Steam Turbines

Chapter 5

The oil strainer should also be occasionally taken apart and thoroughly cleaned, which operation may be performed, if necessary, while the turbine is in operation. The screens should be cleaned by being removed from their case and thoroughly blown out with steam. In the case of a new machine, this may have to be done every two or three hours. In course of time, this need only be repeated perhaps once a week. The amount of dirt found will be an indication of the frequency with which this cleaning is necessary.

The proper water pressure, about five pounds per square inch, must be maintained at the glands. Any failure of this will mean that there is some big leak in the piping, or that the water is not flowing properly.

The pilot valve must be working freely, causing but little kick on the governor, and should be lubricated from time to time with good oil.

Should it become necessary, while operating, to shut down the condenser and change over to non-condensing operation, particular care should be observed that the change is not made too suddenly to non-condensing, as all the low-pressure sections of the turbine must be raised to a much higher temperature. While this may not cause an accident, it is well to avoid the stresses which necessarily result from the sudden change of temperature. The same reasons, of course, do not hold good in changing from non-condensing to condensing.

Shutting Down

When shutting down the turbine the load may be taken off before closing the throttle; or, as in the case of a generator operating on an independent load, the throttle may be closed first, allowing the load to act as a brake, bringing the turbine to rest quickly. In most cases, however, the former method will have to be used, as the turbine generally will have been operating in parallel with one or more other generators. When this is the case, partially close the throttle just before the load is to be thrown off, and if the turbine is to run without load for some time, shut off the steam almost entirely in order to prevent any chance of the turbine running away. There is no danger of this unless the main valve has been damaged by the water when wet steam has been used, or held open by some foreign substance, when, in either case, there may be sufficient leakage to run the turbine above speed, while running light. At the same time, danger is well guarded against by the automatic stop valve, but it is always well to avoid a possible danger. As soon as the throttle is shut, stop the condenser, or, in the case where one condenser is used for two or more turbines, close the valve between the turbine and the condenser. Also open the drains from the steam strainer, etc. This will considerably reduce the time the turbine requires to come to rest. Still more time may be saved by leaving the field current on the generator.

Care should be taken, when the vacuum falls and the turbine slows down, to see that the water is shut off from the glands for fear it may leak out to such an extent as to let the water into the bearings and impair the lubricating qualities of the oil.


At regular intervals thorough inspection should be made of all parts of the turbine. As often as it appears necessary from the temperature of the oil, depending on the quality of the oil and the use of the turbine, remove the oil-cooling coil and clean it both on the inside and outside as previously directed; also clean out the chamber in which it is kept.

Put in a fresh supply of oil. This need not necessarily be new, but may be oil that has been in use before but has been filtered. We recommend that an oil filter be kept for this purpose. Entirely new oil need only be put into the turbine when the old oil shows marked deterioration.

With a first-cla.s.s oil this will probably be a very infrequent necessity, as some new oil has to be put in from time to time to make up the losses from leakage and waste.

Clean out the oil strainer, blowing steam through the wire gauze to remove any acc.u.mulation of dirt. Every six months to a year take off the bearing covers, remove the bearings, and take them apart and clean out thoroughly. Even the best oil will deposit more or less solid matter upon hot surfaces in time, which will tend to prevent the free circulation of the oil through the bearings and effectively stop the cushioning effect on the bearings. Take apart the main and secondary valves and clean thoroughly, seeing that all parts are in good working order. Clean and inspect the governor and the valve-gear, wiping out any acc.u.mulation of oil and dirt that may appear. Be sure to clean out the drains from the glands so that any water that may pa.s.s out of them will run off freely and will not get into the bearings.

At the end of the first three months, and after that about once a year, take off the cylinder cover and remove the spindle. When the turbine is first started up, there is very apt to be considerable foreign matter come over in the steam, such as b.a.l.l.s of red lead or small pieces of gasket too small to be stopped by the strainer. These get into the guide blades in the cylinder and quite effectively stop them up. Therefore, the blades should be gone over very carefully, and any such additional acc.u.mulation removed. Examine the glands and equilibrium ports for any dirt or broken parts. Particularly examine the glands for any deposit of scale. All the scale should be chipped off the gland parts, as, besides preventing the glands from properly packing, this acc.u.mulation will cause mechanical contact and perhaps cause vibration of the machine due to lack of freedom of the parts. The amount of scale found after the first few inspections will be an indication of how frequently the cleaning should be done. As is discussed later, any water that is unsuitable for boiler feed should not be used in the glands.

In rea.s.sembling the spindle and cover, very great care must be taken that no blades are damaged and that nothing gets into the blades. Nearly all the damage that has been done to blades has resulted from carelessness in this respect; in fact, it is impossible to be too careful. Particular care is also to be taken in a.s.sembling all the parts and in handling them, as slight injury may cause serious trouble.

In no case should a damaged part be put back until the injury has been repaired.

If for any reason damaged blades cannot be repaired at the time, they can be easily removed and the turbine run again without them until it is convenient to put in new ones; in fact, machines have been run at full load with only three-quarters of the total number of blades. In such an event remove the corresponding stationary blades as well as the moving blades, so as not to disturb the balance of the end thrust.

Conditions Conducive to Successful Operation

In the operation of the turbine and the conditions of the steam, both live and exhaust play a very important part. It has been found by expensive experimenting that moisture in the steam has a very decided effect on the economy of operation; or considerably more so than in the case of the reciprocating engine. In the latter engine, 2 per cent. of moisture will mean very close to 2 per cent. increase in the amount of water supplied to the engine for a given power. On the other hand, in the turbine 2 per cent. moisture will cause an addition of more nearly 4 per cent. It is therefore readily seen that the drier the entering steam, the better will be the appearance of the coal bill.

By judicious use of first-cla.s.s separators in connection with a suitable draining system, such as the Holly system which returns the moisture separated from the steam, back to the boilers, a high degree of quality may be obtained at the turbine with practically no extra expense during operation. Frequent attention should be given the separators and traps to insure their proper operation. The quality of the steam may be determined from time to time by the use of a throttling calorimeter. Dry steam, to a great extent, depends upon the good and judicious design of steam piping.

Superheated steam is of great value where it can be produced economically, as even a slight degree insures the benefits to be derived from the use of dry steam. The higher superheats have been found to increase the economy to a considerable extent.

When superheat of a high degree (100 degrees Fahrenheit or above) is used special care must be exercised to prevent a sudden rise of the superheat of any amount. The greatest source of trouble in this respect is when a sudden demand is made for a large increase in the amount of steam used by the engine, as when the turbine is started up and the superheater has been in operation for some time before, the full load is suddenly thrown on. It will be readily seen that with the turbine running light and the superheater operating, there is a very small amount of steam pa.s.sing through; in fact, practically none, and this may become very highly heated in the superheater, but loses nearly all its superheat in pa.s.sing slowly to the turbine; then, when a sudden demand is made, this very high temperature steam is drawn into the turbine.

This may usually be guarded against where a separately fired superheater is used, by keeping the fire low until the load comes on, or, in the case where the superheater is part of the boiler, by either not starting up the superheater until after load comes on, or else keeping the superheat down by mixing saturated steam with that which has been superheated. After the plant has been started up there is little danger from this source, but such precautions should be taken as seem best in the particular cases.

Taking up the exhaust end of the turbine, we have a much more striking departure from the conditions familiar in the reciprocating engine. Due to the limits imposed upon the volume of the cylinder of the engine, any increase in the vacuum over 23 or 24 inches, in the case, for instance, of a compound-condensing engine, has very little, if any, effect on the economy of the engine. With the turbine, on the other hand, any increase of vacuum, even up to the highest limits, increases the economy to a very considerable extent and, moreover, the higher the vacuum the greater will be the increase in the economy for a given addition to the vacuum. Thus, raising the vacuum from 27 to 28 inches has a greater effect than from 23 to 24 inches. For this reason the engineer will readily perceive the great desirability of maintaining the vacuum at the highest possible point consistent with the satisfactory and economical operation of the condenser.

The exhaust pipe should always be carried downward to the condenser when possible, to keep the water from backing up from the condenser into the turbine. If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating.


As has been previously pointed out, the successful and satisfactory operation of the turbine depends very largely on the condenser. With the reciprocating engine, if the condenser will give 25 inches vacuum, it is considered fairly good, and it is allowed to run along by itself until the vacuum drops to somewhere below 20 inches, when it is completely gone over, and in many cases practically rebuilt and the vacuum brought back to the original 25 inches. It has been seen that this sort of practice will never do in the case of the turbine condenser and, unless the vacuum can be regularly maintained at 27 or 28 inches, the condenser is not doing as well as it ought to do, or it is not of the proper type, unless perhaps the temperature and the quant.i.ty of cooling water available render a higher vacuum unattainable.

On account of the great purity of the condensed steam from the turbine and its peculiar availability for boiler feed (there being no oil of any kind mixed with it to injure the boilers), the surface condenser is very desirable in connection with the turbine. It further recommends itself by reason of the high vacuum obtainable.

Where a condenser system capable of the highest vacuum is installed, the need of utilizing it to its utmost capacity can hardly be emphasized too strongly. A high vacuum will, of course, mean special care and attention, and continual vigilance for air leaks in the exhaust piping, which will, however, be fully paid for by the great increase in economy.

It must not be inferred that a high vacuum is essential to successful operation of this type of turbine, for excellent performance both in the matter of steam consumption and operation is obtained with inferior vacuum. The choice of a condenser, however, is a matter of special engineering, and is hardly within the province of this article.


There are several oils on the market that are suitable for the purpose of the turbine oiling system, but great care must be exercised in their selection. In the first place, the oil must be pure mineral, unadulterated with either animal or vegetable oils, and must have been washed free from acid. Certain brands of oil require the use of sulphuric acid in their manufacture and are very apt to contain varying degrees of free acid in the finished product. A sample from one lot may have almost no acid, while that from another lot may contain a dangerous amount.

Mineral oils that have been adulterated, when heated up, will partially decompose, forming acid. These oils may be very good lubricants when first put into use, but after awhile they lose all their good qualities and become very harmful to the machine by eating the journals in which they are used. These oils must be very carefully avoided in the turbine, as the cheapness of their first cost will in no way pay for the damage they may do. A very good and simple way to test for such adulterations is to take up a quant.i.ty of the oil in a test tube with a solution of borax and water. If there is any animal or vegetable adulterant present it will appear as a white milk-like emulsion which will separate out when allowed to stand. The pure mineral oil will appear at the top as a clear liquid and the excess of the borax solution at the bottom, the emulsion being in between. A number of oils also contains a considerable amount of paraffin which is deposited in the oil-cooling coil, preventing the oil from being cooled properly, and in the pipes and bearings, choking the oil pa.s.sages and preventing the proper circulation of the oil and cushioning effect in the bearing tubes. This is not entirely a prohibitive drawback, the chief objection being that it necessitates quite frequently cleaning the cooling coil, and the oil piping and bearings.

Some high-cla.s.s mineral oils of high viscosity are inclined to emulsify with water, which emulsion appears as a jelly-like substance. It might be added that high-grade oils having a high viscosity might not be the most suitable for turbine use.

Since the consumption of oil in a turbine is so very small, being practically due only to leakage or spilling, the price paid for it should therefore be of secondary importance, the prime consideration being its suitability for the purpose.

In some cases a central gravity system will be employed, instead of the oil system furnished with the turbine, which, of course, will be a special consideration.

For large installations a central gravity oiling system has much to recommend it, but as it performs such an important function in the power plant, and its failure would be the cause of so much damage, every detail in connection with it should be most carefully thought out, and designed with a view that under no combination of circ.u.mstances would it be possible for the system to become inoperative. One of the great advantages of such a system is that it can be designed to contain very large quant.i.ties of oil in the settling tanks; thus the oil will have quite a long rest between the times of its being used in the turbine, which seems to be very helpful in extending the life of the oil. Where the oil can have a long rest for settling, an inferior grade of oil may be used, providing, however, that it is absolutely free of acid.


[3] Contributed to _Power_ by Thomas Franklin.

The condensing arrangements of a turbine are perhaps mainly instrumental in determining the method of test. The condensed steam alone, issuing from a turbine having, for example, a barometric or jet condenser, cannot be directly measured or weighed, unless by meter, and these at present are not sufficiently accurate to warrant their use for test purposes, if anything more than approximate results are desired. The steam consumed can, in such a case, only be arrived at by measuring the amount of condensing water (which ultimately mingles with the condensed steam), and subtracting this quant.i.ty from the condenser"s total outflow. Consequently, in the case of turbines equipped with barometric or jet condensers, it is often thought sufficient to rely upon the measurement taken of the boiler feed, and the boiler"s initial and final contents. Turbines equipped with surface-condensing plants offer better facilities for accurate steam-consumption calculations than those plants in which the condensed exhaust steam and the circulating water come into actual contact, it being necessary with this type simply to pump the condensed steam into a weighing or measuring tank.

In the case of a single-flow turbine of the Parsons type, the covers should be taken off and every row of blades carefully examined for deposits, mechanical irregularities, deflection from the true radial and vertical positions, etc. The blade clearances also should be gaged all around the circ.u.mference, to insure this clearance being an average working minimum. On no account should a test be proceeded with when any doubt exists as to the clearance dimensions.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 60]

The dummy rings of a turbine, namely, those rings which prevent excessive leakage past the balancing pistons at the high-pressure end, should have especial attention before a test. A diagrammatic sketch of a turbine cylinder and spindle is shown in Fig. 60, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the subject. In this A is the cylinder or casing, B the spindle or rotor, and C the blades. The balancing pistons, D, E, and F, the pressure upon which counterbalances the axial thrust upon the three-bladed stages, are grooved, the bra.s.s dummy rings G G in the cylinder being alined within a few thousandths of an inch of the grooved walls, as indicated. After these rings have been turned (the turning being done after the rings have been calked in the cylinder), it is necessary to insure that each ring is perfectly bedded to its respective grooved wall so that when running the several small clearances between the groove walls and rings are equal. A capital method of thus bedding the dummy rings is to grind them down with a flour of emery or carborundum, while the turbine spindle is slowly revolving under steam.

Under these conditions the operation is performed under a high temperature, and any slight permanent warp the rings may take is thus accounted for. The turbine thrust-block, which maintains the spindle in correct position relatively to the spindle, may also be ground with advantage in a similar manner.

The dummy rings are shown on a large scale in Fig. 61, and their preliminary inspection may be made in the following manner:

The spindle has been set and the dummy rings C are consequently within a few thousandths of an inch of the walls _d_ of the spindle dummy grooves D. The clearances allowed can be gaged by a feeler placed between a ring and the groove wall. Before a test the spindle should be turned slowly around, the feelers being kept in position. By this means any mechanical flaws or irregularities in the groove walls may be detected.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 61]

It has sometimes been found that the groove walls, under the combined action of superheated steam and friction, in cases where actual running contact has occurred, have worn very considerably, the wear taking the form of a rapid crumbling away. It is possible, however, that such deterioration may be due solely to the quality of the steel from which the spindle is forged. Good low-percentage carbon-annealed steel ought to withstand considerable friction; at all events the wear under any conditions should be uniform. If the surfaces of both rings and grooves be found in bad condition, they should be re-ground, if not sufficiently worn to warrant skimming up with a tool.

As the question of dummy leakage is of very considerable importance during a test, it may not be inadvisable to describe the manner of setting the spindle and cylinder relatively to one another to insure minimum leakage, and the methods of noting their conduct during a prolonged run. In Fig. 62, showing the spindle, B is the thrust (made in halves), the rings O of which fit into the grooved thrust-rings C in the spindle. Two lugs D are cast on each half of the thrust-block. The inside faces of these lugs are machined, and in them fit the ball ends of the levers E, the latter being fulcrumed at F in the thrust-bearing cover. The screws G, working in bushes, also fit into the thrust-bearing cover, and are capable of pushing against the ends of the levers E and thus adjusting the separate halves of the block in opposite directions.