Steam Turbines

Chapter 7

This test consists of three operations. In the first place a high vacuum is obtained by means of the air pump, upon the attainment of which communication with everything else is closed, and results noted. The second operation consists in repeating the above with the water circulating through the condenser tubes, the results in this case also being carefully tabulated. Before conducting the third test, the condensers must be thoroughly warmed throughout, by running the turbine for a short time if necessary, and after closing communication with everything, allowing the vacuum to slowly fall.

A careful consideration and comparison of the foregoing tests will reveal the capabilities of the condenser in the aspect in which it is being considered, and will suggest where necessary the desirable steps to be taken.


[4] Contributed to _Power_ by Thomas Franklin.

Special Auxiliary Plant for Consumption Test

There are one or two points of importance in the conduct of a test on a turbine and these will be briefly touched upon. Fig. 70 ill.u.s.trates the general arrangement of the special auxiliary plant necessary for carrying through a consumption test, when the turbine exhaust through a surface condenser. The condensed steam, after leaving the condenser, along the pipe A to the pump, and is then forced along the pipe B (leading under ordinary circ.u.mstances to the hot-well), through the main water valve C directly to the measuring tanks. To enter these the water has to pa.s.s through the valves D and E, while the valves F and G are for quickly emptying the tanks when necessary, being of a larger bore than the inlet valves. The inlet pipes H I are placed directly above the outlet valves, and thus, when required, before any measurements are taken, the water can flow directly through the outlet valves, the pipes terminating only a short distance above them, away to an auxiliary tank or directly to the hot-well. Levers K and L fulcrumed at J and J are connected to the valve spindles by auxiliary levers. The valve arrangement is such that by pulling down the lever K the inlet valve D is opened and the inlet valve E is closed. Again, by pulling down the lever L the outlet valve F is closed, while the outlet valve G is also simultaneously closed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 70]

During a consumption test the valves are operated in the following manner: The lever K is pulled down, which opens the inlet valve to the first tank and closes that to the second. The bottom lever L, however, is lifted, which for the time being opens the outlet valve F, and incidentally opens the valve G; the latter valve can; however, for the moment be neglected. When the turbine is started, and the condensed steam begins to acc.u.mulate in the condenser, the water is pumped along the pipes and, both the inlet and outlet valves on the first tank being open, through, without any being deposited in the tank, to the drain. This may be continued until all conditions are right for a consumption test and, the time being carefully noted, lever L is quickly pulled down and the valves F and G closed. The first tank now gradually fills, and after a definite period, say fifteen minutes, the lever K is pushed up, thus diverting the flow into the second tank. While the latter is filling, the water in the first tank is measured, and the tank emptied by a large sluice valve, not shown.

The operation of alternately filling, measuring, and emptying the two measuring tanks is thus carried on until the predetermined time of duration of test has expired, when the total water as measured in the tanks, and representing the amount of steam condensed during that time, is easily found by adding together the quant.i.ties given at each individual measurement.

All that are necessary to insure successful results from a plant similar to this are care and accuracy in its operation and construction.

Undoubtedly in most cases it is preferable to weigh the condensed steam instead of measuring the volume pa.s.sed, and from that to calculate the weight. If dependence is being placed upon the volumetric method, it is advisable to lengthen the duration of the test considerably, and if possible to measure the feed-water evaporated at the same time. Such a course, however, would necessitate little change, and none of a radical nature, from the arrangement described. Where, however, the measuring method is adopted, the all-important feature, requiring on the tester"s part careful personal investigation, is the graduation of the tanks. It facilitates this operation very considerably when the receptacles are graduated upon a weight scale. That is to say, whether or not a vertical scale showing the actual hight of water be placed inside the tank, it is advisable to have a separate scale indicating at once to the attendant the actual contents, by weight, of the tank at any time. It is the tester"s duty to himself to check the graduation of this latter scale by weighing the water with which he performs the operation of checking.

Apart from the foregoing, there is little to be said about the measuring apparatus. As has been stated, accuracy of result depends in this connection, as in all others, upon careful supervision and sound and accurate construction, and this the tester can only positively insure by exhaustive inspection in the one case and careful deliberation in the conduct of the other.

It will be readily understood that the procedure--and this implies some limitations--of a test is to an extent controlled by the conditions, or particular environment of the moment. This is strictly true, and as a consequence it is often impossible, in a maker"s works, for example, to obtain every condition, coinciding with those specified, which are to be had on the site of final operation only. For this reason it would appear best to reserve the final and crucial test of a machine, which test usually in the operating sense restricts a prime mover in certain directions with regard to its auxiliary plant, etc., until the machine has been finally erected on its site. Obviously, unless a machine had become more or less standardized, a preliminary consumption test would be necessary, but once this primary qualification respecting consumption had been satisfactorily settled, there appears to be no reason why exhaustive tests in other directions should not all be carried out upon the site, where the conditions for them are so much more favorable.

When the steam consumption of a steam turbine is so much higher than the guaranteed quant.i.ty, it usually takes little less than a reconstruction to put things right. The minor qualifications of a machine, however, which can be examined into and tested with greater ease, and usually at considerably less expense, upon the site, and consequently under specified conditions, may be advantageously left over until that site is reached, where it is obvious that any shortcomings and general deficiency in performance will be more quickly detected and diagnosed.

Test Loads from the Tester"s View-point

Before proceeding to describe the points of actual interest in the consumption test, a few considerations respecting test loads will be dealt with from the tester"s point of view. Here again we often find ourselves restricted, to an extent, by the surrounding conditions. The very first considerations, when undertaking to carry out a consumption test, should be devoted to obtaining the steadiest possible lead [Transcriber: load?]. It may be, and is in many cases, that circ.u.mstances are such as to allow a steady electrical load to be obtained at almost any time. On the other hand an electrical load of any description is sometimes not procurable at all, without the installation of a special plant for the purpose. In such cases a mechanical friction load, as, for example, that obtained by the water brake, is sometimes available, or can easily be procured. Whereas, however, this type of load may be satisfactory for small machines, it is usually quite impossible for use with large units, of, say, 5000 kilowatts and upward.

It is seldom, however, that turbines are made in large sizes for directly driving anything but electrical plants, although there is every possibility of direct mechanical driving between large steam turbines and plants of various descriptions, shortly coming into vogue, so that usually there exist some facilities for obtaining an electrical load at both the maker"s works and upon the site of operation.

One consideration of importance is worth inquiring into, and this has relation to the largest turbo-generators supplied for power-station and like purposes. Obviously, the testing of, say, a 7000-kilowatt alternator by any standard electrical-testing method must entail considerable expense, if such a test is to be carried out in the maker"s works. Nor would this expense be materially decreased by transferring the operations to the power-station, and there erecting the necessary electrical plant for obtaining a water load, or any other installation of sufficient capacity to carry the required load according to the rated full capacity of the machine.

a.s.suming, then, that there exist no permanent facilities at either end, namely the maker"s works and the power station, for adequately procuring a steady electrical-testing load of sufficient capacity, there still remains, in this instance, an alternative source of power which is usually sufficiently elastic to serve all purposes, and this is of course the total variable load procurable from the station bus-bars. It is conceivable that one out of a number of machines running in parallel might carry a perfectly steady load, the latter being a fraction of a total varying quant.i.ty, leaving the remaining machines to receive and deal with all fluctuations which might occur. Even in the event of there being only two machines, it is possible to maintain the load on one of them comparatively steady, though the percentage variation in load on either side of the normal would in the latter case be greater than in the previous one. This is accomplished by governor regulation after the machines have been paralleled. For example, a.s.suming three turbo-alternators of similar make and capacity to be running in parallel, each machine carrying exactly one-third of the total distributed load, it is fair to regard the governor condition, allowing for slight mechanical disparities of construction, of all three machines as being similar; and even in the case of three machines of different capacity and construction, the governor conditions when the machines are paralleled are more or less relatively and permanently fixed in relation to one another. In other words, while the variation in load on each machine is the same, the relative variation in the governor condition must be constant.

By a previously mentioned system of governor regulation, however, it is possible, considering again for a moment the case of three machines in parallel, by decreasing the sensitiveness of one governor only, to accommodate nearly all the total variation in load by means of the two remaining machines, the unresponsiveness of the one governor to change in speed maintaining the load on that machine fairly constant. By this method, at any rate, the variation in load on any one machine can be minimized down to, say, 3 per cent, either side of the normal full load.

There is another and more positive method by which a perfectly steady load can be maintained upon one machine of several running in parallel.

This may be carried out as follows: Suppose, in a station having a total capacity of 20,000 kilowatts, there are three machines, two of 6000 kilowatts each, and one of 8000 kilowatts, and it is desired to carry out a steady full-load test upon one of the 6000 kilowatts units.

a.s.suming that the test is to be of six hours" duration, and that the conditions of load fluctuations upon the station are well known, the first step to take is to select a period for the test during which the total load upon all machines is not likely to fall below, say, 8000 kilowatts. The tension upon the governor spring of the turbine to be tested must then be adjusted so that the machine on each peak load is taxed to its utmost normal capacity; and even when the station load falls to its minimum, the load from the particular machine shall not be released sufficiently to allow it to fall below 6000 kilowatts. Under these conditions, then, it may be a.s.sumed that although the load on the test machine will vary, it cannot fall below 6000 kilowatts. Therefore, all that remains to be done to insure a perfectly steady load equal to the normal full load of the machine, or 6000 kilowatts, is to fix the main throttle or governing valve in such a position that the steam pa.s.sing through at constant pressure is just capable of sustaining full speed under the load required. When this method is adopted, it is desirable to fix a simple hight-adjusting and locking mechanism to the governing-valve spindle. The load as read on the indicating wattmeter can then be very accurately varied until correct, and farther varied, if necessary, should any change occur in the general conditions which might either directly or indirectly bring about a change of load.

Preparing the Turbine for Testing

All preliminary labors connected with a test being satisfactorily disposed of, it only remains to place the turbines under the required conditions, and to then proceed with the test. For the benefit of those inexperienced in the operation of large turbines, we will a.s.sume that such a machine is about to be started for the purpose outlined.

It is always advisable to make a strict practice of getting all the auxiliary plant under way before starting up the turbine. In handling a turbine plant the several operations might be carried through in the following order:

(1) Circulating oil through all bearings and oil chambers.[5]

(2) Starting of condenser circulating-water pumps, and continuous circulation of circulating water through the tubes of condenser.

(3) Starting of pump delivering condensed steam from the condenser hot-well to weighing tanks.

(4) Starting of air pump, vacuum being raised as high as possible within condenser.

(5) Sealing of turbine glands, whether of liquid or steam type, no adjustment of the quant.i.ty of sealing fluid being necessary, however, at this point.

(6) Adjustment of valves on and leading to the water-weighing tanks.

(7) Opening of main exhaust valve or valves between turbine and condenser.

(8) Starting up of turbine and slowly running to speed.

(9) Application of load, and adjustment of gland-sealing steam.

[5] In a self-contained system, where the oil pump is usually driven from the turbine spindle, this would of course be impossible. In the gravity and allied systems, however, it should always be the first operation performed. The tests for oil consumption, described previously, having been carried out, it is a.s.sumed that suitable means have been adopted to restrict the total oil flow through the bearings to a minimum quant.i.ty.

The running to speed of large turbo-alternators requires considerable care, and should always be done slowly; that is to say the rate of acceleration should be slow. It is well known that the vibration of a heavy unit is accompanied by a synchronous or non-synchronous vibration of the foundation upon which it rests. The nearest approach to perfect synchronism between unit and foundation is obtained by a gradual rise in speed. A machine run up to speed too quickly might, after pa.s.sing the critical speed, settle down with little visible vibration, but at a later time, even hours after, suddenly begin vibrating violently from no apparent cause. The chances of this occurring are minimized by slow and careful running to speed.

Whether the machine being tested is one of a number running in parallel, or a single unit running on a steady water load, the latter should in all cases be thrown on gradually until full load is reached. A preliminary run of two or three hours--whenever possible--should then be made, during which ample opportunity is afforded for regulating the conditions in accordance with test requirements. The tester will do well during the last hour of this trial run to station his recorders at their several posts and, for a short time at least, to have a complete set of readings taken at the correct test intervals. This more particularly applies to the electrical water, superheat and vacuum readings. In the case of a turbo-alternator the steadiness obtainable in the electrical load may determine the frequency of readings taken, both electrical and otherwise. On a perfectly steady water-tank load, for example, it may be sufficiently adequate to read all wattmeters, voltmeters, and ammeters from standard instruments at from one- to two-minute intervals.

Readings at half-minute intervals, however, should be taken with a varying load, even when the variation is only slight.

The water-measurement readings may of course be taken at any suitable intervals, the time being to an extent determined by the size of the measuring tanks or the capacity of the weighing machine or machines.

When designing the measuring apparatus, the object should be to minimize, within economical and practical range, the total number of weighings or measurements necessary. Consequently, no strict time of interval between individual weighings or measurements can be given in this case. It may be said, however, that it is not desirable to take these at anything less than five-minute intervals. Under ordinary circ.u.mstances a three- to five-minute interval is sufficient in the case of all steam-pressure, vacuum--including mercurial columns and barometer--superheat and temperature readings.

Gland and Hot-Well Regulation

There are two highly important features requiring more or less constant attention throughout a test, namely the gland and hot-well regulation.

For the present purpose we may a.s.sume that the glands are supplied with either steam or water for sealing them. All steam supplied to the turbine obviously goes to swell the hot-well contents, and to thus increase the total steam consumption. The ordinary steam gland is in reality a pressure gland. At both ends of the turbine casing is an annular chamber, surrounding the turbine spindle at the point where it projects through the casing. A number of bra.s.s rings on either side of this chamber encircle the spindle, with only a very fine running clearance between the latter and themselves. Steam enters the gland chamber at a slight pressure, and, when a vacuum exists inside the turbine casing, tends to flow inward. The pressure, however, inside the gland is increased until it exceeds that of the atmosphere outside, and by maintaining it at this pressure it is obvious that no air can possibly enter the turbine through the glands, to destroy the vacuum.

The above principle must be borne in mind during a test upon a turbine having steam-fed glands. Perhaps the best course to follow--in view of the economy of gland steam consumption necessary--is as follows:

During the preliminary non-test run, full steam is turned into both glands while the vacuum is being raised, and maintained until full load has been on the turbine for some little time. The vacuum will by this time have probably reached its maximum, and perhaps fallen to a point slightly lower, at which hight it may be expected to remain, other conditions also remaining constant. The gland steam must now be gradually turned off until the amount of steam vapor issuing from the glands is almost imperceptible. This should not lower the vacuum in the slightest degree. By gradual degrees the gland steam can be still farther cut down, until no steam vapor at all can be discerned issuing from the gland boxes. This reduction should be continued until a point is reached at which the vacuum is affected, when it must be stopped and the amount of steam flowing to the gland again increased very slightly, just enough to bring the vacuum again to its original hight. The steam now pa.s.sing into the glands is the minimum required under the conditions, and should be maintained as nearly constant as possible throughout the test. Practically all steam entering the glands is drawn into the turbine, and thence to the condenser, and under the circ.u.mstances it may be a.s.sumed the increase in steam consumption arising from this source is also a minimum.

There is one mechanical feature which has an important bearing upon the foregoing question, and which it is one of the tester"s duties to investigate. This is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 71, which shows a turbine spindle projecting through the casing. The gland box is let into the casing as shown. Bra.s.s rings A calked into the gland box encircle the shaft on either side of the annular steam s.p.a.ce S. As the clearance between the turbine spindle and the rings A is in a measure instrumental in determining the amount of steam required to maintain a required pressure inside the chamber, it is obvious that this clearance should be minimum. An unnecessarily large clearance means a proportionally large increase in gland steam consumption and _vice versa_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 71]

When the turbine glands are sealed with water, all water leakage which takes place into the turbine, and ultimately to the condenser hot-well, must be measured and subtracted from the hot-well contents at the end of a test.

The foregoing remarks would not apply to those cases in which the gland supply is drawn from and returned to the hot-well, or a pipe leading from the hot-well. Then no correction would be necessary, as all water used for gland purposes might be a.s.sumed as being taken from the measuring tanks and returned again in time for same or next weighing or measurement.