Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 23 Part 4

Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 23 Part 4

Ye Qiao peacefully responded: “I"m not. I was just too young back then and couldn"t
keep myself from feeling disgusted. But I"m not in their way, they"re the ones who"re
always in my way. It turns out that I don"t even have the right to be displeased.”

“Can"t you be older then?”

“What"s wrong with being young?” Ye Qiao pinched and twisted his arm, then spoke
proudly: “If I weren"t so young, then I wouldn"t be this gullible.”

Zhou Tingsheng couldn"t avoid the pinch with his immobile arm and forced out a smile:
“You aren"t that gullible now?”

“That"s because I have matured-----”

“Why can"t you be more mature about this thing with Gu Jin.”

Ye Qiao felt it seemed quite strange that Zhou Tingsheng kept bringing up Gu Jin.
She looked up at him in silence, like the quiet right before a storm.

She appeared rather threatening, but Zhou Tingsheng didn"t find it unnerving. However,
the look in her eyes was like a rock pressing down on his heart, sapping any interest in
continuing the conversation. He gently pushed her head back on his shoulder and
depressedly said: “Go to sleep.”

Ye Qiao felt somewhat depressed. After she closed her eyes for a while, she felt that
something was wrong with the situation. Ever since he came looking for her, the whole
thing seemed to move in directions out of her control. She felt like a moose who had
sensed the existence of a trap but, lost in the forest, couldn"t find her way out. Her mind
grew drowsy, gradually she forgot the unsettling feeling and fell into a deep slumber.

Early in the morning, one side of Zhou Tingsheng"s shoulders was numb. It seemed to
him that he had found a match in this woman. Ye Qiao lazily woke up and pulled off the
blanket without thinking how it got there. She turned to twist her neck from side to side.

Zhou Tingsheng watched her: “Are you sore?”


After giving her answer, Ye Qiao finally noticed him and his stiff shoulder. She asked
without thinking: “Can you still drive?”

Zhou Tingsheng felt like his sacrifice last night had gone down the drain. Bitterly, he
pressed close to her: “Come, come. I can if you kiss me.”

As his unshaven chin p.r.i.c.ked her, she turned her head to avoid him: “It"s so p.r.i.c.kly…….”

Zhou Tingsheng couldn"t get over her look of disgust and forcefully pressed down on her
lips. As their lips interlocked, Ye Qiao could feel the obvious on his lip, a solidified scab.

Ye Qiao shrank back and looked at him innocently. She wanted to touch it but was scared
to do so. “Does it hurt?”

What a question! If it wasn"t for the fact that Zhou Tingsheng had known her well, he would
have suspected she was acting. He casually answered: “It"s alright.”

Ye Qiao finally felt guilty. She drew herself closer and licked the wound.

The lick was wet and soft, itched and stung.

The touch of her soft tongue comforted his heart. He subconsciously curved up the corner
of his mouth and kissed her back: “Good morning.”