Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 17.3

Chapter 17.3

Autumn had already arrived at G City after a few rain showers .

Ye Qiao raised her head and saw a man walking towards her, wearing a
light tan colored trench coat .

Gu Jin grabbed a folding stool and sat down right in front of her . He was
straight forward: “Qiaoqiao, you aren’t at your best condition this morning . ”

Shen Ting glanced at Ye Qiao then Gu Jin . Whenever these two faced each
other, she could feel the tension between them and found an excuse to leave
them alone .

Gu Jin never mixed personal feeling with business . He would be strict with her
during filming when it was necessary to be strict, but he wouldn’t make any
excessive demands . Ye Qiao agreed: “I’m a little tired today . It’s hard to get
into character ‘Lu Zhiyao . ’”

“Do you have the script with you?”

“I do . ” Ye Qiao handed him the script .


Gu Jin flipped through it and looked at the notes that Ye Qiao had put down at
the edges . He nodded and pointed to the scene they shot in the morning: “Here,
Lu Zhiyao becomes a crook because she was violated and treated unjustly . Her
psychological transformation is very complicated, it shouldn’t be concluded as
simple as she hates people therefore she hurts others in return . There should be
more complex emotions involved . ”

He acted like any other director, trying to help her get into the character she was
playing . Ye Qiao, however, still couldn’t put her mind into it . She looked at his
eyelashes while he was focused on the script: “The reason? She resents those
who had hurt her, so she becomes a human trafficker to harm innocent people .
In the end, she is still a villain . ”

Gu Jin shook his head: “You can’t make a judgement on whether she’s good or
evil just by that . You haven’t understood this character . She’s only 18 and turns
evil under extreme and unusual circ.u.mstances . It isn’t just her own choice . ”

evil under extreme and unusual circ.u.mstances . It isn’t just her own choice . ”

Ye Qiao chuckled: “So you think anyone who has been hurt can harm others at
will if they have a good excuse like her?”

“It’s not what I feel……” Ge Jin then realized that she wasn’t talking about how
to act in that scene .


He slowly closed the script and frowned . Ye Qiao sneered inside, it looked like
he was going to give her a lecture again . But she became more serious when
she saw the look on Gu Jin’s face .

There was disappointment in Gu Jin’s eyes: “I hope you don’t treat this movie
lightly just because I’m the director . ” He moved his eyes from her chin to the
neck where there were still a few pinkish love bites: “And don’t treat your own
life lightly . ”



Ye Qiao couldn’t say anything in response .


She truly didn’t long for him anymore, not even harboring any resentment . She
didn’t want an ounce of revenge . However, the love affair from her much younger
days had inevitably changed her . She couldn’t erase the markings that he had
existed in her life . She couldn’t interact with him with ease like he did . She just
couldn’t help from being a little difficult after the setback of breaking up with him .

He was older than her by 7 years and that was the gap between their life experience .


Ye Qiao went back and shot late into the night when everyone else had finished
their work for the day . All of her takes had been rejected .  They were filming the
scene where Lu Zhiyao cried after she learned that her mother had died . She
walked by herself along a dark and wet street in the dead of night, going through
scene where Lu Zhiyao cried after she learned that her mother had died . She
walked by herself along a dark and wet street in the dead of night, going through
conflicting emotions from suppressing her sadness to suddenly wailing . Afterwards,
she walked into the darkness, transforming from a simple, witty teenage girl into a
cunning criminal .

Gu Jin was doing the filming himself and his face was in a constant frown . It was
already midnight and Ye Qiao’s emotion still wasn’t there in the last shot . He informed
the crew: “Let’s do it tomorrow . ”

Ye Qiao was stubborn . She put on the jacket that her a.s.sistant had handed to her
and said to Gu Jin: “Let’s try it one more time . ”

“It’s very late, Qiaoqiao . The whole crew is waiting for you to finish . ”

His tone was the usual, like a father lecturing his daughter; his voice gentle but
strict nonetheless .

Ye Qiao didn’t give in like all the previous times before . She shook her head: “One
last take, if it’s still no good then we’ll stop . ”

Autumn had already arrived at G City after a few rain showers

Ye Qiao raised her head and saw a man walking towards her, wearing a. light tan colored trench coat

Gu Jin grabbed a folding stool and sat down right in front of her . He was. straight forward: “Qiaoqiao, you aren’t at your best condition this morning . ”.

Shen Ting glanced at Ye Qiao then Gu Jin . Whenever these two faced each. other, she could feel the tension between them and found an excuse to leave. them alone

Gu Jin never mixed personal feeling with business . He would be strict with her. during filming when it was necessary to be strict, but he wouldn’t make any. excessive demands . Ye Qiao agreed: “I’m a little tired today . It’s hard to get. into character ‘Lu Zhiyao . ’”.

“Do you have the script with you?”.

“I do . ” Ye Qiao handed him the script

.  .

Gu Jin flipped through it and looked at the notes that Ye Qiao had put down at. the edges . He nodded and pointed to the scene they shot in the morning: “Here,. Lu Zhiyao becomes a crook because she was violated and treated unjustly . Her. psychological transformation is very complicated, it shouldn’t be concluded as. simple as she hates people therefore she hurts others in return . There should be. more complex emotions involved . ”.

He acted like any other director, trying to help her get into the character she was. playing . Ye Qiao, however, still couldn’t put her mind into it . She looked at his. eyelashes while he was focused on the script: “The reason? She resents those. who had hurt her, so she becomes a human trafficker to harm innocent people In the end, she is still a villain . ”.

Gu Jin shook his head: “You can’t make a judgement on whether she’s good or. evil just by that . You haven’t understood this character . She’s only 18 and turns. evil under extreme and unusual circ.u.mstances . It isn’t just her own choice . ”.

Ye Qiao chuckled: “So you think anyone who has been hurt can harm others at. will if they have a good excuse like her?”.

“It’s not what I feel……” Ge Jin then realized that she wasn’t talking about how. to act in that scene

.  .

He slowly closed the script and frowned . Ye Qiao sneered inside, it looked like. he was going to give her a lecture again . But she became more serious when. she saw the look on Gu Jin’s face

There was disappointment in Gu Jin’s eyes: “I hope you don’t treat this movie. lightly just because I’m the director . ” He moved his eyes from her chin to the. neck where there were still a few pinkish love bites: “And don’t treat your own. life lightly . ”.

.  .

Ye Qiao couldn’t say anything in response

.  .

She truly didn’t long for him anymore, not even harboring any resentment . She. didn’t want an ounce of revenge . However, the love affair from her much younger. days had inevitably changed her . She couldn’t erase the markings that he had. existed in her life . She couldn’t interact with him with ease like he did . She just. couldn’t help from being a little difficult after the setback of breaking up with him

He was older than her by 7 years and that was the gap between their life experience

.  .

Ye Qiao went back and shot late into the night when everyone else had finished. their work for the day . All of her takes had been rejected .  They were filming the. scene where Lu Zhiyao cried after she learned that her mother had died . She. walked by herself along a dark and wet street in the dead of night, going through. conflicting emotions from suppressing her sadness to suddenly wailing . Afterwards,. she walked into the darkness, transforming from a simple, witty teenage girl into a. cunning criminal

Gu Jin was doing the filming himself and his face was in a constant frown . It was. already midnight and Ye Qiao’s emotion still wasn’t there in the last shot . He informed. the crew: “Let’s do it tomorrow . ”.

Ye Qiao was stubborn . She put on the jacket that her a.s.sistant had handed to her. and said to Gu Jin: “Let’s try it one more time . ”.

“It’s very late, Qiaoqiao . The whole crew is waiting for you to finish . ”.

His tone was the usual, like a father lecturing his daughter; his voice gentle but. strict nonetheless


Ye Qiao didn’t give in like all the previous times before . She shook her head: “One. last take, if it’s still no good then we’ll stop . ”.