some attention .
Ye Qiao didn’t take her off until after she sat down . She exchanged a look
with Zhou Tingsheng with a shallow and insincere smile .

The tempo of the movie was very slow which was Director Lai’s style . Each frame
was like a picture which had been painstakingly composed . It was the kind of movie
that lover’s would watch together even if it wasn’t a love story . There were many
couples leaning against each other in the theatre . Ye Qiao, however, was sitting
there staring at the movie screen but her eyes were unfocused . Zhou Tingsheng
was sure that she wasn’t doing her “research” at all . Ye Qiao was totally oblivious
of his gaze . She was still thinking of her conversation with Cheng Su in the coffee
shop .

-- --You have married a killer . Your kid, just like me, will be born as the daughter of
a killer .

She was surprised at herself that she would say something like that to Cheng Su .

a killer .

She was surprised at herself that she would say something like that to Cheng Su .

She had decided to keep this secret till the day she died . Though she had convicted
him for his crime and would never forgive him nor feel any sympathy, she still wished
her father could have a happy family and a comfortable life .

Maybe the news of that unborn child was too much for her that the words suddenly
burst from her .


Occasionally, some people in the audience would exchange a few comments . The
movie had proceeded to the part where Ye Qiao had exposed her back . The hearing
and speech challenged girl that Ye Qiao portrait took her winter clothes off one after
another, showing the fragility of the human body in a bare background . Ye Qiao used
her slightly tremulous shoulders and stiff, alert bones to show a physical representation
of the word loneliness . Two young men who wore ear studs sat behind them . They
smiled wickedly as they tossed popcorn into their mouths: “This chick’s figure ain’t bad . ”

Ye Qiao obviously heard him .

Starlight Has No Past.

Chapter 12 Part 2.

.  .

Cheng Su opened her mouth, trying to decide how to address her . Then she. discovered that the two of them were so detached that she couldn’t think of. another name to call her by .  She sighed and continued: “Qiaoqiao, your father. hasn’t been feeling well lately . Since you came back to Yang City, though you. don’t accept me as family, you should still go home to see your father . He’s. the one who brought you into this world and raised you . ”.

The glare of the city lights fell on Ye Qiao’s plain face through the gla.s.s wall. of the coffee shop, looking forlorn . Her voice was slightly cold: The fact that. we don’t get along is just between my dad and me . It has nothing to do with. you . ” She took a look at the time: “Is there anything else?”.

Cheng Su puckered her lips and remained silent

.  .

Ye Qiao “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” With a glance. at Cheng Su’s still flattened tummy, she had a hard time to control the urge to. shatter the facade . She couldn’t help but asking: “You pregnant?”.

Cheng Su was briefly shocked, but her facial expression quickly changed to an. apologetic smile: “You know already? Your father and I are hoping to give you. a little sister . ”.

Ye Qiao was annoyed by how leisurely she spoke, as if the whole world would. move on as she had planned . Ye Qiao tried to calm the agitation in her mind. but having a hard time to control it . She snickered and repeated: “A little sister . ”. There was no feeling in her voice, but her heart was twisted into a knot: “Do you. know what kind of person her father is?”.

“Who do you think you married? A famous painter, a contemporary master, a. talented and wealthy middle aged man?” Ye Qiao paused as if she wanted to. deny all the facts from the bottom of her heart: “Do you know he’s a killer?. Cheng Su, you have married a killer . Your kid, just like me, will be born as the. daughter of a killer, always . ”.

.  .

Ye Qiao put the back on and parted ways with Cheng Su on not. so friendly terms

Once she got into a taxi, she pulled out a few pills and swallowed them with. some water . Finally, she quieted down and blew out a long breath just as Zhou. Tingsheng’s Wechat message arrived: “Are you here?”.

She took look at the time, the movie was about to begin . She pondered for a. while then replied: “I was held up by something and will be late for the movie Maybe can you just go in first?”.

-- -- “I’ll wait for you . ”.

.  .

When she arrived at the theatre, the movie had already been playing for. 20 minutes

Zhou Tingsheng gently rubbed the two tickets with his thumb: “Do you still. want to watch it?”.

Ye Qiao took one of the tickets: “Sure . ”.

Zhou Tingsheng used one finger to hook her and took it off . Her. expression wasn"t as pleasant as when she was on the phone earlier . Her eyes. were somewhat gloomy; he realized that whatever held her up probably had. spoiled her mood as well

Ye Qiao grabbed her back: “I’ll take it off later . Do you want to be on the. headlines of some tabloid tomorrow?”.

.  .

They sat down right in the middle of the theatre and attracted some attention Ye Qiao didn’t take her off until after she sat down . She exchanged a look. with Zhou Tingsheng with a shallow and insincere smile

The tempo of the movie was very slow which was Director Lai’s style . Each frame. was like a picture which had been painstakingly composed . It was the kind of movie. that lover’s would watch together even if it wasn’t a love story . There were many. couples leaning against each other in the theatre . Ye Qiao, however, was sitting. there staring at the movie screen but her eyes were unfocused . Zhou Tingsheng. was sure that she wasn’t doing her “research” at all . Ye Qiao was totally oblivious. of his gaze . She was still thinking of her conversation with Cheng Su in the coffee. shop

-- --You have married a killer . Your kid, just like me, will be born as the daughter of. a killer

She was surprised at herself that she would say something like that to Cheng Su

She had decided to keep this secret till the day she died . Though she had convicted. him for his crime and would never forgive him nor feel any sympathy, she still wished. her father could have a happy family and a comfortable life

Maybe the news of that unborn child was too much for her that the words suddenly. burst from her

.  .

Occasionally, some people in the audience would exchange a few comments . The. movie had proceeded to the part where Ye Qiao had exposed her back . The hearing. and speech challenged girl that Ye Qiao portrait took her winter clothes off one after. another, showing the fragility of the human body in a bare background . Ye Qiao used. her slightly tremulous shoulders and stiff, alert bones to show a physical representation. of the word loneliness . Two young men who wore ear studs sat behind them . They. smiled wickedly as they tossed popcorn into their mouths: “This chick’s figure ain’t bad . ”.

Ye Qiao obviously heard him