
Chapter 9

It was Jaye Morgan, head of RCK"s IT department. Jaye was brilliant and gave Sean a run for his money. The only thing that Sean had on Jaye was confidence and speed.

"I found something weird in the admin log."

"Weird how?"

"I don"t know. I would have sent it to Sean, but-"

"I"ll take a look. Thanks."

Jaye sat down, even though she wasn"t invited, and twirled her long brown hair around her finger. Nerves. Duke forgot sometimes how young Jaye was-she"d started working for them when she was nineteen. She was now twenty-seven.

"Something else?" he asked, knowing what it was but hoping if he plastered his intimidating I"m too busy to talk expression on his face she wouldn"t ask.

No such luck.

"When"s Sean coming back?"

"I don"t think he is."

"All you have to do is ask."

"It"s complicated." More than a little complicated. "And even if I asked-which I"m not going to do-he doesn"t want to be here."

"Sean only wants to please you."

"That"s in the past." Duke"s relationship with Sean had been difficult from the beginning. Sean had always been a borderline genius, but he ran wild when he was a parentless fourteen-year-old. Duke didn"t know how to control Sean, not when he could hot-wire cars as easily as he could hack into a bank. Duke had been twenty-five and should have been a brother more than a father. But he did the best he could with what he had. Liam and Eden had moved to Europe after their parents died, and Kane would never return home. Duke and Kane had started RCK with JT, but Kane"s specialty was foreign hostage rescue and he spent most of his time in Central America and Mexico. So it had just been Duke and Sean, and they seemed to constantly be in conflict.

Duke had thought Sean had grown up. He"d fallen in love with a smart, driven woman. Duke had no doubt that Sean cared about Lucy, and until he did that job for Thayer, Duke had thought he"d never do anything to jeopardize the relationship. But Duke obviously didn"t know his brother. Or maybe he did know Sean, because he"d expected something like this.

"I"m not saying it right." Jaye grabbed more hair. It was going to be a knotted mess. "I mean, maybe Sean doesn"t know he can come back. Maybe you just need to open the door and say it"s okay and you forgive him."

"Jaye, I"m telling you this because you"re practically family. Sean crossed one of the few lines I have. He"s not going to admit he was wrong, and he can"t come back unless he not only admits it, but tells me how far he went over the line. Thayer is a criminal."

She frowned. "I guess-well-Sean always has a good reason for what he does."

Duke stared at her and said slowly, "Not this time."

Jaye obviously wanted to say more, but she left, the frown still clouding her face. Sean"s childish act of quitting had really strained relationships in the office. Some of the staff were relieved, because Sean always worked in the gray area and were nervous he would get RCK in trouble. And some of the staff felt a void, both personally and professionally. Sean was a charmer and had a lot of friends. They were practically in mourning. The staff who wanted Sean back and the staff who wanted him out created an unsettling friction.

RCK was never going to be the same.

The receptionist buzzed Duke. "What?" he snapped.

"Special Agent Deanna Brighton with the Federal Bureau of Investigation is on the phone for you. She says it"s extremely important. I already tried to send her to JT, but she said she was calling specifically for you."

JT was RCK"s law enforcement liaison. JT had built the FBI relationship through his close friend Rick Stockton.

"Did she say which office?"

"No. Caller ID has her in a New York City area code. Manhattan."

Duke"s stomach burned. Lucy had told Duke that Sean was in New York, though Duke hadn"t been able to track him there.

"Send her through."

Duke let the phone ring three times before answering. "Rogan."

"Mr. Duke Rogan?"

"Yes. Deanna Brighton?" That name sounded familiar now that he said it. He typed it into the RCK database while they spoke.

"Special Agent Deanna Brighton from the New York City field office. White-collar division."

Duke"s stomach burned hotter.

"What can I do for you?"

"I need to speak to your brother Sean."


"I"m not at liberty to say."

"I"m not at liberty to share information."

"I understand that he"s no longer employed by Rogan-Caruso-Kincaid Protective Services."

"That is correct."

"But he was a in the company. How did that work? Can he just walk away?"

"I don"t believe that is of concern to the FBI. Why specifically do you want to find Sean?"

"Do you know Sean"s a.s.sociate Colton Thayer?"

Dammit, Duke had known Sean was in over his head from the minute he learned that Sean had hacked into a pharmaceutical company for Thayer. Sean thought he could manage anything that came up, but Colton Thayer was dangerous because he was an ideologue. His causes might be just, but his methods were criminal.


"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Special Agent Brighton," Duke said, "I"m not answering questions unless I know why they are being asked."

"I"m not at liberty to say," she repeated. "Generally, when someone doesn"t speak to the FBI it"s because they are hiding something. Where is your brother? Are you protecting him?"

There was an RCK file on Brighton. That meant either they had worked with her or she"d come up in one of their investigations. Duke opened it. He didn"t need to read more than the first note to know exactly who Deanna Brighton was. It was dated twelve years ago: Deanna Brighton, FBI special agent out of the San Francisco office, arrested Sean for illegal computer hacking and hindering a federal investigation.

She"d been the agent Sean embarra.s.sed when he exposed his professor at Stanford. Brighton had been furious, and justifiably so. Sean had enjoyed big, public exposures. But that time he"d gone too far. It didn"t matter that he"d been party to stopping a s.e.x offender who had a penchant for prep.u.b.escent girls; Sean had embarra.s.sed Stanford, the FBI, and Deanna personally when he remotely took over her cybercrime symposium.

"I don"t know where Sean is," Duke said.

"You"re telling me you don"t know where your brother is living? Where he is working? I"m having a hard time believing you."

Duke bristled. He didn"t say anything, ready to terminate the conversation.

Deanna asked, "Do you have a current phone number for him?"


"You"re lying."

Duke didn"t like anyone accusing him of lying. "I have work to do."

And a flight to catch.

"Your brother is in trouble, Mr. Rogan. It"ll help both you and him if you come clean."

Duke rose from his chair. "Is that a threat?"

"I"m stating a fact. I"ll find him, and this time I will put him in prison for the rest of his life."

She slammed down the phone.

Vendetta. Duke heard her rage through the phone lines.

"Sean," he muttered, "what are you mixed up in?"

He called JT. "Agent Deanna Brighton in the New York FBI office called me. She knows Sean is working with Colton Thayer. She"s investigating them."

"s.h.i.t, Duke. You"ve got to get your brother in line."

"Maybe it"s time to bring in Rick."

"If Sean is back in the game, Rick won"t do anything to protect him. Your brother is exposing us big-time right now."

Duke rubbed his eyes. "I"m going to New York to find Sean. I"ll bring him back."

"I don"t want him back. I"ll call Rick, but not to ask him to cover for Sean"s crimes. I need to protect RCK above all else. I"m sorry, Duke. I really thought Sean had changed. He"s been a valuable part of our team for a long time. More valuable than I realized until he was gone. But I can"t condone jumping ship like this and risking everything we"ve built. You, me, Kane-this is our life, and he obviously doesn"t care. I"m telling Rick that Sean is off the rails and disavowing any knowledge of what he is doing. I"m sorry."

"So am I." He took a deep breath and let it out. "Do what you have to. I"ll do everything I can to protect the company." And Sean.

Sean was his brother. Duke had to give him another chance, or he would never forgive himself if Sean ended up in prison. Or worse.

"Let me know what she does next," Senator Jonathan Paxton told his informant. "But we"re running out of time."

"I"m working on it! It"s not as easy as you think-"

"Then work smarter. I want Sean Rogan detained before Thursday. It"s not just my a.s.s on the line." Jonathan slammed down his phone and immediately began packing a bag. Though it was congressional recess, he"d stayed in D.C. to finish a few projects, take meetings that he"d postponed during the busy end of session, and hold informational hearings related to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He hadn"t wanted to be in New York this week. Now he didn"t have a choice.

Jonathan called Sergio Russo, a man who"d done many jobs for him and someone he trusted-as much as he trusted anyone.

"Yes, Senator," Russo said.

"Our cat didn"t pounce on the rat."

"She didn"t take the bait?"

"Oh, she took it. But Rogan lost her. If we can"t put him in jail, then we"ll have to stop him some other way."


"I"m coming to New York."

"Are you sure you want to be in the city?"

"I have a cover. But this situation is far too important to leave to chance. If Colton Thayer screws this up, I"m finished."

After everything he"d done for Joyce, she got cold feet. After he protected her, cared for her as if she were his own daughter, supported her ideas and company after her father died, she now decided she didn"t want to go through with their plans. If she were anyone else, she wouldn"t be alive. But this was Joyce. He couldn"t hurt her.

"Sir, maybe it would be best if we let Rogan help."

"I can"t risk him finding out the truth. I want him off Colton"s team. By any means necessary. Meet me at my apartment tomorrow morning with a plan."

"Yes, sir." Russo hung up.

Jonathan booked the next available flight to LaGuardia, then poured a Scotch while waiting for his car to arrive, not caring that it wasn"t even noon.

Sean Rogan had always been an annoyance, but now he was an imminent threat. When Jonathan learned that Rogan had quit RCK and gone to work with Colton Thayer, he knew that smart-a.s.s would be a danger. For a brief moment Jonathan thought it might be a setup, except from everything he"d learned from his people Rogan had had a fight with his brother and quit. His privileges were cut off and he hadn"t spoken to anyone at RCK, except his former partner, in weeks.

Rogan"s volatility didn"t surprise Jonathan. He was an arrogant p.r.i.c.k who had a double standard when it came to crime. He questioned Jonathan"s motives when his own were just as murky. Working with his old hacktivist group was right up Rogan"s alley and a typical childish manuever for someone who didn"t get his way.

When Rogan waltzed into Lucy Kincaid"s life and didn"t leave, Jonathan had built a file on him. It saddened him that smart, sweet Lucy had been taken in by the rogue"s charm, but that didn"t mean Jonathan couldn"t still protect her. Rogan had lived a life in the shadows, barely escaping prison on multiple occasions. Without the protection of his brother Duke and RCK, Rogan wouldn"t last. And his working for Colton Thayer told Jonathan that Rogan had certainly been playing on the dark side for much longer than his brother thought.

But Rogan had no love lost for Jonathan, and if he even suspected what Jonathan had hired Thayer to retrieve, Rogan would use it to his advantage. He already had the microchip, and losing that was what had made Joyce nervous.

Jonathan had first tried to get Thayer to cut Rogan out of the loop, but Thayer made it clear that even though Jonathan was paying him, it was his operation and he needed Rogan to pull it off. Playing hardball wasn"t an option because Thayer had too much information on Jonathan.

Jonathan didn"t like or trust any of them. They"d all proved to be far more arrogant than warranted and disrespectful of his authority. He was a sitting senator in the United States of America. He would not be played for a fool.